Sort JIRA comments. JS - Force JIRA comments to be sorted in the order you prefer.
Show wage on HIT submit (Gershom Fix) Supreme Accuracy JS - Wage is based on the hit counter on the page which is more accurate to because it includes how long it took to load the page as well.
Planets.nu Ignore Script JS - Ignore those pesky other users!
清理百度贴吧插入广告 JS - 清理掉贴吧列表和贴子中插入的广告
ZhiHuLink JS - 直接访问知乎外链
Youtube - Auto-expand Subscriptions JS - Auto expands your subscriptions, when using grid view, so that you do not miss out of any new videos because you forgot about the "show more" button.
Colorize GCal:monthly timed events JS - Colored background for Google Calendar timed events in month view
grayBackgroundColor JS - 将网页背景色改为护眼灰
Hide Stickied Threads JS - Hides stickied threads in forum groups
remove pokemon JS - Remove pokemons from the whole internet
nefu cleaner JS - 将jwc*.nefu恶心的js超链接转换成正常的超链接,将弹出小窗改为新标签页,提供showModalDialog支持
MovieTV Slash Redirect JS - Redirect old address.
ZeroCruft JS - Removes the cruft from the new zerohedge
Sticky Search Bar for Google SERP JS - Keeps Google Search Bar sticky (fixed position) for use in SEO research with GoogleMonkeyR's infinite scroll/ease of use
Agar Tricksplit with D JS - Press D to split in 16 ! It's perfect for tricksplit !
NGA Auto Pager JS - NGA自动翻页
rep2ch JS - 2ch スレへのリンクを全て rep2ch 用に
KFeederMacro JS - Agar.io
Lichess easy rematch JS - Press the R key twice "r r" to automatically resign and rematch, or seek after 5 seconds
Marktplaats Clean and Fast 2.0 JS - Verwijderd alle commerciële partijen en geeft marktplaats weer terug aan de particulieren.
Dreadcast Chat Enhancer JS - Améliore le chat de Dreadcast.
hub_navigator JS - Website Navigator With Arrow Key Press
Indeed.com: Design like Stepstone JS - This script changes the old-fashioned indeed.com design to the modern Stepstone.com design and adds new useful features like navigation, company search and unlocks 150km search radius.
Hearthis.at: Always show time and make readable JS - Hearthis.at: Always show the time (elapsed/remaining) and make readable (white text on black background)
Automatyczne PVP... JS - Atakuje ludzi z którymi masz WARA
GitHub Sort Content JS - A userscript that makes some lists & markdown tables sortable
V2EX.js JS - V2EX助手
WME Quick HN JS - Quick House Numbers
W macro FEED Agario JS - W FEED
neclear12345 JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Add All linkedIn users (for older interface: new version available) JS - ajouter tout le monde sur linkedin et accepte tout le monde
Youtube Comments Sidebar JS - Swaps the comments and related videos sections, so you can read the comments while watching the video.
(Dab) (Gran) shout JS - Avoir le smilies Grandma dancing et Dab sur la Shoutbox AMCGaming
8chan Dark Mode JS - Changes the color scheme to be darker and easier on the eyes. Does not currently support catalog view and the home page.
(Dab) (Gran) shout JS - Avoir le smilies Grandma dancing et Dab sur la Shoutbox AMCGaming
WME Zonas MapRaid Boyacá-2016 Overlay JS - Delimita zonas para el MapRaid Boyacá 2016
Pitchfork Get Review Score On Scroll & Add Apple Music Link JS - Directly show review score on global reviews page
Twitter Inline Expansion JS - Inline-expansion of :orig (full-resolution) twitter images
Pocket-goto-Original JS - Opens the original link instead of the pocket View! (please use Ctrl+click)
AutoJoin IndieGala Giveaways (improved) JS - AutoJoin for IndieGala Giveaways!
bilibili直播净化 JS - 增强直播屏蔽功能, 提高直播观看体验
Auto mp3 downloader JS - Automatic download of multiple mp3s from https://www.emp3z.com. Just insert list of songs into textarea, push the button and wait till it finishes.
Remember itstoohard tries JS - Shows all attempted tries for all questions so you know what you already tried.
SteamGifts discussions enhanced JS - Automatically mark read discussions, show count of new comments since last read, show if post title changed, manually mark one post or all posts of user, sort discussions
Furvilla Inventory Quick Access JS - Adds two buttons for medicines and potions on the inventory page.
