Upwork external links JS - Skip "You are now leaving Upwork" page with external links
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Tools to hide contact names and pictures of Whatsapp Web.
Diep.io Deep Theme JS - Deep Theme.. It makes everything... Deeper... You'll see once you try it out.
Download images from vsco.co JS - Adds download buttons for the full-resolution images to thumbnails all over vsco.co
NGA AC娘表情FGO化补完计划 by 间桐咕哒子@NGA JS - 将 间桐咕哒子@NGA 制作的FGO化AC娘表情加入到表情列表中
NetFlix Auto Account selection JS - Automatically select your Netflix account (enter your netflix account name below)
Adblock JS - adblock alis.io
TruyenFull downloader JS - Tải truyện từ TruyenFull định dạng EPUB.
Gota.io Instant Merge Script JS - E - 16 Split -|- Q - Triple Split -|- D - Double Split |- R - Pop Split |- Z - Douchebag Split
51JOB前程无忧找工作助手 JS - 提供简单的屏蔽功能,去除烦人的培训机构!在职位介绍页面添加一键天眼查功能
Display additional information in VK profile JS - Display profile ID, registration date, last profile edit and last seen in VK user profile
My Match Analyzer JS - My Match Analyzer For TM
v2ex回复排序 (兼容 V2EX Pro) JS - sort v2ex replies by star❤️, compatible with V2EX Pro
Google Apps JS - Add some Google Apps to your Browser
Google always in com JS - Redirects Google from local TLD to ".com" top level domain (ncr, no country redirect, gws_rd)
Neopets - Old Shop Bar JS - Changes shops links to old Shop Bar
Discord - 隱藏頻道列表 JS - 新增按鈕以隱藏列表,方便多視窗作業
今年一定島 查ID JS - 汲汲營營大報社
MyEbay Watcher JS - Show new views and observer in my ebay selling overview
掘金复制内容版权去除 JS - 去除掘金复制内容时,自带的版权信息
WME Junction Angle Info JS - Show the angle between two selected (and connected) segments
YouTube Downloader - By Wígny Almeida JS - Download Audio and Video from Youtube
TSDM 自動簽到 JS - 天使動漫自動簽到腳本 / 預設表情 "開心" / 預設簽到信息 "來簽到了啊"
WhatsApp Web Spammer JS - Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.
Fake Kahn Academy Hack JS - Fake kahn hack ; jt3ch.net
百度百科添加维基镜像 JS - 在百度百科中添加跳转到维基百科镜像和互动百科的按钮。
Duolingo Speedy Timed Practice JS - Duolingo - Speedier Timed Practice
save WEB page to PDF JS - save HTML to PDF
研修破解 JS - 关闭教师研修提示暂停 适用于teacheredu.cn登录入口的教师研修或视频页面为study.yanxiu.jsyxsq.com/proj/studentwork/的研修
ptt_R18_click JS - auto_click_R18_button PTT自動成人
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
Remove social sharing/following icons JS - Remove soical sharing icons and must not be the same as name
教师研修网自动点击继续计时和自动切换 JS - 教师研修网,定时检测停止计时弹窗并点击,定时检测视频是否停止播放并切换当前课程下的下一个视频
Bilibili直播间挂机助手3 JS - B站直播间挂机用: 签到,领瓜子,移动端心跳,瓜子换硬币等
robux JS - changes robux on refresh
khinsider batch downloader JS - batch download for downloads.khinsider.com originalsoundtracks
Tab De-Throttler JS - Prevents the browser from throttling a tab by playing very quiet audio.
9gag show video control JS - add video controls to 9gag gif and video post. Add volume slider on chrome browser
JS practice for S1 JS - JS练习脚本
自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀 JS - 自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀自动跳转
remove page limit JS - Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
知乎排版优化 for Mobile JS - 手机浏览器访问知乎电脑板页面排版优化
cgL-grepolisBot JS - GrepolisBot with city designer, autoreconnector, autobuilder,autofarmer,autoattack, account guardian and much more!
花瓣工具(HuabanTool) JS - 花瓣(huaban.com)工具。包含功能:图片批量下载。
Youku 1080 JS - 解开 VIP 1080p
CF-Predictor JS - This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
google-helper JS - 在新标签页直接打开google搜索的结果条目,避免从google跳转
YouTube Live Screen Comment Scroller JS - YouTube Live のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
Instagram Followers Liker JS - Script will like foolowers recursively
Showdown - Traducción al Castellano JS - Traducción de Pokémon Showdown al castellano
MooMoo.io Chromebook HatScript, working after update v0.897 JS - Working after patch, use "9,0 and -" to switch hats, for all you Chromebook users out there who don't have a numeric keypad here you go use this as a hat-script
All Diep.io hidden tricks JS - ESC to go back to Normal, Shift +: F for FPS, Z for background, X for no edges, V for colored edges, [- to lighten color, + to darken color (increments of 0.05, causes weird behavior if not between 0 and 1], B for no scoreboard, N for no names, M for raw health values, G for green shapes mode, [ for no achievement screen, 9 for no health bars, 0 for no UI.
