// ==UserScript==
// @name 看帖:PAUSE EA 持久版
// @namespace https://www.gamemale.com/space-uid-687897.html
// @version
// @description 勋章触发奖励时停+发帖回帖奖励账本查询!
// @author 瓦尼
// @match https://www.gamemale.com/*
// @match https://www.gamemale.com/forum.php
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @icon https://www.gamemale.com/template/mwt2/extend/img/favicon.ico
// @exclude https://www.gamemale.com/*inajax=1*
// @license GPL
// ==/UserScript==
// 下载地址 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/517953
// R语言计算灵魂概率 https://www.gamemale.com/blog-723150-117070.html
* 基于瓦尼开发的 勋章触发记录他来了-本地发回帖账本PAUSE https://www.gamemale.com/thread-136471-1-1.html
* 基于星之子修改的 勋章触发记录 PAUSE(EA) 账本界面皮肤 https://www.gamemale.com/thread-145044-1-1.html
* 回帖限制请参考你需要知道的回帖发帖收益及各版版规 https://www.gamemale.com/thread-114869-1-1.html
* 回帖限制请参考关于各版块的回帖数限制的回答 https://www.gamemale.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=150652&pid=4647886&fromuid=723150
* 重构表格生成代码,使其更为直观。
* 新增回帖分区统计,避免超出回帖上限
* 新增【开启提示框暂停】,0为关闭,1为开启
* 新增【发帖灵魂统计】,0为关闭,1为开启
// DONE 区别账号
// TODO 区域合并
// DONE 全区监控之后,有一些报错暂时未处理
// DONE 仅在发帖和回帖时,记录区域位置
// DONE 仅在发帖和回帖时,弹出提示框
// TODO 定制颜色样式
// TODO 如果某条回复打到阈值,突出显示
// TODO 合并灵魂期望和回帖期望
(function () {
'use strict'
// 0为关闭,1为开启
let Config = {
开启提示框暂停: 1,
显示默认区域: 1,
发帖灵魂统计: 0
if (localStorage.getItem('账本配置')) {
Config = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('账本配置'))
// 自动获取用户uid,请勿随意修改
// 目前仅与主题配色相关
const uid = discuz_uid
// 抽卡音乐开关,值为0时关闭,值为1时开启
//const gachaSound = 0;
// 抽卡音乐链接
// 崩铁抽卡音效 网抑云源
//const gachaMusicUrl = 'https://music.163.com/song/media/outer/url?id=2034614721.mp3';
//PAUSE EX-AID时停音效 使用Gimhoy音乐盘源 https://music.gimhoy.com/
//const gachaMusicUrl = 'https://dlink.host/musics/aHR0cHM6Ly9vbmVkcnYtbXkuc2hhcmVwb2ludC5jb20vOnU6L2cvcGVyc29uYWwvc3Rvcl9vbmVkcnZfb25taWNyb3NvZnRfY29tL0VVR1R6WlZJeEhoSnBJNnpPclVRcXNBQkN4ZkkwNlh5M25sZmNkV2ZSVzBqc1E.mp3';
// Firefox火狐浏览器失效保护设置,默认为0,使用firefox浏览器却无法打开账本,可以尝试将此项值设为1,其他浏览器请勿修改!
