SOOP (숲) - 사이드바 UI 변경 JS - SOOP (숲)의 사이드바 UI를 변경합니다.
YTBetter - Enable Rewind/DVR JS - Unlocks rewind for YouTube live streams with disabled DVR
FMHY Base64 Auto Decoder JS - Decode base64-encoded links in some pastebins and make URLs clickable
哔哩哔哩自动画质 JS - 自动解锁并更改哔哩哔哩视频的画质和音质及直播画质,实现自动选择最高画质、无损音频、杜比全景声。
📄百度文库下载|VIP文档免费下载 JS - 百度文库破解免费下载
【免费无套路】CSDN文库免vip付费阅读全文丨解锁复制限制 JS - CSDN文库阅读全文,去除VIP登录遮挡,解锁鼠标复制文本功能
Kour.io Wallhack JS - Wallhacks for Kour.io
Shortlink Dodger JS - Quickly bypasses shortlinks to enhance your browsing experience. This script automatically navigates through common URL shorteners, saving you time and hassle with every click.
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
Edge-nuity Megascript JS - Completes through instructional, summary, and warm-up sections by guessing answers (they don’t impact grades). You can begin activities while the instructor is speaking, when theres an activity, a "Search clipboard" button appears for quick access to answers during quizzes (will search your copied text on brainly and auto-redirect) And much more (read desc).
치지직 1080p 고정 JS - 치지직 1080p 고정합니다
超星学习通泛雅刷视频软件,打开即用,后台刷课————全网最牛逼的后台挂视频脚本,🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂没有之一,你用了不吃亏不上当,快来快来看一看 JS - 超星学习通视频后台挂机,手机可用❤️❤️❤️请看下方使用说明❤️❤️❤️
网盘直链解析 JS - 支持批量获取 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅移动云盘 六大网盘的直链下载地址,配合 IDM,Xdown,Aria2,Curl,比特彗星等工具高效🚀🚀🚀下载,完美适配 Chrome,Edge,FireFox,360,QQ,搜狗,百分,遨游,星愿,Opera,猎豹,Vivaldi,Yandex,Kiwi 等 18 种浏览器。可在无法安装客户端的环境下使用,助手免费开源。😎
Bloxd.io Dev Special Tools Private but Got Public for Banning Random People JS - Adds custom features like Fly, ESP, X-Ray, Anti-Ban, Aimbot, and Warning
VIP视频免费解析 JS - 支持腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、土豆、芒果TV、搜狐视频、乐视视频、PPTV、风行、华数TV、哔哩哔哩等,支持多个解析接口切换,支持视频自由选集,自动解析视频,支持自定义拖拽位置,支持视频广告跳过,支持页内页外解析
Happymod by Ultra hack JS - Happy mod by Ultra hack
AI Grammar Checker (Grammarly Alternative) for Violentmonkey JS - Underlines grammar errors and shows corrections on click! (Like Grammarly Premium!)
Amazon Kindle Book Downloader JS - Adds a button to trigger downloads of all Kindle books on the page
TW Friends JS - Friend Management for The West Events
Gota.io Features by Donut + Linesplit JS - Linesplit up, down, left and right • Diagonal linesplit with just one key • Hotkeys to show/hide skins, names, mass, food, chat, minimap, score panel, party panel and leaderboard • Auto respawn in Team Scrimmage • Leave a scrimmage match before it ends • You can change the keys as you wish
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search results
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
京东抢购超强 JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
Blogger Content Warning Bypass JS - A user script to bypass Blogspot's Content Warning
哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix JS - 修复 哔哩哔哩(www.bilibili.com) 失效的收藏。(可查看av号、简介、标题、封面)
中国知网CNKI硕博论文PDF下载 JS - 知网文献、硕博论文PDF批量下载,下载硕博论文章节目录
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
Humble Bundle Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
Youtube生肉煮熟工具 JS - 在Youtube视频下添加下载视频,以及下载字幕的按钮(原生字幕+机翻字幕)
IMDb Scout Mod JS - Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine, MyAnimeList, AniList. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads.
