Vimfari JS - try to take over the world!
Make JIRA Ticket Links Open Detailed View JS - Clicking a ticket id on a board opens the detailed ticket view in a new tab
JIRA - Show Total Number of Points for Each Column JS - Displays the total amount of points in each column of your board
Embed to HTML5 JS - Replaces media embed tags with HTML5 equivalents
ask.fm удаление чужих лайков JS - Удаляет посты "Вашему другу это понравилось"
Boursorama - compte/mouvements - ajoute bilan entrees/sorties JS - [FR] affiche le total des entrées sorties sur la page de mouvement des comptes
AdDefend Klatsche JS - Sucht global nach Skripten von AdDefend und macht diese unwirksam.
tumblr-megaeditor-tag-fix JS - unescapes non-ascii chars escaped on tumblr mega-editor's tag edit tab.
ARD Mediathek Download JS - Erweitert den Video-Player um einen Download-Button.
EliminaFacebookGiochi JS - Elimina Facebook Games Bar from top of Glory of Rome
StreamCloud Enhancer JS - Prepares video for playback and enables download.
Vimeo Download JS - Adds a download button to the video player.
BvS Truck Hotkeys JS - Truck hotkeys for BvS
Hummingbird Forum Fix JS - Fix Activity Feed on Forum Profile
GN_DressAllArts JS - Принять и надеть все подвешенные артефакты
LikeadorAutomatico (darAmor)(v6) JS - Likeador automatico solo para el Mi.
remove_ad & difficulty frame JS - This script remove annoying ad & difficulty frame
Facepunch quick post scroll JS - Makes clicking on a post link in a quote immediately scroll to the post if it's on the same page, rather than reloading the page, and updates the URL so the post can be easily linked to. Shows a different cursor to indicate when the page will be scrolled.
JKFORUM JS - enter something useful
mock ddos to attack the fake website JS - ddos钓鱼网站
Anti Baha Anti ad block JS - anit anit ad block
MyFitnessPal Weight Watchers Points JS - Adds display of Weightwatcher points to any daily food diary page. Also adds "Real Calories" calcalation based off 4/4/9 algorithm.
WME URComments Lithuanian List JS - This script is for Lithuanian comments, to be used with the main script URComments.
Lightsaber Escape QR Code Display JS - Adds a QR Code of the "lightsaber URL" to the front page of Lightsaber Escape
Renbow h4x JS - Provide an alert when a user appears to have gained a level
MTCrowd better forum view JS - Turns the forumn posts under Daily Work Threads into a more managable list and adds a view for only hits posted.
Wikipedia Sticky Table Headers JS - Add sticky table headers to Wikipedia
Load all Webtoons images JS - Dowloads all the images on load instead of on scroll
Remove My Ebay Top Ad div JS - Sets the div for the ad above your "My Ebay" page to display: none;
Add Story Points to Jira Dashboard JS - Add the story points to the "Two Dimensional Filter Statistics" dashboard gadget. You can not add custom external gadgets to Jira cloud. This works around the issue. See also
HN scores highlighter JS - Highlights scores with different colors
Twitter auto-refresh JS - Refreshes the timeline items automatically every 10 sec.
Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days Old JS - Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by https://greasyfork.org/en/users/5868-mrazavi
CodeMirror Set Theme JS - Change CodeMirror theme to default
WME Poland Groups Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Poland Groups" layer
ClonPost(v6) JS - Clonador de posts, clona cualquier post solo poniendo la Id. (el famoso repost)
RedhorseMu Filter JS - Edit UI ReshorseMu
GitHub: Issue sort:updated-desc Button JS - Add top level button to sort both issues/pull requests by the most recently updated.
Wanikani Random Font JS - Randomize between Japanese fonts on Wanikani.
coremedia middle click studio tabs JS - adds mouswheelclick close behavior to CM-Studio tabs
Agar-pro JS - Agare_clan
Gizmodo Brasil remove image JS - remove image to header post pages
xaos.mobi JS - xaos autoclick
TagPro Texture Pack Manager JS - Drag and drop textures (tiles, boosts, splats, etc) & background wallpapers
Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 BETA JS - Learn in the order you want to.
SlimFbGames JS - Remove Facebook Right Column and Right Dock in Games
reply helper :v]] JS - Adds a 'help bar' to your quick reply box on [s4s]
MassDrop Automatic Guest Mode JS - When opening a Massdrop URL, check to see if "?mode=guest_open" is appended to the URL, and if not, append it. This will allow unregistered users to browse Massdrop.
FindSrcPic_lib(uumt测试版) JS - 批量找图代码库,以优优美图网站做执行测试
巴哈廣告掰掰 JS - 該死的巴哈廣告去吃屎吧
BvS Retail Hotkeys JS - Village hotkeys for BvS
Onur JS - Changes your skin in agarplus using imgur album.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Popup for "Edit Details" JS - This script will show a popup when you click "Edit details" on any anime/manga page.
