Turn off "Quick Access" JS - Turn off "Quick Access" option in Host Controls (09-Jun-21)
Gmail Quick Links Extension Mods for new Gmail CSS - Adjusts the quick links extension to fit within Gmail's visual look
Better Google JS - Add 'quick search' input and 'go to top' button for Google. Also highlight search terms.
Fix Gmail Email Search JS - Improved version of the old "Emails" quick search functionality in Gmail, one click to view all emails you've sent or received from any address
Mturk ID Copy/Paste JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This is the UPDATED version of Tjololo's earlier work.
ID Copy/Paste JS - Places an unobtrusive button on the page which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID. Edited by Tjololo12: Hover highlight for easy copy-paste, does not show on mturk pages
Google Cleaner JS - Hide (toggle) top bar (All, Videos, News...) and adds quick filtering to the left sidebar.
adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ NO ADS JS - Quickly advertising link bypass script
多重搜索MultipleSearch JS - 携带搜索词快捷切换搜索引擎、视频网站或博客网站。Quickly switch between search engines, video sites or blog sites with search words.
Google Scholar Bib Helper JS - Copy BibTeX records quickly within search results.
WhatsApp links in Google Contact phone numbers JS - Adding a WhatsApp icon to Google Contacts phone numbers for a quick chat
Gmail Sender Shield JS - Gmail Sender Shield enhances your Gmail experience by displaying sender domains and icons for quick identification and offering tools to highlight untrusted emails.
[影视工具]VIP电影解析,短视频解析,搜索引擎,豆瓣/时光快搜 JS - VIP电影解析:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,b站,搜狐;短视频解析:youtube,B站,西瓜,抖音,快手,小红书,微博,A站;
Coursera Transcript Copier 📋 & ChatGPT / Gemini Sender 🤖 JS - This script adds a floating button to Coursera lecture pages, allowing users to quickly copy the transcript to the clipboard for easy access.
Google Cleaner JS - Hide (toggle) top bar (All, Videos, News...) and adds quick filtering to the left sidebar. Also reduces font size and removes an annoying popup box.
switch-search-engine JS - 为你的搜索界面添加快速切换搜索引擎的功能。(for your search page add quick switch search engine function.)
一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果 JS - 快速了解一个领域用,在谷歌或必应的搜索页面 按 Alt+1 ...2,3,4... Alt+5 将会打开前2的n次方项的搜索结果,并复制打开的链接。目前支持:谷歌、必应、知乎。
Mturk ID Copy/Paste for New Layout JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This version is a derivative of swole_hamster's work.
Google Scholar BibTeX Citation Copier JS - Enhances Google Scholar by adding "Copy BibTeX" options directly to the search results and citation popup. Modifies the "Cite" button to "Cite[Copy BibTeX]" in search results and adds "BibTeX[Copy]" in the citation popup for quick copying of BibTeX entries.
一键批量打开谷歌必应搜索前2的n次方项搜索结果 JS - To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search results of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Github访问增强 - 高速浏览及下载工具 JS - GitHub极速访问浏览助手,解决GitHub无法访问和加速工具,GitHub上不去打不开的解决办法,高速下载Git Clone/SSH,Release,Raw,Code/Zip等文件、项目列表单文件快捷下载,添加git clone/commit命令
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results with Easy Copy JS - Numbers results in the format M.N to show the result number. If you are on the first page it divides the results up into groups of 10 and after every 10 results M is increased by 1. This allows you to quickly see which page a result would be on if there were 10 results per page. For any page after the first, M is the page number and N is the result number. Hold the pointer over a button for instructions on copying. Disable Google Instant (Gear>Search settings>Never show Instant results).