还原淘宝登陆 JS - 避免出现淘宝二维码登录界面
Hovercard follows JS - Te dice si un usuario te sigue en la hovercard
Make zsunesco.cz great again JS - Adds links to navbar
PTH Searchbars open in new tab JS - Open the searches from the search bar on a new tab
EngageMe.TV Flash Memory Protector JS - Since Flash seems to eat up all the memory, this will proactively close the tab and open a new one - giving it a clean slate.
提交截拦 JS - 阻止某些输入框按回车时自动提交表单,改为点击默认按钮
TVBOXNOW download JS - enter something useful
Leij Extension Powerful and Useful! For Alis.io JS - MODS FOR ALIS & OTHER !
Macro by RistPlay 1 JS - Trick Split = T/Shift Double Split = G/Q
Macro by RistPlay 1 JS - Trick Split = T/Shift Double Split = G/Q
Macro by RistPlay 1 JS - Trick Split = T/Shift Double Split = G/Q
Macro by RistPlay 2 JS - try to take over the world!
Original Google For Personal Blocklist JS - 将使用Personal Blocklist (by Google)后的Google的搜索界面改成原来的样子
Bilibili HTML5播放器网页全屏模式优化 脚本版 JS - 移植自:http://userstyles.org/styles/131642
Jumpshoot JS - Skacz spacją i strzelaj przy okazji
Kopiowanie IP serwera JS - Możesz kopiować ip serwera
Strzelanie z 2 broni jednocześnie JS - Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy by strzelić drugą bronią
Zoom Hack JS - Użyj skrola by oddalić lub przybliżyć
Potwierdzenie wyjścia JS - Niepozwala na niepożądane opuszczenie strony
Moswar PVP JS - pvp
Disable Disqus URL Tracking JS - Remove the http[s]://disq.us/url?url= Disqus added in 2016-12
Superdoggota_public JS - superdoggy's gota extension
Vertix Show Selected Camo JS - Shows the selected camo, and a preview of the camo.
1point3acres JS - Give a minimal simple and fast UI.
epcdata to uniqom JS - Adds link to uniqom search for epcdata.ru catalogs
Blacklist for Cont.ws JS - Чистит ленту Cont.ws от упоротых авторов.
osu! Download Button JS - Download beatmaps from some mirror sites (Bloodcat, Mengsky and inso)
NightShine skin for My Little Chat JS - Изменяет вид ночного режима MyLittleChat.ru, автор не несет никакой ответственности за нанесенные повреждения вашей психике, компутеру, коту.. и другим предметам.
GA follow JS - Быстрое управление подпиской в ленту. Кнопка "Читать/Отписаться" в поле информации об авторах постов.
GA feed & notifies JS - Быстрый доступ к ленте и уведомлениям без перехода на отдельную страницу.
GA quick edit & auto-hide JS - Быстрая установка АУ/АС и быстрое редактирование сообщений на форуме ГА.
GA forums tree JS - Позволяет "сворачивать" и "разворачивать" основные разделы форума "Глобальная авантюра" по принципу дерева.
GA members link JS - Модифицирует все ссылки-ники пользователей, с тем чтобы они сразу вели на страницу "Сообщения" в профиле пользователя.
PTH Tag Colours JS - Colourises some genre tags
Macrosplit for HFW. JS - Fb: Fabreh Cárdenas
WME WV MapRaid Overlay JS - Adds a WV MapRaid area overlay.
Reddit Dark Theme JS - It's a dark theme... for reddit...
网贷秘书简化页面操作 1.0 JS - 网贷秘书简化页面
Hack Forums - Next/Previous page on left/right keypress JS - Goes to next or previous page when pressing arrows
HF Show post if you ignore person JS - Shows all posts by a user even though you have then on your ignore list
Steam Store - Free Packages Button JS - This userscript adds a button to the steam licenses page that adds free packages.
Animeforce premium JS - Permette di godere in maniera ottimale della piattaforma Animeforce, skippando alcune pagine intermedie e avendo il download diretto delle puntate
PTH Autofill from torrent JS - Attempt to read the .torrent file and fill in the artist and album
portalgraphics HTML5 Drawing Procedure JS - Replaces Flash-based portalgraphics drawing procedure display with a video tag
SteamGifts - Giveaway Error Link JS - https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/VuO2j/the-link-in-you-dont-have-permission-to-view-this-giveaway-should-point-to-the-game-page-on-steam
YouTube Resume JS - Resume YouTube videos where you left off.
PTH Colourise classes JS - Set the class titles unique colours
koplak robot klik & RainAlert JS - Tools: Autoclicker, markets exchange infos, command, rain alert and option in account tab for 999dice chatroom
Conta Carattri Areadmin JS - Aggiunge un contatore di caratteri sotto gli input e i textarea all'interno dell'areadmin
progress bar JS - to show the progress bar intuitively!
Virgo Gaming Bots JS - SUBSCRIBE Virgo Gaming!
