extra mass Gaver.io JS - extra mass Gaver.io by Akash
MR Gitlab JS - ohoho
BiliBili+ JS - 在B站个人动态的视频列表里直接加入稍后看按钮
Vimeo - Disable Autoplay JS - Disable autoplay on Vimeo everywhere
SDU Auto Teaching Scoring(山东大学自动评教) JS - Auto Teaching Scoring Script
Twitch Prime Reminder JS - Adds a reminder of who you used your Twitch Prime sub on and when it expires to the Subscribe button modal
liChess.org Current Match Score JS - lichessCurrentMatch
蝦米音樂 Xiami Music Auto Login and Signing JS - 蝦米音樂-自動登入及自動簽到
Warosu Images JS - Add images to your posts
fuck animated favicons JS - Removes animated favicons
layerd_disabled JS - display the ad
Diggy's Adventure - Facebook autoclick JS - Auto-clicks Facebook request
IdleHelper JS - Some QoL and automation features for Idle Lands.
Tumblr Image URL Redirect JS - Redirects Tumblr Image URLs to the raw version
lor-colornicks JS - colorize nicks @ LOR
NYT Search MAM JS - Add "MAM" button to NYT best sellers list
好友和最近游戏中显示VAC状态 JS - 可以检查好友列表和游戏列表中好友的VAC状态。
iqdb.org移动版 JS - make iqdb.org uses more easier on your phones
Remove Leetcode's Premium Problems JS - If you are not a VIP member of leetcode, you can't solve the premium problems which have a lock after them. But we can get rid of them~~~~~~ Fuck them and give you a nice interface!
当当网支付页面自动转跳支付宝扫码界面 JS - 快速进入扫码
heise.de Auf einer Seite lesen JS - opens articles always on one page
Steam cart sorter JS - sort the Steam cart by price
PoiDBTrans JS - Translate ship names and menu items on db.kcwiki.org
GreatBots.ga Script JS - New Cellcraft Best Bots!
GreatBots.ga Script JS - New Cellcraft Best Bots!
SteamHistoryLowestPrice JS - 显示游戏在各种商店中当前和历史最低价格及进包次数
迅雷地址转真实地址 JS - 把迅雷专用链接,旋风专用链接,快车专用链接转为原始链接
Steam Community Ignore JS - Hides posts from specific users.
lor-colornicks_2 JS - colorize nicks @ LOR - forked from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/30836
Snipta Dark Theme JS - This is just a basic dark theme for Snipta.com.
Google Play Music Autoplay JS - Provides autoplay options via url parameters on song or playlist URLs
Reddit Never NP JS - Redirect from No-participation reddit urls to actual reddit urls
Torn War Helper JS - -------
ncore.hide.films.user.js JS - Hide movies on ncore.cc with greasmonkey
Subeta Auto-Roaming JS - This script automatically roams random shops and stops when you are going to buy an item and resumes after.
BS Notification JS - Benachrichtigung bei Erwähnung in der SB oder einer neuen PN und Userauswahl mit @ in der SB
Filtrado de hilos ForoCoches JS - Filtra los hilos no deseados por palabras clave y autores.
Warbase Filters JS - Filter things out of the war base
ctrl + I切换页面反色 JS - RT
Zakop everywhere (https fix) JS - dodaje możliwośc zakopania znalezisk sponsorowanych i na głównej
Steam Auto Queue JS - 自动探索Steam队列,有延时,可暂停
KissAnime Remember Server JS - Use your favorite server for all episodes
VoiceDeOChat JS - OGARio-chat with voice
GitHub Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension
OWOP Plot Bot JS - hax
Meneame Simple JS - Usar conjuntamente con https://userstyles.org/styles/144573/meneame-simple
Download Video as MP4 [video.sibnet.ru+myvi.ru] JS - Скачать видео с myvi.ru, video.sibnet.ru одним кликом, правильные названия видео при скачивании
MyAnimeList Swap Peoples' Name Order JS - Swaps the name of people on MyAnimeList from the regular "Last Name, First Name" to "First Name Last Name"
Forbes - Skip Welcome Screen JS - Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.