const firefoxBrowser = 0
// 使用的浏览器检测
var brwoserType = ""
const userAgent = navigator.userAgent
if ((userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1) || firefoxBrowser) {
brwoserType = "Firefox"
} else if (userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
brwoserType = "Chrome"
} else {
brwoserType = "Others"
// 播放抽卡音效的函数
// 由于音效的缓存需要时间,触发暂停时可能无法及时播放
function playSound(sound) {
sound.addEventListener("canplaythrough", event => {
return 0
// 主要负责暂停和记录的主函数
function pauseAndSave() {
// 获取内容并暂停
var creditElement = document.getElementById("creditpromptdiv")
// 获取分区元素
const area = (() => {
const ele = document.querySelector("#pt > div")
return ele ? ele.textContent.split('›').map(item => item.trim()).slice(-2, -1)[0] : undefined
// 保存内容
extractAndSave(creditElement, area)
return 0
// 持续监听页面,当目标节点发生变化时,调用检测函数
function startObserve() {
const targetNode = document.getElementById('append_parent')
if (!targetNode) return
// 观察器配置
const config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: false }
// 设置计数器,防止出现无限循环
let changeCount = 0
let lastSuccessTime = new Date(0)
// 当检测到变化时调用的回调函数
const callback = function () {
// 提前加载音效
//if(gachaSound == 1){
//var sound = new Audio();
//sound.src = gachaMusicUrl;
// 如果检测到奖励内容再执行函数
if (document.getElementById("creditpromptdiv")) {
// 检查和上一次的间隔毫秒
let curTime = new Date()
let timeDiff = curTime.getTime() - lastSuccessTime.getTime()
// 如果小于一定间隔则不执行
if (timeDiff >= 10000) {
// 播放音效
//if(gachaSound == 1){
// 执行主函数
// 计数器加一并更新最新时间
lastSuccessTime = curTime
console.log(`PAUSE账本第 ${changeCount} 次记录完成`)
// 如果变化次数达到一定次,断开观察!防止无限循环。
if (changeCount >= 10) {
} else {
// 创建一个观察器实例并传入回调函数
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
// 开始观察目标节点
observer.observe(targetNode, config)
return 0
function extractAndSave(divElement, area) {
let curTime = new Date()
// 获取灵魂期望
const linghunExpectations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('灵魂期望'))
const result = {
creditType: '',
badgeActivated: '否',
area: '',
lvCheng: 0,
jinBi: 0,
xueYe: 0,
zhuiSui: 0,
zhouShu: 0,
zhiShi: 0,
lingHun: 0,
duoLuo: 0,
acquiredAt: curTime,
const keyMap = {
'旅程': 'lvCheng',
'金币': 'jinBi',
'血液': 'xueYe',
'追随': 'zhuiSui',
'咒术': 'zhouShu',
'知识': 'zhiShi',
'灵魂': 'lingHun',
'堕落': 'duoLuo'
// 提取奖励类型
const creditTypeNode = divElement.querySelector('i')
console.log(creditTypeNode, divElement.outerHTML)
//creditTypeNode 可能为空 当他是赠礼或者花钱的时候
if (!creditTypeNode) return
var parts = creditTypeNode.textContent.trim().split(' ')
// 出现以下关键词则代表第一个部分不是类型
var keywords = ['金币', '血液', '咒术', '知识', '灵魂', '堕落', '旅程', '追随']
var reason = parts[0]
// 检查原因是否包含关键词,如果包含则替换为"无"
if (keywords.some(keyword => reason.includes(keyword))) {
reason = '无'
result.creditType = reason
// 奖励类型为发表回复或发表主题时,记录区域
if (result.creditType === '发表回复' || result.creditType === '发表主题') {
result.area = area
// 检查是否触发勋章
if (creditTypeNode.textContent.includes('勋章功能触发')) {
result.badgeActivated = '是'
// 提取积分变化
const spans = divElement.querySelectorAll('span')
spans.forEach(span => {
const text = span.textContent
let match
if ((match = text.match(/(旅程|金币|血液|追随|咒术|知识|灵魂|堕落)\+(\d+)/))) {
const key = keyMap[match[1]]
result[key] = parseInt(match[2], 10)
} else if ((match = text.match(/(旅程|金币|血液|追随|咒术|知识|灵魂|堕落)\-(\d+)/))) {
const key = keyMap[match[1]]
result[key] = -parseInt(match[2], 10)
// 保存记录
var historyArrayEx
if (localStorage.getItem("extractedCreditHistory")) {
historyArrayEx = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("extractedCreditHistory"))
} else {
historyArrayEx = new Array()
localStorage.setItem('extractedCreditHistory', JSON.stringify(historyArrayEx))
// 最后弹框提示
if (Config.开启提示框暂停) {
if (result.creditType === '发表回复' || result.creditType === '发表主题') {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 500)
return 0
// 在新窗口通过调整样式来显示消息
// alert弹窗只会在原窗口弹出,不容易注意到,因此需通过此方法提示
function showMsg(msgID, pageContent) {
var targetMsg = pageContent.getElementById(msgID)
// 确保元素存在
if (targetMsg) {
// 显示元素
targetMsg.style.display = 'block'
