Unfuck Instagram JS - View Instagram images without javascript. Just the image, please.
Planets.nu - Enemy Ship List Plugin JS - NU dashboard plugin which tracks and lists all ships ever seen. The plugin automatically updates the list and let's you gather information on the enemy fleet.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
Skrypt umożliwiający pobieranie materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD. JS - Skrypt służący do pobierania materiałów ze znanych serwisów VOD.
TheWest-Menu JS - Gives you the possibility to rearrange the menus of The West!
SaveTube+ JS - Download videos from web sites.
BaiduPanDownloadHelper JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
MooMoo right click auto feed JS - Uses food when right clicked
YouTube Auto-Liker JS - Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Translate JS - 划词翻译调用“金山词霸、有道词典(有道翻译)、Google Translate(谷歌翻译)、沪江小D、搜狗翻译、必应词典(必应翻译)、Microsoft Translator(必应在线翻译)、DeepL翻译、海词词典、百度翻译、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries、Oxford Dictionaries、Merriam-Webster、PDF 划词翻译、Google Search、Bing Search(必应搜索)、百度搜索、Wikipedia Search(维基百科搜索)”网页翻译
MousePlus JS - HY's mouse gesture script,supports ringt-key draw track functions and left-key drag functions.Drag target can be [Text] & [Links] & [Image] Customizenable → Right click to draw ⇄(right,left) to setting
anime1-downloader JS - 下載Anime1.me網站上的動漫
AO3: strip empty paragraphs JS - Strip empty paragraphs from works on Archive of Our Own
豆瓣电影助手|douban movie helper JS - 【重新定义豆瓣脚本,东半球最好的豆瓣电影增强脚本】10秒搞定豆瓣电影资源下载|新增豆列搜索功能|电影黑名单:屏蔽你不想看的烂片|PT资源搜索链接|更多评分|字幕搜索|支持影人作品集批量搜索|增加查看原图链接|增加IMDB top 250标签|一键生成简介|在changhw版本基础上修改,增加pt站搜索,去除垃圾视频站。|感谢R酱、白鸽男孩| 自用脚本,代码粗糙,欢迎捉虫。
Enable Songsterr Premium JS - Enable songsterr premium
Hide youtube google ad JS - hide youtube google ad,auto click "skip ad"
YouTube Auto Resume JS - Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
Torn Easter Egg Spawner JS - Spawns additional Easter Eggs
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
百度去广告 JS - 百度去广告(首页、搜索结果)
AC-baidu: 优化百度、搜狗、谷歌搜索结果之关键词自动高亮 JS - 1.自动提取搜索页面的搜索关键词 2.对关键词自动进行高亮处理 W键可以取消高亮 3.动态获取动态的搜索关键词,重新高亮显示
The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.
Change the scope to survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io JS - Сhange the scope in the game survev.io, surviv.io, suroi.io, suroi.fpsgo.net and zombsroyale.io
YouTube Age Bypass JS - shitty but works in 2018 (requires to manually reload page)
必应搜索广告去除 JS - 去除必应所有搜索结果形式的广告。
AtCoder TestCase Extension JS - AtCoderテストケースへのリンクを追加します
WaniKani Dashboard Leech List JS - Shows top leeches on dashboard (replaces critical items) and all leeches on a dedicated page (replaces critical items)
Bilibili 哔哩哔哩查看原图 JS - 方便在B站内查看各种图片的原图,支持动态、专栏
Pixiv 辅助翻译 JS - 现已支持标签TAG、作品详情页对标题和说明,以及评论区翻译!
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. Might pop up one but it should just be a false alarm.
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search results
Auto Close Twitch Ads JS - Close, mute or hide Twitch video ads automatically while watching a stream!
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
van.mz.playerAdvanced JS - Player display optimization 球员着色插件
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Nekto.me - Быстрый переход к новому диалогу JS - Nekto.me: добавляет кнопки для быстрого перехода к новому диалогу
网页字体替换为微软雅黑 JS - 网页字体替换为微软雅黑(优先)或思源黑体
全网去除Google广告 JS - 去除全网讨厌的Google广告
网页优化助手 JS - 1、简化百度页面,去除广告,美化搜索结果,页面滚动到下方自动加载;2、修改部分网站超链打开窗口为新窗口方式;3、Github搜索列表自动翻译,修改列表展示方式,滚动自动加载,readme划词翻译
油管视频旋转 JS - 油管的视频旋转插件.
