115网盘显示文件SHA1 JS - 显示网盘文件SHA1哈希值、批量复制文件SHA1值
Steam买买买 JS - 在软锁区游戏商店页面自动显示widget、社区与愿望单链接
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 自由调整百度网盘在线播放视频倍速
网页恢复原色 JS - 针对某些情况下网页变成黑白,眼睛实在是难受,没有对所纪念之人的不敬。
Endless Google And Baidu JS - 谷歌和百度搜索时候免翻页自动加载搜索结果 + 搜索页面去广告.
Video Shortcuts JS - Speed up, slow down, advance, rewind, loop any HTML5 video on any site with quick shortcuts!
Trump the Liar JS - Replaces all occurrences of the word 'Trump' inside an HTML textarea element with 'Trump the Liar'.
Console for mobile browsers - eruda JS - try to take over the world!
知乎浏览助手 JS - 知乎浏览助手. 如果想报 bug, 可以通过知乎私信联系我, zhihu.com/people/kougazhang
Tiktok Video Controls JS - Web player controls and volume reduction to 15%
仓库用度盘投稿助手 (兼容版) JS - 简易功能增强, 方便仓库投稿用
Enhance Advance Wars By Web gameplay JS - Add "your turn" notifications, style improvements and more to Advance Wars By Web
MoveBuy JS - Moves the "Yes" button on Torn item listings for speedy purchases
csdn 极简版 JS - csdn 页面极端简化版, 只显示正文.
IkaTweaks JS - Improvements for Ikariam
Steam 免费游戏永久入库脚本 JS - steamdb.info屏蔽周末临时免费 Steam 免费游戏永久入库脚本
【百度搜索增强N合1】集合谷歌Bing知乎B站微博微信豆瓣高清影视剧资源无损音乐磁力BT等等常用功能,屏蔽百度系广告、谷歌广告、360广告等等 JS - 新增百度网盘提取码查询,优化搜索按钮菜单,屏蔽了网站大部分广告,清爽界面,搜索直达结果页面,打开百度首页搜索即可享受各种电影电视剧、网易云音乐QQ音乐等无损音乐,长期更新,放心使用
Image Host Helper JS - Directly upload local / rehost remote images or galleries to whatever supported image host by dropping/pasting them to target field
搞定设计 || 创客贴 (屏蔽水印和会员小提示,下载PDF格式!!) JS - 出现不能用为正常现象,佛系更新。搞定设计、创客贴 ,屏蔽水印,会员小提示,下载PDF格式!!(创客贴还不能保存PDF)
ThePirateBay Javascript Bypass JS - Replicates the minimum needed Javascript to make ThePirateBay work without running the on-site JS. Avoid the ads and popups. Made in response to the site no longer working with JS disabled.
Codeforces Performance JS - You can check your performance for each contest!
bilibili伪装等级和大会员 JS - bilibili伪装等级和大会员(装逼专用)
bilibili同传man弹幕字幕显示 JS - 匹配直播中同传man的弹幕以字幕形式显示
YouTube Sticky Live Chat JS - Pin the latest message written by live owner or moderator to the top
Discord Obliterate 'Nitro' Button JS - Nukes the 'Nitro' button that has suddenly appeared around 30th Jan 2020. This is a new script because it has distinct behavior.
Fandom - Remove Garbage CSS - Makes fandom wiki pages great again (removes top video, sidebar, bottom bar, bottom feeds, fandom navigation, and extends main content to fill container).
starve.io JS - Q-avto click and avtocraft
BiliBili快捷键【视频倍速播放:加速(+号)和降速(-号)】/一键开关弹幕(小键盘数字0)/一键全屏(Alt) JS - 这个脚本是修改的R君的
云学堂全自动刷视频 yunxuetang.cn JS - 云学堂视频播放 文档浏览 自动筛选学习未学习的视频 自动提交考试
泛雅网络教学刷课倍速播放自动播放下一节 JS - 泛雅网络教学刷课倍速播放自动播放下一节,点开某一节课后点击上方16倍速播放视频按钮进入连续16倍速播放视频。
超星便捷 JS - 视频解除鼠标限制,允许快进、拖动,PDF快速翻页、跳转,作业允许粘贴(请勿大量刷课,封号斗罗警告)
Cookie Editor JS - サイト内のCookieを編集できるようになるスクリプトです。
AO3: Page Count JS - Displays AO3 works' word counts as the equivalent page count in traditionally published works.
github下载加速 JS - 将github克隆按钮的地址替换为国内cnpm的镜像文件地址,方便下载,避免0kb的速度!
