Blooket Cheats Plus JS - Blooket Cheats Plus made by DannyDan0167 and Shared by Jacksonthegoat13
强制解除网页复制限制 JS - 去除网页的复制限制,解除右键和选择文本的限制。
【网盘助手】百度网盘下载解析 JS - 百度网盘解析脚本,无视黑号,免SVIP。
在中国大陆的Deepseek登录页面中添加Google登录方式 JS - 因为Deepseek会检测IP并且检测方式比较严格,导致我开规则代理无法突破此检测,遂写下该脚本,在大陆的Deepseek登录页面中添加Google登录方式
123云盘秒传链接 JS - 123FastLink是一款适用于123网盘(123Pan) 的秒传链接生成与转存的用户脚本。
rͭaͪdͤiant ͫᵒᵈ JS - Perfect Anti-Insta, Auto-Heal Instantly on Damage, Hat Macros (F: Tank, G: Soldier), Quad Spike (T), Quad Trap (Y), Enemy Trap Indicator, Red/Green Push Alignment Line, Auto-Trap Defense (Blocks Spikes), Custom Background & Ad Removal
CheatGuessr | WorldGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable WorldGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
CheatGuessr | GeoGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable GeoGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
Happymod by Ultra hack JS - Happy mod by Ultra hack
解除复制限制 JS - 解除网页复制限制并提供可视化控制
Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
DeepSeek Redesign JS - Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
oblivion mod v1.3 JS - Fixed
Smash Karts Wapenmenu JS - Kies je eigen wapens in Smash Karts met een menu (druk op 'G')
DeepSeek Auto-Retry JS - Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show "The server is busy. Please try again later." or "Thought for 0 seconds". Uses a cooldown so that repeated clicks occur if the error persists.
DeepSeek繁忙自动点击重试 JS - DeepSeek提示繁忙,自动点击重试,并显示操作状态通知
视频 VIP 解析工具 JS - 可以解析爱奇艺、优酷和腾讯视频的vip视频
AniList Tier Labels JS - Adds a tier badge next to ratings on AniList.
WME Speed Display JS - Displays road speed directly in the center of the segment (taking curves into account) in Waze Map Editor
Zed City Tools JS - Tools for Zed City
Sploop.io Blatant Placement, auto-heal JS - just a basic macro
Threads Video Downloader JS - Download photos and videos from Threads quickly and easily!
OC Role Display JS - Shows role positions
Vape V4 JS - A browser script made to give enhancements on Miniblox
网页输入关键词提取链接列表 JS - 提取网页中包含指定关键词的所有链接,并提供复制功能
facebook-hide-login JS - Hides the more annoying of the three facebook login prompts. One prompt remains.
搜索引擎切换|搜索跳转(支持PC端+移动端) JS - 快速切换搜索引擎,自动提取搜索关键词,一键跳转,自动隐藏、自动显示。目前支持谷歌、百度、Yandex、B站、知乎等十几种搜索。区分了PC端和移动端的显示样式
Enhanced YouTube Userscript with Themes, Decorations, Button Animations, and Timer JS - Adds multiple features including ad skipping, mute toggle, captions toggle, playback speed control, and more with a moveable and fixed GUI for YouTube. Includes notifications for feature toggles, theme decorations, button animations, and a video timer. Press Shift + S to hide/show the menu.
WME Dark Mode JS - Enable dark mode in WME.
百度贴吧图片点击放大 JS - 直接在当前页面点击查看原图(包括签名档)。支持图片的多开、拖拽、垂直或水平滚动和缩放旋转
老司机自动开车神器 JS - 老司机自动开车神器, 自动抓取识别磁链特征码,支持下载到115网盘
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
Disable YouTube 60 FPS (Force 30 FPS) JS - Tells YouTube that your browser only supports videos at 30FPS or less, which switches all 60FPS videos to 30FPS and allows old computers to watch high-resolution videos without stutter!
AC-CSDN自动展开-CSDN自动评论-去广告 JS - 自动展开CSDN博客的内容,无需点击展开 && 自动评论,返还下载积分
WME Color Speeds JS - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
My Novel Reader JS - 小说阅读脚本,统一阅读样式,内容去广告、修正拼音字、段落整理,自动下一页
Show and reload broken images JS - The name explained it
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Revert to Google's Old 2012-2015 Favicon JS - Replaces New 2015 Google Search Favicon in Browser Tabs, Address Bar, Bookmarks
Wayback Machine Image Fixer JS - Attempts to fix broken images by replacing them with working timestamps based on JSON results
PTT Imgur Fix JS - 修正 Imgur 在 PTT 上的問題
Slither.io Hilesi (By Ibrahim HAKKI) JS - Zoom-Server Secimi-Skin Degistirici-Arkaplan Ve Daha Fazlasi!
