Robux Codes Miner JS - Mine Robux Codes
Florr Ultras Userscript JS - Grants all ultras in Florr
Wider AI Chat↔️ JS - Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini
FAKO WHOWHERE Gartic.io Gartic JS - Arkadaşlarınızın hangi Gartic.io odalarında olduğunu anında görün, doğrudan katılın veya izleyin! Kullanıcı arama, favori oyuncu listesi, filtreleme ve daha fazlasıyla oyun deneyiminizi zenginleştirin. Eklentiyi çalıştırmak için https://gartic.io/?fako adresini ziyaret edin.
抖音净化 JS - 净化抖音网页版界面,只留下播放窗口、评论按钮和作者头像,其他元素统统移除,我只想安安静静的用网页刷短视频
StarTube Beta JS - More layouts and customization options for V3
test_ece_crawl JS - download sketchfab models
Bilibili Video CDN Switcher JS - 修改哔哩哔哩播放时的所用CDN 加快视频加载 番剧加速 视频加速
Blooket Hacks GUI JS - script ported over from https://github.com/therealgliz/blooket-hacks
Twitter(X)ᴾˡᵘˢ+++ ; Youtubeᴾˡᵘˢ+++,etc. JS - This script will provide enhancements to some websites. 🔥Twitter(X): Add time formatting display, HD picture display, picture and video downloading, etc. 🔥Youtube: Add video downloading, ad removal, etc. 🔥Tiktok: Provide HD watermark-free video downloading, etc. For more features, please check the description~
Unreal? mod v4 JS - Ong this mod so op it kell all server
Reddit Download Buttons JS - Adds buttons to easily download images/videos from Reddit
Advanced Search Assistant for Google JS - Add an advanced search form to the top of the page
OneDrive SharePoint 文件批量下载 JS - OneDrive SharePoint 文件批量下载的 Tampermonkey 插件, 支持文件夹递归下载
Ventionware Deadshot.io JS - Adds a custom crosshair to deadshot.io with UI to enable/disable and change colors, plus smooth rainbow text. THIS IS OUTDATED. THE LATEST IS https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/524040-deadshot-io-ventionware-v2
51cto屏蔽不登录不让复制 JS - xt
Kirka.io Custom Skin JS - Apply a custom skin to Kirka.io
Bypass delta JS - Bypass Delta
Magic Way Idle JS - 法师助手
Random Target Finder JS - Adds a button to the top of the page that opens a new tab with an easy target.
M3U8 Filter Ad Script JS - 自用,拦截和过滤 m3u8(解析/采集资源) 的切片(插播)广告,同时在console打印过滤的行信息,不会误删。
【SillyTavern / ST酒馆】html代码注入器-改 JS - 可以让ST酒馆独立运行html代码 (Inject HTML code into SillyTavern pages.)
SOOP(숲) 채팅창 복사/붙여넣기 활성화 (by 도연) JS - SOOP(숲) 채팅창에서 복사/붙여넣기를 활성화하도록 변경합니다. (Made by 도연)
Nitrotype Auto Typing Bot JS - Automatically types during Nitrotype races with customizable settings.
🤔知乎自动展开全文/免登录查看内容😀/浏览优化 JS - 帮助自动去除点击链接时的弹窗和自动展开全文,如需留言需手动登录😔
embyLaunchPotplayer JS - emby/jellfin launch extetnal player
bilibili哔哩哔哩视频下载 📥 JS - 在哔哩哔哩视频页面添加下载按钮,支持多种清晰度和格式
_N0N4M3's Diep.io Mod JS - Dark theme, FPS & Ping display, ESP, Aim helper, Factory helper
最新免费节点,科学上网,魔法上网,免费梯子,免费机场,翻墙节点 JS - 最新免费节点,科学上网,魔法上网,免费梯子,免费机场,翻墙节点,ss/trojan/clash免费节点订阅地址分享,直连Youtube、Twitter、Tiktok、ChatGPT尽情看视频网站,流量用不玩。 https://xingliancloud.github.io
黑猫大麦演唱会抢票 JS - 支持黑猫大麦全自动抢票,自动提交订单,解放双手!可能会失效!
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
Twitter AdBlocker [Enhanced] | 推特广告过滤[优化版]🚫 JS - Hide ads in tweets and sidebar. Optimized performance.
Torn Crimes 2.0 Helper JS - Simple helper for crimes 2.0. Adds links to guides for each crime, quick buy link for materials/enhancers and crime chain counter.
国家中小学智慧教育平台电子课本下载 JS - 在国家中小学智慧教育平台网站中添加电子课本下载按钮,下载电子课本
PXI Fusion UserScript Port JS - A port of the Prodigy cheatloader PXI Fusion (Note: This Requires The PXI Fusion Extension)
AI Chat Window Enhancer Pro JS - Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
Chzzk Auto High Quality JS - Chzzk자동으로 최고화질로 설정
! za's mod JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
【改】 123 云盘会员青春版 JS - (基于【123 云盘会员青春版】)修改显示 123 云盘身份信息为会员,支持超过 1GB 上限下载文件,支持使用视频倍速、关闭广告、修改头像、修改用户名等功能,自定义程度超高!(原版有的都有)需要修改头部代码来配置显示内容(×)点开右下角菜单可以设置(√)(非常简单!)
