Fuck-Yudao JS - Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. China's OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.
115+ JS - 为115网盘添加一些功能
Twitter(X)ᴾˡᵘˢ+++ ; Youtubeᴾˡᵘˢ+++,etc. JS - Ovaj skript pruža poboljšanja za neke web stranice: 🔥 Twitter (X) – dodaje prikaz formatiranja vremena, prikaz HD slika, preuzimanje slika i videozapisa itd. 🔥 YouTube – omogućuje preuzimanje videozapisa, uklanjanje oglasa itd. 🔥 TikTok – omogućuje preuzimanje HD videozapisa bez vodenog žiga itd. Za više značajki, provjerite opis!
Diep.io+ (announcement) JS - Auto Respawn, Anti Aim, Base Warning, Bullet Distance, Leader Arrow Color, Watch enemies Level, copy party link, Team Switcher, Triflank, Freeze Mouse, Tank Aim Lines
Tinder Unblur JS - Unblur Tinder teaser images
ChatGPT Jailbroken! Use it for whatever JS - ChatGPT Jailbroken! Includes FREE GPT-4
치지직 광고 팝업 삭제 JS - 치지직 광고 팝업 삭제 합니다
IXL Auto Answer (OpenAI API Required) JS - Sends HTML and canvas data to AI models for math problem solving with enhanced accuracy, a configurable API base, an improved GUI with progress bar and auto-answer functionality. Added logging for JS errors and GPT request errors.
Kahoot Cheat (Beta) (Working Dec 2024) JS - Skibidi Toilet approved, made by floidAI
qk文章资源共享|CSDN|知乎|专栏|会员文章|盐选|文件下载|CSDN积分 JS - 🐚🐚功能介绍🐚🐚:🔥csdn,去除广告🔥,🔥免登陆复制,查看全文🔥,控制登陆弹窗频次,文件下载,🔥解析csdn会员文章🔥,🔥超级会员文章🔥,知乎,🔥解析知乎盐选,专栏🔥
Kour.io hacks JS - kour.io hacks for invis and insta kill(insta kill work in progress)
survev.io auto hack JS - try to take over the world!
百度网盘SVIP解析不限速下载-🔥天天加速🔥 JS - 加速无止境!百度网盘SVIP解析加速下载脚本,支持谷歌 IE 等浏览器,操作简单,一键下载文件!
Survev-KrityHack JS - Aimbot, xray, tracer, better zoom, smoke/obstacle opacity, autoloot, player names...
网盘直链解析 JS - 支持批量获取 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅移动云盘 六大网盘的直链下载地址,配合 IDM,Xdown,Aria2,Curl,比特彗星等工具高效🚀🚀🚀下载,完美适配 Chrome,Edge,FireFox,360,QQ,搜狗,百分,遨游,星愿,Opera,猎豹,Vivaldi,Yandex,Kiwi 等 18 种浏览器。可在无法安装客户端的环境下使用,助手免费开源。😎
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
解除B站区域限制_辅助工具 JS - 修复使用解除B站区域限制的小问题
Ans YouTube GUI (Adblocker, Vol Boost, Age Bypass, 30+ Mods) JS - Tools for youtube, these tools let you modify the likes, video title, subscribers and views of the vid, dm me on dc if you want me to add ur idea
CheatGuessr | GeoGuessr Cheat JS - Extremely customizable GeoGuessr cheating client. Click 3 to open the settings menu.
全年暑假/寒假教师研修|国家智慧教育公共服务平台|国家中小学智慧教育平台|自动刷视频,可秒刷视频!适合中小学(基础教育) | 职业教育 详情咨询客服微信:wkds857 JS - 适用2025国家智慧教育平台寒假研修.中小学课程,可快速通过视频学习。即秒刷!| 职业教育/高等教育 可自动挂机。自动刷视频!!