// 设置5秒后隐藏元素
setTimeout(function () {
targetMsg.style.display = 'none'
}, 5000)
} else {
console.error('无法找到ID为' + msgID + '的元素')
// 重新生成右侧表格,并将结果返回
function generateRightHTML() {
var creditHistoryStr = localStorage.getItem('extractedCreditHistory')
var creditHistory = JSON.parse(creditHistoryStr)
var rowNumber = 0
var tempLvCheng = 0
var temmpJinBi = 0
var tempXueYe = 0
var tempZhouShu = 0
var tempZhiShi = 0
var tempLingHun = 0
var tempDuoLuo = 0
const checkCreditHistory = []
if (creditHistory) {
creditHistory.forEach(function (item) {
if (checkItem(item)) {
checkCreditHistory.push({ ...item, rowNumber })
tempLvCheng += item.lvCheng
temmpJinBi += item.jinBi
tempXueYe += item.xueYe
tempZhouShu += item.zhouShu
tempZhiShi += item.zhiShi
tempLingHun += item.lingHun
tempDuoLuo += item.duoLuo
// 格式化日期和时间
// 解析ISO 8601时间字符串为UTC时间,然后转为本地时间
var formattedDateTime = (date) => {
var date = new Date(date)
return date.getFullYear() + '-' +
('0' + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + '-' +
('0' + date.getDate()).slice(-2) + ' ' +
('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' +
('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ':' +
('0' + date.getSeconds()).slice(-2)
const settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("filterSettings"))
const 显示灵魂期望 = Config.发帖灵魂统计 && settings.showFaTie
const 显示回帖期望 = settings.showHuiTie
const settingsDays = settings.days
const headers = [
'行号', '奖励类型', '是否触发', '分区', '旅程', '金币', '血液', '咒术', '知识', '灵魂', '堕落', '时间',
...(显示灵魂期望 ? ['灵魂期望'] : []),
const dataKeys = [
'rowNumber', 'creditType', 'badgeActivated', 'area', 'lvCheng', 'jinBi', 'xueYe', 'zhouShu', 'zhiShi', 'lingHun', 'duoLuo', 'acquiredAt',
...(显示灵魂期望 ? ['linghunExpectations'] : []),
const dataFormat = {
acquiredAt: val => formattedDateTime(val),
...(显示灵魂期望 ? {
linghunExpectations: (val, item) => item.creditType === '发表主题' ?
linghunExpectationsFormat(val) : ''
} : {}),
const mainTable = generateTable(checkCreditHistory, headers, dataKeys, dataFormat, true)
const qiwangFormat = (obj, all) => {
const format = (val) => all ? (val / all).toFixed(2) : 0
// return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([key, val]) => [key, key === 'rowNumber' ? val : format(val)]))
const num = Math.min(all, 30)
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(obj).map(([key, val]) => {
if (key === 'rowNumber') {
return [key, val]
} else if (key === 'temmpJinBi' && Number(settingsDays) === 1) {
// 只在当天-30*2期望,跨天算起来就得每天判断是否慢30减了,不能简单*30再减,因此干脆不算
return [key, `${format(val)}(${format(val - num * 2)})`]
} else {
return [key, format(val)]
const allExpectations = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('回帖期望'))
const summaryTableData = [
{ rowNumber: rowNumber, tempLvCheng, temmpJinBi, tempXueYe, tempZhouShu, tempZhiShi, tempLingHun, tempDuoLuo },
qiwangFormat({ rowNumber: '实际期望', tempLvCheng, temmpJinBi, tempXueYe, tempZhouShu, tempZhiShi, tempLingHun, tempDuoLuo }, rowNumber),
...(allExpectations ? [{ rowNumber: '理论期望', ...allExpectations }] : [])
// 小计表格
const summaryTable = generateSummaryTable(显示回帖期望 ? summaryTableData : summaryTableData.slice(0, 1))
// 计算分区 并 生成回帖数表格
const areaNum = getAreaNum(checkCreditHistory)
const areaTable = generateAreaTable(areaNum)
// 整合页面HTML
var rightHTML = '<h3>当前记录汇总</h3>' + summaryTable + areaTable + mainTable
return rightHTML
// 根据设置检查功能
function checkItem(item) {
var showItem = false
var catCheck = false
var daysCheck = false
var settings
if (localStorage.getItem("filterSettings")) {
settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("filterSettings"))
} else {
settings = {
showHuiTie: true,
showFaTie: true,
showQiTa: false,
days: 1
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(settings))
if (settings.showHuiTie) {
catCheck = ((catCheck) || (item.creditType == "发表回复"))
if (settings.showFaTie) {
catCheck = ((catCheck) || (item.creditType == "发表主题"))
if (settings.showQiTa) {
catCheck = ((catCheck) || ((item.creditType != "发表主题") && (item.creditType != "发表回复")))
