ao3 savior config JS - Config script for AO3 Savior userscript
微博原图 JS - 访问新浪微博图片的URL时会自动跳转到原图
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Translate JS - 划词翻译调用“金山词霸、有道词典(有道翻译)、Google Translate(谷歌翻译)、沪江小D、搜狗翻译、必应词典(必应翻译)、Microsoft Translator(必应在线翻译)、DeepL翻译、海词词典、百度翻译、Oxford Learner's Dictionaries、Oxford Dictionaries、Merriam-Webster、PDF 划词翻译、Google Search、Bing Search(必应搜索)、百度搜索、Wikipedia Search(维基百科搜索)”网页翻译
Set Arrival Time alternative JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to sci-hub.tw. In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
Enable Songsterr Premium JS - Enable songsterr premium
极简知乎 JS - 优化阅读界面,免登录,广告去除,黑名单功能.
自用论坛辅助签到 JS - 常用论坛辅助签到工具,包括远景论坛、天使动漫论坛、52破解、TTG、卡饭等
自动刷新页面 JS - 每隔一段时间自动刷新页面,可自定义刷新间隔时间,适合挂机、PT 等需要保持心跳的网页
Set Arrival Time JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
click x button to remove a post for PC and mobile tumblr JS - 点击x按钮移除一个tumblr帖子
百度去广告 JS - 百度去广告(首页、搜索结果)
最新爱奇艺/优酷/搜狐/腾讯/芒果/AB站等全网 VIP 视频在线解析,接口每日更新,一键免费看Vip影视,音乐在线试听 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站
通用去广告(比较暴力,慎用)V0.1 JS - 专治广告联盟的iframe
Baidu Pan SuperKey JS - 度盘万能钥匙,云盘万能钥匙扩展改成 GM 脚本
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
Reddit expand media and comments JS - Shows pictures and some videos right after the link, loads and expands comment threads.
Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them JS - Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.
CSDN 工具箱 JS - 过滤CSDN 广告,包括 博客,论坛,问答,首页和搜索,博客自动展开-阅读更多(csdn.net),去掉博客版权复制信息,论坛查看全部
bilibili merged flv+mp4+ass+enhance JS - bilibili/哔哩哔哩:超清FLV下载,FLV合并,原生MP4下载,弹幕ASS下载,CC字幕转码ASS下载,AAC音频下载,MKV打包,播放体验增强,原生appsecret,不借助其他网站
Vimeo视频下载脚本 JS - Vimeo视频下载脚本,可以在视频下方生成下载按钮,只支持含有1080p的视频,有个跨域请求,请允许该操作,可到上面我的博客反映Bug。
针对百度网盘视频播放器增强插件 JS - 对百度盘播放器的功能进行增强, c加速, x减速, z恢复原始速度。
CSDN 去广告沉浸阅读模式 JS - 沉浸式阅读 🌈 使用随机背景图片 🎬 重构页面布局 🎯 净化剪切板 🎨 屏蔽一切影响阅读的元素 🎧
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
bilibili Danmaku Disabler JS - Automatically turn off bilibili HTML5 player danmaku
Youtube Auto-translate Canceler JS - Remove auto-translated youtube titles
全网去除Google广告 JS - 去除全网讨厌的Google广告
移除百家号搜索结果 JS - 删除百度搜索结果的百家号结果
Enhance twitch JS - Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
手机浏览器触摸手势 JS - 为手机浏览器添加触摸手势,即装即用,无需配置。除了通用手势外,还有针对文字、图片、视频的特殊手势。还嫌不够?支持添加属于你的个性化手势。推荐使用狐猴浏览器、Edge浏览器和Yandex浏览器。
批量删除新浪微博博文 JS - 批量删除新浪微博
Old Reddit Redirect JS - Automatically redirects you to the old reddit
通用阅读器 JS - 为所有站点增加进入阅读模式按钮,点击后如果匹配成功则自动转码成为通用的阅读器样式方便使用,并提供扩展语音阅读功能(需要浏览器支持,推荐最新版Firefox浏览器)
小窗口视频(bili,mgtv,youtube) JS - 小窗口视频(bili,mgtv)。网页右下角会出现一个小按钮,点击之后视频会通过小窗口播放。基于chrome浏览器的画中画(Picture in Picture)。限支持HTML5播放器的网站。如需添加其他网站,可以在脚本的“设置”页面->“用户匹配”栏中添加,或者通过greasyfork反馈给我们。ps:最新推出插件版,功能全面加强,已在 chrome 商店上架,地址https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%E5%B0%8F%E7%AA%97%E5%8F%A3%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91-by-c4r/banggcaohiaanmdkalekjcffjonamlkj
LinkedIn unsponsored JS - Block sponsored posts in the LinkedIn feed
京东抢购超强 JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
浏览器爬虫油猴脚本 JS - 用浏览器进行爬虫的脚本.自己在var urlList定义爬虫地址列表,然后手动绕过验证码,运行菜单:运行爬虫脚本
IOGARBOTS.COM | FOR SALE BOTS! JS - Best Agar.io & Agario clones games bots and Facebook Mass Bots, VIP Bots For Sale!