T1Down - 百度网盘不限速 - 稳定加速⚡⚡⚡ JS - 加速百度网盘下载,无视黑号等问题,提高下载体验,使用高速下载链接,服务稳定,极速下载中⚡⚡⚡
B站动态批量删除助手 JS - 这是一个帮助B站用户高效管理个人动态的脚本,支持多种类型动态的批量删除操作。
百度网盘SVIP解析不限速下载-🔥天天加速🔥 JS - 加速无止境!百度网盘SVIP解析加速下载脚本,支持谷歌 IE 等浏览器,操作简单,一键下载文件!
[WORKING 2025] Disable Aternos Anti-Adblock JS - Disable the Anti-Adblock on Aternos.org to use it without Ads. (This script is to be used along with Ublock Origin)
抖音下载 JS - 为web版抖音增加下载按钮
抖音网页直播点赞(可调节频率,可设置是否默认自动点赞) JS - 这是一个基于抖音直播的自动点赞脚本,支持调节点赞频率,修改自别人的脚本
YouTube Premium Features (All-in-One) JS - Add YouTube Premium-like features: ad-blocking, background play, HD/4K default quality, downloader, dark mode, and Premium logo.
Cube Client JS - Cliente PvP para Bloxd.io con hitboxes, keystrokes, contador de CPS, crosshair personalizado, FPS Boost y barra de salud.
YouTube AdBon JS - YouTube 禁止使用廣告攔截器。你似乎使用了廣告攔截器。有了廣告,YouTube 才能為全球數十億名使用者提供服務。如果你想觀看無廣告內容,可以訂閲 YouTube Premium,這樣創作者還是能賺取訂閱收益。
Cryzen.io JS - Todos em um: Models, Anti-recoil, ESP, Rewards, Performance
CSGO2.WIKI饰品捡漏大师 - 入档模板历史价格查询 JS - CSGO2.WIKI 饰品捡漏大师脚本超实用!能依据排行榜查询多档次饰品数据,快速掌握历史价格。帮你精准定位性价比饰品,不错过任何捡漏时机,在 CSGO2 饰品交易里轻松抢占先机。
Fps Menu for bloxd JS - Boost fps with these options on da menu (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK, and if you zoomined 140+ it will look weird)
Deepseek Chat Monitor JS - The blocked thinking and response will be displayed on the right interface. 右侧界面会显示输出后被屏蔽的思考和回复内容。
Sparx Maths Auto Solver JS - Solves Sparx Maths homework questions using WolframAlpha
CheatGuessr | WorldGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable WorldGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
DeepSeek UnFilter JS - This copy the "thinking" process censored.
Bypass Tab Switch Detection JS - Prevents websites from detecting tab switches by overriding visibility and focus events.
Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
🥇2025国家智慧教育平台寒假研修刷课|去除暂停限制【影刃】 JS - 国家智慧教育平台-教师培训刷课
oblivion mod v1.3 JS - Fixed
Nexus Mods Fast Download JS - Overrides the "Manual" button on NexusMods mod pages to download the file without extra steps.
妖火帖子AI总结(太长不看) JS - 调用OpenAI或其他支持completions功能API对妖火论坛帖子内容及评论进行摘要总结,并提供回帖建议
Google Search Sidebar JS - Add a sidebar on Google Search for easier information filtering
Zed City Tools JS - Tools for Zed City
Mathspace Auto Solver JS - Automatically solves Mathspace questions and displays answers for user selection.
左键限制解除 JS - 左键选中
WME Speedhelper JS - Makes inputting speed data easier
[ js.hook.js ] JS - javascript钩子; 劫持方法/伪造参数/篡改结果/还原劫持
soTab - Search Engine Switcher JS - Add links to each other in search engines. Including multiple search modes.
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
Tumblr Tamer JS - Restyles Tumblr's new reblogging template, and makes it look like before. Plus adds some bonus features!
Agario Mass - Q JS - Для использования нажмите и удерживайте Q, это ускорит процесс кормления.
No thanks Facebook~ JS - Removes the box saying you should register or login to view this page
Translator for Whatsapp JS - Translator for Whatsapp web
WME RA Util JS - Providing basic utility for RA adjustment without the need to delete & recreate
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Pinterest Plus JS - Show full size + open original image.
论坛网盘链接免密提取 JS - 激活网盘链接,同时自动填写密码,支持绝大多数Discuz论坛,zd423网站
迅雷地址转真实地址 JS - 把迅雷专用链接,旋风专用链接,快车专用链接转为原始链接
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
Sorry, Pinterest JS - Sorry, Pinterest (hide the login)
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
hls.user.js JS - m3u8 playback using HTML5 video and MediaSource Extensions (CORS Required!)
一帆视频去广告 JS - 一帆视频(曾用名 "iF 视频"、"多瑙")去广告
Cookie clicker tools JS - Cookie clicker tools (visual)
Facebook No Login JS - Removes annoying popups and visual cruft when not logged-in
searchEngineJump 搜索引擎快捷跳转 JS - 方便的在各个搜索引擎之间跳转,增加可视化设置菜单,能更友好的自定义设置,修复百度搜索样式丢失的问题
Macros agario JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
反图片防盗链 JS - 破解图片防盗链
hwm_time_seconds JS - Время с секундами (by Demin)
Vkontakte video downloader JS - add button to download video from vkontakte.ru Opera fixed version of script 17126
TW-Collections-RU Translation JS - Russian (ру́сский) Translation - TW-Collections - (Anch665 & russia-spb)
VKDownloadMedia JS - Скачать фото/аудио/видео-файлы с соц. сети ВКонтакте.
115 Download Helper JS - 115网盘下载帮手,能自动帮忙点普通下载,少点一次鼠标,能够批量复制下载链接
Cookie Clicker Cheats JS - Enable/Disable different cheats/hacks for Cookie Clicker
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.