// 检查时间
if (settings.days != 0) {
// 转换格式
var curDate = new Date()
curDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
var recordDate = new Date(item.acquiredAt)
recordDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
// 获取目标日期
var targetDate = new Date(curDate.setDate(curDate.getDate() - settings.days + 1))
targetDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
// 记录日期大于等于目标日期则显示,小于则返回跳过
if (recordDate.getTime() >= targetDate.getTime()) {
daysCheck = true
} else {
daysCheck = true
showItem = daysCheck && catCheck
return !showItem
GM_registerMenuCommand('查看账本', () => {
function viewLedger() {
// 创建一个隐藏的iframe
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
iframe.style.display = 'none'
// 读取localStorage中的creditHistory数据
var creditHistoryStr = localStorage.getItem('extractedCreditHistory')
try {
// 解析JSON字符串为对象数组
var creditHistory = JSON.parse(creditHistoryStr)
var fixedHTML = '<div id="fixedBox"><h3>记录工具箱</h3>'
var toolHTML = '<div id="toolBox">'
// 添加导出按钮
toolHTML += '<button id="exportBtn">导出本地记录为.txt</button>'
// 添加导入按钮和文件输入框
toolHTML += '<input type="file" id="importFile" accept=".txt" style="display:none;">'
toolHTML += '<button id="importBtn">从.txt导入本地记录</button>'
// 添加删除按钮
toolHTML += '<button id="deleteBtn">删除所有本地记录</button>'
toolHTML += '<p id="exportNull" style="display: none;">没有数据可以导出。</p>'
toolHTML += '<p id="importSuccess" style="display: none;">导入成功!</p>'
toolHTML += '<p id="importFail" style="display: none;">导入失败,文件内容不是有效的JSON数组。</p>'
toolHTML += '<p id="importError" style="display: none;">导入失败,无法解析文件内容,请前往主页面弹窗查看原因。</p>'
toolHTML += '<div id="customConfirmModal" style="display: none;"><p>确定要删除所有本地积分记录吗?此操作不可逆!</p><div class="buttonContainer"><button id="confirmYes">确定</button><button id="confirmNo">取消</button></div></div>'
toolHTML += '<p id="deleteSuccess" style="display: none;">已删除所有记录</p>'
toolHTML += '</div>'
var filterHTML = '<div id="toolBox"><h3>筛选记录</h3>'
filterHTML += `
<input type="checkbox" id="showHuiTie" name="showHuiTie" checked />
<label for="showHuiTie">回帖奖励</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="showFaTie" name="showFaTie" checked />
<label for="showFaTie">发帖奖励</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="showQiTa" name="showQiTa" checked />
<label for="showQiTa">其他奖励</label>
<input type="radio" id="option1" name="timeRange" value="1">
<label for="option1">当天</label><br>
<input type="radio" id="option2" name="timeRange" value="custom" checked>
<label for="option2">自定义 <input type="number" min="0" id="customDays" value="0"></label><br>
<small>(N:过去N天内 1:当天 0:全部)</small>
filterHTML += '</div>'
fixedHTML += toolHTML
fixedHTML += filterHTML
fixedHTML += '</div>'
fixedHTML += '<button id="toggleToolBoxBtn"></button>'
var rightHTML = '<div id="tableBox">' + generateRightHTML() + '</div>'
var overallHTML = '<div class="container">' + fixedHTML + rightHTML + '</div>'
// 插入到新窗口的文档中
iframe.contentDocument.body.innerHTML += overallHTML
//////////////////// 添加css/////////////////////////
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var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document
// 创建一个新的<style>元素
var styleTag = iframeDoc.createElement('style')
// 定义CSS样式内容
var styles = `
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font-family: Noto Sans SC, Microsoft Yahei, Arial, sans-serif;
.container {
display: flex;
#toolBox {
padding: 10px;
#importBtn {
margin: 6px auto 20px;
#deleteBtn {
margin: auto;
#deleteBtn {
display: block;
background-color: transparent;
border: 2px solid #1A1A1A;
border-radius: 0.6em;
color: #3B3B3B;
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text-align: center;
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transition: all 300ms cubic-bezier(.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
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color: #fff;
background-color: #1A1A1A;
box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) 0 8px 15px;
