Better StackOverflow CSS - adds outline to code blocks, ad block, no cookie modal, various fixes.
YouTube Remove Ambient CSS - Removes ambient mode around video player on YouTube.
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
Popurls Classic Black Style 2019 css CSS - for use with Popurls Classic Black Style 2019 - link colors stylesheet
[docs.unity3d & local] Unity Black - a dark theme with JS/C# syntax highlighting css CSS - for use with [docs.unity3d & local] Unity Black - css style
Disable All CSS Animations CSS - Disable all CSS animations.
Ungay Global CSS - Ungay the web
Normalize.css 油猴魔改版 CSS - 魔改 Normalize.css 以修正样式表
移除灰阶滤镜样式 CSS - 仅仅只移除灰阶滤镜
Hide scrollbar CSS - Hides the main scrollbar
Spotify Side Mode CSS - Re-arrange elements in now playing bar to fit narrow window.
Fandom | Modern Full Width Theme CSS - Makes the wiki page full-width and adds a sidebar with a sticky header and fixed search bar.
Dark Theme for Demon's Souls Wikidot CSS - a Dark Theme for Demon's Souls Wikidot
GitHub Repo View Tweaks CSS - Makes the GitHub repo redesign look less bad by reducing padding. Also adds back separators to the file list.
Cool Button CSS - This is a cool button style I made! Enjoy!
Igre123.com - Dark Theme CSS - Dark theme for Slovenian page igre123.com
atom styled stylus CSS - dark theme for stylus editing
center-content CSS - Center content through flexbox
Igre123.com - Old Theme CSS - Dark theme for Slovenian page igre123.com
弹出日历选择日期插件的css CSS - 弹出日历选择日期插件
FogbugzDarkMode CSS - Change most elements in FogBugz to a dark visual style
Don't Be A Hu CSS - Improve Zhihu UI
Boreal - Discord theme CSS - Enjoy Discord over a calm peaceful lake under the northern lights.
Just Dance Now Redrawn CSS - A redrawn from the original just dance now
Just Dance Now Custom Avatar CSS - Add custom avatars for just dance now!
按钮样式 CSS - 设置按钮样式
滚动条美化 CSS - 美化滚动条
ImageHider CSS - Hides any images in various ways.
Another One Universal Dark Theme(User Style) CSS - changes all web-site theme to dark
Element Outline CSS - creates outline for all elements.
tele5 video usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
Return Old Pastebin CSS - Delete Ukraine&Russia poster, back old logo
自定义代码字体 (自用) CSS - 自定义代码字体
Coolors.co Pallette Generator ad blocker CSS - Hides annoying ads shown on the coolors.co palette generator.
Archive Of Our Own - Scrolling Tag List CSS - Shortens the list of tags on /works lists and allows scrolling to see the overflow.
Google Photos without slide transition CSS - Disable the sliding transition between photos and videos in Google Photos
Mastodon custom CSS - Mastodon customizer; change colors, fonts, and more.
0.2 border CSS - 给所有元素添加边框
Datatables CSS CDN with Images CSS - Datatables CSS CDN with Images(reupload)
Small Apple.com CSS - Shrinks apple home page to be readable for normal people
tele5 base usercss 2023 CSS - hide everything but the video itself
StackOverflow sticky votes CSS - Makes the upvote/downvote buttons and vote count on StackOverflow and StackExchange sticky, so you don't have to scroll up to upvote a long answer.
Lenna's Fet Tag Request Hider v2 CSS - Removes tag requests on a notice page that supports Fet.
Non-LGBT MDN CSS - color everything to default colors as it was back before. (basically removes lgbt s***)
網頁XY卷軸美化 CSS - XY卷軸美化+自定義scrollbar better customize
Slickdeals Cleaner NG CSS - Removes ADs, promotional junk, and any sponsored or featured sections.
Test encoding issue CSS - https://github.com/JasonBarnabe/greasyfork/issues/1174
LightboxModern CSS CSS - Styling LightboxModern
语雀目录等宽字体 CSS - 强制语雀左侧目录使用等宽字体, 便于对齐
微博优化 weibo.com CSS - 微博首页去除热搜榜,去除多余内容,调整宽度等。
PSXHAX Hide Annoying pop up CSS - Hiding annoying pop-up 'Please allow ads on our site' on PSXHAX
GNU Pascal Cringe Removal CSS - Removes ocular assault from the GNU Pascal website.
3DMM.com Noir CSS - Updated version of the 3DMM.com Dark Theme.
zattoo easily hide non-free channels CSS - easily hide non-free channels from the channel list
joyn easily hide non-free/vod channels CSS - easily hide non-free/vod channels from the channel list
Pluto.tv usable guide CSS - make the Pluto.tv guide usable again (in full viewport)
Pluto.tv hide splash animation CSS - Pluto.tv hide splash animation easily, duh
RTL+ hide non-free content CSS - RTL+ hide non-free (aka premium/paid-for) content, including "live" streams
Toonio Space Theme CSS - Поехали!
Safari Cleaner Gmail CSS - A simplified and minimalist look to Gmail desktop
klimat.app - Dark Mode CSS - Klimat.app Dark Mode
3DMM.COM Halloween theme CSS - Enables Space Goat's 3dmm.com BB Halloween theme.
kickでコメントの名前消すだけのCSS CSS - This is your new file, start writing code