Freebitcoin [2023] - Auto Roll - New Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console JS - AUTOROLL SCRIPT [DEC 2023] --Auto Roll --Status Console --4+ Betting Strategies --Special graphs --Extinction bet --Balance protection --Odds -- Increase Rate --AutoRoll Low Balance paying RP --Human Simulation --NO captcha solving --Lottery tickets --1000% & WOF Bonus --Close ADS --Slower night mode --Advanced human random times .
Disney+ Subtitles Downloader JS - Download subtitles from Disney+
高级求职助手/招聘网站助手(boss直聘修复版) JS - 1.快捷添加企业黑名单;2.支持正则表达式黑名单;3.支持前程无忧、智联招聘、BOSS直聘、拉钩网、猎聘网、百度百聘、58同城;4.各大网站黑名单数据连通。
电大中专-自动下一课 JS - 中央广播电视中等专业学校-电大中专
Reddit Fix JS - Hide subreddits, remove promoted links, see full image actually shows the full image, html5 video player, remove background effects, copy video adress
屏蔽广告 网站(百度、csdn、凤凰网、百度文库、凤凰网等) JS - 广告去除脚本
高校考试网(gaoxiaokaoshi.com)建立本地题库自动测试 JS - 我的九尾狐奶奶呀,毛概每次测试都不及格,算了还是用笨办法吧。获取答案通过历史测试的试题解析,或者多做我的考试里面的无限次数测试来增加答案。支持我的考试,我的课程,成绩分析,题库练习,试卷分析。暂不更新了,等要用的时候再说吧。用谷歌浏览器!用谷歌浏览器!用谷歌浏览器!其他浏览器会有bug,不保证能正确运行。
知乎免登陆自动跳转发现页 JS - 去除跳转登录页,以及自动关闭登录提示
Virtonomica: всегда старый интерфейс JS - Всегда перенаправляет на старый интерфейс
Custom Native HTML5 Player with Shortcuts JS - Custom html5 player with shortcuts and v.redd.it videos with audio
Dark theme for surviv.io JS - try to take over the world!
All the anime top buttons JS - All the anime top buttons (has MAL-Sync support)
chaoxing-download JS - 超星慕课资源下载提取
Ready for Take off JS - Make foreign stock available on travel page
[BETA]Cookie Editor EX JS - サイト内のCookieを編集できるようになるスクリプトです。
Youtube Search Filter JS - Remove garbage videos from Youtube search result page.
保存图片 JS - alt+点击保存图片,列出页面所有图片,列出页面所有背景图
Auto ad skipper JS - Automatically skip ad on screen
Save Pinterest images to Eagle JS - Launch a script on Pinterest that automatically scrolls the page and converts all images on the page into large images (with links, names) to be added to the Eagle App.
Youtube polymer engine fixes JS - Some fixes for Youtube polymer engine
Scroll with Mouse Plus JS - Scroll a page by simply moving the cursor up and down, without even a click!
H2P: 虎牙自动禁言 JS - 虎牙自动禁言
ServiceNow - ITSM - Add Markdown Preview JS - Add a Preview as Markdown below textarea fields in a ServiceNow form.
bili指挥部(精准降落) JS - 查找弹幕中关键词,实现自动跳过片头
网易云音乐显示完整歌单 JS - 解除歌单歌曲展示数量限制 & 播放列表 1000 首上限
The Gaming Guru Community Script JS - A Community Script for Krunker
Color Picker JS - Color picker for Sketchful
将网页转化为阅读模式 JS - 调用简悦(simp.red)接口将网页转化为清爽的阅读模式,去除广告等无关元素。
Toc Bar, auto-generating table of content JS - A floating table of content widget
屏蔽知乎营销号 JS - 功能介绍:屏蔽知乎营销号
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby launch extetnal player
DH3 Tools One Click JS - Open Anwinity's DH3 Tools and load data automatically. This works by passing a url parameter with all of your stats and tool information.
