Gist Raw Links JS - Add a button that contains a list of gist raw file links
中国图书网小保姆 JS - 中图网助手,可以查看豆瓣评分
Steam Free License Helper JS - 脚本来源:https://steamcn.com/t139360-1-1
知乎回答按赞同数排序 JS - four score and seven years ago...
Ninja Button - Duolingo Japanese JS - Add a "Ninja Button" to access Duolingo's Japanese course while using a web browser.
Duolingo Enable Japanese JS - Enables Japanese on Duolingo.
gw2IdCode JS - Quickly fetch API Code from guildwars2 Wiki pages
簡體字剋星自動簡體轉繁體腳本 JS - 檢測到簡體網頁自動轉為繁體腳本
WaterlooWorksNow JS - Waterloo Works script to add more features. Adds new tab functionality to listings and an expiring-soon indicator.
AO3: Display Tag ID JS - a quick and dirty script to display a canonical tag's tag id in its /works page.
NGA+ JS - NGA 增强(隐藏未关注子版的帖子)
jvc-nocaps JS - Get rid of POSTS on JVC where WORDS are UPPERCASED for some REASON.
Show Quora upvotes JS - Shows previously hidden upvotes in a Quora feed
Plug.dj avatar ramdom JS - avatar
WebsiteBlocker JS - Blocking websites has never beem easier! Just add an website in the Match line, and it will be blocked!
Get of extension from Chrome-WebStore [chrome.google.com] JS - Add button for get .crx of extension or theme from Chrome-WebStore
Cuticons JS - https://epicmafia.com/u/Ben
Commie Rainbows JS - Makes Nyaa fruitier
4chan-Ignoring-Enhancements JS - 4chan Pain Kill Extension
Hide Outlook ads JS - Hide embedded ads in Outlook
Skype Web Mention JS - display list of member in skype group chat, so you can easily mention them by select
Ninegag JS - 9gag-link-helper on front-pages
Remove Red Masters JS - Removes red text from Masters qualification on exports
Send Link to Papaly Inbox JS - Adds a link to the current webpage to your Papaly Inbox
Coinigy Shortcuts JS - Adds various shortcuts to coinigy
_Ex Add button Read in Pocket [getpocket.com] JS - add button "Read in Pocket" to panel
IMDb VodLocker Embeds JS - Embeds vodlocker.to videos into IMDB
lagouhelper JS - 拉勾自定义标记
Arukas SSH & SSconfig JS - Gnerate shadowsocks QRcode in arukas docker
JIRA no Sidebar Links JS - Overwrites the default behavior for Issue-Links which open in the sidebar by default
Click To Top JS - click the arrow-up pic to jump to the top of page.
imgur_show_user_stats_light JS - Show user statistics on imgur
AntyPrzegląd JS - skrypt usuwający codzienny przegląd z listy wpisów
Hide Facebook Side Ads JS - Removes Side Ads from Facebook
GitLab Collapse Markdown JS - A userscript that collapses markdown headers
GitLab Collapse In Comment JS - A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments
聚名网辅助工具 JS - 聚名网搜索自动补".com"后缀,输入内容不包含".com,.net,.cn,.com.cn"时,自动补.com后缀;可使用一键检测注册状态按钮;域名列表增加天眼查和估价按钮。
亚马逊<管理我的内容和设备>:批量删除文件 JS - 亚马逊<管理我的内容和设备>:批量删除文件!
twitter.comのRTした人表記をscreen_nameにするやつ JS - twitter.comのRTした人表記をscreen_nameにするやつです
CookieClickerHack JS - Press Alt+G
百度文库界面清理 JS - 清除百度文库界面上多余节点,给你一个清爽的阅读环境
斗鱼自动弹幕 JS - 自动发斗鱼弹幕
Set the Ottawa Traveller's upcoming games team to Broadhead Brewsers JS - Sets the default team for Ottawa Travellers upcoming games table to "Broadhead Brewsers" instead of showing all teams by default.
Netflix Marathon JS - Automatically skip recaps, intros and click nexts on Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon video for you.
TF1 Ads Bypasser JS - Bypass ads on TF1
Moodle Edit Mode JS - try to take over the world!
rZhihu JS - 为知乎首页添加类似 Google Reader 的快捷键。
Niltalk ping JS - prevent niltalk chat expiration
知乎专栏 Markdown 扩展支持 JS - Add Markdown Support for Zhihu Zhuanlan Editor
熊猫TV不用登录就可以一直看超清啦 H5播放器 JS - 不用登录就可以一直看超清啦;启用了H5播放器,妈妈再也不用担flash问题啦;屏蔽了右侧弹幕,不喜欢弹幕的同学再也不用屏蔽啦;直播间列表点击后在新的页面打开直播间
YouTube Always show progress bar JS - Always show progress bar
nyaa.si - Batch Download JS - Allows batch download of all displayed results in one single click.
ctrl + alt + E切换页面可编辑 JS - RT
SteamGemOneClick JS - 一键合成宝珠
66ysGetUrl JS - try to take over the world!
