谷歌翻译 粘贴 去除换行 JS - 谷歌翻译 粘贴 去除 换行 Google translate paste remove delete line break new line
IXL JS - It adds confetti to the ixl awards screen!
YouTube Normal Thumbnails JS - Restores normal thumbnails size
YouTubeで自動翻訳字幕(日本語)を常にオン JS - B:再度試みる N,Enter:次の動画 P,]:前の動画 A:今の位置から再生するURLをコピー(Shift+A:タブのURLにも反映+プレイリストパラメータを維持) [:全画面化
淘宝、京东、天猫自动按每斤价格排序 TAOBAO/JD/TMALL / Automatic sort by 500g price. JS - 注:淘宝的价格和商品标题上写的重量通常对不上,点进商品页面,选择分类即可了解商品小分类的价格、京东暂无此问题, 标题出现2个以上重量单位的按最后一个算。( bug反馈联系: [email protected] 或 qq 997596439 )
iOSGods: Direct App Store .IPA Download JS - Download .IPA files directly from the iOSGods App Store (app.iosgods.com) without a "ViP" subscription.
Reddit Hot Redirect JS - Redirects default frontpage from 'best' to 'hot'
Rai.tv native video player and direct links - LEGACY JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Rai.tv.
TikTok Video Downloader JS - Adds a download button to tiktok.com/@profile/video pages. Click a video, the icon is added by the social media share buttons. Right click the icon, and save as. Left click takes you to the video in your browser.
AO3: Estimated reading time JS - Add an estimated reading time to a fic description.
国培网chinahrt.com刷课救星 JS - 这是一个能屏蔽国培网chinahrt.com刷课时自动暂停的脚本。
reCAPTCHA E FARM NO A JS - Script facilitador de saques para Tribal Wars.
Rai Play Radio - Audio download JS - Enable audio downloads on all Rai Play Radio contents
Furaffinity Handy Stuff JS - Helpful hotkeys and various improvements.
txt reader JS - 对现有的txt阅读的脚本背景进行修改,对文字匹配方式修改
Linesplit JS - Linesplit Mod for Abs0rb.me
YouTube Rotate 90° JS - 把Youtube影片旋轉0°、90°、180°、270°,讓你輕鬆觀看影片!
百度网盘空间占用分析 JS - 百度网盘磁盘占用分析,可视化图表的方式显示出来
Adbook-小说页面过滤、去广告、js脚本、css样式、window污染、html右键限制、脚本下载中断、删标签、仿Adblock JS - 为喜爱看小说的朋友奉上,更加精细的页面操作
根本停不下来 JS - 炫迈,根本停不下来
MH: Valour Rift HUD Enhancer JS - Changes the text that appears in the Valour Rift hud tooltips to give you the info you actually want to see
Get True link JS - Script to baypass most short link!! this script to auto decode short link when you got redirect link. save your time, save your money. any request / error put it in feedback you can try on this web https://www.juragan-anime.net/series/boruto-naruto-next-generations-sub-indo/ https://anoboy.video/2019/11/boruto-episode-133/
Twitter Original Image Link JS - Simple script that replace an image link with an original image URL if you click links on Tweet for navigating the image on new tab or copying the URL.
Google_search_filter_with_Language JS - Google result filter by language
500px 图片下载 JS - 提供 500px 图片保存功能
GreasyFork Helper JS - This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
Thieme eRef Ripper JS - Download all PDF from an eBook
Nexus Fast Slow DL JS - Autostarts the slow download, removed the timer from manually clicking
Surviv.io Dark Theme JS - This gives surviv.io a darker look.