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
Instagram Reloaded JS - View or download the full-size Instagram image/video. Super simple: press alt+f or shift & click to view media - alt & click saves file. Read for more options.
网页限制解除 JS - 通杀大部分网站,可以解除禁止复制、剪切、选择文本、右键菜单的限制。
Gota.io Features by Donut + Linesplit JS - Linesplit up, down, left and right • Diagonal linesplit with just one key • Hotkeys to show/hide skins, names, mass, food, chat, minimap, score panel, party panel and leaderboard • Auto respawn in Team Scrimmage • Leave a scrimmage match before it ends • You can change the keys as you wish
Pixiv搜索结果排序 | Pixiv search sort JS - Pixiv搜索结果按收藏数从大到小排序,适配[TS] Pixiv++ V3 | Pixiv search result sort by bookmark count.
豆瓣资源下载大师:1秒搞定豆瓣电影|音乐|图书下载 JS - 【装这一个脚本就够了!可能是你遇到的最好的豆瓣增强脚本】聚合数百家资源网站,通过右侧边栏1秒告诉你哪些网站能下载豆瓣页面上的电影|电视剧|纪录片|综艺|动画|音乐|图书等,有资源的网站显示绿色,没资源的网站显示黄色,就这么直观!所有豆瓣条目均提供在线播放|阅读、字幕|歌词下载及PT|NZB|BT|磁力|百度盘|115网盘等下载链接,加入官网打死也不出的豆列搜索功能,此外还能给豆瓣条目额外添加IMDB评分|IMDB TOP 250|Metascore评分|烂番茄评分|AniDB评分|Bgm评分|MAL|亚马逊评分等更多评分形式。官方电报群:@doubandown
Robux Changer 2.0 JS - Robux appears on your screen as your total when logged into roblox.com/home
Ultra Popup Blocker JS - Configurable popup blocker that blocks all popup windows by default.
白piao斗鱼 JS - douyu整合优化斗鱼功能脚本(斗鱼精简、斗鱼默认最高画质)
Twitch Auto Channel Points Claimer JS - Automatically claim channel points.
知乎美化 JS - 1.【重要更新】增加夜间模式按钮 2.知乎题目栏增加举报、匿名、问题日志、快捷键四个按钮 3.知乎按钮图标在鼠标悬停时变色(题目按钮、回答下方按钮、评论按钮等) 4.回答的发布时间移至顶部 5.图片原图显示 6.文字和卡片链接从知乎跳转链接改为直链 7.隐藏侧边栏 8.GIF图自动播放【默认不开启】 9.问题增加创建时间和最后编辑时间 10.鼠标悬停在回答时显示浅蓝色聚焦框 11.引用角标高亮 12.首页信息流增加不感兴趣按钮 13.【重要更新】增加设置界面 14.显示信息流标签【默认不开启】
🔥🔥🔥B站视频下载解析 - 2023 最新 - BILIBILI Download JS - 快速解析B站视频,可直接下载MP4格式B站视频。
字体渲染(自用脚本) JS - 无需安装MacType,优化浏览器字体渲染效果,让每个页面的字体变得更有质感。默认使用“微软雅黑”字体,也可根据喜好自定义其他字体使用。脚本针对浏览器字体渲染提供了字体重写、字体平滑、字体缩放、字体描边、字体阴影、对特殊样式元素的过滤和许可、自定义等宽字体等高级功能。脚本支持全局渲染与个性化渲染功能,可通过“单击脚本管理器图标”或“使用快捷键”呼出配置界面进行参数配置。脚本已兼容绝大部分主流浏览器及主流脚本管理器,且兼容常用的油猴脚本和浏览器扩展。
蓝奏云网盘增强 JS - 文件排序、刷新不回根目录、快捷返回上一级(右键网页空白处)、后退返回上一级、右键文件显示菜单、点击直接下载文件、点击空白进入目录、自动显示更多文件、一键复制所有分享链接、自定义分享链接域名、自动打开/复制分享链接、带密码的分享链接自动输密码、拖入文件自动显示上传框、输入密码后回车确认、优化编辑框初始大小
迅雷云盘 JS - 获取迅雷云盘的文件链接,可利用本地播放器看视频;可将播放列表导入坚果云;可利用其他工具下载(如idm,curl,Xdown,Motrix,Aria2);添加隐藏回收站功能,可自由彻底删除、还原。
DigDig.IO X-Ray JS - Let's you see more in digdig.io
MuseScore Download Bypass JS - Bypass the Pro-only download restrictions on musescore
adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ NO ADS JS - Quickly advertising link bypass script
Bilibili-Gate JS - Bilibili 自定义首页
