Mangadex Static Navbar & Reader Scrolling Between Chapters JS - Makes the nav-bar static instead of fixed. Fixes the scroll to top function so it scrolls to the top of the manga page when going between pages and (unique to this script) chapters.
MangaDex upload JS - Highly customizable upload script for MangaDex
Mangadex Thumbnail Preview JS - Thumbnail preview addon for Mangadex
MangaDexCentered JS - Centers images and hides scrollbar and right panel
Mangadex Autocomplete JS - Autocompletes @mentions and :titles. Maintains a small history of user posts and manga you recently viewed and searches that for matches. Example image shown in additional info
Mangadex navbar fix JS - Makes the nav-bar static instead of fixed at the top of the page.
Mangadex thumbnails on follows page JS - Adding a permanent manga thumbnail on Mangadexs follows page.
ALink JS - Adds AniList links to mangadex manga pages
Mangadex-RPC JS - Share your Mangadex reads with Discord RPC.
Mangadex Preview Post JS - WhatYouSeeIsWhatYouGet preview generator for MangaDex comments/posts/profile. Shows a formatted preview next to the edit box.
Autohide Mangadex Header JS - Automatically hides the header when using MangaDex's legacy reader.
MangaDex mark as read JS - Slide the button down to mark everything below as read
MangaDexFit JS - Fit images to max width
Mangadex resize long comments & pictures JS - Mangadex resize long comments & pictures, hover for full size pictures
[DEPRECATED] MangaDex Filter JS - A userscript to sort mangadex manga by language scanlation
toggle JS - Toggles chapter's read state
MangaDex Inline Comments JS - Display chapter comments inside MangaDex's sidebar
MangaDex HideFollows JS - On the followed manga page, hides chapters that are marked as read
Mangadex Toggle Tags JS - Hide or shows tags for spoiler purposes
Reload mangadex home each 10 min JS - try to make your life easier!
mangadex delayed chapter auto redirect to group site JS - try to make your life easier!
MangaHideFollowedManga JS - Hides already rated manga from manga lists & searches
Move Mangadex "Reading Hitory" tab to top JS - Mangadex move Reading History Tab to top
Mangadex Auto select "Follows" tab JS - Mangadex home auto click follows tab
MangaDex Shit Filter JS - Cleans garbage and embeds tags on latest updates page and other title list pages on Mangadex.org/.cc
MD Mark All Chapters Read JS - OBSOLETE!! Mark all visible chapters read. If there are too many chapters for one page you will need to do each page separately.
Mangadex navbar toggle button JS - Makes the nav-bar toggleable so that you can enjoy your reading in full screen but still navigate! Button at top right of screen.
All the anime top buttons JS - All the anime top buttons (has MAL-Sync support)
MangaDex Update Hider JS - Allows the user to hide specific titles from the mangadex update page permanently by clicking the icon to the right of the title.
Better Follows Tab - mangadex JS - Groups Manga, Adds Cover image, Adds button to hide read chapters
Mangadex Plus JS - Adds extra features to Mangadex. These include: Custom Folders for Manga, Start & Continue Reading Button, Mark all Chapters as read/unread Button, Automatic Chapter Preloading & more to come!
Mangadex List Exporter JS - A userscript for exporting a MangaDex list to a .xml file for import to anime list sites.
Mangadex Read Complete description on search page JS - A simple script to show all the describtion in mangadex.org search page!
Hide comments on MangaDex JS - Removes all comment buttons from Mangadex
MangaDex Downloader - Gallery-dl JS - Batch download mangadex manga with Gallery-dl
Hide Banners of manga sites JS - this script removes/hides the banners from some sites if any banner is missing then add comment of the selector value and name of website it will be added here
Mangadex - Colorize Follow Status JS - Highlight the titles on the home and updates pages with different colors to show which ones you're following, dropped, etc.
Mangadex API v5 reader JS - 5/8/2021, 10:46:50 AM
Mangadex - Full size JS - Put the main container of the new mangadex website in full size
Mangadex - Infinite scroll JS - Automatically load more items when you scroll to the end on mangadex
MangaDex Condensed JS - Enhance MangaDex with lots of display options to make it easier to find unread chapters.
New MangaDex Follows JS - Manage your follows
Mangadex Group Blocker JS - To block groups on Mangadex's latest releases page
MangaDex Feed Filter JS - Filter groups from latest updates feed
MangaDex show only unread JS - 02/12/2023, 01:30 AM
MangaDex Downloader JS - A userscript to add download-buttons to mangadex
Mangadex Updates Compact JS - Reduce bloated image sizes on Mangadex's Updates page.
MangaDex open links JS - Open MangaUpdates and MAL links to new tabs on MangaDex with one button.
MangaDex SaneFollows JS - On the followed manga page, hides chapters that are marked as read
Mangadex Darken Read Chapters (1 Row Items) JS - To darken read chapters on Mangadex's latest releases page and follows page (1 Row Items)
A Simple Web Navigation Enhancer JS - You can quickly access the previous and next episodes, perform smooth scrolling up or down, and even enable or disable full-screen mode. This script is designed to enhance the reading experience of web content in a more convenient and customizable.
Licensed (in English) JS - Show if manga is licensed in English.
MangaDex Limit-Width Dual Spread Fix JS - Improve Mangadex's fit-width logic to account for large images that are intended to be "dual-spread", ignoring the width limit on relevant pages.
Mangadex - Colorize Reading Status JS - Change the color of the reading status button depending on the status in title page.
MangaDex Customizer JS - Customize MangaDex title pages by adding custom alt titles, changing the main title and cover, and adding custom tags\links. All data is stored inside userscript storage.
Roler's Bookmarklets JS - Various simple bookmarklets