transform: translateY(-2px);
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box-shadow: none;
transform: translateY(0);
h3 {
display: block;
text-align: center;
font-size: 2em;
margin: 36px auto 12px;
#customConfirmModal {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 3px;
border-color: red;
#customConfirmModal p {
color: red;
margin: 20px;
#confirmYes {
margin: 0 20% 20px 20%;
#customDays {
width: 4em;
font-family: Noto Sans SC, Microsoft Yahei, Arial, sans-serif;
border-radius: 6px;
border: 1px solid #333;
#tableBox {
width: 80%;
float: right;
margin-left: 20%;
#tableBox table {
margin: 20px auto 40px auto;
border: 2px solid #333;
border-radius: 6px;
border-spacing: 0;
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transition: all 0.2s;
border: none;
th {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2; transition: all 0.2s;}
tr:hover {background-color: #d3d3d3; transition: all 0.2s;}
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position: fixed;
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legend {
font-weight: bold; /* 设置字体加粗 */
color: #000; /* 设置字体颜色 */
label {
// 将样式内容赋值给<style>元素的textContent属性
styleTag.textContent = styles
// 将<style>元素添加到IFrame的<head>中
var head = iframeDoc.head || iframeDoc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
var titleElement = document.createElement('title')
titleElement.innerText = 'PAUSE账本'
if (brwoserType == "Firefox") {
iframe.src = "PAUSE"
} catch (e) {
console.error('解析localStorage中的creditHistory失败:', e)
// 如果解析失败,可以在这里处理错误,比如显示一个错误消息
iframe.contentDocument.body.textContent = '数据加载失败,请检查浏览器的localStorage设置。'
// 将iframe的内容复制到新窗口
var newWindow = window.open('', '_blank')
newWindow.document.importNode(iframe.contentDocument.documentElement, true),
if (localStorage.getItem('filterSettings')) {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
newWindow.document.getElementById('showHuiTie').checked = filterSettings.showHuiTie
newWindow.document.getElementById('showFaTie').checked = filterSettings.showFaTie
newWindow.document.getElementById('showQiTa').checked = filterSettings.showQiTa
newWindow.document.getElementById('option2').checked = true
newWindow.document.getElementById('customDays').value = filterSettings.days
// 显示/隐藏工具箱
// 名为toolBox 实际上是对外层fixedBox进行操作
newWindow.document.getElementById('toggleToolBoxBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
var toolBox = newWindow.document.getElementById('fixedBox')
if (toolBox.style.display === 'none') {
toolBox.style.display = 'block'
} else {
toolBox.style.display = 'none'
// 导出数据
// 给exportBtn添加点击事件监听器
newWindow.document.getElementById('exportBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
var creditHistoryStr = localStorage.getItem('extractedCreditHistory')
if (creditHistoryStr) {
var blob = new Blob([creditHistoryStr], { type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' })
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
var link = document.createElement('a')
link.href = url
link.download = 'extractedCreditHistory.txt'
} else {
showMsg("exportNull", newWindow.document)
// 导入数据
// 绑定导入按钮的点击事件,触发文件选择对话框
newWindow.document.getElementById('importBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
// 绑定文件输入框的change事件,处理文件读取
newWindow.document.getElementById('importFile').addEventListener('change', function (e) {
var file = e.target.files[0]
if (!file) return
var reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = function (e) {
var content = e.target.result
try {
var parsedData = JSON.parse(content)
if (Array.isArray(parsedData)) {
localStorage.setItem('extractedCreditHistory', JSON.stringify(parsedData))
showMsg("importSuccess", newWindow.document)
} else {
showMsg("importFail", newWindow.document)
} catch (error) {
alert('导入失败,无法解析文件内容: ' + error)
showMsg("importError", newWindow.document)
// 删除数据
// 绑定删除按钮的点击事件
newWindow.document.getElementById('deleteBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
var customConfirmModal = newWindow.document.getElementById('customConfirmModal')