Gmail turn warning off JS - Gmail turn off unintended external reply warning
IsThereAnyDeal - Add G2A prices JS - add G2A prices on listings
inmac thumbs fixer JS - Fix broken thumbnails
KissAnime Auto Captcha V3.2 JS - Auto complete KissAnime Captcha
BS-Tool JS - Messenger & Shoutbox improvements
AutoPlay Disabled for HTML5 Videos + Pause on Switch Tab JS - Prevents auto-play HTML5 videos in new tabs on any page (not just YouTube) and pauses videos when leave/switch/change the current tab, to prevent any video playing in the background. This auto play blocker is an alternative to Click-to-Play / click to play. On some times like YouTube, click twice to begin first playback — From Dan Moorehead (xeonx1), developer of PowerAccess™ (http://PowerAccessDB.com)
Microsoft Edge Ad Blocker JS - This is blocker for Edge ads on Microsoft websites. DISCLAIMER! Author isn't affiliated with Google, Apple and other Microsoft haters. Suсk it! We all love Microsoft, but sometimes their pushes are a bit annoying
Voz Pro Copy JS - Bạn muốn copy tất cả ảnh trong quote? Muốn copy thread hay nhưng lên hình trông như Trang Hạ vì không copy được format? Thất vọng vì server của thím Tủ? Hãy cài script này để giải quyết mọi vấn đề trên :D
TPB Torrent Downloads Fork JS - Piratebay download via torrents
SteamWishListTool - Steam Wishlist Organizer JS - Oranize Steam Wishlist Collection via categories and tags
WME Northeast Meetup MapRaid 2017 Overlay JS - Adds a Northeast Meetup MapRaid 2017 area overlay.
屏蔽知乎使用adblock后页面顶部出现的横幅 JS - try to take over the world!
Audiokniga.club downloader JS - Adds links for downloading chapters of the current book on audiokniga.club website
煎蛋工具条(jandan.net) JS - 按照OO数自动排序(无聊图和妹子图),自动翻页,快捷关闭吐槽的按钮和快捷键,鼠标经过播放GIF等功能。
豆瓣读书导出到 EndNote JS - 从豆瓣读书的图书页面一键获取 EndNote Import 类型参考文献文件
Telegram post summary JS - Summarises telegram posts from channel to export as CSV
Search ddl JS - Add Search ,on google or on new tab (chrome), for search on all Website hosting
Background themes JS - themes alis.io
ColoredMercury JS - Adds site's colors to the mobile skin of FANDOM
Github To The Top Button JS - Add a to-the-top button into the github's pages.
Vertix store custom name after refresh vertix.io JS - Keeps track of your name
Facebook scroll hider JS - Hide elements on Facebook when the page is scrolled
Turkısh Macro Pro 2017® JS - Macro From HyGeine
PokeMap Korean Patch JS - Gotta Catch 'Em All
PokeMap Korean Patch JS - Gotta Catch 'Em All
TrueAchievements Live List Filter JS - Adds filter/search capability for achievement titles and descriptions.
EM Game Saver JS - Save EM Games to disk and then load them even after the site deletes them.
去掉搜索结果下划线 JS - 去掉下划线
微软搞事(MSDN订户显示) JS - 药丸
Voz Calendar JS - Làm chức năng calendar trên thanh menu của voz hoạt động.
Export Links JS - Creates download links for 500px albums
MTB News Forum Fixer JS - Behebt ein paar nervige Sachen im MTB-News Forum
关键词检索订阅频道内视频-爱奇艺 JS - 在订阅的频道页面通过输入关键词检索相关的所有视频,以列表的形式展示在醒目位置。
ARUBA Cloud VAT Calc JS - Allow VAT increase/decrease in ARUBA Cloud's top-up credit page
AO3-navigate-arrows JS - Arrow Keys used to navigate chapters
__JaZzY's Macros JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! ❤
Prince Macros JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! ❤
honto recorded list JS - 作品ページで収録作品を自動表示する
Steam Badge Viewer JS - try to take over the world!
Feedly Faviconize List JS - A user script to show feed favicons in Feedly Title-Only View.
FreeBitcoin Dark Styles JS - Dark style for the site
HWM MailToTemplate JS - В новом письме заполняет тему и текст сообщения из URL
NoAliTrackID JS - 将淘宝客链接还原成原始网址
网易云音乐屏蔽指定人动态 JS - 初始加载和滚动时,搜索指定人动态并屏蔽;若要修改名单,在开头的NetEaseBlockedAccountList中修改对象的id即可
sosobtc屏蔽插件 JS - 用于屏蔽sosobtc聊天室中恶意用户
GDQ Schedule Highlighter JS - try to take over the world!
Bot Script JS - MineMoore
steam探索队列 JS - try to take over the world!
bs复制key JS - try to take over the world!