Scribd Book Downloader JS - Scribd Book and Document Downloader
Poipiku Downloader JS - Download images or text from Poipiku
网页通用验证码 JS - 解放眼睛和双手,自动识别并填入数字,字母验证码。新版本支持识别滑动验证码。
dismiss cookies warning JS - Agrees to the cookies dialog to make it disappear forever
Youtube Anti Shorts JS - shorts is a shit, fuck you youtube
优酷下载 JS - 下载优酷视频
Bilibili-Gate JS - Bilibili 自定义首页
链接管理 JS - 绕过搜索引擎(百度、搜狗、360、必应、谷歌)搜索结果中的重定向链接,直链访问原始网站,删除网站重定向到安全页面,自动跳转中文文档,减少操作步骤和响应时间;长期维护、PC+手机全平台支持:CSDN+掘金+简书+知乎+知乎专栏+百度贴吧+开源中国+码云gitee+扣丁leetcode+51CTO+百度搜索+360搜索+搜狗搜索+必应搜索+423down+酷安+eslint+微软文档+火狐MDN+tampermonkey文档;
学习公社/中国教育干部网络学院自动学习看视频(可提前查看试卷) JS - 学习公社自动看视频、自动刷新,经过测试非常好用 中国教育干部网络学院 国家教育行政学院 网络党校
Pokeclicker Automation JS - Automation for pokeclicker.com | Auto click | Auto quests | Auto achivements | Auto mine | Auto farm | Auto hatch | and more ...
Freebitco.in Auto Roll, Auto WoF (work with tiers Turnstile resolver) 11/2024 JS - Please use my Referal-Link https://freebitco.in/?r=1748546, if you find the script useful and want to donate, please use bc1qwdsgre7gzy4z63ujsev9mfkv68f33jykdzeypj
🔥🔥🔥 战地1 - 图章分享码获取 🔥🔥🔥 JS - 可以将玩家图章生成对应分享码,粘贴到脚本对应处运行即可获取图章,无视图章数量限制(无需控制台操作)。感谢B_bili22、白梧
YouTube Web Tweaks JS - This script optimizes YouTube's performance by modified configs, shorts redirect and much more!
The Wall Street Journal CN site Full Text Articles JS - Fetch the full text of The Wall Street Journal articles from the AMP version. I've identified an issue affecting iOS Safari users while reading articles on wsj.com. The font size may appear too large. As a temporary workaround, please use the font adjustment tool in the Safari address bar to increase or decrease the font size, then reset it to the original size. This should fix the issue. This bug is not present on cn.wsj.com. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
ZOMBS.io HACK 2022 | Custom Welcome Message,Chat Blocker MAX,Base AutoBuilder | Resurgence Bundle X JS - Best Scripts Ever! By DarkResurgence
Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022 JS - Beware: Only install using the "Install this Script" or "安裝腳本" button below, beware of fake buttons in the ad under it.
学习通刷课 JS - 刷视频
EP Overhaul JS - Education Perfect Information Skipper
EasyWJX-破解问卷星复制限制,全自动填写答案,绕过微信限制 JS - 这个脚本可以帮助你绕过问卷星的复制限制,并且可以直接在问卷星的答题页面搜索答案,防止被企业版防作弊检测。同时可以自动清理cookie来绕过设备限制(部分浏览器可用)
iTranslator JS - 👆👆👆 多功能网页翻译工具,支持所有网站划词翻译,支持快捷键翻译和独立面板翻译,选择单词或段落后,按快捷键即可快速翻译(快捷键可自定义更换),可设置翻译字体颜色、翻译结果显示位置,独立翻译 面板支持显示多个翻译结果,方便对比翻译结果,支持多种语言互相翻译,全面支持百度翻译、彩云小译、有道翻译、阿里翻译、必应翻译、搜狗翻译、爱词霸翻译。👆👆👆
Health-Bar Mod | Shell Shockers | flygOn LiTe JS - Adds a health bar to the Shell Shockers game UI with sound FX
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
Blooket.Mod4(Fishing Frenzy) JS - Set how many lbs of fish you want in Fishing frenzy!
放开飞书复制和右键 JS - 让飞书文档不受权限限制,可以复制任意内容,可以打开右键菜单(图片需点击2次右键才可弹出菜单),可以将复制内容粘贴到新的飞书文档
PatreonExpander JS - Expand content and comments.