Speedy | Krunker Theme JS - Krunker Theme
Amazon.com LibGen integration JS - Library Genesis ISBN search links for Amazon.com book pages
bilibili 去除禁止复制 JS - try to take over the world!
淘宝/天猫/京东 - 下载视频 JS - 在淘宝、天猫、天猫超市、天猫国际、京东的主图视频下载添加了一个“下载视频”的按钮。
自动补全磁力链接前缀与百度盘前缀 JS - 在你复制神秘代码时自动补全
轻小说文库下载 JS - 生成分卷和全本ePub文档、ePub文档插图拖放、部分小说的在线阅读
Kogama Console JS - kogama console
[PATCHED] Symbolab Pro JS - Symbolab Pro for free - unlock full steps and verify solutions
Agma.io Bots 2019 JS - try to take over the world!
取消分P数量限制 JS - 取消了b站部分用户上传和编辑视频时的分P数量限制
雀魂Mod_Plus JS - 雀魂解锁全角色、皮肤、装扮等,支持全部服务器。
Surviv.io trees and bushes remover JS - Cuts trees and makes the bushes really small, exposing any players who hide under them or is near them.
京淘购物助手【京东版】 JS - 京淘购物助手【京东版】是京淘助手简版,支持查询京东佣金比例、隐藏联盟券、真实库存、企业帐号价格、微信端和手Q端价格查询等;更多功能持续开发中,要使用完整版,请到官网下载!官方交流和反馈QQ群:633824817 问题反馈:https://www.jingtaozhushou.com/feedback?from=monkey
轻小说文库下载器(Wenku8 Download) JS - 轻小说文库下载器, 进入小说目录页面即可看的下载按钮
Youtube (AdBlocker) JS - Helps you browse youtube like a king with nothing stopping you! (This adblocker disables the like and dislike function completely!)
Krunker earthquake JS - creates an earthquake
Reddit Downloader JS - Download your saved posts or directly posts from your feed with support for Direct links (png, jpg, gif, mp4...), (Gypcat kinda), Redgify, Imgur (Only when supplied with an API key)
Google Search Result Domain Blocker JS - This script blocks domains from your google search results.
Moomoo.io Death text JS - Death text input in moomoo.io
咕咕镇剩余价值收割机 JS - 斗争者的小助手
Made for Dragon Typer - Garage full of Wampus cars! (Nitro type) JS - Made it for Dragon Typer. I'm sure he'll let you use it too. Use this to get garage full of Wampus cars on nitro type.
Instagram Downloader JS - Quick 'n dirty little userscript for accessing pictures and videos off of Instagram. Everything is accessed via right-clicking image or video. Note: for videos requires viewing the actual post (not just in the feed).
电子科技大学挂机宝 JS - 电子科技大学(网络教育)全自动在线挂机学习&自动考试。(雨课堂刷课理论上也支持其他学校使用)
Transfer extras JS - TI/XP Transfer List
新版 CNKI-PDF 下载 JS - 帮助下载pdf
Nitro Type winner. JS - Nitro
Netflix subtitle cleanup JS - Remove all "[inhales]", "[loud noise]" from the subtitles
Stake 10 min (Autoclaim) JS - Claims bonus on stake every 10 minutes
网页宽屏 JS - 适配了半次元、微信公众号、知乎、掘金、简书、贴吧、百度搜索、搜狗搜索、segmentfault、哔哩哔哩、微博、豆瓣、今日头条、Google、CSDN、crates.io、米游社原神
Pobieracz YT 1.0 - Pobieracz.net (MP3, FHD, MP4, HD, SD, M4A, AAC, MKV, F4V, 3GP) JS - Pobieranie muzyki i filmów z YouTube //// Darmowe pobieranie: MP3, MP4 //// Pobieranie premium: MP3, FHD, MP4, HD, SD, M4A, AAC, MKV, F4V, 3GP ////
Wrong Chat JS - Just chat to chat with nearby players
淘口令解析 JS - 将淘宝生成的淘口令转换为链接
Disable predict movement JS - Disables Diep.io's laggy predict movement feature.