// 如果已经显示了,再次点击则隐藏提示框
if (customConfirmModal.style.display == 'block') {
customConfirmModal.style.display = 'none'
} else {
customConfirmModal.style.display = 'block'
// 绑定自定义对话框内的确认和取消按钮事件
newWindow.document.getElementById('confirmYes').addEventListener('click', function () {
customConfirmModal.style.display = 'none'
showMsg("deleteSuccess", newWindow.document)
newWindow.document.getElementById('confirmNo').addEventListener('click', function () {
customConfirmModal.style.display = 'none'
// 奖励类型
newWindow.document.getElementById('showHuiTie').addEventListener('change', function () {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.showHuiTie = this.checked
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
newWindow.document.getElementById('showFaTie').addEventListener('change', function () {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.showFaTie = this.checked
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
newWindow.document.getElementById('showQiTa').addEventListener('change', function () {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.showQiTa = this.checked
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
// 天数筛选
newWindow.document.getElementById('option1').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (this.checked) {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.days = 1
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
newWindow.document.getElementById('option2').addEventListener('click', function () {
if (this.checked) {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.days = newWindow.document.getElementById('customDays').value
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
newWindow.document.getElementById('customDays').addEventListener('change', function () {
var option2 = newWindow.document.getElementById('option2')
if (newWindow.document.getElementById('option2').checked) {
var filterSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('filterSettings'))
filterSettings.days = this.value
localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(filterSettings))
newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML()
// 重置筛选
// newWindow.document.getElementById('showAllBtn').addEventListener('click', function () {
// var defaultSettings = {
// showHuiTie: true,
// showFaTie: true,
// showQiTa: true,
// days: 0
// };
// newWindow.document.getElementById('showHuiTie').checked = defaultSettings.showHuiTie;
// newWindow.document.getElementById('showFaTie').checked = defaultSettings.showFaTie;
// newWindow.document.getElementById('showQiTa').checked = defaultSettings.showQiTa;
// newWindow.document.getElementById('option2').checked = true;
// newWindow.document.getElementById('customDays').value = defaultSettings.days;
// localStorage.setItem('filterSettings', JSON.stringify(defaultSettings));
// newWindow.document.getElementById('tableBox').innerHTML = generateRightHTML();
// console.log("已重置筛选条件");
// });
// 清理创建的iframe
// 计算分区回帖数
function getAreaNum(historyArray) {
let result = {}
if (Config.显示默认区域) {
result = { 'C G A I': 0, '生活爆照': 0, '和谐动漫': 0, '汉化游戏': 0, '和谐游戏': 0, }
historyArray.forEach(e => {
if (e.area) {
if (!result[e.area]) {
result[e.area] = 1
} else {
result[e.area] += 1
return result
// 生成计算分区回帖数表格
function generateAreaTable(data) {
const newdata = [{ '回帖数': '', ...data }]
const headers = Object.keys(data)
const dataKeys = headers
return generateTable(newdata, headers, dataKeys, {}, true)
// 生成总计
function generateSummaryTable(data) {
const headers = ['行数', '旅程', '金币', '血液', '咒术', '知识', '灵魂', '堕落']
const dataKeys = ['rowNumber', 'tempLvCheng', 'temmpJinBi', 'tempXueYe', 'tempZhouShu', 'tempZhiShi', 'tempLingHun', 'tempDuoLuo']
return generateTable(data, headers, dataKeys, {}, true)
GM_registerMenuCommand('更新所有期望', () => {
.then(doc => {
const linghunResult = processLinghun(doc)
const huiResult = processHui(doc)
localStorage.setItem('灵魂期望', JSON.stringify(linghunResult))