Bilibili 干净链接 JS - 去除bilibili链接中不需要的参数,如spm_id_from/from_sourse/from/等,还地址栏以清白干净
易班刷评论添加版 JS - 用于易班刷评论的
Github Deployments and Repository Dispatch Trigger JS - Trigger deployment or repository_dispatch event for Github Actions
Tumblr Max Resolution Image Grabber JS - Grabs the maximum resolution for the images in the set
哔哩哔哩(bilibili)(B站)替换旧版【番剧页】播放 JS - 通过替换获取视频地址的方式, 实现跳转旧版番剧页播放
解析各大视频网站VIP视频,支持优酷,爱奇艺,乐视,腾讯视频,土豆,芒果TV,bilibili,PPTV,暴风,音悦台 JS - 【不能解析请换线路,或者去公众号获取资源】解析各大视频网站VIP视频,支持优酷,爱奇艺,乐视,腾讯视频,土豆,芒果TV,bilibili,PPTV,暴风,音悦台
S1论坛已读已阅提示 JS - S1论坛已阅提示,ignore old thread on saraba1st
uplibra自动点击 JS - try to take over the world!
YouTube ProgressBar Preserver JS - It preserves YouTube's progress bar always visible even if the controls are hidden.
Hordes UI Mod - Merchant List Filter ONLY JS - Various UI mods for Hordes.io.
Youku HD JS - 解开优酷 VIP 专属, 蓝光HD HDR, 移除视频水印
Mouseover Popup Image Viewer JS - Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.
Local SoundCloud Downloader JS - Download SoundCloud without external service.
WebSpotify JS - Make spotify web player working on mobile device.
YouTube Live Filled Up View JS - Get maximized video-and-chat view with no margins on YouTube Live or Premieres.
DuoLeaderboardRemover+ JS - Make leaderboard invisible
Google Classroom Dark Mode Theme JS - A dark mode theme for Google Classroom. For all the students that prefer night over day.
RelieveCopy JS - 复制知乎问题文本
Anime1 Wide JS - 为Anime1的视频播放启用宽屏样式
TORN: Mission Reward Information JS - Give some information about mission rewards.
带鱼屏助手 JS - 有些网站对超宽屏支持不好,这个插件可以强制将网页宽度设置成1080居中显示,可以勉强用一下。
知乎手机页面优化 JS - 知乎手机页面优化,自动展开,无APP提示
AO3 Floating Comment Box JS - Floating comment box for AO3
MouseHunt AutoBot UPDATED JS - Script automating MH horn sounding and gifting, mostly functional as of 14/04/2024; updating the outdated script from nobodyrandom, who adapted the original versions by CnN and Ooi.
RARBG Helper JS - Powerful Toolbox for RARBG
Hide block messages on discord JS - Hide blocked messages completely
Last.fm Bulk Edit JS - Bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist or album on Last.fm at once.
去掉WEBP - 转换WEBP图片到源格式(JPG PNG GIF)用于Onenote与Evernote剪藏 JS - 通过替换后缀获取原图地址,将豆瓣、微信公众号、简书、知乎、B站(哔哩哔哩、Bilibili)文章专栏、掘金、懂车帝、imgur、虎扑、凤凰网、今日头条微头条、360kuai、小红书、Fandom的webp图片转换为对应格式(JPG PNG GIF),用于Onenote、Evernote/印象笔记 剪辑保存,解决剪藏图片不显示的问题,已兼容保留豆瓣GIF动图、知乎内(高品质)GIF自动加载、小红书无水印原图。可尝试自行添加生效网站。
115Rename JS - 115改名称(根据现有的文件名<番号>查询并修改文件名)
百度网盘视频播放器网页全屏播放 JS - 将开关灯的按钮的功能换为开启和关闭网页全屏播放,并在视频加载完成时自动关闭超级会员开通提示
YouTube Live CPU Tamer JS - It reduces the high CPU usage on Super Chats with nothing to lose.
Youtube 字幕翻譯重疊修復、字幕字形改微軟正黑體 JS - Youtube caption overlap repair.
草榴社区手机版 redirect t66y to mobile url JS - 在PC上重定向草榴社区链接到手机版
MSPFA extras JS - Adds custom quality of life features to MSPFA.
城院学堂云脚本 JS - 在城院的学堂云3上可以挂着视频一直播放(暂时适配毛概,其他视频可以自行测试)
Archive Of Our Own - Highlight tagset tags on hover CSS - Highlights tags in tagsets when you hover over them.
