YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
ShellShockers Aimbot and ESP JS - yes
GreasyFork优化 JS - 自动登录账号、快捷寻找自己库被其他脚本引用、更新自己的脚本列表、库、优化图片浏览、美化页面、Markdown复制按钮
Shape Aimbot UPDATED JS - try to take over the world!
kiwiSpotify JS - make spotify working on mobile
YATA JS - Displays various informations from YATA's API
【💯💯💯2025】网络教育、专业技术、继续教育等视频学习伴侣 JS - 后台继续播放📺高倍数🤖自动挂机无人值守🔥继续教育🎗️远程教育,🚩专业技术人员,江西专技学习网,🦄安徽专技网,建投学堂、雨课堂、温州继续教育网、山东青年政治学院,🛎河南教师培训网,宁夏专业技术人员,黑龙江省网络助学平台,青岛市,🌈浙里学习、山东干部网络学院,河北教师教育网、隆泰达培训、🎊东营市继续教育网、百年树人、会计人员🥇深i学、济宁市高级职业学校、基础教育进修网、高等学历继续教育、🐱🚀河南专技在线、青岛大学、和学在线、湖南农民大学生⏩全国煤炭行业现代❤️浙江文化干部🤖新营造MOOC❤️贵州省建设行业职业技能管理中心、广州市干部培训❤️长春工业大学🎉西安工业大学168网校🥇在线壹佰分🎉一点通🎉上海开放大学📺卫生健康人才职业技能培养学习平台✅株洲教师教育1️⃣安徽专业技术人员🔥广东省教师继续教育信息管理平台🎗️河北干部网络学院↗️西安工业大学、河南华夏基础😉九江学院继续教育🎉国家开放大学,🧠青书学堂、云南省执业药师、马鞍山市专业技术人员、湖南师范大学、云南省执业药师协会、教师专业发展培训网,贵州省党员干部网络学院,河南省专业技术人员,江西专技在线,企安全、夏邑县小学教师、🔛河北
Sketchfab Model Downloader JS - Download Sketchfab models
graduated version of ᏞϴᎡᎠ亗ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ CLIENT 3.0 JS - ITS A BLOXD IO CLIENT
115备份小工具 JS - 改自115转存助手ui优化版3.5,先感谢一下作者,其次我太懒了,不想写新的
TurboType for Monkeytype 🤖 JS - This script automates typing tests on Monkeytype by simulating character input at random intervals when the "CtrlLeft" key is pressed. Keyboard events are intercepted and transmitted to the input field, providing a configurable automated typing test experience. The test can be started or stopped through a menu accessible with the "CtrlLeft" key.
Lootlinks and lootlabs bypass JS - This userscript bypasses Lootlinks and Lootlabs links quickly and efficiently, saving you time and energy.
Keystrokes JS - Custom Keystrokes And CPS Original created by Cyrex ( Compatitable with Bloxd Staging and Normal )
哔哩哔哩自动画质 JS - 自动解锁并更改哔哩哔哩视频的画质和音质及直播画质,实现自动选择最高画质、无损音频、杜比全景声。
9mm [MooMoo.io] [v1.0.1] JS - It's a good script for moomoo.io, it's not the best, but I'll try to make it as good as possible. M - Auto mills. Q/F/V/N/H - Macro placers. Everything else works automatically! If some hats were not bought by yourself, then you can buy them in the store.
🔥🔥番茄小说网页版,免费阅读,支持解锁VIP🔥🔥 JS - 番茄小说网页版,免费阅读,支持解锁VIP,支持一键下载小说
🔥🔥B站视频最高清设置,界面优化,支持高清视频下载🔥🔥 JS - 一进入B站视频就选择最高清设置,界面优化,去掉右上角广告,支持当前播放页面视频高清下载!