localStorage.setItem('回帖期望', JSON.stringify(huiResult))
.catch(error => {
console.error('发生错误:', error)
// 公共数据获取函数
function fetchData() {
return fetch('https://www.gamemale.com/wodexunzhang-showxunzhang.html?action=my')
.then(response => response.text())
.then(html => new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html'))
// 灵魂期望处理
function processLinghun(doc) {
const result = {}
doc.querySelectorAll('.my_fenlei .myblok').forEach(element => {
const linghun = [...element.querySelectorAll('.jiage.shuxing')].find(p => p.textContent.includes('灵魂'))
const triggerProbability = [...element.querySelectorAll('.jiage')].find(p => p.textContent.includes('触发几率'))
if (linghun && triggerProbability) {
const probabilityMatch = triggerProbability.textContent.match(/触发几率 (\d+)%/)
if (probabilityMatch) {
const probability = parseFloat(probabilityMatch[1]) / 100
const countMatch = linghun.textContent.match(/发帖\s*[\u00A0]*灵魂\s*\+\s*(\d+)/)
const count = countMatch ? parseInt(countMatch[1], 10) : 0
result[probability] = (result[probability] || 0) + count
return result
// 回帖期望处理
function processHui(doc) {
const xunzhangList = doc.querySelectorAll('.my_fenlei .myblok')
const qiwang = pattern => {
const result = { 金币: 0, 血液: 0, 咒术: 0, 知识: 0, 旅程: 0, 堕落: 0, 灵魂: 0 };
[...xunzhangList].forEach(block => {
const text = block.textContent
if (text.includes("已寄售")) return
const probMatch = text.match(/几率 (\d+)%/i)
if (!probMatch) return
const probability = parseInt(probMatch[1], 10) / 100
const matches = Array.from(text.matchAll(pattern))
for (const match of matches) {
const [, type, sign, value] = match
result[type] += probability * parseInt(sign + value, 10)
return Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(result).map(([k, v]) => [k, Number(v.toFixed(4))])
const hui = qiwang(/回帖\s+(.+?)\s([+-])(\d+)/gi)
return {
tempLvCheng: hui.旅程,
temmpJinBi: hui.金币,
tempXueYe: hui.血液,
tempZhouShu: hui.咒术,
tempZhiShi: hui.知识,
tempLingHun: hui.灵魂,
tempDuoLuo: hui.堕落
// 格式化函数保持原样
function linghunExpectationsFormat(result) {
if (!result) return '暂无数据'
const total = Object.entries(result).reduce((sum, [prob, count]) => sum + prob * count, 0)
return `${total.toFixed(2)} = ${Object.entries(result).map(([k, v]) => `${k}(${v})`).join(' + ')}`
* 生成一个 HTML 表格。
* @param {Array<Object>} data - 表格数据的数组,每个对象代表一行数据。
* @param {Array<string>} headers - 表头的名称数组,用于定义表格的列标题。
* @param {Array<string>} dataKeys - 数据对象中对应的键名数组,用于从数据中提取显示的值。
* @param {Object} [dataFormat] - 可选参数,包含格式化函数的对象,格式化每个字段的显示值。
* @param {boolean} [inHTML=false] - 可选参数,若为 true,则返回 HTML 字符串形式的表格;否则返回 DOM 元素。
* @returns {HTMLElement|string} 返回生成的表格元素或 HTML 字符串,具体取决于 `inHTML` 参数的值。
* @example
* const data = [{lvcheng: 1, jinbi: 10}];
* const headers = ['旅程', '金币'];
* const dataKeys = ['lvcheng', 'jinbi'];
* const tableElement = generateTable(data, headers, dataKeys);
* document.body.appendChild(tableElement);
function generateTable(data, headers, dataKeys, dataFormat, inHTML) {
if (dataFormat) {
data = data.map(item => {
const formattedItem = {}
for (const key of dataKeys) {
if (dataFormat[key]) {
formattedItem[key] = dataFormat[key](item[key], item)
} else {
formattedItem[key] = item[key]
return formattedItem
// 根据 uid 获取颜色配置,如果没有则使用默认配置(全黑)
const colorMap = uid ? colorMapByUid[uid] || defaultColorMap : defaultColorMap
let tableHTML = '<table><thead><tr>'
// 生成表头,并应用颜色
headers.forEach(header => {
const colorConfig = colorMap[header]
tableHTML += `<th>${applyColor(header, colorConfig)}</th>`
tableHTML += '</tr></thead><tbody>'
// 生成表格数据行,并应用颜色
data.forEach(item => {
tableHTML += '<tr>'
dataKeys.forEach((key, index) => {
const value = item[key] !== undefined ? item[key] : ''
const header = headers[index]
const colorConfig = colorMap[header]
tableHTML += `<td>${applyColor(value, colorConfig)}</td>`
tableHTML += '</tr>'
tableHTML += '</tbody></table>'
if (inHTML) {
return tableHTML // 返回 HTML 字符串
} else {
const table = document.createElement('div')
table.innerHTML = tableHTML // 将 HTML 字符串插入到一个 div 中
return table.firstChild // 返回生成的 table 元素
