HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
WD RU UP JS - Переставляет русскую метку наверх в Викиданных
Wikipedia Flag Icons JS - Display flag icons to Wikipedia languages list.
This Ain't A Phone JS - Automatically redirect from mobile webpages to the non-mobile equivalent
Wikipeida sticky table header JS - Make the table header always visible
Иконки флагов в Википедии JS - Подставляет иконки языков
Wikipedia Dark Theme JS - Script gives Wikipedia pages a dark color theme
Wikipedia CSS - UserCSS style for Wikipedia
Redirect free file description page to Wikimedia Commons JS - Redirects every free files in sister Wikimedia wikis to their Wikimedia Commons description page.
Get label from Fernsehserien.de JS - Offers Fernsehserien.de labels based on the episode number or title as Wikidata label
Item Labels JS - Show items labels in Wikidata Query Service web results view in the navigator user language without calling the Label Service in the sparql code
Move to PC Page on Wikipedia JS - move from mobile page to PC page on Wikipedia, Wiktionary etc...
Sparql to QuickStatements JS - Copy commands from Sparql to QuickStatements
Redirect Wikimedia Projects from Mobile Version to Desktop Version JS - Redirect wiki projects from mobile version to desktop version with ManifestV3. Including wikipedia, wikibooks, wiktionary, wikiquote, wikimedia, wikisource, wikiversity, wikispecies, wikidata, wikivoyage and wikinews.
oh the places we'll go JS - go random places on wikimedia sites
Wikipedia skins JS - Restore the old Wikipedia look or choose between other available skins: Vector 2022, Vector legacy 2010, MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless, Modern, Cologne Blue