吾爱破解论坛增强 - 自动签到、翻页 JS - 自动签到、自动无缝翻页、屏蔽导读悬赏贴(最新发表页)
阅读全文、自动展开全文、自动移除万恶弹框 JS - 【非自动关注】【自用,长期维护】【功能有】1. 阅读全文网站支持:CSDN、github.io、xz577.com、iteye.com、720ui.com、cloud.tencent.com、新浪、头条、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、51CTO、知乎、果壳科技(移动版)、awesomes.cn、javascriptcn.com、人民日报(移动版)、凤凰网、虎扑移动版、百度经验、360文档(个人图书馆)、乐居买房(移动版)、电子发烧友网(PC、移动版)、悟空问答(PC、移动版)、百家号、百度文章、简书移动版、搜狐移动版、goodreads(PC、移动版)、百度文库(移动、PC版)、36氪移动版、弟弟快看<br>备注: 反馈问题的小伙伴们请附加上有问题的网址链接哈
知乎免登录 JS - 知乎免登录脚本
字体渲染(自用脚本) JS - 无需安装MacType,优化浏览器字体渲染效果,让每个页面的字体变得更有质感。默认使用“微软雅黑”字体,也可根据喜好自定义其他字体使用。脚本针对浏览器字体渲染提供了字体重写、字体平滑、字体缩放、字体描边、字体阴影、对特殊样式元素的过滤和许可、自定义等宽字体等高级功能。脚本支持全局渲染与个性化渲染功能,可通过“单击脚本管理器图标”或“使用快捷键”呼出配置界面进行参数配置。脚本已兼容绝大部分主流浏览器及主流脚本管理器,且兼容常用的油猴脚本和浏览器扩展。
Autokahoot JS - Automatically move through kahoots - with more power and ease
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal) JS - Unlock right-click, remove restrictions on copy, cut, select text, right-click menu, text copying, text selection, image right-click, and enhance functionality: Alt key hyperlink text selection.
百度网盘直接下载助手 JS - 直接下载百度网盘和百度网盘分享的文件,避免下载文件时调用百度网盘客户端,获取网盘文件的直接下载地址
抖音网页版优化 JS - 抖音网页版推荐、直播优化,网页全屏,全黑,自动按浏览器窗口调整大小
GitHub 中文化插件 JS - 中文化 GitHub 界面的部分菜单及内容。原作者为楼教主(http://www.52cik.com/)。
Return YouTube Dislike JS - Return of the YouTube Dislike, Based off https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/
Bumble Enhanced JS - show votes, show online status, and change location on bumble
抖音视频下载器 JS - 下载抖音APP端禁止下载的视频、下载抖音无水印视频、提取抖音直播推流地址、免登录使用大部分功能、屏蔽不必要的弹窗,适用于拥有或可安装脚本管理器的电脑或移动端浏览器,如:PC端Chrome、Edge、华为浏览器等,移动端Kiwi、Yandex、Nightly、Iceraven等
SearchJumper JS - Instantly search selected text across multiple search engines. Highlight keywords and boost your research efficiency.
任意视频倍速播放 JS - 任意浏览器视频倍速播放,按键调速。
视频倍速 JS - 视频倍速播放,支持0.5,1,1.5,2,4,8,16倍速播放
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Boss Batch Push [Boss直聘批量投简历] JS - boss直聘批量简历投递
Rizz Your Waifu JS - auto swiper/message swiper
GreasyFork优化 JS - 自动登录账号、快捷寻找自己库被其他脚本引用、更新自己的脚本列表、库、优化图片浏览、美化页面、Markdown复制按钮
Shell Shockers Basic Aimbot + ESP: LibertyMutualV1 JS - UPDATED FOR 0.50.0! Fed up of a popular script injecting ads into your game? Need a simple script to modify or use? FOSS ESP, Tracers and Aimbot. Hold right mouse button to aimlock.
StarTube JS - More layouts and customization options for V3
🔥🔥起点中文网VIP内容免费解析,支持章节下载🔥🔥 JS - 起点中文网VIP内容免费解析,支持VIP章节,支持本章节内容直接下载成txt文件,另外不是所有书籍都能解析,介意的绕过,有问题可以反馈!
Duolingo Auto Solver JS - Duolingo Auto-Solver cheat [WORKING OCT 2023]
Infinite Crafting JS - Create & Manage Items in Infinite Craft with an Easy to use Menu!
Prodigy All Unlock Hack JS - Unlocks everything in Prodigy in a more complex manner.
哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix (cerenkov修改版) JS - 修复 哔哩哔哩(www.bilibili.com) 失效的收藏。(可查看av号、简介、标题、封面、数据等)
Reddit++ JS - A lot of enhancements for new design of reddit.com like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...
知网下载助手 JS - 知网学术下载解析工具,免登录即可下载,完全免费使用。
[影视工具]VIP电影解析,短视频解析,搜索引擎,豆瓣/时光快搜 JS - VIP电影解析:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,b站,搜狐;短视频解析:youtube,B站,西瓜,抖音,快手,小红书,微博,A站;
☕Coffemod☕ JS - coffemod the best hack
Tinder Unblur JS - Unblur Tinder teaser images
Gartic Mod Menu JS - drawing assistant, answer assistant and many more features
Kour.rip JS - Basic Kour.io cheats.