MOOMOO.IO AUTOHEAL + numpad hat mod JS - Autoheal credit for auto heal gose to night and hat mod gose to Perussi. use numpads to equip hats u can press the number pad keys and see on top of tab withc eache one dose.
回到顶部/底部 JS - 便捷的全局回到顶部/底部按钮(Top and Down buttons everywhere)
Spotify open in app JS - This userscript redirects open.spotify.com links to the desktop app
Reddit - view images on redditgrid.com JS - Add a link to view all images of a subreddit on redditgrid.com
Hacker News Highlighter JS - Highlight new stories on Hacker News
reddit: sabotage event tracker JS - Blocks the reddit event collector
TW Night and day JS - The West Night and day 20:00-05:00 dark mode
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
survivadblock JS - AD Block
Schoology Auto-Login JS - Automatically logs into Schoology
福利吧好孩子看得见 JS - 在福利吧帖子中将隐藏的链接、文字高亮显示
x8 split by Anonimowy JS - Press Right Mouse Button >>> Full Split x8, 2x Click = x16 split
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
Find the Invisible Cow JS - blah blah
QQ音乐下载 JS - 点击下载按钮即可下载QQ音乐
淘宝天猫优惠查询助手 JS - 优惠查询助手 - 精确获取当前页面的商品 ID
DevTools Anti-Detector JS - Simple tool to temporarily prevent site from using popular methods of DevTools detection. Do not leave enabled!
CSDN去广告 JS - CSDN去广告(博客、论坛、搜索、首页)
灯塔视频学习助手 JS - [灯塔视频][灯塔学习]
淘宝天猫内部优惠券.taobao,tianmao,tmall JS - 淘宝天猫内部优惠券
Add Instagram Video Progressbar JS - Add a video playback progressbar at bottom of an Instagram video. This script also disables video looping and unmute audio. All are configurable in script code. Note: CSP must be disabled for Instagram, or use Tampermonkey.
Site search JS - Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites.
115浏览器-启动时自动登陆115 JS - 启动时自动登陆115
Greasy Fork tweaks JS - various tweaks for greasyfork.org site for enhanced usability and additional features
AC-baidu: 优化百度、搜狗、谷歌搜索结果之关键词自动高亮 JS - 1.自动提取搜索页面的搜索关键词 2.对关键词自动进行高亮处理 W键可以取消高亮 3.动态获取动态的搜索关键词,重新高亮显示
Tumblr GDPR Fixer JS - Tumblrs GDPR page is a little bit ridiculous. This will automatically switch all ad sharing to off.
powerline.io JS - Replaces inline JS on powerline.io
JVChat Premium JS - Outil de discussion instantanée pour les forums de Jeuxvideo.com
Watermelon Zhihu JS - 一个清净的知乎
WeiboDL 异步增强版 微博图片下载 JS - 微博图片下载
知乎去除链接跳转 JS - 暴力替换知乎页面的链接, 去除知乎重定向, 直接跳转到页面
WME Route Speeds (MapOMatic fork) JS - Shows segment speeds in a route.
WME FC Layer JS - Adds a Functional Class layer for states that publish ArcGIS FC data.
Pixiv Replace With Original JS - Replace Pixiv image with original image
百度网盘提取工具(BaiduyundiskLinkCodeExtract) JS - 点击按钮扫描,如果页面上有百度云盘的资源网址,则将文字转换为链接;如果页面上有百度云盘资源链接和提取码,则在点击链接后自动填入提取码并提交
优书网 <=> 知轩藏书 JS - [知轩藏书/早安电子书/书荒网/柚子书]添加优书网评分和直链,[优书网/柚子书]书籍详情页添加[知轩藏书/早安电子书/龙凤互联/书荒网]下载链接
ac-predictor JS - コンテスト中にAtCoderのパフォーマンスを予測します
動畫瘋·Plus JS - 分級標識自動同意、自動切換至下一集、自動點此跳過廣告、影片空降座標、網頁全螢幕、子母畫面
Youtube Old Site Design JS - Restore Youtube's Old Site Design
Agar.io Train Line Controller JS - Script that allows you to make impossible lines and include custom configuration settings.
Bilibili 专栏去除选中复制限制 JS - 去除 Bilibili 专栏中的选中及复制限制
The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.
复制为Markdown格式 JS - 复制网页内容为Markdown格式。点击右上角copy按钮开始选择内容,点击鼠标或按Enter进行复制。按Esc取消选择,上箭头选择父级,下箭头选择子级,左箭头选择前面的相邻元素,右箭头选择后面的相邻元素。按钮可以拖动。Ctrl+c+c激活。
百度去广告,blur(毛玻璃)搜索框,美化 JS - 百度搜索框背景模糊,去广告,美化
下载微博图片和视频 JS - 一键下载一条微博中的图片,文件名包含该微博的路径.xxx_wb_uid_wid,可恢复为 https://weibo.com/uid/wid
bypassbalabala JS - 跳过知识产权局废话
灯塔党建视频学习 JS - 2019-09-05更新