抖音视频下载器 JS - 下载抖音APP端禁止下载的视频、下载抖音无水印视频、提取抖音直播推流地址、免登录使用大部分功能、屏蔽不必要的弹窗,适用于拥有或可安装脚本管理器的电脑或移动端浏览器,如:PC端Chrome、Edge、华为浏览器等,移动端Kiwi、Yandex、Nightly、Iceraven等
Spotify Downloader - Download Spotify songs, playlists, and albums JS - Downloads Spotify songs, playlists, and albums as MP3. Can also download full playlist or album as ZIP.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Localization JS - Set Xbox Cloud Gaming' game language to your browser's preferred language.
非常简洁优酷/爱奇艺/腾讯等会员视频解析 JS - 目前只有12KB大小,希望能够在简洁以更小的代码实现复杂和该有的功能;请大家注意隐私安全:视频解析中的广告勿点击,不要相信黄赌毒等有害信息~支持腾讯视频、优酷视频、爱奇艺视频、bilibili视频、搜狐视频、乐视视频、PPTV视频、MGTV视频、1905视频、咪咕视频等视频解析
Hack for no red ink JS - shows the answer to the questions in noredink. When you get a question wrong it will be saved to the database, so the more people who use this script, the more accurate it will be. currently supports multiple choice, highlighting, multi-highlighting, playground, outlinedraggable and punctuation question types and more will be added later
Video Downloader for Tampermonkey JS - Will add a download button to various websites such as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter
Kirka.IO Enhanced JS - Wallhack, adblock and more for Kirka.IO.
Smart Chess Bot: The Ultimate Chess Analysis System JS - Our chess analysis system is designed to give players the edge they need to win. By using advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, our system can analyze any chess position and suggest the best possible move, helping players to make smarter and more informed decisions on the board.
Codeforces Better! JS - 一个适用于 Codeforces 的 Tampermonkey 脚本,增强功能与界面。
超星学习通九九助手[AI答题][一键启动][最小化运行] JS - 【可手机挂机】支持【超星学习通】【学银在线】【超星系统的继续教育】的视频、章节测试、文档、直播、作业、考试;脚本一键启动、单页面全自动运行、可最小化运行不会中断;不占网速、不费流量,开热点也能用;【三亿题库】题目覆盖率99%,支持单选、多选、填空、判断【图片题、编程题、听力题】;题目答案实时收录,轻松拿高分
下载CSDN、简书、掘金、博客园、微信公众号、知乎专栏、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、B站、思否、轻识、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云等文章保存为Word/Markdown文件 JS - 下载保存博客文章为markdown/word,已支持CSDN、简书、掘金、知乎专栏、博客园、微信公众号、脚本之家、51CTO、程序员大本营、吾爱破解、腾讯云、阿里云、华为云、B站专栏、思否、轻识、百家号、百度经验、360个人图书馆、码农教程等,脚本仅限学习,请大家尊重版权。
YouTube Direct Downloader JS - Video/short download button next to subscribe button. Downloads MP4, WEBM, MP3 or subtitles from youtube + option to redirect shorts to normal videos. Choose your preferred quality from 8k to audio only, codec (h264, vp9 or av1) or service provider (cobalt, y2mate, yt1s, yt5s) in settings.
