Christmas Town Quick Beer Buy JS - Adds the ability to quickly buy beers in Torn Christmas Town by repeatedly hitting enter on your keyboard, rather than by using mouse clicks.
🐭️ MouseHunt - Quick Pollutinum Refined Scoreboard Search JS - Click the barrel on the hunter profile page to quickly search the scoreboard for them.
[Neopets] Select Last X Items (Quick Stock Helper) JS - Adds options to quickly-er batch select items in quick stock. Goes from the last item because that's how I roll. ONLY SELECTS. DOUBLE CHECK YOUR OWN INPUTS BEFORE HITTING SUBMIT!
Gmail Quick Links Extension Mods for new Gmail CSS - Adjusts the quick links extension to fit within Gmail's visual look
Quickly edit question for Superpower ChatGPT JS - Press Ctrl + Alt + Left click on the text of the question you asked to jump in at the current mouse position to quickly edit the question
Kami PDF Smart Auto Save & Quick Open JS - Auto-save kami pdf and quickly open the document with the most annotations
Torn Chain Timer Alert and Quick Access JS - Monitor chain timer and provide quick access to targets in Torn City. Alerts trigger only for chains of 10 hits or more.
Quick Youtube to MP3 HQ JS - simple button to save youtube's video as mp3
CENTER DRIVEN Command & Conquer TA PvP Quick Map: Commander Edition JS - Creates a detailed map of bases and pois of the alliance and enemies.
Tumblr Quick New Dash Font Fix CSS - Simple style that shrinks the Tumblr new dash font. Did this quick, I'm sure others have done it faster and better but wanted to throw my hat in the ring. Shrinks titles and headings like XKit Tweaks does, but that can be removed by removing everything after (and including) "h1".
Facebook - flip the colours into a dark mode - quick night theme JS - Facebook - flip the colours into a dark mode - quick night theme - colour hue flip
Quick liferestart JS - 快速浏览Liferestart游戏的历程
Quick Split JS - Press 2, 3, 4 key to split twice, thrice and quad times respectively all really fast
swagger-quick JS - 先搜索服务,也可以搜索当前服务下的api路径;复制api路径和小驼峰函数名
Quick Cookbook JS - Right click cook book to claim and start the same recipe.
Quick Attack JS - Filter out unavailable attack targets
Quick link JS - deadfrontier-This is a convenience button script
Pow! Russian folder JS - ifolder / Rusfolder quick download
Tieba Quick Post JS - Press Ctrl + Enter to post a thread / comment on Tieba.
Gamefaqs Quick Edit JS - Edit from within topic in gamefaqs
WaniKani Quick Info JS - Shows available information while waiting for the server response
Gamefaqs Quick PM JS - PM from within topic in gamefaqs
FA Quick Safemode JS - Hides thumbnails of non-general rated artwork, can be used when in public without needing to edit account settings.
What.CD Quick Quote JS - Only selected text is quoted as long as it's quoted in the proper quote box
Quick Otonomai downloads JS - No more having to wait 5 seconds!
Quick LQP Report JS - http://hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=5193528
SpanishDict Quick Translatoin JS - When double click a word, show it's meanings
TornAPI Quick Fill JS - Prefill API key and check 'pretty' radio buttons.
futaba quick post JS - shift+enterキーでレス送信
Gemini Quick Buy JS - Auto-fills the input fields on the buy and sell pages.
GitHub Quick Delete JS - Delete GitHub repos without confirmations
FV - Quick discharge JS - Discharge patients with just one click by skipping the modal pop-up!
Bilibili quick collect JS - 哔哩哔哩一键点赞并收藏
GC - Quick Links JS - A link to change your active pet
Torrent Quick Search JS - Toggle for Searching Torrents via Search aggegrator
MEST Quick Filter JS - click cell to search
Bienici quick infos JS - Affiche les infos de prix, prix/m2...
Threads.net Quick Block JS - Adds a button to a threads profile page that automates the multi click process of blocking someone.
GC Quick Scratchcards JS - Auto-selects a scratchcard at kiosks at grundos.cafe.
A2ZAPK Quick Download JS - Redirect to download page when you click an app on A2ZAPK
ChatGPT Quick Prompts JS - ChatGPT 智能 Prompts 可以为你带来更好的使用体验助你训练好用的ChatGPT
WaniKani Quick Type JS - Speed up your your lessons: Check and accept answers for meanings after a minimal amount of typed characters.
WaniKani Quick Answers JS - Popup to display the answers and more
YouTube Quick Embed JS - Redirects any YouTube video to its embedded link on command.
Bonk Quick Start JS - skips the countdown
Neopets Quick Quests JS - Open specific Neopets pages by right-clicking on quest descriptions or task descriptions.
Quick Notes Anywhere JS - Adds a floating notepad on any website to jot down ideas or reminders.
GeoGuessr Quick Map JS - Instant Map opening when hovering over it
Quick Copy YouTube Subtitles JS - Quickly copy subtitles from YouTube and write them to the clipboard for easy analysis on GPT.
Auto-hide video controls almost instantly / really quickly for the Twitch desktop and mobile site JS - Auto-hides video controls for the Twitch desktop and mobile site after half a second (500 ms) of mouse inactivity over the video player area. Unhide the controls as you would usually do on Twitch.
