Remove Google Classroom Loading Bar JS - Automatically removes the glitched loading bar stuck at the top of google classroom
🌱【免费版】2025年寒假教师研修|付费版半分钟学完!!国家中小学智慧教育平台|国培师范|师范生免试认定|教师假期研修 JS - 当前是免费版本,只包含了视频页面1倍速自动换课功能。
maca client cryzen.io 1.5 aimbot+ESP JS - W rizz
❤TOTT网课助手--支持自动答题|题库搜|刷资源|刷视频|视频加速|快速背题|AI搜题|AI问答|自动刷课,有问题扫馬问客服 JS - 🐯全网免费仅做一款脚本🐯】、【🚀已完美兼容、智慧树、中国大学mooc、慕课、雨课堂、新国开、超星、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、蓝墨云、职教云、智慧职教、云班课精品课、山东专技、西财在线剩余网站仅支持部分功能🚀】【半兼容、绎通云、U校园、学堂在线】、【😎完美应付测试,全自动答题,一键完成所有资源学习(视频挨个刷时长不存在滴)、视频倍速😎】、
Mathspace Auto Solver JS - Automatically solves Mathspace questions and displays answers for user selection.
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
网页强制复制 JS - 右键强力解锁,可以复制一些特殊网站的文字
My Novel Reader JS - 小说阅读脚本,统一阅读样式,内容去广告、修正拼音字、段落整理,自动下一页
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
Remove Youtube Ads(Works) JS - Removes all ads including video ads
searchEngineJump 搜索引擎快捷跳转 JS - 方便的在各个搜索引擎之间跳转,增加可视化设置菜单,能更友好的自定义设置,修复百度搜索样式丢失的问题
Search By Image JS - Search By Image | 以图搜图
仓库用度盘投稿助手 JS - 简易功能增强, 方便仓库投稿用
Youtube Age Confirmation Bypass JS - Prevents you from having to sign in to view age restricted videos on YouTube
360,百度网盘,微盘链接 JS - 360,百度网盘,微盘链接自动添加访问密码
百度盘直接下载 JS - 就他妈不装百度云管家
TW Gold Jobs Finder (More Languages) JS - Shows a list of all silver and gold jobs!
115 Download Helper JS - 115网盘下载帮手,能自动帮忙点普通下载,少点一次鼠标,能够批量复制下载链接
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
Cookie Clicker Cheats JS - Enable/Disable different cheats/hacks for Cookie Clicker
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs (t.co/bit.ly/goo.gl) on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
YouTube Download JS - On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
Video.mediaset.it native video player and direct links JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Mediaset Play.
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
清理百度贴吧插入广告 JS - 清理掉贴吧列表和贴子中插入的广告
Easy Offline JS - Find out all magnet links and torrents and video links in current page, and stream them from cloud storage automatically.
Remove Yandex Redirect JS - Remove Yandex redirect in search, news and mail
百度广告(首尾推广及右侧广告)清理 JS - 彻底清理百度搜索(www.baidu.com)结果首尾的推广广告、二次顽固广告、右侧广告,去除重定向,删除百家号
The West - tw-db.info Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
Hide youtube google ad JS - hide youtube google ad,auto click "skip ad"
Tag Incomings JS - Tags new incomings
Bring Back Old Reddit JS - Always redirects to old-Reddit, avoiding Reddit's redesign.
百度文库文字复制 JS - 添加一个按钮,复制百度文库中的文字
Agar.io Train Line Controller JS - Script that allows you to make impossible lines and include custom configuration settings.
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
Wanikani: Progress Percentages JS - Calculates the percentage of known kanji for each JLPT level, Joyo grade, Frequency bracket, and various other sources.