🥇【学习通助手】【free】 全自动刷课脚本|可调节倍速|自答题目🏆 JS - 上次更新:2024.1.1【可最小化】·支持超星视频、文档、答题、自定义正确率、掉线自动登陆·取消视频文件加载,多开也不占用网速,自定义答题正确率,提高学习效率·每日功能测试,在发现问题前就解决问题,防清进度,无不良记录
✅ RoVerify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
📄百度文库下载|VIP文档免费下载 JS - 百度文库破解免费下载
【免费无套路】CSDN文库免vip付费阅读全文丨解锁复制限制 JS - CSDN文库阅读全文,去除VIP登录遮挡,解锁鼠标复制文本功能
4chan XT JS - 4chan XT is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
Reddit++ JS - A lot of enhancements for new design of reddit.com like unwrapped feed buttons, bigger fonts, view images without redirect and many more...
autoCX学习通自动刷课脚本 JS - autoCX是基于原生js编写的一个网页版学习通刷课脚本,其功能包括但不限于视频快进,ppt快进,章节测试快进(暂不支持自动答题),且脚本支持后台自动刷课。
Gplex - Old Google Frontend JS - 2011-2019 Google frontend (public beta release)
Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch. JS - Click X/x to toggle fire rate, B/b to toggle AutoDodge, K/k to toggle AutoWalk, G/g to toggle AutoJump, N/n to toggle KillAura/AutoShoot, L/l to toggle AutoCrouch, M/m to toggle AutoSwitch
Blooket Auto-Answer JS - Automatically answer Blooket questions correctly. Working as of May 3rd, 2024.
【移动端】bilibili优化 JS - 阻止跳转App、App端推荐视频流、解锁视频画质(番剧解锁需配合其它插件)、美化显示、去广告等
免费YouTube™ Downloader,YouTube HTML5视频&MP3音频播放工具,把油管当播客听MP3,本地油管视频通用下载器 🚀💯 - tingyour.com(NO ADS 🚫)! JS - 免科学上网工具/梯子在线看油管,快速搜索,中文字幕下载/双语翻译,把油管当播客听MP3,将YouTube当Podcast听,可以订阅自己喜欢的油管博主及频道,收藏自己喜欢的视频,极速加载无需等待,免费YouTube™ Downloader,本地YouTube油管下载器,YouTube视频下载,油管视频通用下载器,不需要通过第三方的服务就能下载YouTube油管视频,支持MP3/MP4/HD/SD/FullHD/3GP等高清高码率格式,YouTube MP3音频&HTML5视频播放工具!
SLIVE - 참여 통계 리캡 JS - 참여 통계에 스트리머 별 총 시간을 표시합니다
Nexus Mods - Download Mod Faster - Improved UX (All Games) JS - Improves the user experience for nexusmods.com visitors by adding Insta-DL buttons in various places like |1) categories mod tiles |2) mod description/file page
Strawpage Image Uploader JS - Upload and manipulate images on Strawpage
Skribbl Autoguesser JS - The best script currently out there for skribbl.
Advanced Skribbl.io Cheat GUI JS - Enhanced Cheat GUI for Skribbl.io
Kour.rip JS - Basic Kour.io cheats.
Remove ads Twitch JS - Continue to view twitch stream when ad
Crime Morale JS - A comprehensive tool for Crime 2.0
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
chzzk-1080p JS - 치지직 1080p 해상도로 고정합니다
OpenGuessr Hack Location Finder JS - Extract and open PanoramaIframe location in OPENGUESSR full site when pressing Control + X + S together
超星学习通泛雅刷视频软件,打开即用,后台刷课————全网最牛逼的后台挂视频脚本,🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂没有之一,你用了不吃亏不上当,快来快来看一看 JS - 超星学习通视频后台挂机,手机可用❤️❤️❤️请看下方使用说明❤️❤️❤️
全网VIP视频解析在线原网页观看 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站等全网VIP视频免费解析
Melon Hub (bloxd.io) JS - hack client for bloxd.io, open source on github.
