Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022

Un-Elevate Your Cathay Award Search 2022

As of 2022-08-23. See the latest version.

  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022
  3. // @name:zh-TW 國泰獎勵機票搜尋引擎修復神器 2022
  4. // @namespace jayliutw
  5. // @version 1.0
  6. // @description Un-Elevate Your Cathay Award Search 2022
  7. // @description:zh-TW 國泰航空 2022 里程獎勵機票搜尋引擎「反升級」套件
  8. // @author jayliutw
  9. // @match https://**/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html*
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  48. "ec" : "HK",
  49. "el": "en",
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  51. "coffee" : "Did this tool help you? Why not buy me a coffee!",
  52. "searching" : "Searching..."
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  54. "ec" : "TW",
  55. "el": "zh",
  56. "search" : "搜尋",
  57. "coffee" : "這工具有幫助到你嗎?歡迎請我喝杯咖啡呀!",
  58. "searching" : "請稍後..."
  59. };
  61. var cx_json = {
  62. "awardType": "Standard",
  63. "brand": "CX",
  64. "cabinClass": "Y",
  65. "entryCountry":,
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  71. "numChild": 0,
  72. "promotionCode": "",
  73. "returnUrl": "" + lang.el + "_" + + "/book-a-trip/redeem-flights/redeem-flight-awards.html?recent_search=ow",
  74. "segments": [
  75. {
  76. "departureDate": "20230801",
  77. "origin": "TPE",
  78. "destination": "TYO"
  79. }
  80. ]
  81. };
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  86. "<label><span>To</span><input type='text' id='uef_to' name='uef_to' placeholder='TYO' value='" + uef_to + "'></label>" +
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  142. localStorage.setItem("uef_adult",uef_adult)
  143. localStorage.setItem("uef_child",uef_child)
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  151. cxsearch(cx_string);
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