百度百科 无水印图片查看 JS - 查看百科最新版本、历史版本无水印图片,历史图册页面进入的图片暂时不支持。
twitch spam filter JS - this script reduces twitch's chat spam
Andikamizer JS - Replace all known usernames Andika uses on wisconsin.247sports.com with REALLY_ANDIKA_IGNORE!
Virtonomica: заказ всех товаров группы в магазин из выбранного склада JS - Заказ всех товаров группы в магазин/ресторан/мед.центр/автомастерскую из выбранного склада. После посещения закладки "сбыт" на всех своих складах, в магазине на странице "снабжение" будет доступен массовый заказ товаров со своих складов.
Headfi-addon JS - .
TSWRP Calendar Events Filtering JS - Adds filters for TSW-RP Calendar
Fascist Glory Device Explosions on Map for Planets.nu JS - Shows Fascist Glory Device Explosions on Map
Imgur - Load albums in fullscreen slideshow JS - Loads Imgur albums as a fullscreen slideshow automatically.
Spam Thread check JS - Spam link check
Remove Facebook Distractions JS - Remove Facebook news eed, trending topics, and activity ticker
TinyMce for Evernote JS - Adds TinyMce in Evernote with custom options including source code. A new button is added to Evernote top toolbar section.
Syntax-Highlight-Style JS - Adds extra code highlighting frormating options ot syntaxhighlight.in
MXW Alerter JS - Most Exclusive Website (.com) turn notifier
Floating Menu Bar (GitHub) JS - Makes the menu bar in GitHub stay at the top of the page when scrolling
YouTube Annotation Markers JS - Marks where annotations are on the progress bar of the HTML5 YouTube player.
Videos on CS:GO Stash JS - Adds videos from CS:GO Skin Showcase (youtube.com/ffffinal) to CS:GO Stash (csgostash.com)
[Better] [s4s] JS - Enhances your [s4s] posting experience with the new formatting options
Get Watcher JS - Estimates time until the next get on 4chan
4cheddit skin JS - Changes 4chan pages to look like Reddit
Replace and highlight JS - Your own censor list for 4chan
Upboats JS - Adds upvote and downvote buttons to 4chan threads
New [s4s] fortunes JS - Brings new fortunes to 4chan [s4s] in the style of "Toppest fof", "Middle tet", "Regular vav"
Copy Important links Directly JS - Copy important link in text area
自用精简B站 JS - 去除各种推广分享内容以及不想看的分区,删除广告请用ABP
direct url for pixiv JS - direct url for pixiv.
Virtonomica: фильтр по количеству фактически нанятого персонала. JS - Фильтр по количеству фактически нанятого персонала на странице Управление -> Персонал.
GPA's Betting Bot JS - An userscript that automates csgodouble.com betting using 6 chooseble systems.
Ghost trapper Auto Companion Lover JS - Help you send gift to companion you loved.Make sure to install ghost trapper companion companion, disabled it or companion script to stop sending. Gift send automatically to and companion that can receives gift!!
Toggle Zoom JS - Extend image zoom modes with scale-to-width and scale-to-height of window
批量找图脚本正式版 JS - 批量找图脚本正式版,已经为批量下载做好了准备
Youtube Enhanced Score JS - YouTube likes/dislikes ratio may hold very little value on highly rated channel since ie. 94% and 96% can be a difference between bad and good video for that channel. This extension computes a logit out of likes ratio thus unbounding and centering it, so it can be more easily human interpretable.
RED Artist Aliases Filter JS - Add a box on artist page to filter based on aliases
Amazon - Hide delivered items from open orders JS - Hides all delivered items from your open orders.
Virtonomica: быстрая установка цены JS - быстрая установка цены. origin: http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/82582
Virtonomica: персонал новый дизайн JS - Отображение максимальной технологии, максимального числа/квалификации сотрудников, которые держит топ.
CustomChat V2 JS - enter something useful
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Hover List, Notifications and Profile dropdown JS - Why click on the icons when you can hover?
TemaCLon(v6) JS - Clonador de temas.
FS.to del Ads JS - Ads remove
每日签到 deepss.org JS - daily checkIn on deepss.org
Aliexpress remove localized links JS - Remove localized links to Aliexpress and replaces them to English site
Загрузка описания раздачи для Rutracker JS - загрузка описания раздачи в списке.
Unfuck google search button order JS - Reorder Google search tabs to 'Images, Videos, News, Maps'.
Tiberium Alliances Alliance Officials Message Mod JS - Replaces the My Commanders option in the new message window with an Alliance Officials option.
Split and Macro JS - Shift is split, Q is macro
Reddit Live Highlight New JS - Highlights new posts on a Reddit Live thread