Exhobby For Hpoi JS - Add exhobby for hpoi.net
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 为网页版百度网盘视频,添加倍速按钮(1.5倍, 1.75倍, 2倍)
屏蔽Pixiv搜索结果的会员遮挡 JS - 屏蔽Pixiv搜索结果的会员遮挡,可以直接点击5项热门内容
Surviv.io show health JS - It shows your hp. Turns red when below 20.
Slither.io simple zoom JS - Press z to zoom in, x to zoom out, and c to let zoom drift with game.
LinkedInNoPromoted JS - Removes promoted and suggested posts on LinkedIn
Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works) JS - (Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly
reCaptcha 验证码镜像加载 JS - 替换使用官方地址的 reCaptcha 为官方镜像地址,让墙内用户的 reCaptch 能正常显示。(可能对海外用户是减速2333
Ultra Popup Blocker JS - Configurable popup blocker that blocks all popup windows by default.
CSDN Clean JS - csdn align center, auto readmore, clean clipboard, no login.
百度文库文档免费下载 JS - 可下载百度文库需要下载券的文档,不能下载VIP文档及付费文档,支持复制文库内的内容并包含格式转换功能,安装会替换原有的置顶功能(注:下载调用第三方网站数据,该网站首次下载需加群);
Agma Animation Script JS - Let your cell spin, jump, shake, flip and wacky!
知乎去强制下载app JS - 知乎去强制下载app,评论关闭按钮优化单手操作
页面自动拼接 JS - 滚动页面接近底部时自动拼接下一页; 适用于 谷歌/百度, 其他各类需要手动点击"下一页/下一章/下一篇"按钮的网站
Free Agar.io Bots (Vanilla Version) JS - Free open source agar.io bots
HTML5 Video Player Enhance JS - To enhance the functionality of HTML5 Video Player (h5player) supporting all websites using shortcut keys similar to PotPlayer.
Cheat Installer JS - Install Surviv.io Cheats
Yohoho.io Cheats JS - Cheats for the popular IO game, Yohoho.IO! Press 'p' to change your pet. 'l' to change the pet's level, 'x' to change your xp, 'i' to change your island, 'c' to change your character, and 'o' to change your coins.
CosmosisT's TinyChat Script (CTS V1.8.65) JS - Modified TinyChat - Best Scripts; prepare to be amazed.
Nexus No Wait JS - Download from Nexusmods.com without wait and redirect (support Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM)
ISBN 2 LibGen JS - This script replaces ISBN numbers with hyperlinks which opens LibGen search results
吾爱打开自动签到 JS - 吾爱论坛自动签到
Pxer: the tool for pixiv.net JS - Maybe the best tool for pixiv.net for capture pictures
WebSpotify JS - Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
文泉学堂PDF下载 JS - try to take over the world!
网页复制限制解除 JS - 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本的限制。原作者:油猴 Cat73
pixiv_sort_by_popularity JS - non premium menber use "Sort by popularity"
YT: not interested in one click JS - Hover a thumbnail on youtube.com and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"
atcoder-difficulty-display JS - AtCoder Problemsの難易度を表示します。
超星网课视频秒过 JS - 本脚本用于超星学习通视频快速学习。
超星/学习通自动抢答 JS - 超星/学习通自动抢答!