MTurk Dashboard HIT Status links JS - Adds quick links to rejected and pending hits
Twitter Settings sub-menu JS - Add sub-menu for Twitter settings for quick access.
Facepunch quick post scroll JS - Makes clicking on a post link in a quote immediately scroll to the post if it's on the same page, rather than reloading the page, and updates the URL so the post can be easily linked to. Shows a different cursor to indicate when the page will be scrolled.
RYM: Quick Edit List JS - inline editing of list items
AbemaTV Quick NG Comment JS - AbemaTVのコメントを一時的にNG。連投コメントをブロック
Eternity Tower Quick Sets JS - Equips skin, gear, and abilities in configurable sets
Roll20 Quick Character Selection JS - Pressing the graves key (`) in the chatbox will query the character list for a Roll20 game and select the first match. Easy.
Sibbay Github Quick Reply JS - 小白社区开发者实用工具,快速在issue中插入申请开发/变更deadline等操作
komica ID quick search JS - 快速搜尋ID
DH3 Quick SD Converter JS - Convert a spesified amount of SD into SD packs
Shivtr Quick Sign Up JS - Simplifies signup options for the events on the Shivtr platform
Neoboard Quick User Links JS - Adds some icons on message form that make it easier to get your links
ptt imgur quick fix JS - 暫時修好 ptt.cc 無法顯示 imgur 圖片的問題 (2021/08)
MH Region Quick Travel JS - Adds a travel toolbar to the HUD to make traveling between areas in the same region quicker and easier
IdlePixel Quick Fight Buttons JS - DEPRECATED - Added to SlapChop plugin
GeoGuessr Quick Next Round JS - Press the spacebar to start a round or to go to the next round
atcoder-virtual-quick-vst JS - AtCoderバーチャル参加ページの開始時刻入力の簡略化。
Tetrio Quick Profile Lookup JS - none
GC - Quest Quick Links JS - On the quest pages, attaches to the images for each quest item a link to either the SDB if you have the item in your SDB, or the Shop Wizard.
GC - Quick Garden Link JS - make gardening easier by adding emojis for each directly above the pick button
GC Quick Vending Machines JS - Auto-fills selections randomly at the Nerkmid Machine, Neocola Machine, and Ice Cream Cart at grundos.cafe.
Torn Crimes Scamming Quick JS - Makes clicks on response emojis do the respond attempt & hovering on them is like clicking on them.
Torn Market Quick Remove JS - Faster removal of singular items from your item market listings
X.com Quick Mute Button JS - Adds a "Mute" button next to usernames on X.com and uses the dropdown menu to trigger the mute functionality.
GGn Quick Bump Requests JS - Bump requests from the list page
ao3 tweak formatting JS - quick tools for text formatting
Heise.de Forum: all comments on one page v2 JS - All comments on one page, iReply, quick-vote, user-scores.
Kaskus - Scroll to Top JS - Add button on Kaskus topbar to quickly scroll to top.
Google Search Region JS - A user script that lets you quickly switch Google search to different region.
YouTube Playlist Close JS - Allow quick closing of playlists
JIRA Quick Search Submit Button JS - Really useful when used in conjunction with SubmitToTab
Hack Forums Quick report box JS - Pops up a report box instead of a window - updated by xadamxk
Cerrar Quick Reply con escape. JS - Cierra la ventana de Respuesta Rápida con la tecla Escape.
Quick-load Dreamwidth comment pages JS - Loads top comments from all pages and threads in any Dreamwidth post into a single page
GOG Language BBCode quick copy JS - Allows you to copy the gog languages in a BBCode fashion
cs.rin.ru quick search all terms JS - add a field beside the search button to search all terms and an option to search within posts https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=134386
PI Vault Quick Money Inputs JS - Add buttons to set money withdraw amount. Auto fill in deposit value and focus on deposit button.
AtCoder quickly check fastest codes JS - Add buttons on My Submissions page to view the fastest C++ submissions of the problem you submitted.
Orange Juice V3rmillion V1 JS - The Orange Juice theme for Vermillion
MTurk Requester Bookmarks JS - Add quick links for your favourite requesters to MTurk dashboard
Hue File Browser Quick Download buttons JS - Adds a download link column to the file browser of Hue
GA quick edit & auto-hide JS - Быстрая установка АУ/АС и быстрое редактирование сообщений на форуме ГА.
Quick YouTube Fix for /watch page JS - Fixes the new YouTube bug from today that messed up the /watch page.
Quick, Easy and Pretty Agar Paper JS - Press 2, 3, 4 key to split twice, thrice and quad times respectively all really fast, press F to stop movement and have unlimited zoom, press again to go back to normal, for the pretty part its still work in progress, Hold W to keep feeding
Torn Property Vault Quick Money Input JS - Add buttons to set money withdraw/deposit inputs to a target amount.
GAMES4U.ORG Quick Access Button for Steam JS - Instantly access GAMES4U.ORG for game-related information and resources directly from Steam's purchase section.
Quick Bar - For Console Scripts -TribalWars JS - Add a pivot table at the top of the game page and allow you to add shortcuts to run console scripts.
Open search Quick Filters for CEM JS - improvements
Humble librarian JS - Quick management of owned HumbleBundle stuff