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Human-Typer by Warrior

Simulate human typing in Google Docs and Slides with customizable settings such as typing speed, errors, and breaks.

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Here is a detailed description and instructions for using the Human-Typer extension:

### Description

Human-Typer is a user script that simulates human typing in Google Docs and Google Slides. By customizing typing speed, error rate, break time, and break count, this extension creates a more natural and realistic typing experience in your documents and presentations.

### Features

- **Customizable Typing Speed**: Choose from four typing speed options: fast, medium, normal, and slow. Each option corresponds to different ranges of delay between keystrokes to simulate human typing patterns.
- **Error Rate**: Define the percentage of errors the script will introduce while typing. Errors are randomly placed and then automatically corrected by the script to mirror human mistakes.
- **Break Time**: Specify how long the script should take breaks during typing (in minutes) to simulate natural pauses in typing.
- **Break Count**: Choose how many breaks the script should take during typing to replicate human behavior.

### Instructions

1. **Add the Script**: Install the script in your browser's user script manager (e.g., Tampermonkey, Greasemonkey).
2. **Open Google Docs or Slides**: Navigate to a Google Docs or Google Slides document where you want to use the extension.
3. **Locate the Button**: A black button labeled "Human-Typer" will appear at the bottom right corner of your document or slide.
4. **Click the Button**: Click the button to open the Human-Typer settings overlay.
5. **Configure Settings**:
- **Text Input**: Enter the text you want the script to type into the document.
- **Typing Speed**: Select a typing speed from the dropdown list (fast, medium, normal, or slow).
- **Error Rate**: Set the desired error rate (0% - 20%) using the input field.
- **Break Time**: Specify the length of each break (in minutes).
- **Break Count**: Choose the number of breaks to be taken during typing.
6. **Start Typing**: After configuring your settings, click the "Start Typing" button in the overlay.
7. **Observe Typing**: Watch as the script types the specified text according to your settings. It will simulate typing speed, introduce errors, and take breaks as configured.
8. **Adjust Settings**: If needed, you can reopen the Human-Typer overlay by clicking the black button again and adjusting your settings.

### Tips

- Start with a lower error rate and observe the script's behavior before increasing it.
- Experiment with different typing speeds to find one that best suits your needs.
- Use the break settings sparingly to simulate natural pauses without disrupting your workflow too much.

By using Human-Typer, you can enjoy a realistic and efficient typing experience in your Google Docs and Slides.