Steam Community - Enhanced Steam Dropdown Mover JS - Moves the Enhanced Steam dropdown into the steam profile dropdown (and simultaneously makes it compatible with custom Steam skins).
Kharus Chat Unlimited Patch JS - for Kharus Chatting
Sakhmet Solitaire Autoplayer JS - Sakhmet Solitaire autoplayer - original by sLAUGHTER
めだかつーる for Slither.io JS - slither.ioの名前を保存してくれます!
trello Card to Excel JS - trello Card to Excel suppert custom fields
Toggle Simplenote Sidebar JS - Button in footer to hide Simplenote siadebar.
Google & baidu Switcher (修改版) JS - 基于Google_baidu_Switcher_(ALL_in_One)修改,分别在百度和google的搜索结果页面增加搜索跳转按钮。
Teknoseyir Resim Linklerini Gosterici JS - try to take over the world!
Steam Custom Layout, Sorting and Filtering JS - Allows to custom filter (min/max Price and min Discount) the search results on Steam
Facebook Fix Left Column JS - Freeze the left hand column of the newsfeed in position
Polovniautomobili besplatan premium JS - Na stranici sa opisom automobila, klikom na "HD" ispod svih slika otvara se novi prozor sa 1920x1080 slikom
Mutinga! (Silenciar Usuarios) JS - Ocultar post, shouts y comentarios de usuarios
PTH Copy last read link to icon JS - Copy the last read link to the read/unread/pinned/locked icon
Riemurasia AdBlock PopUp Remover JS - Remove AdBlock PopUp
E, R, T, and P keys JS - Adds E, R, T, and P keys to the vanilla client
Shiftdelete.Net Anti-Reklam JS - Shiftdelete.Net Sitesindeki Kendi Kendine Oynayan Videoları ve Reklamları Kaldırır.
Virtonomica: Делаем видимым поле ввода процента и количества в управлении сертификатами корпорации JS - Делаем видимым поле ввода процента и количества в управлении сертификатами корпорации
Blokowanie sponsorowanych na Facebooku JS - Blokowanie sponsorowanych postów na "Facebooku"
1688 图片获取脚本 JS - 获取1688产品缩略、分类及详情图片
Facebook Auto "Most Recent" Stories JS - Change Facebook feed to "Most Recent" Stories
Link Guru JS - Adds boxes full on links to a few sites.
htmlsp_to_html JS - Replace 'html?sp' to 'html'
AliExpress Tracking Chile JS - Inserta enlaces e imágenes para rastrear los pedidos directamente en AliExpress desde los detalles del pedido.
微软翻译组件 JS - 微软翻译组件 右下角点击翻译
Kharus Chat Ban Patch JS - for Kharus Chatting
淘宝 图片获取脚本 JS - 淘宝缩略图、首图视频、分类图、详情图下载 ##分类图会将已经无货下架的分类也显示出来 开发环境:Chrome:66.0.3359.170 x64 不保证兼容其他类型浏览器
天猫 图片获取脚本 JS - 下载天猫缩略图,分类图以及详情图
Open Select url JS - 鼠标划选url,对选择内容做简单修改,点击图标新窗口打开链接。
Mixcloud Download JS - Adds a download button to the Mixcloud player.
HKBUMoodle JS - 0v0
知乎获取大图链接 JS - 知乎批量获取原始图片的地址链接
BVS Scratchy Helper JS - Makes obtaining a Claymore ergonomic!
Agar.io custom skins JS - Custom Skins for Agar.io
LongMsgBuster JS - Collapse or shrink tall messages
Infinite Scroll VOZ JS - try to take over the world!
Gazelle Autofiller JS - Automatically fills a Gazelle form, to be used with torrent files that have a very specific filename structure
Rektifyy.tk || 1.0.0 JS - V.1 Interface
jwcnew-nefu-xspj-auto-fill JS - jwcnew.nefu.edu.cn教学评价自动填充
Google map keyboard accelerator JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to Google map.
Gota.io Script Popsplit JS - E - 16 Split -|- Q - Triple Split -|- D - Double Split |- R - Pop Split
Atla Gel Şaban JS - AÜ OBS Anket Atlatıcı — Ankara Üniversitesi Kampüs Bilgi Sistemi'nde yer alan ve öğrencilerin notlarını görmeden önce doldurmalı zorunlu tutulan anketleri otomatik olarak doldurma yöntemiyle atlayan, JavaScript dili ve jQuery kütüphanesi ile kodlanmış bir tarayıcı eklentisidir.
Steam Queue Clicker JS - Process your Steam Discovery Queue automatically
WordPress.com Stats Sparkline JS - Adds a stats sparkline to the WordPress.com admin bar
Ugly journalists JS - Caught You.
tower JS - 方便的把任务指给参与讨论的某个人
Kharus Raid Patch JS - for Kharus Raid
Chevr Clique JS - Clic automatique sur chevr.ovh