不要翻译github上的代码 JS - 避免google网页翻译github站点中的代码
IMDB to RARBG Torrent Search JS - When on IMDB, click the small buttons to search for the movie/series on TorrentGalaxy, 1337x or RARBG Dump.
BREED bootloader Russian translation JS - Перевод загрузчика BREED для Xiaomi Mi Router 3G
Nitro Type Infection Hack Bypass JS - Copy the code and paste it into tampermonkey for the hack bypass
MediaFire JS - Auto Download MediaFire
去除重定向 JS - 去除搜索引擎重定向
Spotify Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics from genius.com on the Spotify web player
Wanikani: Burn Bell JS - Plays a bell sound when you burn an item
Agar.io & Alis.io Macro feed + Popsplit + Doublesplits + x16 Split! & More... JS - W = Macro Feed | D = Double-Split | E = 16-Split | R = Popsplit | Z = Triple-trick macro
Wanikani Open Framework JLPT, Joyo, and Frequency filters JS - Adds filters for JLPT level, Joyo grade, total frequency, and adding various relative frequencies
Alfa JS - /// Press Left Mouse Button >>> 1x Split // Press Scroll To Give a Mass // Press Right Mouse Button >>> Full Split x8, 2x Click = x16 split ///
替换网页中的内容 JS - 替换网页中的文本内容
Show Absolute Datetime in Gitlab JS - Show absolute datetime in custom gitlab page.
YouTube Original Titles and Descriptions (Cancel Translation) JS - Reverts titles and descriptions on Youtube to original language
Discuz-tail&replyTools JS - Discuz Tail & reply tool
TwitterImg Downloader JS - Add download button to Twitter image, and click to download the original image named by format.
LinkedIn Learning 字幕中文翻译 JS - LinkedIn Learning 字幕中文翻译脚本
Majsoul Helper JS - dye recommended discarding tile with tenhou/2 + River tiles indication
EmuParadise 1up JS - Reactiva EmuParadise añadiendo un enlace alternativo funcional
MouseHunt - Marketplace UI Tweaks JS - Adds useful features and tweaks to the Marketplace rework
163 Music Downloader 网易云音乐下载助手 JS - 用于在网页端直接下载网易云音乐, 增加大封面下载,增加了歌词下载, 修复有时候不出现按钮的问题
hdrezka rating JS - add rating to films cover
HaxBall Test Mod JS - See if mods work for you
VacyourfriendsRemastered JS - Prank friends by adding a fake VAC status to their profile. Based on the site https://vacyourfriends.com/ which no longer seems to be operational.
京东自动抢购 超强直接下单 (原作者吾爱mr.z.j-自用备份) JS - 京东抢购超强直接下单
b0t4k404 JS - /// Press Left Mouse Button >>> 1x Split // Press Scroll To Give a Mass // Press Right Mouse Button >>> Full Split x8, 2x Click = x16 split ///
remove reddit ads JS - remove reddit post ads
NGA PLUS JS - NGA网页版增强插件
碧蓝幻想计算器gbf.xzz.jp汉化 JS - 简单汉化计算器gbf.xzz.jp
Bt磁力电驴迅雷双击复制 JS - 识别任意BT网站的磁力链接、电驴链接、迅雷下载链接,双击当前页面即可快速复制[hahacium(GitHub)]
WaniKani Prioritize Overdue Reviews JS - Prioritize review items that are more overdue based on their SRS level and when the review became available.
碧蓝幻想书签 JS - none
谷歌搜索 - 优化 JS - 1.屏蔽推广 2.普通样式 3.单列居中 4双列居中
Canvas Fingerprint Blocker JS - Block HTML canvas element from being used for fingerprinting purposes
简单斗鱼(贵族弹幕样式&&聊天区域铭牌) JS - 一个兴趣使然的脚本,本来只是屏蔽火箭横幅的脚本,到后来。。。 【✅功能按钮】 默认最高画质、弹幕悬停、竞猜显示、抽奖显示、背景显示、礼物栏简化、聊天框简化、禁言消息显示、聊天框用户铭牌显示、显示房间数据(👨👩👧👦人数、💸消费、⏱️时长)、默认网页全屏、夜间模式。 【✅默认设置】左侧展开默认收起、弹幕简化(贵族弹幕)、聊天框消息简化(大部分系统消息)【✅屏蔽】屏蔽内容过多,这里就不展开了....
youtube双语字幕 JS - youtube中英双语字幕
SkyMods downloader for steam JS - Download mod via skymods.ru directly from steam workshop
Speed up Google Captcha JS - Makes Google Captcha works faster by removing slow visual transitions and unnecessary delays.