解除复制限制 JS - 解除部分网站的复制限制及小尾巴,如百度文库、CSDN、哔哩哔哩专栏等。
4chan XT JS - 4chan XT is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
M3u8 JS - 解析 或 破解 vip影视 的时候,使用的 《在线播放器》 和 《在线VIP解析接口》 和 《第三方影视野鸡网站》 全局通用 拦截和过滤 (解析资源/采集资源) 的 插播广告切片
🔥 TigerTech Client for Shell Shockers Aimbot, CrossHair Mod, Auto-Move, Ping Monitor and MOAR!🔥 JS - Get ready for a brand new update! TigerTechOfficial Mod for Shell Shockers Aimbot, ESP and MOAR! It allows players to see opponents through walls, display lines to them, and automatically aim at targets. The script includes a GUI for toggling features and works on various Shell Shockers domains. Use of this script may violate game terms of service and ethical considerations.
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
Fuck-Yudao JS - Help you climb over the paywall for a so-called "Free & Open Source Software", built by someone who truly understand our generations duty. To you-know-who: *thank you*. China's OSS environment got much better because of professionals like you.
bilibili自动发送直播弹幕 JS - bilibili自动发送直播弹幕, 刷屏和互动专用, 右上角插件菜单中启动
Auto Simya JS - 심챈 자동 복호화/국룰입력/다운(Kiosk, Mega, GoogleDrive, goFile)
支持支持【智慧树、中国大学mooc、慕课、国开、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、职教云、继续教育类】 JS - 【💚已完美兼容、智慧树、中国大学mooc、慕课、雨课堂、新国开、超星、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、蓝墨云、职教云、智慧职教、云班课精品课、山东专技、西财在线剩余网站仅支持部分功能💚】【半兼容、绎通云、U校园、学堂在线】、【💚完美应付测试,全自动答题,一键完成所有资源学习(视频挨个刷时不存在滴)、视频倍速💚】 、【💚新增AI搜题、AI问答,定制化服务💚】、【💚破除网站不可复制文字💚】、【💚基于生成式AI(ChatGPT)的答案生成💚】、【💚新增背题模式(遮挡答案,更好的进行考试复习)💚】、【特别感谢MeTo题库免费提供题目搜索功能】【💚作者在此保证,脚本无任何诸如(手机号,学校信息,等隐私信息)收集💚】
知乎免登录-关怀模式 JS - 老子就不登录
Bilibili - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端 JS - 优化未登录情况下的移动网页端的使用体验 | V0.5 累积更新
[影视工具]VIP电影解析,短视频解析,搜索引擎,豆瓣/时光快搜 JS - VIP电影解析:优酷,腾讯,爱奇异,乐视,PPTV,1905,芒果,风行,b站,搜狐;短视频解析:youtube,B站,西瓜,抖音,快手,小红书,微博,A站;
YouTube Cobalt Tools Download Button JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos using Cobalt API for downloading videos or audio.
Update Animations Panel JS - update animation
Twitter kaizen JS - Enjoy Twitter Comfortably
Wallhack JS - Join https://discord.gg/E3z883VjKB for unreleased hacks and client hacks
淘呀号解析自营 JS - (注:一同看官网能打开了就不需要用这个了,可能体验没一同看原生好,并且有时候会无法使用)该版本为“淘呀号”自营解析插件的主版本,适用于安卓和电脑设备,该插件将不再依赖于一同看网站(一同看官网打不开的用户可以使用该插件),直接访问http://gv.gv1069.vip即可观看。
Force ChatGPT-4 Model JS - Redirect to ChatGPT-4 model if not already set, avoiding redirect loops
组卷网学科网试卷处理下载打印 JS - 【2024/11/16】✨ 自动处理组卷网学科网试卷,并打印,支持去广告,答案分离。
No Ads - YouTube AdBlocker | Ad Skipper | Free YouTube Music | Ad Remover | Remove Adblock Warning JS - Skips all YouTube ads instantly and removes banners/overlays. Completely undetectable ad blocker. Enjoy ad-free YouTube music playlists and videos with no interruptions. Removes adblock detection warnings.