* 应用颜色样式到 HTML 元素。
* @param {string} content - 要显示的内容。
* @param {string|Object} colorConfig - 颜色配置,可以是字符串(颜色值或渐变)或对象(包含样式属性)。
* @returns {string} 返回应用了样式的 HTML 字符串。
function applyColor(content, colorConfig) {
function camelToKebab(camelCase) {
return camelCase.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()
if (!colorConfig) return content
let style = ''
if (typeof colorConfig === 'object') {
// 遍历对象属性,动态生成 style 字符串
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(colorConfig)) {
if (value) {
const cssProperty = camelToKebab(key) // 转换驼峰式为短横线分隔
style += `${cssProperty}: ${value};`
} else if (colorConfig.startsWith('linear-gradient')) {
style = `background: ${colorConfig}; -webkit-background-clip: text; background-clip: text; color: transparent;`
} else {
style = `color: ${colorConfig};`
return `<span style="${style}">${content}</span>`
const colorMapByUid = {
694610: {
'行数': 'black', // 行数:黑色
'旅程': {
color: '#99FF00', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#6666FF 0px 1px 3px, #6666FF 1px 0px 3px, #6666FF 0px -1px 3px, #6666FF -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#6666FF, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'金币': {
color: '#FF6666', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#FFFF00 0px 1px 3px, #FFFF00 1px 0px 3px, #FFFF00 0px -1px 3px, #FFFF00 -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#FFFF00, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'血液': {
color: '#000000', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#FF0000 0px 1px 3px, #FF0000 1px 0px 3px, #FF0000 0px -1px 3px, #FF0000 -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#FF0000, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'咒术': {
color: '#FFFFFF', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#0000FF 0px 1px 3px, #0000FF 1px 0px 3px, #0000FF 0px -1px 3px, #0000FF -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#0000FF, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'知识': {
color: '#FFFFFF', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#0099FF 0px 1px 3px, #0099FF 1px 0px 3px, #0099FF 0px -1px 3px, #0099FF -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#0099FF, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'灵魂': {
color: '#66FFFF', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#0000FF 0px 1px 3px, #0000FF 1px 0px 3px, #0000FF 0px -1px 3px, #0000FF -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#0000FF, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
'堕落': {
color: '#FFFFFF', // 文字颜色
textShadow: '#000000 0px 1px 3px, #000000 1px 0px 3px, #000000 0px -1px 3px, #000000 -1px 0px 3px', // 发光效果
filter: 'glow(color=#000000, strength=3)' // 发光滤镜
723150: {
'行数': 'black', // 行数:黑色
'旅程': 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #90EE90, #008000)', // 旅程:从上到下的浅绿到绿色渐变
'金币': 'orange', // 金币:橙色
'血液': 'red', // 血液:红色
'咒术': 'purple', // 咒术:紫色
'知识': 'blue', // 知识:蓝色
'灵魂': 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #6A11CB, #2575FC)', // 灵魂:从上到下的紫色到蓝色渐变
'堕落': 'black' // 堕落:黑色
// 默认颜色配置(全黑)
const defaultColorMap = {
'行数': 'black',
'旅程': 'black',
'金币': 'black',
'血液': 'black',
'咒术': 'black',
'知识': 'black',
'灵魂': 'black',
'堕落': 'black'
// 调用函数
// 插入链接
function addLedgerLink() {
// 图片URL
const icon = 'https://img.gamemale.com/album/202412/30/145538ebff949ooy6ybfo4.png.thumb.jpg'
// 创建一个按钮元素
const div = document.createElement('div')
// 设置按钮的样式
div.style.position = 'absolute'
div.style.right = '0px'
// div.style.left = '40px'
// div.style.top = '-20px'
div.style.background = 'none' // 去掉默认背景
div.style.cursor = 'pointer' // 鼠标悬停时显示为手型
// 创建图片元素
const img = document.createElement('img')
img.src = icon
img.width = 30
img.height = 30
// 获取目标元素
const targetElement = document.querySelector("#um > div.u-info.col_2a > div.u-info-credit.col_3.sdw")
// 将按钮添加到目标元素中
if (targetElement) {
targetElement.insertBefore(div, targetElement.firstChild) // 插入到最前面
div.addEventListener('click', () => {
} else {