广告杀手ADkiller JS - 删除百度搜索结果中的广告以及百家号的内容--删除其他网站的百度广告(百度网盟),这些广告常见于CSDN、网易、搜狐或其他一些垃圾新闻网站。
Zombs.io Name Hack JS - try to take over the world!
coolmathgames skip 15 seconds JS - Skips the 15 seconds wait in coolmathgames.com
My Anime List: Mass Delete Button JS - This script adds a mass-delete button to the sidebar of your anime list, if you want to empty every single anime from your list. Please back-up your lists before use. I don't know if the script works with different versions/themes of anime lists.
NeteaseMusic UI Unlocker JS - Simple UI Unblock for Netease cloud music Website
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 为网页版百度网盘视频,添加倍速按钮(1.5倍, 1.75倍, 2倍)
Pinterest with no registration modal popup JS - Allows to browse Pinterest without login/registration, removing the offending modal popup
解决B站复制文本 JS - 解决B站专栏文本复制问题
屏蔽Pixiv搜索结果的会员遮挡 JS - 屏蔽Pixiv搜索结果的会员遮挡,可以直接点击5项热门内容
Spotify Web - Copy playlist info JS - Copy playlist info for export
磁力链接百度网盘补完 JS - 磁力链接、百度网盘补完
YouTube Uploads Sorter Button JS - Adds a button to a YouTube channel's videos page which sorts recent uploads by views
新方圆VIP解析插件 JS - 新方圆插件,VIP接口解析
广东继续教育和公需课自动刷课::ggfw.gdhrss JS - 广东公需课和继教刷课,章节完成自动进入下章
Thanos script JS - random remove half elements when triple click page
斗鱼默认最高画质 JS - 切换斗鱼最高画质
BiliBili每日任务 JS - 自动完成bilibili的每日任务
虎牙免登陆(修复版) JS - 虎牙免登陆看高清
Ptt Add Push Floor JS - Add floor number to Ptt's pushes
返回顶部和底部 JS - 在网页生成返回顶部和底部按钮,点击按钮即可返回顶部或底部。
Youtube Genius Lyrics JS - Shows lyrics/songtexts from genius.com on Youtube next to music videos
百度百科 - 将图片改为无水印版本 JS - 将百度百科的图片改为无水印版本,在单独打开百度百科图片时重定向到原图,并提供各种格式的原图链接。
reCaptcha 验证码镜像加载 JS - 替换使用官方地址的 reCaptcha 为官方镜像地址,让墙内用户的 reCaptch 能正常显示。(可能对海外用户是减速2333
一木禾/DUFile/乱斗/巴士云净化 JS - 屏蔽广告/优化下载流程
edX More Video Speeds JS - Adds more speed options to the edX video player
繁简体转换 JS - 中文网页繁简体转换油猴脚本
Item Page Total Value JS - Shows the market value of each item stack on your items page.
Steam便捷加入购物车 JS - Steam便捷加入购物车,不自动跳转购物车页面。
百度文库文档免费下载 JS - 可下载百度文库需要下载券的文档,不能下载VIP文档及付费文档,支持复制文库内的内容并包含格式转换功能,安装会替换原有的置顶功能(注:下载调用第三方网站数据,该网站首次下载需加群);
Fuck FuckAdBlock JS - Acts like FuckAdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.