AgarInfinity JS - This extension modifies Agar.io, adding many cool features designed to help improve your gameplay.
Tieba Bypass Login JS - 解除百度贴吧强制登录
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
Pixiv Download Assistant JS - Provides some functions to download from pixiv
VideoLayerRemover JS - kill layer video ads, maybe you have to unpause manually 2 or 3 times, use carfully!
Agar.io custom skins JS - Custom Skins for Agar.io
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
AC-baidu: 优化百度、搜狗、谷歌搜索结果之重定向 lite JS - 1.繞過百度、搜狗搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂
SaveTube JS - Download videos from video sharing web sites.
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
Youtube Age Confirmation Bypass JS - Prevents you from having to sign in to view age restricted videos on YouTube
Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
TWLeoTools JS - Useful tools for The West!
VKDownloadMedia JS - Скачать фото/аудио/видео-файлы с соц. сети ВКонтакте.
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
Cookie Clicker Cheats JS - Enable/Disable different cheats/hacks for Cookie Clicker
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Quick sell Steam JS - Fast sell Steam items with the current market price
PageExpand JS - All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Generate a link from text. Extend BBS. etc...
YouTube Download JS - On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
Download Youtube videos and subtitles JS - 获取youtube视频和字幕的下载链接
The West - Fancy Market JS - Market Utilities [Best bids and total value sold]
Geocaching.com + Project-GC JS - Adds links and data to Geocaching.com to make it collaborate with PGC
AgarBot JS - Plays Agar
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
Fanfiction Qomplete JS - Proper multi-chapter reading mode with less clutter for sites like fanfiction.net
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
Slither.io mod JS - Mods a few things
TW Big Inventory JS - This script, just make inventory biggest!
Weibo Huati Check-in JS - 超级话题集中签到
Disable YouTube Video Ads JS - Disable YouTube video & screen based ads at home page, and right before or in the middle of the main video playback. Also disable YouTube's anti-adblocker popup dialog. For new YouTube layout (Polymer) only.
BaiduPanDownloadHelper modify by ted423 reup by Tungtata JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
豆瓣电影助手|douban movie helper JS - 【重新定义豆瓣脚本,东半球最好的豆瓣电影增强脚本】10秒搞定豆瓣电影资源下载|新增豆列搜索功能|电影黑名单:屏蔽你不想看的烂片|PT资源搜索链接|更多评分|字幕搜索|支持影人作品集批量搜索|增加查看原图链接|增加IMDB top 250标签|一键生成简介|在changhw版本基础上修改,增加pt站搜索,去除垃圾视频站。|感谢R酱、白鸽男孩| 自用脚本,代码粗糙,欢迎捉虫。
Tinder for Desktop. Automates profile browsing! JS - When using Tinder on desktop there is need to manually open each new candidates profiles and browse their photos. This script automates it! Just enjoy swaping with just left and right arrows :)
斗鱼 HTML5 播放器 JS - 使用斗鱼 HTML5 播放器!
動畫瘋工具箱 JS - 取得動畫的 m3u8 網址,下載彈幕為 json,去除擋廣告的警告訊息
Waze Edit Count Monitor JS - Displays your daily edit count in the WME toolbar. Warns if you might be throttled.
reCAPTCHA ShortLink Clicker JS - This script is not resolver, only can click. Currently wi.cr, adsrt.com
VIP视频CCAV5解析 JS - 一键免费观看[优酷|腾讯|乐视|爱奇艺|芒果|M1905|AB站]等站VIP影视,提供30多组无广告接口,欢迎体验。
获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放 JS - 获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放,在VLC内选择Open Network,粘贴地址打开即可
ppixiv for Pixiv JS - Better Pixiv viewing | Fullscreen images | Faster searching | Bigger thumbnails | Download ugoira MKV | Ugoira seek bar | Download manga ZIP | One-click like, bookmark, follow | One-click zoom and pan
Vocabulary JS - Tweaks in Vocabulary
百度去广告,blur(毛玻璃)搜索框,美化 JS - 百度搜索框背景模糊,去广告,美化
Baidu Tieba: No Login JS - View Baidu Tieba without login.
TradingView - Remove ads JS - Does what it says.
YouTube Age Bypass JS - shitty but works in 2018 (requires to manually reload page)
diep.io Quick upgrade v2 JS - Bounds keys to builds and themes
Zombs.io ( Auto Heal + Speed Run + Party Spam + More ) JS - Zombs.io auto heal + speed run + party spam + More
闲鱼/咸鱼-助手 JS - 适应新版闲鱼首页,添加搜索框,改变移动端二维码出现位置,删除下载推广连接,删除修正咸鱼宝贝图片的大小
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Brutal.io Sick pointer JS - Make the pointer Cool and improve Aim.