115 Player Enhancer JS - 115播放器增强
Wanikani Heatmap JS - Adds review and lesson heatmaps to the dashboard.
Ao3 Only Show Primary Pairing JS - Hides works where specified pairing isn't the first listed.
Youtube 'Video paused. Continue watching?' Auto confirmer JS - Automatically clicks 'Ok' when the 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialog pops up and pauses your videos.
hwm_leader_sets JS - Наборы армии для ГЛ
YouTube Original Titles and Descriptions (Cancel Translation) JS - Reverts titles and descriptions on Youtube to original language
NGA PLUS JS - NGA网页版增强插件
Pinterest with no registration modal popup JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without login/registration, removing the offending modal popup
大麦抢票-确认 JS - 辅助购买大麦网演唱会门票
Bazaar Item Market Link JS - Adds link "View in item market" on expanded items in bazaar
虎牙免登陆(修复版) JS - 虎牙免登陆看高清
抽奖动态删除&取关 JS - 删除所有抽奖动态并自动取关
reCaptcha 验证码镜像加载 JS - 替换使用官方地址的 reCaptcha 为官方镜像地址,让墙内用户的 reCaptch 能正常显示。(可能对海外用户是减速2333
Youtube Downloader , download video up to 8K and Audio in mp3, flac and more in HQ, up to 320 kbps ! JS - The Best Youtube Downloader by Piel Mallet, fast and easy to use. No need to install any annoying softwares. Download video : mp4, m4v, mov, flv, avi, mpg, wmv, HD, 1080P, 2K, 4k & 8K and Audio : mp3, aac, ogg, m4a, wma, flac, wav, HQ, 320 kbps, 256 kbps, 192 kbps, 128 kbps, 96 kbps, 64 kbps !
百度贴吧重定向 JS - 重定向其他百度贴吧域名到tieba.baidu.com
Item Page Total Value JS - Shows the market value of each item stack on your items page.
Twitter image viewing enhancement JS - Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
ConfusionGuesser JS - If you give a wrong answer during reviews, it tries to guess which other WaniKani item you confused it with.
虎牙直播最高画质 JS - 虎牙直播自动选择最高画质
中国知网CNKI硕博论文PDF下载 JS - 知网文献、硕博论文PDF批量下载,下载硕博论文章节目录
[RED/OPS/DIC] Upload Assistant JS - Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection or web link, offline and online release integrity check, tracklist format customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, online cover art lookup, reporting open requests, form enhancements and more
Gladiatus Battle Bot JS - Expedition, dungeon, circus turma on colddown
Beautify JS - 美化<误>各网页界面
Ad Blocker JS - Removes ads. the blank spaces in the script let you add in any link you want.(Disclaimer) do Not Post this scripts else ware or you might get banned
知网PDF下载助手 JS - 提供知网搜索页面的直接PDF下载
网购查券助手,自动查询淘宝、天猫、京东等隐藏的大额优惠券和优惠活动,不花冤枉钱。脚本持续维护更新~ JS - 支持平台:京东、淘宝、天猫、天猫超市、天猫国际、京东国际、京东图书、京东大药房、阿里大药房、唯品会等;功能:1、搜索商品时会自动查询标注有优惠券和活动的商品,无需进入详情页,方便快捷;2、浏览商品详情页时脚本会自动查询商品是否有隐藏的优惠券;3、浏览记录标注(本地存储、可手动清空);4、网页显示优化;脚本长期维护更新,请放心使用~
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
CSDN自动刷新页面增加访问量 JS - 每隔一段时间自动刷新页面,可自定义刷新间隔时间
soundcloud shuffle likes JS - Adds a shuffle play button to "Likes" and playlists
GreasyFork Helper JS - This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
Bilibili 干净链接 JS - 去除bilibili链接中不需要的参数,如spm_id_from/from_sourse/from/等,还地址栏以清白干净
Bilibili 旧播放页 JS - 恢复Bilibili旧版页面,为了那些念旧的人。
VIP视频新版_爱奇艺 JS - VIP视频新版_爱奇艺[内嵌版]
[timerd][网络电视] 腾讯、爱奇艺、芒果、优酷、乐视、B站、土豆、搜狐、1905等 VIP视频免费看(2021.03.24)更新 JS - 腾讯、爱奇艺、芒果、优酷、乐视、B站、土豆、搜狐、1905等各大视频网站视频解析服务(有谷歌ads)
TORN: Mission Reward Information JS - Give some information about mission rewards.