123 云盘会员青春版 JS - 《也许同类型中最好用?》系列 - 显示 123 云盘身份信息为会员,支持超过 1GB 上限下载文件(基于【123云盘下载辅助】修改),支持使用视频倍速、关闭广告、修改头像、修改用户名等功能,自定义程度超高!需要修改头部代码来配置显示内容(非常简单!)
bilibili哔哩哔哩视频下载 📥 JS - 在哔哩哔哩视频页面添加下载按钮,支持多种清晰度和格式
치지직 1080p 해상도 고정 + 광고 차단 팝업 제거 JS - 해상도를 자동으로 1080으로 변환하고, 광고 차단 팝업을 제거합니다.
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
🐮ABC 网课助手|超星学习通|智慧树|🚀自动答题|💯自动刷课|▶️一键操作|🏆超全题库(每日更新、自动收录)|支持划词搜题 JS - 【🥇懒人操作】一键全自动刷课,安装即用。【🔊功能齐全】支持视频、音频倍速秒过;文档、图书自动完成;字体解密;章节测验、课后作业、考试自动答题、自动提交、自动收录答案;支持自动切换任务点等。【📔丰富题库】免费题库、自建题库、第三方超全题库,每日更新,精准识别,答案全对。【✨功能扩展】开放自定义参数,功能控制更简单。智慧树目前只支持作业、考试。更多功能持续开发中...
Nexus No Wait ++ JS - Download from Nexusmods.com without wait and redirect (Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM), Tweaked with extra features.
T1Down - 百度网盘不限速 - 稳定加速⚡⚡⚡ JS - 加速百度网盘下载,无视黑号等问题,提高下载体验,使用高速下载链接,服务稳定,极速下载中⚡⚡⚡
survev.io auto hack JS - try to take over the world!
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Adds a list of members available for OC2.0, and adds a notifier to the sidebar if you are not in an OC.
Google AI Studio easy use JS - Automatically set Google AI Studio system prompt; Increase chat content font size; Toggle Grounding with Ctrl/Cmd + i. 自动设置 Google AI Studio 的系统提示词;增大聊天内容字号;快捷键 Ctrl/Cmd + i 开关Grounding。
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
ED-Puzzle Hack JS - An Ed-Puzzle Hack with a LOT of Features!!!!!!!
Frozen client v3 JS - Good insta and heal
DeepSeek Redesign JS - Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
腾讯元宝自动切换至deepseek JS - 腾讯元宝进入页面和新建对话时自动切换模型为deepseek
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Rai Play video download JS - This script allows you to download videos on Rai Play
Google & baidu Switcher (ALL in One) JS - “Elegant Search Engine Assistant” facilite la navigation entre moteurs de recherche, personnalise les préférences, met en évidence les mots-clés, élimine les redirections et publicités, et filtre les résultats. Compatible avec divers moteurs tels que Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, etc.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
Slither.io bot JS - Bot for Slither.io
贴吧页面精简 JS - 【可能是你遇到的最好用的贴吧精简脚本】,去除各种广告及扰眼模块,全面支持各种贴吧页面,免登录看帖,【倒序看帖】
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Fuck CSDN JS - 去除CSDN BBS&BLOG&DOWNLOAD&WWW ADP检测/广告/展开全文限制/复制小尾巴/离线网页限制/其它
Bilibili CC字幕工具 JS - 可下载B站的CC字幕,旧版B站播放器可启用CC字幕
倍速播放 JS - HTML5播放器,倍速|最高10倍|计时器掌控者|视频跳过广告|视频广告加速
白piao斗鱼 JS - douyu整合优化斗鱼功能脚本(斗鱼精简、斗鱼默认最高画质)
Cookie Clicker hack JS - Just a cookie clicker hack.
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 自由调整百度网盘在线播放视频倍速
知乎美化 JS - 1.【重要更新】增加夜间模式按钮 2.知乎题目栏增加举报、匿名、问题日志、快捷键四个按钮 3.知乎按钮图标在鼠标悬停时变色(题目按钮、回答下方按钮、评论按钮等) 4.回答的发布时间移至顶部 5.图片原图显示 6.文字和卡片链接从知乎跳转链接改为直链 7.隐藏侧边栏 8.GIF图自动播放【默认不开启】 9.问题增加创建时间和最后编辑时间 10.鼠标悬停在回答时显示浅蓝色聚焦框 11.引用角标高亮 12.首页信息流增加不感兴趣按钮 13.【重要更新】增加设置界面 14.显示信息流标签【默认不开启】
Simple Krunker ESP JS - ESP in 8 lines of code
柒灵全能视频下载器 JS - (目前支持)哔哩哔哩(bilibili)/优酷网(youku)/腾讯视频(qq)/爱奇艺(iqiyi)/中国大学慕课网(www.icourse163.org)视频批量下载, 加速下载, 随时随地想看就看. 支持微元素/花瓣网图片批量下载
🔥🔥🔥B站视频下载解析 - 2023 最新 - BILIBILI Download JS - 快速解析B站视频,可直接下载MP4格式B站视频。