Youtube 双语字幕版 JS - YouTube双语字幕,任何语言翻译成中文或用户选择的目标语言。支持YouTube翻译和谷歌翻译,自动切换。支持移动端和桌面端,适配Via浏览器。
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View JS - Lets you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N, and T to toggle them.
💥全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转)、B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、知乎使用增强等多合一纯净脚本 JS - 👉️脚本功能介绍:👈️【1】全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,移动端+PC:支持爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果、优酷、哔哩哔哩等;【2】B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、番剧大会员VIP视频解析、视频下载(支持多P下载)、一键三联、浏览记录提醒;【3】知乎使用增强:外链接直接跳出、问题,回答时间标注、短视频下载方便保存等;【4】Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转),需要更多网址适配请留言;【5】搜索引擎功能增强,百度添加网址显示,google结果新标签页打开灯,导航可自定义网址;脚本功能可独立开关,按需使用。长期维护更新,请放心使用!
BewlyBewly + Bilibili Evolved 颜色问题修复 CSS - 修复 BewlyBewly 插件和 Bilibili Evolved 脚本同时使用时B站图标颜色显示不正常的问题
Netflix Bypass the "Activate extra member to watch now" JS - Bypass the "Activate extra member to watch now"
Remove ads Twitch JS - Continue to view twitch stream when ad
Steam Workshop Downloader (Skymods/Modsbase) JS - Download mod via skymods.ru and modsbase.com directly from steam workshop
치지직 1080p 해상도 고정 JS - 치지직 1080p 해상도로 고정합니다
Crime Morale JS - A comprehensive tool for Crime 2.0
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
치지직 광고 팝업 차단 JS - Remove ad block popup
IXL Auto Answer (OpenAI API Required) JS - Sends HTML and canvas data to AI models for math problem solving with enhanced accuracy, a configurable API base, an improved GUI with progress bar and auto-answer functionality.
! za's mod JS - press t to toggle autooneframe
qk文章资源共享|CSDN|知乎|专栏|会员文章|盐选|文件下载|CSDN积分 JS - 🐚🐚功能介绍🐚🐚:🔥csdn,去除广告🔥,🔥免登陆复制,查看全文🔥,控制登陆弹窗频次,文件下载,🔥解析csdn会员文章🔥,🔥超级会员文章🔥,知乎,🔥解析知乎盐选,专栏🔥
Torn Item Market Helper JS - Items market 2.0 helper
全网VIP视频解析在线原网页观看 JS - 优酷 爱奇艺 腾讯 芒果 AB站等全网VIP视频免费解析
Glxy Client JS - Survev.io multipurpose client
Bumble Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Bumble beeline profiles and show names
文武直链助手-百度网盘在线解析网页直链获取助手 JS - 不限制速度的百度网盘SVIP解析直链网页获取助手,支持 Gopeed(一键解析)、IDM、NDM 等多线程极速下载工具
易刷cookie登陆 JS - 易刷cookie登陆 - 放课后 (国际服 台服)
网盘直链解析 JS - 支持批量获取 ✅百度网盘 ✅阿里云盘 ✅天翼云盘 ✅迅雷云盘 ✅夸克网盘 ✅移动云盘 六大网盘的直链下载地址,配合 IDM,Xdown,Aria2,Curl,比特彗星等工具高效🚀🚀🚀下载,完美适配 Chrome,Edge,FireFox,360,QQ,搜狗,百分,遨游,星愿,Opera,猎豹,Vivaldi,Yandex,Kiwi 等 18 种浏览器。可在无法安装客户端的环境下使用,助手免费开源。😎
123网盘无广告下载增强 JS - 123网盘去广告,并伪装客户端下载
小红书下载助手 JS - 小红书图片、视频、实况下载
Mi300's Diep.io FOV / Zoom Script JS - Press - + or scroll
Scribd Content Viewer/Downloader JS - View or export scribd docs content for free
多领国阻止血量减少 JS - 阻止 多领国 网站在学习过程中因错误减少用户的血量,通过拦截并阻止相关的“remove-heart”请求。
Ans YouTube GUI (Adblocker, Vol Boost, Age Bypass, 25+ Mods) JS - Tools for youtube, these tools let you modify the likes, video title, subscribers and views of the vid, dm me on dc if you want me to add ur idea
Determination v7.4(work) JS - Determination remaked by Ultra hack
Gradient health JS - 5/11/2023, 10:58:22 PM
youtube-adb JS - A script to remove YouTube ads, including static ads and video ads, without interfering with the network and ensuring safety.