Twitch 自動點擊獎勵 JS - 自動點擊50獎勵
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 自由调整百度网盘在线播放视频倍速
[buff/c5game/igxe]饰品比例筛选脚本 JS - 支持[buff/c5game/igxe]饰品比例筛选,支持多种筛选规则
IkaTweaks JS - Improvements for Ikariam
Local Vk Downloader JS - Get Vk raw link without external service.
bilibili直播去水印 JS - 去掉bilibili直播界面右上角logo
4chan sounds player JS - A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.
Twitter: Download Video JS - One button click to direct video download web page.
X(Twitter) - Add notes to the user JS - Add notes (aliases/tags) for users to help identify and search, and support WebDAV sync
Dark theme for surviv.io JS - try to take over the world!
CSDN免登录 JS - CSDN免登录复制、自动展开、页面清洗、去除搜索词、移动端反APP、可选暗黑主题
保存图片 JS - alt+点击保存图片,列出页面所有图片,列出页面所有背景图
Speedy | Krunker Theme JS - Krunker Theme
EmuParadise Download Workaround JS - Replaces the download button link with a working one
轻小说文库下载器(Wenku8 Download) JS - 轻小说文库下载器, 进入小说目录页面即可看的下载按钮
护眼模式/Eye-protection Mode JS - 护眼模式,支持自定义颜色和透明度,也可做为亮度调节。
用GetBy.Download免费離線下載磁力鏈接,支持秒傳,类似迅雷、百度網盤、115或比特球 JS - 方便將页面的磁力鏈接交由支持離線下載的GetBy.Download下載,借助其免費的云端下載功能,快速完成种子文件、磁力鏈接的下載。只需在有磁力鏈接的网页中开启本插件,即可将该网页中原本"magnet"开头的磁力链接转为GetBy.Download的下载链接,点击下载链接,即可跳轉到GetBy.Download下載頁面,完成離線下載任務的添加和下载。
阅读全文、自动展开全文、自动移除万恶弹框 JS - 【非自动关注】【自用,长期维护】【功能有】1. 阅读全文网站支持:CSDN、github.io、xz577.com、iteye.com、720ui.com、cloud.tencent.com、新浪、头条、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、51CTO、知乎、果壳科技(移动版)、awesomes.cn、javascriptcn.com、人民日报(移动版)、凤凰网、虎扑移动版、百度经验、360文档(个人图书馆)、乐居买房(移动版)、电子发烧友网(PC、移动版)、悟空问答(PC、移动版)、百家号、百度文章、简书移动版、搜狐移动版、goodreads(PC、移动版)、百度文库(移动、PC版)、36氪移动版、弟弟快看<br>备注: 反馈问题的小伙伴们请附加上有问题的网址链接哈
View Instagram Without Login JS - View Instagram without login via imginn.com
华医网自动播放与答题 JS - 打开视频播放页面后即可自动完成所有课程
电商历史价格查询 JS - 看看历史价格 拒绝当小白鼠
pttchatonyoutube JS - Connect ptt pushes to youtube chatroom
万能验证码自动输入(升级版) JS - 自动识别填写英文、数字、滑动拼图、滑动行为等验证码,对于自动规则无法覆盖的验证码页面请手动配置规则。感谢老六、哈士奇两位大佬提供的帮助!
全局微软雅黑 CSS - 一款使用微软品牌字体替换网页原有字体的用户样式表,为你呈现更统一美观的页面风格。
查看S1不可见内容(审核中/禁言)自动版 JS - 查看S1正在审核中的帖子和被禁言用户的回帖
SingleFile - 单文件保存网页 JS - 将当前网页保存为一个.html网页文件
swf2js auto-apply script (Flash to HTML5) JS - Enjoy Flash animations and games safely with your modern browser! This UserScript file finds an embedded Flash .swf file and uses swf2js to convert it to HTML5 and display it in the browser. The success or failure of the conversion depends on the swf2js library.
Bypass Instagram Login Redirects JS - a workaround to bypass Instagram login page