Wanikani shaking for no reason bug fix JS - Fix wanikani bug where the answer box would shake even though the answer is in right format.
ReviveYouTube Alpha JS - Install this addon to access all participating youtuber's content in its pure uncensored and unmodified form!
净化推酷 JS - 净化推酷(tuicool.com)文章页
Scratch 2.0 Embedded Phosphorus Player JS - Replaces the default Scratch 2.0 project player with Phosphorus and adds the option to switch between players.
兔搜小说阅读快速转码/一键去广告 JS - 部分小说站列表也增加转码阅读,无广告更流畅
Yahoo T-Point Auto Skip JS - Automatically skips the T-Point / PayPay registration nag screen on Yahoo! Japan.
Mediasteak: Entfernt Adblock-blocker JS - Entfernt den AdBlock-Blocker von www.mediasteak.com.
WoT_LeaderBot by ansine JS - SomeText
Dmzj External Search JS - Adds external search links to search for the anime
4chan [s4s] colored text JS - For funposting on [s4s]
TP-Link Router Interface Enhancer JS - Adds an extra "Client Name" column or information to several sub-pages of the TP-Link router web-interface.
Remove junk URL parameters JS - Hides UTM and other tracking parameters from URLs.
Hype Machine direct download links JS - Add download links next to tracks on The Hype Machine.
BBS bot JS - auto-replay the hidden posts ,for discuz & phpwind7/8
优酷首页优化 JS - 把不需要的板块儿都屏蔽了吧,最主要的是“优酷一点也不懂我”。
bbs archiver to thread JS - 从搜索引擎搜索到discuz的页面,有时默认是一个简化版本(见Description部分的栗子表)。使用这个js之后,左上方悬浮一个‘完整版本’链接。可以通过设置var autoload=1,打开页面时自动打开完整版本(支持phpwind和discuz)
bbs simple - 简版论坛 JS - 和我的另一个作品discuz archiver to thread很相似,(事实上正是相反) 现支持phpwind和discuz X,慢慢完善吧。 注意,有些论坛关闭了archiver,会显示No input file specified之类的错误 所以请自行添加 @exclude 防止误作用。
小小木虫 JS - 小木虫论坛的排版很糟糕,本来打算再次升级我的作品"bbs new look",又看到小木虫本来就有简洁的手机版。 于是写了这个脚本,它能够在打开小木虫论坛的版块,或者小木虫论坛的帖子时,自动跳转到手机版.
BBS NoWater JS - 吃掉纯图和纯表情回复,支持百度贴吧和phpwind/discuz的某些版本
SSC Better like button JS - additional "Like button" without reload whole post
Neopets: Vending Machine JS - Plays vending machine if you have nerkmids.
Agar Extras JS - Improves the functionality and aesthetic of agar.io
南大财务 JS - 从https://www.yaoge123.com/blog/ndcw复制的脚本
Google调用bing壁纸 JS - google搜索时随机使用bing壁纸,参考:https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/25202-%E7%99%BEbing%E5%9B%BE
前程无忧垃圾过滤器(培训、骗子etc) JS - 过滤掉前程无忧的垃圾信息,需要自定义添加公司名
autolaocai JS - try to take over the world!
WeTransfer JS - Fixes the annoyances of every day use of WeTransfer
DoodleGoneBy Removal JS - Replace the Google logo with a hosted image
屏蔽动漫之家10秒广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Skwikker JS - Mise en forme automatique de Skwikker
rapidgator.netでURLに付いてるファイル名を取り除く JS - 文字化けしたファイル名が付いているとダウンロードできないので余計なURLを取り除く
Youtube Thumbs JS - mouseover to animate thumbs
poco自动查看作品组 JS - poco自动查看作品组。
Disable GIF autoplay in TweetDeck JS - See https://yal.cc/tweetdeck-no-gif-autoplay/
JIRA、Confluence外链新窗口打开 JS - JIRA、Confluence优化
FontShadow JS - 给字体加上阴影
TeleSpam JS - Spam Tele
Morgenrot JS - Enhancements for TU Vienna's Aurora
Go to empty queue JS - Goes to the empty queue page after you have fininshed all assigned tasks
WME India MapRaid! Rajasthan JS - Adds a countdown timer to start and end of the Thailand MapRaid.
网易云音乐拾遗 JS - 本脚本可以帮你收集任意歌单里涉及歌手的热门歌曲到一份新的歌单中
Banh bím VTV JS - Như tít lần nữa :)