高级求职助手/招聘网站助手,支持前程无忧、智联招聘、BOSS直聘、拉钩网、猎聘网、58同城 JS - 1.快捷添加企业黑名单;2.快捷公司/企业信息查询,支持天眼查、看准、企查查、爱企查、百度信誉、百度搜索;3.支持全网热门招聘网站,前程无忧、智联招聘、BOSS直聘、拉钩网、猎聘网、58同城;4.各大网站黑名单数据连通。
微博 [ 图片 | 视频 ] 下载 JS - 下载微博(weibo.com)的图片和视频。(支持LivePhoto、短视频、动/静图(9+),可以打包下载)
Slither.io simple zoom JS - Press z to zoom in, x to zoom out, and c to let zoom drift with game.
RedGifs AutoHD JS - Automatically sets Gfycat/RedGifs video to HD mode and other improvements
微博超话自动签到 JS - 用户登录后进入微博主页,获取超级话题并自动签到
Cookie Clicker hack JS - Just a cookie clicker hack.
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
soundcloud shuffle likes JS - Adds a shuffle play button to "Likes" and playlists
GreasyFork Helper JS - This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
百度系网站去广告 JS - 去除百度搜索结果和页面中的绝大多数广告,包括:百度搜索、百度百科、百度知道、百度文库、百度贴吧等
Krunker Skid - bushfire-disaster-appeal JS - krunker.io modification
91wii 去广告 JS - 去除91wii页面广告包含顶端及左右两侧广告
WebSpotify JS - Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
虎牙Plus JS - 虎牙自动领取任务经验、开宝箱,复制直播流链接,简化页面,去广告, 夜间模式,自动进入剧场模式, 我的订阅页面视频预览
Twitter: Download Video JS - One button click to direct video download web page.
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby launch extetnal player
115优化大师 JS - 优化115网盘使用体验:一键离线下载、批量离线、调用Dplayer或Potplayer播放视频、文件快捷下载、批量下载、磁力转换种子等。
柒灵全能视频下载器 JS - (目前支持)哔哩哔哩(bilibili)/优酷网(youku)/腾讯视频(qq)/爱奇艺(iqiyi)/中国大学慕课网(www.icourse163.org)视频批量下载, 加速下载, 随时随地想看就看. 支持微元素/花瓣网图片批量下载
阅读全文、自动展开全文、自动移除万恶弹框 JS - 【非自动关注】【自用,长期维护】【功能有】1. 阅读全文网站支持:CSDN、github.io、xz577.com、iteye.com、720ui.com、cloud.tencent.com、新浪、头条、网易新闻、腾讯新闻、51CTO、知乎、果壳科技(移动版)、awesomes.cn、javascriptcn.com、人民日报(移动版)、凤凰网、虎扑移动版、百度经验、360文档(个人图书馆)、乐居买房(移动版)、电子发烧友网(PC、移动版)、悟空问答(PC、移动版)、百家号、百度文章、简书移动版、搜狐移动版、goodreads(PC、移动版)、百度文库(移动、PC版)、36氪移动版、弟弟快看<br>备注: 反馈问题的小伙伴们请附加上有问题的网址链接哈
蓝奏云网盘增强 JS - 文件排序、刷新不回根目录、快捷返回上一级(右键网页空白处)、后退返回上一级、右键文件显示菜单、点击直接下载文件、点击空白进入目录、自动显示更多文件、一键复制所有分享链接、自定义分享链接域名、自动打开/复制分享链接、带密码的分享链接自动输密码、拖入文件自动显示上传框、输入密码后回车确认、优化编辑框初始大小
Emby Local Player JS - 调用本地的播放器来播放 Emby Web 中的视频。
Verified YouTuber Badge JS - Enjoy!
