AWBW Turn warning JS - Adds audio and visual feedback to the tab when your turn starts.
AWBW Maximise JS - Maximise the useable game area and reorder elements
AWBW Damage Calculator Plugin JS - calculate damage in games!
Enhance Advance Wars By Web gameplay JS - Add "your turn" notifications, style improvements and more to Advance Wars By Web
AWBW game notes JS - Add a simple note function to matches
AWBW Stats JS - Enchanced Stats Charts for Advance Wars By Web
AWBW Auto Replay JS - Auto-replays
AWBW Music Player JS - A comprehensive audio player that attempts to recreate the cart experience
AWBW Pixel Pefector JS - Forces all game sprites to look cleaner and nicer and cuter
AWBW Power Bars JS - Fixed borked CO power bar images
AWBW Power Bar Hider JS - Bye bye power bars
AWBW Timer warning sounds JS - Adds audio feedback to the timer when it counts down the last 60 seconds
AWBW Replay archive JS - Reload or download an archived replay, from 2023 onward.
AWBW Live league ELO JS - Display ELO in live league next to player name (updated every 10 minutes)
AWBW Join Game (Lobby) Show Players Official Scores JS - Fetch and display official scores for users from their profile pages next to their name on Join Game page.
AWBW: Disable Right Click in game JS - Just disable right click context menu and that's it.
AWBW: Color-Blinded-Friendly Status Icon CSS - Make respective status icon unique shape that looks just like discord
Advanced Wars clean pixels JS - Removes Anti Aliasing
AWBW Tournament Bracket Cleaner Display JS - Remove seed numbers and stretches tables to fit content
AWBW Power Charge Restyling JS - Removes power bar animation and adds intuitive colour changes when meter charges
AWBW Hide Buttons JS - Avoid accidentally activating powers or ending turn. Not recommended for live play!
AWBW capture limit JS - Calculate the capture limit and show it on player elements
AWBW Advance Dating by Web JS - AWBW Advance Dating By Web restyling plugin
AWBW Power Nerf JS - Hides the power buttons and bars! Defeat your opponents on Day-to-Day abilities alone!
AWBW Change army direction JS - Swap the direction of a player's army by clicking the arrow icon in the army selector.
Improved AWBW Music Player JS - An improved version of the comprehensive audio player that attempts to recreate the cart experience with more sound effects, more music, and more customizability.
AWBW Highlight Cursor Coordinates JS - Displays and better highlights the coordinates of your cursor by adding numbered rows and columns next to the map in Advance Wars by Web.
AWBW Custom Army Importer - Beta 1.3 JS - [Client Side] Allows users to fetch custom army sprites and use them in game!
AWBW Income Grapher - Beta 5.0 JS - Preview Income and Tank Order on any given map.
AWBW Map Analyzer - V5.1 JS - Analyze unit movement in the map editor and map preview.
AWBW Sight Sparing Recolourer JS - Replaces most high brightness colours with less bright colours, and replaces the background image with a solid dark colour.