阿里云盘资源直下助手 JS - 【最新解析方便快捷】阿里云盘网页版,登录后直接下载资源,免开启客户端。支持直接下载和极速下载
evoworld.io Cheats JS - "evoworld.io Cheats"
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
自动识别填充网页验证码 JS - 自动识别填写大部分网站的数英验证码
网易云音乐:云盘快传(含周杰伦)|歌曲下载&转存云盘|云盘匹配纠正|高音质试听 JS - 无需文件云盘快传歌曲(含周杰伦)、歌曲下载&转存云盘(可批量)、云盘匹配纠正、高音质试听、完整歌单列表、评论区显示IP属地、使用指定的IP地址发送评论、歌单歌曲排序(时间、红心数、评论数)、专辑页加载Disc信息、限免VIP歌曲下载上传、云盘音质提升、本地文件上传云盘、云盘导入导出。
Block all ads (Undetectable) JS - Blocks all ads on the current webpage in an undetectable way
Vie Faucet Website Rotator . Auto PTC, Auto Faucet & Auto Shortlinks Support JS - Automatically views all PTC ads and Rotate websites
PT万能签到 JS - 支持99.99%PT站点签到
bunkr video downloader JS - Download video automatically
Auto Typer for Typing.com JS - Typing.com Bot: AutoType Up to 300 WPM
【减负社区】【超星学习通小助手】【完全免费】视频-章节测试|自动挂机|防清进度|不占资源 JS - ▶▶▶上次更新:2024.12.12◀◀◀【💻可最小化💻】🆒支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登录🤘取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,放心追剧🍊自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率🍆每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
配合“百度网盘视频播放尊享 VIP | 解锁视频倍数 | 解锁全部清晰度”(原作者为:Cangshi)使用 JS - 原脚本失效,原作者大大还未更新脚本,但原脚本在老地址可以正常运行,于是用此脚本进行暂时的维护。
🔥🔥🔥【免梯子+免翻墙+免科学上网工具/国内直连】HTML5视频播放器YouTube油管增强脚本/全网VIP视频破解去广告免费看+短视频无水印下载+音乐下载+知乎增强 JS - 📜HTML5视频播放器增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,🎉例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、YouTube/油管、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、TED、Instagram/ins/IG、Twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学、视频文件下载能力等,集合优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、B站/bilibili、芒果等全网VIP视频/PC+移动端免费破解去广告,网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐和有声书音频免客户端下载,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、音乐直接下载、知乎增强、百度网盘直接下载、短视频无水印下载等多功能工具箱,功能可独立开关
Youtube dual subtitle JS - Fix for mobile devices on YouTube bilingual captions. It works on both mobile and desktop, and supports the Via browser.
hwmTransporter JS - Перемещения по карте, поиск работы и засады с любой страницы
Quizlet Login Bypass 2024 JS - Unblur text, Remove ads, Clean UI
Use YouTube AV1 JS - Use AV1 for video playback on YouTube
问卷星脚本 JS - 使用教程:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19c411w7qK;一个可以代刷问卷的网站:sugarblack.top;有疑问请加qq群咨询:774326264 || 427847187 || 850281779;不要因为安装量少就不安装啊!我是23年5月新出的脚本,而且还在不断更新中!(2023.8.27)作者很自信这是GF网站上最好用的脚本之一
Slither.io auto play bot JS - auto play bot for slither.io
超星学习通九九助手[AI答题][一键启动][最小化运行] JS - 【可手机挂机】支持【超星学习通】【学银在线】【超星系统的继续教育】的视频、章节测试、文档、直播、作业、考试;脚本一键启动、单页面全自动运行、可最小化运行不会中断;不占网速、不费流量,开热点也能用;【三亿题库】题目覆盖率99%,支持单选、多选、填空、判断【图片题、编程题、听力题】;题目答案实时收录,轻松拿高分
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
SaveAsZip for Patreon JS - Download post images and save as a ZIP file.
CloudFlare Challenge JS - cloudflare
下载CSDN、简书、掘金、博客园、微信公众号、知乎专栏、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、B站、思否、轻识、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云等文章保存为Word/Markdown文件 JS - 下载保存博客文章为markdown/word,已支持CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、博客园、微信公众号、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云、B站专栏、思否、轻识、百家号、百度经验、360个人图书馆、码农教程等,脚本仅限学习,请大家尊重版权。
Pikpak地区限制绕过 JS - 简单脚本,绕过Pikpak地区限制
TrioLingo JS - Duolingo cheat script hack. Based on DuoPower
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress. https://greasyfork.org/en/users/449798-ace-dx
B站直播低延迟 JS - 降低B站直播延迟
Torn Loadout Switcher JS - Adds customisable quick loadout change buttons on Items page.
Bypass Paywall JS - Adds a context menu option to bypass an article's paywall.
搜索引擎重定向优化(百度、搜狗、谷歌、必应) JS - 1.绕过百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索结果中的自己的跳转连接,直接访问原始网页-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能
e等公務園+學習平台 小幫手 JS - try to take over the world!