Krunker Skin Hack JS - unlocks all skins, client side only
RIP HLTV BET JS - Remove hltv.org Annoy AD
页面小优化(知乎/CSDN/简书) JS - (知乎:移除登录弹窗、免登录查看回答;CSDN:移除登录弹窗、免登录复制;简书:移除登录弹窗;)
Geoguessr Cheat JS - Press SHIFT + ALT + G and the location of your current geoguessr game will open in a new tab
[satology] Auto Claim Multiple Faucets with Monitor UI JS - Automatic rolls and claims for 50+ crypto faucets/PTC/miners (Freebitco.in BTC, auto promo code for 16 CryptosFaucet, FaucetPay, StormGain, etc)
Agma.io | Simple Fast-Split Script JS - This is a simple script that allows you to fast-split. Just press X and it will fast split your cell one time!
simple instakill JS - simple
广东省教师继续教育信息管理平台公需课刷课::jsglpt.gdedu JS - 广东省教师继续教育信息管理平台公需课刷课
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
Advanced Context Sentence 2 JS - Enhance the context sentence section, highlighting kanji and adding audio
FB - Clean my feeds (5.02) JS - Hide Sponsored and Suggested posts in FB's News Feed, Groups Feed, Watch Videos Feed and Marketplace Feed
新浪微博(新版)一键删除、清空助手 JS - 一键批量删除微博、取消关注、删除粉丝、删除点赞记录
超星学习通网课助手(多接口)(装这一个就够了) JS - 自动挂机看尔雅MOOC,支持视频、音频、文档、图书自动完成,章节测验自动答题提交,支持自动切换任务点、挂机阅读时长、自动登录等,解除各类功能限制,开放自定义参数
Code Injector - Bonk.io JS - Allows different userscripts to define functions that modify the game's code
Fastsplit and Bubble Cells Script JS - try to take over the agma/cellcarft servers!
喜马拉雅专辑下载器 JS - 可能是你见过最丝滑的喜马拉雅下载器啦!登录后支持VIP音频下载,支持专辑批量下载,支持添加编号,链接导出、调用aria2等功能,直接下载M4A,MP3、MP4文件。
自动展开隐藏内容 JS - Auto show the hidden contents.
夜间模式助手 JS - 实现任意网站的夜间模式,支持网站白名单
MuseScore Download Bypass JS - Bypass the Pro-only download restrictions on musescore
Fuck TradingView Ads off JS - Fuck all TradingView Ads off instanly
ROBLOX 2012 JS - wow roblox 2012 thats crazy bro
LX Music 辅助脚本 JS - LX Music 辅助脚本,提供在官方平台歌单、歌曲详情页直接调用 LX Music 的能力。
1v1.www JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammo, infinite armor, rapid fire
CSDN去除收费项、免登录复制、免登录查看需关注的内容、沉浸式阅读 JS - 1.CSDN去除无用信息沉浸式阅读 2.免登录复制 3.免登录查看需要关注才能看的内容
Poipiku Downloader JS - Download images or text from Poipiku
Surviv.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Aimbot and ESP for surviv.io. Locks the aim to the nearest player and shows lines between nearby players. Removes ceilings from buildings and let's you see inside them too.
网页通用验证码 JS - 解放眼睛和双手,自动识别并填入数字,字母验证码。新版本支持识别滑动验证码。
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
arca live 심야식당 자동복호화 JS - 심야식당내 base64코드 자동복호화
Youtube Anti Shorts JS - shorts is a shit, fuck you youtube
优酷下载 JS - 下载优酷视频
Zombs.io ULTIMATE HACK A lot better JS - the perfect hack for zombs.io much better than u7's he copied mine
学习公社/中国教育干部网络学院自动学习看视频(可提前查看试卷) JS - 学习公社自动看视频、自动刷新,经过测试非常好用 中国教育干部网络学院 国家教育行政学院 网络党校
Pokeclicker Automation JS - Automation for pokeclicker.com | Auto click | Auto quests | Auto achivements | Auto mine | Auto farm | Auto hatch | and more ...
📝📝📝文本选中复制|VIP文档免费下载|完美版 JS - 👍👍👍文库下载器|VIP文档免费下载|✅绝大部分网站选中右键自动复制✅|傻瓜式全文粘贴🍭🍭🍭此脚本解除①百度文库、②道客巴巴、③知乎、④无忧考网、⑤学习啦、⑥新浪文档等常见网站不允许复制的限制🍆🍆🍆选中要复制的段落后,会自动出现复制按钮📈📈📈,点击复制按钮即可复制😎😎😎