跳转链接修复(移除重定向外链直达) JS - 修复跳转链接为站外直链(移除重定向直接跳转),免去拦截页面点击步骤可直达站外;拦截页面自动跳转(无须额外操作);已适配ACG盒子、爱发电、百度搜索、百度贴吧、哔哩哔哩游戏WIKI、Bing 搜索、书签地球、酷安、CSDN、豆瓣、Facebook、码云、Google 搜索、Google 重定向页、花瓣网、InfoQ、Instagram、简书、掘金、金山文档、链滴、力扣(Leetcode)、51CTO 博客、NGA 玩家社区、牛客网、开源中国、pixiv、微信、微信开放社区、QQ 邮箱、PC 版 QQ、腾讯文档、腾讯兔小巢、石墨文档、360 搜索、搜狗搜索、少数派、Steam 社区、腾讯云开发者社区、推特(Twitter)、微博、YouTube、语雀、知乎、知乎专栏
Instagram full-size media scroll wall JS - Creates a scrollable wall of full-size images from any user's instagram page, "tagged" page, or the instagram homepage. Just click the "Load Images" button at the top of the list of images/posts.
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
Universal Dark Theme Maker JS - Simple Dark Theme style for any website which you can configure per-site
课表助手 JS - 一键导出课表为ics文件
自动展开豆瓣、站长之家、米坛、cnbeta、知乎、慕课网、Awesomes、喜马拉雅、CSDN博客、CSDN下载、道客88、百度文库、百度知道、回形针、人民日报客户端、凤凰网页面的隐藏内容 JS - 自动展开一些PC网站的隐藏内容;个人觉得手机端不需要做,故只在PC端有用;为了更好的上网体验,不兼容低版本浏览器和IE浏览器。大家如有发现类似需要手动点开隐藏内容的网站,请至以下网址反馈吧https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/72571/x
Auto Select Car JS - Keeps a record of which car you want to use for each racetrack and removes every other car from the selection menu.
超星/学习通自动抢答 JS - 超星/学习通自动抢答!
KoC Power Bot Plus JS - All-in-One Script for Kingdoms of Camelot
B站视频跳转 JS - 将B站的视频/专栏传送门功能搬到站外
Starve io Aimbot JS - try to take over the world!
Google Image Search - Show Image Dimensions JS - Displays image dimensions (eg. "1920 × 1080") for each thumbnail on the Google Image Search results page.
Splix.io Simple Zoom Mod JS - Press "z" to toggle between custom and default zoom. Use "-" and "=" to adjust your custom zoom. That's all!
Nitro Type Car Hack _ Literally get ALL the cars JS - Literally get all the nitro type cars. Unfortunately though, we aren't able to sell / or use the cars on race.
TORN Stock Market Abbreviations JS - Show the Abbreviations next to Company names in Torn City's Stock Exchange
Instagram - browse not logged JS - Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page.
解除网页“禁用复制” JS - 解除网页“禁用复制”限制
Twitter: Download Video JS - One button click to direct video download web page.
智慧职教MOOC学院 --网课助手 (蓝版) JS - 智慧职教简易自动学习脚本,解除Ctrl+C限制,自动评论/讨论
CSDN免登录 JS - CSDN免登录复制、自动展开、页面清洗、去除搜索词、移动端反APP、可选暗黑主题
moomoo.io PRO MOD JS - Working auto heal and advanced minimap