虎牙免登录观看 JS - 虎牙未登录时不自动暂停,并隐藏进入页面后的登录框,解锁登录清晰度,若需要登录请勿使用!!
TORN: Better Chat JS - Improvements to the usability of chats 2.0.
graduated version of ᏞϴᎡᎠ亗ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ CLIENT 3.0 JS - ITS A BLOXD IO CLIENT
Custom Crosshairs for Krunker, 1v1.lol, and Anything Else. JS - Custom Crosshiars For Literally ANYTHING--Hide The Menu Using "P"
Gooboo辅助 JS - 循环学习、参加考试、使用装备、循环播种
Любой уровень в евоворлд! JS - Введи свой желаемый уровень и наслаждайся!
夸克懒得点 JS - 夸克懒得点..
Fake Robux JS - Changes the navbar Robux amount to a desired amount
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
🔥🔥起点中文网VIP内容免费解析,支持章节下载🔥🔥 JS - 起点中文网VIP内容免费解析,支持VIP章节,支持本章节内容直接下载成txt文件,另外不是所有书籍都能解析,介意的绕过,有问题可以反馈!
Sigmally Macros JS - Macro for sigmally
9mm [MooMoo.io] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for moomoo.io, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
Evoworld.io Hack menu JS - Cheats for EvoWorld.io
Kiko Pop Fix JS - Makes Kiko Pop Playable without Flash
|2025寒假研修|智慧中小学平台|自动1.98倍播放|自动静音自动播放自动下一个视频 JS - |自动1.98倍播放(2倍)|自动静音|自动播放自动下一个视频|
TikTok Magic (download dinâmico) JS - Baixe vídeos sem logo/marca d'água com apenas um clique, diretamente do tiktok. Mais recursos em breve.
TikTok ByPass Login JS - Supprime la Page de Connexion TikTok
网页加速器 JS - 自动帮你加速网页中的超链接,加快打开网页的速度,实测符合条件的网页打开速度减少50%以上。
moomoo.io || revolver v3 (newest release) JS - Shared by (discord): notsyrup
Infinite Craft auto maker -bugged JS - Very fast automatic item explorer for infinite craft with a specific item
4chan XT JS - 4chan XT is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
Reddit++ JS - A lot of enhancements for new design of reddit.com like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...
Set Slope Speed and Set Points JS - Sets the speed and set points for a slope game
【Mod】Twitter Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
DropGalaxy Auto Skip JS - Auto skip ads and auto download on DropGalaxy
AniLINK - Episode Link Extractor JS - Stream or download your favorite anime series effortlessly with AniLINK! Unlock the power to play any anime series directly in your preferred video player or download entire seasons in a single click using popular download managers like IDM. AniLINK generates direct download links for all episodes, conveniently sorted by quality. Elevate your anime-watching experience now!
知网下载助手 JS - 知网学术下载解析工具,免登录即可下载,完全免费使用。
Powerline.io infinite score and length JS - Exploits debugging capabilities in the Powerline.io server to grant infinite score and length
Poker Odds Calculator JS - Show poker hand odds on TC
Better UI Smart Chess Bot JS - Our chess analysis system, modified with a better UI, is designed to give players the edge they need to win. By using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, our system can analyze any chess position and suggest the best possible move, helping players to make smarter and more informed decisions on the board.
Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Let's you see players and items behind walls in voxiom.io. Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
Sigmally Damelu.vz JS - Easily 3X your FPS on Sigmally.com + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
Amazon Video ASIN Display JS - Show ASINs for episodes and movies/seasons on Amazon Prime Video
Zhihu free read JS - Zhihu free read, no login required
X/Twitter Clean menu and sidebar (Supports multiple language) JS - hidden Menu,Grok,Premium subscription,Verified Orgs,other,Explore,Notifications,Messages,Bookmarks and Customizable Settings
WHITE | Скрипт для КФ by Jefferson JS - Скрипт для Кураторов Форума.
FAKO WHOWHERE Gartic.io Gartic JS - Arkadaşlarınızın hangi Gartic.io odalarında olduğunu anında görün, doğrudan katılın veya izleyin! Kullanıcı arama, favori oyuncu listesi, filtreleme ve daha fazlasıyla oyun deneyiminizi zenginleştirin. Eklentiyi çalıştırmak için https://gartic.io/?fako adresini ziyaret edin.
抖音净化 JS - 净化抖音网页版界面,只留下播放窗口、评论按钮和作者头像,其他元素统统移除,我只想安安静静的用网页刷短视频
Bilibili Video CDN Switcher JS - 修改哔哩哔哩播放时的所用CDN 加快视频加载 番剧加速 视频加速
图寻复盘工具 PRO JS - 增加复盘小地图,全面提升复盘效果