YT: not interested in one click JS - Hover a thumbnail on youtube.com and click an icon at the right: "Not interested" and "Don't recommend channel"
Force Enable Vue Devtools JS - Force enable Vue Devtools for any Vue2 or Vue3 production build.
Steam市场 价格/比例/汇率 换算器 JS - 见安装页面介绍
显示 greasyfork 当前页面脚本的总安装量 JS - 在用户页面生效(网页的标题)
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
购物党比价工具【精简优化版】 JS - 【精简版】购物党,优化了页面的部分元素,减少页面弹窗和显示,保留菜单栏。购物党提供淘宝/京东/亚马逊/当当/苏宁/等百家商城的比价系统,能让你以较优惠的方式购买到你称心如意的商品,提供商品的历史价格情况,多种相似商品推荐,同款购买,降价提醒。PS:带有推广,介意勿装
Refresh page every 20 minutes JS - try to take over the world!
知乎屏蔽登录弹窗 JS - 屏蔽知乎问题界面的登录弹窗, 首部按钮登录依然可用,[GitHub Link](https://github.com/yzx9/Tampermonkey)
B站广告屏蔽+隐藏部分板块+自定义背景 JS - 适配了新版本,去除了左侧小电视、帮助,右侧滑动条等内容,体验更清爽,添加了自定义背景功能
自动展开全文(停更,详细请看说明) JS - 自动展开网站内容而无需点击。【本脚本停更(详情请看: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/397476 ),转入 Beta 版】, Beta 版地址: https://meta.appinn.net/t/17991
磁力快显 JS - 在磁力宝、BTSOW、ØMagnet、磁力狗等磁力搜索引擎的搜索列表增加磁力链接显示,方便快速下载资源。
妹子图图片一键显示 JS - 批量显示妹子图图片,免去分页烦恼!
Youtube Music fix volume ratio JS - Makes the YouTube music volume slider exponential so it's easier to select lower volumes.
一键复制公式 JS - Click to copy equation in Wikipedia and Zhihu
VNDB Show Original Name JS - A very simple text replace to show original language title on vndb
Flash你妈死了_超星学术视频 JS - 使用H5播放器代替Flash
自动登录到GreasyFork JS - 通过GitHub自动登录到GreasyFork。
Google翻译 Chrome强制夜间模式视觉修复 JS - 删除Google翻译的一个元素 使强制进入夜间模式功能开启后视觉效果更佳
下载链接获取工具 JS - 方便获取视频网站下载链接
Auto Select Car JS - Keeps a record of which car you want to use for each racetrack and removes every other car from the selection menu.
youtube continue play JS - When "Video paused, do you want to continue watching?" Appears, ignore it and continue playing automatically
Notion.so RTL support for written text JS - Add support for writing RTL text blocks (including todo list, bullet list, headings, etc.) Text will change direction automatically depending on the language of the first letter in a text block. (Thus, English text will remain with the same behavior) Could be helpful if you want to write a text or todo list in your RTL language. Multiple languages with different directions can be written on the same page. This script is not supposed to change the direction of databases views nor its inner cells
显示B站视频av号、BV号、弹幕CID JS - B站强推bvid,不知道在搞什么飞机
Bilibili AntiBV JS - 自动在地址栏中将 bv 还原为 av,非重定向,不会导致页面刷新,顺便清除 search string 中所有无用参数
115网盘显示文件SHA1 JS - 显示网盘文件SHA1哈希值、批量复制文件SHA1值
Instagram Story Downloader JS - Adds a button that lets you download stories
Owl FlatyBot JS - Créer un trajet n'a jamais été aussi facile.
KoC Power Bot Plus JS - All-in-One Script for Kingdoms of Camelot
百度网盘视频倍速 JS - 自由调整百度网盘在线播放视频倍速
KickAssAnime Arrow Nav JS - Allows arrow navigation and some basic features.
中文字体优化 CSS - 优化中文字体的显示
bilibili全自动取关 JS - 在space.bilibili每隔一段时间刷新页面,并点击取消关注
Kill YouTube Channel Video Autoplay JS - Kill autoplay on YouTube channel and user pages
Scavenge Script - Plemiona dla zdrojka JS - try to take over the world!