YouTube Auto-Like Videos [fixed] JS - Automatically clicks the 'Like' button
Hotkeys by Dzemo xBURNx JS - Napravljeno od Dzeme xD Na FB sam Dzemo Agario,u xBURNx klanu sam :D
AGARIO HOTKEYS BY DZEMO WASH JS - Napravljeno od Dzemo Agario ( na FB ),ukratko o meni, u Wash klanu sam i pravim ext za njih ili za vecinu u grupi Agario Balkan
DriverIdentifier: Download without account JS - Download a driver listed on driveridentifier.com without creating an account. (Replaces download button destination)
EasyNav JS - Enable Next and Prev Chapter by Pressing Right and Left Arrow key.
althingi.is - umsagnir.gogn.in JS - Birtir tengil á umsagnir.gogn.in frá umsagnasíðu á althingi.is
AzLyrics + JS - Adds some extra functions to AzLyrics, changes theme and removes adds
(Dab) (Gran) shout JS - Avoir le smilies Grandma dancing et Dab sur la Shoutbox Facebook
QcTorrent - Shoutbox notifications JS - Affiche une notification de bureau lors de la réception d'un message
百度網盤自定義密碼 JS - 可以在發布時修改產生的密碼,僅限4位數
Block Users from Blogroll JS - Allows you to block selected users from the blogroll.
Pinterest registration popup killer JS - Browse Pinterest without registration. Also remove the cookies banner.
(pnl) (kame) shout JS - QLF QLF QLF, Smilley PNL et Kame (label PNL) sur la shoutbox de RG
Osu Match JS - show BP difference
Amine Mojito et La vielle du métro JS - La keh keh keh a mojito. Tititi tatata
QuitaMierda JS - Evita que ciertos blogs "tecnológicos" te spoileen tus series favoritas y hablen de temas chorra
Furvilla - Highlight Monster Weakness JS - Highlights the weapon your warrior should use to attack a monster.
Greasyfork display update checks JS - display today's and yesterday's update checks on Greasyfork + quality indicator
Archive shout redirect JS - Redirecciona a archive en caso de que el shout esté eliminado
Gmail Basic Select All JS - Add select all/none button to Gmail Basic
Sozcu.com.tr Adblock JS - Sozcu Web Sitesi için Adblock Yönlendirmesini Engeller.
Ogame Retro PL JS - [email protected]
Xiaomi Forum Hour Hack JS - Lorem Ipsum
Linguee show date v0.6 JS - Shows the date of the translated source.
Ogame Retro - Link do Forum JS - [email protected]
Planets.nu Feedblock Script JS - Block the feed
PUBLIC GW Mod JS - In progress warp bookmarking system and convenience player panel.
Kitten Food Tracker JS - make sure yr kittens don't starve
Preview Content List blogtruyen.com JS - Xem trước nội dung trong danh sách truyện, thể loại... trên trang blogtruyen.com
Drapeau de l'Euro JS - Drapeau de l'Euro 2016 sur la shoutbox de RG un peu en retard mais ...
valsts kase refresher JS - Novērš valsts kases izlogošanos dīkstāves gadījumos
Check the card JS - Adds a warning to amazon and ebay to check card before checking out
Drapeaux des trois pays maghrébin JS - A utilisé avec modération. d
bing year search JS - changes default search entry to one year ago
[alpha] Убрать новый дизайн VK.com (CSS) JS - Удаляем новое оформление ВКонтакта, возвращая старый дизайн. (Тест версии css из сети)
老司机自动开车神器 JS - 老司机自动开车神器, 自动抓取识别磁链特征码,支持下载到115网盘
FA Auto-Select Search Ratings JS - Selects all the checkboxes automatically for FurAffinity's search engine.
Extinct Dev - SCP - BWE - Multi-Ex Chat JS - Edited by WizdaniUnleashed - Use Target:Roblox.com
kinopoisk.ru and other downloader JS - Download from kinopoisk.ru, filmz.ru, celeber.ru and some theme of tumblr.com.
search-engine-stop JS - prevents sites to add their own line in the Chrome search engines list
GitHub Diff Links JS - A userscript that adds links to diff and pull request headers to jump back & forth between files
hoangquyencs VOZ JS - Subscribed threads Monitor, quote notifications, extend all emoticons to quick reply form, quick quote(s), remove redirect, detect links, quick capture post, quick ignore link, banh bim, custom resize image
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Novo Tema Do Flamengo Para O Facebook. ! JS - All about facebook By Mark zuckerberg
Bangumi-Relationship-Person-Synchronize JS - none
Cpubenckmark.net FIlter JS - Adds ability to filter CPU by name, price range and score range on cpubenchmark.net
IndieGala: Auto-enter Giveaways JS - Automatically enters IndieGala Giveaways
Decreased Productivity Plus JS - Makes webpages more discreet
HS CB Floater JS - Adds the HS CB to GW
PokevisionMod JS - Pokevision Mod