Duo_KeepStreak JS - Automatically maintains the daily streak on Duolingo.
Gradient health JS - 5/11/2023, 10:58:22 PM
Better Iwara JS - An alternate style for Iwara, made by XLXZ
FreeBitco.in AutoRoll - only Premium User without Captcha JS - Please use my Referal-Link https://freebitco.in/?r=1611399
VN Mod v2 JS - Remaked auto healing and instakill aded fps boost
Download Chinese K12 textbook from smartedu.cn JS - Download Chinese K12 textbook from smartedu.cn ;
Fortnite Adaptive Aimbot v42.1 JS - Adaptive Aimbot with customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP included.
DeepSeek Auto-Retry JS - Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show "The server is busy. Please try again later." or "Thought for 0 seconds". Uses a cooldown so that repeated clicks occur if the error persists.
AniList Tier Labels JS - Adds a tier badge next to ratings on AniList.
Sploop.io Blatant Placement, auto-heal JS - just a basic macro
OC Role Display JS - Shows role positions
Vape V4 JS - A browser script made to give enhancements on Miniblox
facebook-hide-login JS - Hides the more annoying of the three facebook login prompts. One prompt remains.
Enhanced YouTube Userscript with Themes, Decorations, Button Animations, and Timer JS - Adds multiple features including ad skipping, mute toggle, captions toggle, playback speed control, and more with a moveable and fixed GUI for YouTube. Includes notifications for feature toggles, theme decorations, button animations, and a video timer. Press Shift + S to hide/show the menu.
Bit.ly Auto Skip JS - Automatically clicks the "continue to destination" button
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design (Fix) JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
Maknyos AutoIn JS - Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...
My Novel Reader JS - 小说阅读脚本,统一阅读样式,内容去广告、修正拼音字、段落整理,自动下一页
YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD JS - Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Google & baidu Switcher (ALL in One) JS - “Elegant Search Engine Assistant” facilite la navigation entre moteurs de recherche, personnalise les préférences, met en évidence les mots-clés, élimine les redirections et publicités, et filtre les résultats. Compatible avec divers moteurs tels que Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, etc.
AC-CSDN自动展开-CSDN自动评论-去广告 JS - 自动展开CSDN博客的内容,无需点击展开 && 自动评论,返还下载积分
WME Color Speeds JS - Adds colors to road segments to show their speed
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) JS - Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search results. v2.3.3 2024-12-08
Resize Image On "Open image in new tab" JS - Support: Google(blogspot YouTube)\Tumblr\Twitter\Steam(Only user content)\ArtStation\Pinimg\Weibo\Reddit (And more...
SaveTube JS - Download videos from video sharing web sites.
Yet Another Weibo Filter JS - Sina Weibo feed filter by keywords, authors, topics, source, etc.; Modifying webpage layout
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
TW-Collections JS - TW-Collections - see history
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs (t.co/bit.ly/goo.gl) on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
YouTube Links JS - Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
Quick sell Steam JS - Fast sell Steam items with the current market price
PageExpand JS - All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Generate a link from text. Extend BBS. etc...
My Match Analyzer JS - en
The West - Fancy Market JS - Market Utilities [Best bids and total value sold]
Facebook Timeline Cleaner JS - delete you facebook timeline
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
破解360doc防止复制 JS - 可直接复制360doc网站的资料
Macros agario JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
Happyfor.win - By - RDC-agario JS - hack ,Tricksplit , doblesplit , etc
The West - tw-db.info Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
PTT Imgur Fix JS - 修正 Imgur 在 PTT 上的問題
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
Slither.io auto respawn (evergreen) JS - Auto Respawn + Server Selector + Skin Rotator + Unlimited Zoom + No Skin + No BG + Reduce Lag + More!
The ULTIMATE Agario Script JS - Easily configurable keys in code. Credits to Jack Burch, Tom Burris AND Ali Ahfad Mehdi
老司机自动开车神器 JS - 老司机自动开车神器, 自动抓取识别磁链特征码,支持下载到115网盘
Facebook: Disable Facebook force register box JS - This script removes the annoying force regicter box for non-facebook users
AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot JS - AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot for free bots
Katakana Terminator JS - Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
HKG Agar Tool - Script blocker (Firefox ONLY) JS - Blocking agar default game logic in firefox
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Fanfiction Qomplete JS - Proper multi-chapter reading mode with less clutter for sites like fanfiction.net
URL Sniffer JS - Sniff URLs in HTML
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
Zoom function for YouTube JS - YouTube video zoom feature
CNKI 中国知网 PDF 全文下载 JS - 参见 http://blog.yuelong.info/post/cnki-pdf-js.html
Slither.io - 607ch00 remix JS - slither.io MOD - 2021 Update! - Zoom, High score, Custom backgrounds, Clock, and more!