Nexus Mods Fast Download JS - Overrides the "Manual" button on NexusMods mod pages to download the file without extra steps.
Kahoot cheats MOD MENU JS - A hack for kahoot.it! And also when copying the userscript make sure you install the script by just pressing the install button and then copying this userscript you don't really have to install it but just click the install button and then copy this userscript!
Advanced Sploop.io script v2.1 JS - -
❤TOTT网课助手--支持自动答题|题库搜|刷资源|刷视频|视频加速|快速背题|AI搜题|AI问答|自动刷课,有问题扫馬问客服 JS - 🐯全网免费仅做一款脚本🐯】、【🚀已完美兼容、智慧树、中国大学mooc、慕课、雨课堂、新国开、超星、学习通、知到、国家开放大学、蓝墨云、职教云、智慧职教、云班课精品课、山东专技、西财在线剩余网站仅支持部分功能🚀】【半兼容、绎通云、U校园、学堂在线】、【😎完美应付测试,全自动答题,一键完成所有资源学习(视频挨个刷时长不存在滴)、视频倍速😎】、
Vape V4 JS - A browser script made to give enhancements on Miniblox
Porn Blocker | 色情内容过滤器 JS - A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
Youtube Shorts Text Removal JS - Toggles text visible that is overlaying the Youtube Short(e.g captions, channel name)
Nico Nico Ranking NG JS - ニコニコ動画のランキングとキーワード・タグ検索結果に NG 機能を追加
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
ao3 savior config JS - Config script for AO3 Savior userscript
繁簡自由切換 JS - 任意轉換網頁中的簡體中文與正體中文(默認簡體→正體),顯示漢字對應漢語拼音,自訂任意替換文本
VIP会员视频解析 JS - 解析并自动跳转各大视频网站会员视频(傻瓜版)
PixivUserBatchDownload JS - Batch download pixiv user's images in one key.(Based on Aria2)
SLITio by szymy JS - slither.io MOD
百度Baidu网盘HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将百度网盘的链接(http://pan.baidu.com/)转换为HTTPS协议(https://pan.bidu.com),可以直接下载大文件。
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
YouTube MP3 Download | Converto.io | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Fügt einen MP3 Download-Button zur Videoseite hinzu, um das Video über Converto.io zu MP3 umzuwandeln.
AO3: Kudos/hits ratio JS - Replace hitcount with kudos/hits percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
百度云下载不受限制 JS - 把"share"改为"wap"百度网盘下载大于2G的文件不用安装云管家
VIP Video Cracker(VIP视频解析) JS - 主要解析爱奇艺、优酷、腾讯、乐视、搜狐、土豆、芒果、PPTV、1905、A站、B站、音悦Tai、华视TV等VIP在线视频,在浏览器左上角添加“@史婷露”按钮,当鼠标放在左上角才会显示,既美观又实用。
Mp3Tube - Youtube Mp3 Download JS - Youtube Mp3 Download
YouTube Auto-Liker JS - Automatically likes videos of channels you're subscribed to
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
The West Duel Cloth Calc JS - Calculates the Duel skill values of your opponents.
Sci-hub button JS - Add sci-hub button on article page. Add sci-hub button after article link. Support Google scholar, bing academic and baidu xueshu. Jump CNKI English article to Chinese article.
Automail JS - Extra parts for Anilist.co
Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide them JS - Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.