Greasy Fork is available in English.

TypingBowl of Piss

Instant win cheat made in 5 minutes

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2.29 KB
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What is this?

This is a cheat made for It was created as both a self-challenge and a demonstration of how easy it was to cheat. For context, most of the game logic was client-side rather than server-side.

Below is a rant that you don't need to read. tl;dr software engineer is incompetent and becomes resentful when I expose them as such.

I have decided to release this script to the public in spite of a little drama that happened. The maker of the statement has labelled me as a person with a superiority complex and that I did not provide them helpful feedback.

This is not true. Whilst my feedback is seemingly harsh, it is direct, literal, and straightforward. I have provided them the info that they need to fix such a cheat, of which all have been shot down. Their solution? A captcha "typing test" of all things, LMFAO. Also, their code has ai generated tidbits. They try to justify this saying that it's a tool and will be treated as such. Ok bud sure, use AI to generate large swaths of your site. I wonder how that holds up to a person of actual skill. They stated that they're not a JS developer, hence they should be given slack. What a bad argument, yes syntax and logic change, but the overall way you build projects stays the same. Clearly from the result of this one, you're incompetent.

So have fun with this cheat, and make the incompetence of this so-called "software engineer of many years" known. If they do decide to update the site, expect the "instant-win" to disappear and be replaced with an "auto-type" functionality. Or I just abandon this project because I don't care and as an actual competent software engineer, I have better things to do.