获取网站所有图片 JS - 获取网站的所有图片,支持查看和下载。
bilibili播放视频倍速自定义,可记忆 JS - bilibili播放视频倍速自定义,刷新浏览器也不会丢失之前设置的速度, 弹幕默认打开方式由你控制,视频列表播放单个视频结束时自动跳过充电页面从而快速进入下一个视频
Download videos from vidlii JS - Click the link over the title
站酷网下载按钮 JS - 提供站酷网原图下载功能
Slither-Feeder-Bot JS - Slither Feeder Bot
ConfusionGuesser JS - If you give a wrong answer during reviews, it tries to guess which other WaniKani item you confused it with.
bilibili超链接不新开标签页直接在当前页面打开 JS - bilibili超链接不新开标签页直接在当前页面打开,外加移除下载app的广告条
超星慕课 Tools JS - 超星慕课的辅助播放工具,目前仅有不锁定
HDRezka Player Ads Disabler JS - Disables ads in the video player on the HDRezka website
youtube - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址 JS - 自动获该页面下的所有视频链接地址
Skribbl.io dictionnaire mots français JS - Merci de ne pas abuser de ce script et de ne pas s'en servir comme un cheat mais plutot comme une aide (C'est un dictionnaire à la base).
Wanikani 2 Cool 4 Progress JS - Are you level 60? Psssh! You don't have time for any of those silly progress bars! Get rid of 'em with this neat script!
一键去除在线翻译网站的换行符 JS - 在各大在线翻译网站的页面上增加了一个“格式化”按钮,用来移除从PDF等复制过来的文本中包含的回车符、换行符、"\n"等,支持DeepL翻译、谷歌翻译、百度翻译、网易有道翻译
Free Agar.io Bots (Vanilla Version) JS - Free open source agar.io bots
视频助手 JS - 集合了优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果等全网VIP视频免费破解去广告用的功能。
Luogu-Benben-Deleter JS - 一键删除洛谷系统生成的所有犇犇
CNKI PDF Download JS - Add a PDF download button for CNKI papers if possible
Mananelo/Mangakakalot/Manganato/Manga4life Bookmarks Export JS - Writes Mangakakalot, Manganelo, Manganato, Manga4life Bookmarks (name and visited number) to "manga_bookmarks.txt" on "Export Bookmarks" button click
Nitrotype Prankmod JS - A script that you can prank your friends with. This is my Friends account. BuZzKiLl Is me SH/\DOW is him
xospital bot JS - bot for xospital.mobi
IGG-GAMES ad blocker bypass JS - Bypasses the blocker that blocks your ad blocker.
ouo.io block-bypass 4 ph JS - Redirect ouo.io to ph-safe ouo
网购查券助手,自动查询淘宝、天猫、京东等隐藏的大额优惠券和优惠活动,不花冤枉钱。脚本持续维护更新~ JS - 支持平台:京东、淘宝、天猫、天猫超市、天猫国际、京东国际、京东图书、京东大药房、阿里大药房、唯品会等;功能:1、搜索商品时会自动查询标注有优惠券和活动的商品,无需进入详情页,方便快捷;2、浏览商品详情页时脚本会自动查询商品是否有隐藏的优惠券;3、浏览记录标注(本地存储、可手动清空);4、网页显示优化;脚本长期维护更新,请放心使用~
Agma.io Tools - Fast Eject, Auto Re-spawn, Re-spawn on R, Quick buy JS - Fast eject, Auto Re-spawn, Re-spawn on R, Quick buy, Freeze on F, and more
Oib.io Rhodium's Moo Macro JS - Hello
YouTubeで自動翻訳字幕(日本語)を常にオン JS - B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化
iOSGods: Direct App Store .IPA Download JS - Download .IPA files directly from the iOSGods App Store (app.iosgods.com) without a "ViP" subscription.
「水水」qBittorrent 管理脚本 JS - 通过 WebUI 的 API 批量替换 Tracker
elegant alert() JS - Display a non-blocking alert box at the top right corner, and automatically close after a few seconds. Click on the alert box will close it immediately and copy the alert message to clipboard.
s0urce.io bot (keyboard hack with AI) JS - S0urce.io bot for hacking
TikTok Video Downloader JS - Adds a download button to tiktok.com/@profile/video pages. Click a video, the icon is added by the social media share buttons. Right click the icon, and save as. Left click takes you to the video in your browser.