抖音下载 JS - 为web版抖音增加下载按钮
小红书下载助手 JS - 小红书图片、视频、实况下载
[TORN] OC 2.0 Helper JS - Adds a list of members available for OC2.0, and adds a notifier to the sidebar if you are not in an OC.
ChatGPT降智风险检测✅(优化版)(添加教程版) JS - ChatGPT会对某些IP进行无提示的服务降级,Plus用户模型会降至4-Mini,此脚本检测账号IP情况用于让你判断是否降智✅。
Fortnite Adaptive Aimbot v42.1 JS - Adaptive Aimbot with customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP included.
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
TW Friends JS - Friend Management for The West Events
Easy Offline JS - Find out all magnet links and torrents and video links in current page, and stream them from cloud storage automatically.
agario-feeder-bot JS - to be writen
DownloadAllContent JS - Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
百度文库(wenku)在线下载PDF格式文件 JS - 百度文库文档页面打印PDF,chrome浏览器最好能安装一下 adblock 插件,下载后的pdf文件可以在 https://pdf2docx.com/zh/ 上转换成docx
Fuck CSDN JS - 去除CSDN BBS&BLOG&DOWNLOAD&WWW ADP检测/广告/展开全文限制/复制小尾巴/离线网页限制/其它
Fanbox图片下载器 JS - Download Pixiv Fanbox Images.
哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix JS - 修复 哔哩哔哩(www.bilibili.com) 失效的收藏。(可查看av号、简介、标题、封面)
Youtube Ad Cleaner(Include Non-Skippable Ads- works) JS - (Be Tested Daily) Bypass all youtube ads (skippable and non-skippable Ads) plus download youtube video on the fly
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
Slither-Feeder-Bot JS - Slither Feeder Bot
Yohoho.io Cheats JS - Cheats for the popular IO game, Yohoho.IO! Press 'p' to change your pet. 'l' to change the pet's level, 'x' to change your xp, 'i' to change your island, 'c' to change your character, and 'o' to change your coins.
Cookie Clicker hack JS - Just a cookie clicker hack.
DouyuEx-斗鱼直播间增强插件 JS - 斗鱼直播间增强插件,功能:弹幕自动变色防检测循环发送 一键续牌 查看真实人数/查看主播数据 已播时长 一键签到(直播间/车队/鱼吧/客户端) 一键领取鱼粮(宝箱/气泡/任务) 一键寻宝 送出指定数量的礼物 一键清空背包 屏蔽广告 调节弹幕大小 自动更新 同屏画中画/多直播间小窗观看/可在斗鱼看多个平台直播(虎牙/b站) 获取真实直播流地址 自动抢礼物红包 背包信息扩展 简洁模式 夜间模式 开播提醒 幻神模式 关键词回复 关键词禁言 自动谢礼物 自动抢宝箱 弹幕右键信息扩展 防止下播自动跳转 影院模式 直播时间流控制 弹幕投票 直播滤镜 直播音频流 账号多开/切换 显示粉丝牌获取日期 月消费数据显示 弹幕时速 相机截图录制gif 全景播放器 斗鱼视频下载/弹幕ass下载 直播画面局部缩放 全站抽奖信息 直播音效增强 阻止P2P上传 显示贡献榜贡献值 恢复弹幕显示 斗鱼视频弹幕高能进度条 检测弹幕是否发送成功 查看主播配置信息 自动网页全屏 自动最高画质 弹幕无限收藏 收藏弹幕搜索 支持弹幕带图片 屏蔽弹幕背景 弹幕+1 房间VIP到期提醒 自动钓鱼
Krunker Skid - bushfire-disaster-appeal JS - krunker.io modification