百度Baidu网盘HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将百度网盘的链接(http://pan.baidu.com/)转换为HTTPS协议(https://pan.bidu.com),可以直接下载大文件。
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
腾讯视频h5 JS - 腾讯视频html5播放器
Remove Yandex Redirect JS - Remove Yandex redirect in search, news and mail
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
贴吧页面精简 JS - 【可能是你遇到的最好用的贴吧精简脚本】,去除各种广告及扰眼模块,全面支持各种贴吧页面,免登录看帖,【倒序看帖】
繁簡自由切換 JS - 任意轉換網頁中的簡體中文與正體中文(默認簡體→正體),顯示漢字對應漢語拼音,自訂任意替換文本
Netflix Marathon JS - Automatically skip recaps, intros and click nexts on Netflix, DisneyPlus and Amazon video for you.
nyaa.si - Batch Download JS - Allows batch download of all displayed results in one single click.
AC-baidu: 优化百度、搜狗、谷歌搜索结果之重定向 lite JS - 1.繞過百度、搜狗搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
YouTube MP3 Download | Converto.io | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Fügt einen MP3 Download-Button zur Videoseite hinzu, um das Video über Converto.io zu MP3 umzuwandeln.
斗鱼直播广告屏蔽 JS - 屏蔽斗鱼直播中的广告
MoreCAPTCHA JS - Speeds up solving Google reCAPTCHA challenges by shortening transition effects and providing continuous selection ability.
酷绘-VIP会员视频免费看 JS - 各大视频网站VIP会员视频免费看,支持各大视频网站,操作更加便捷
Pixiv搜索结果排序 | Pixiv search sort JS - Pixiv搜索结果按收藏数从大到小排序,适配[TS] Pixiv++ V3 | Pixiv search result sort by bookmark count.
Freebitcoin Auto Claim JS - Feel free to donate: 1KCwhJWdMcnqNECnKBxhZHb4Eu6RWjgg4U
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to sci-hub.tw. In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
拒绝二维码登录 JS - QQ、支付宝、京东等网站默认使用账号密码登录,不出现二维码登录界面,可自定义设置在指定网站开启和关闭,有需求或问题请反馈。
動畫瘋工具箱 JS - 取得動畫的 m3u8 網址,下載彈幕為 json,去除擋廣告的警告訊息
智能划词翻译 JS - 划词翻译。谷歌翻译和有道词典双引擎;CTRL + ?翻译剪贴板
The West Duel Cloth Calc JS - Calculates the Duel skill values of your opponents.
Instagram Download JS - Download instagram image and video
CSDN极致去广告 JS - CSDN去广告(除了文章其他全去)
動畫瘋·Plus JS - 分級標識自動同意、自動切換至下一集、自動點此跳過廣告、影片空降座標、網頁全螢幕、子母畫面
The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
ppixiv for Pixiv JS - Better Pixiv viewing | Fullscreen images | Faster searching | Bigger thumbnails | Download ugoira MKV | Ugoira seek bar | Download manga ZIP | One-click like, bookmark, follow | One-click zoom and pan
Vocabulary JS - Tweaks in Vocabulary
百度去广告,blur(毛玻璃)搜索框,美化 JS - 百度搜索框背景模糊,去广告,美化
wsmud_pluginss JS - 武神传说 MUD 武神脚本 武神传说 脚本 qq群367657589
Video Background Play Fix JS - Prevents YouTube and Vimeo from pausing videos when minimizing or switching tabs. Cross-browser port of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/
豆瓣读书资源助手 JS - 在豆瓣读书页面展示资源站下载链接
自动翻译->字幕中文简体 JS - translate to Chinese automatically.
1337X - Magnet/Torrent links everywhere JS - Adds magnet and torrent links everywere, e.g. directly to the torrent search results
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
van.mz.playerAdvanced JS - Player display optimization 球员着色插件
CSDN 去广告沉浸阅读模式 JS - 沉浸式阅读 🌈 使用随机背景图片 🎬 重构页面布局 🎯 净化剪切板 🎨 屏蔽一切影响阅读的元素 🎧
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
EME Logger JS - Inject EME interface and log its function calls.
Brutal.io Sick pointer JS - Make the pointer Cool and improve Aim.