Greasy Fork is available in English.


弹幕自动变色防检测循环发送 一键续牌 查看真实人数/查看主播数据 已播时长 一键签到(直播间/车队/鱼吧/客户端) 一键领取鱼粮(宝箱/气泡/任务) 一键寻宝 送出指定数量的礼物 一键清空背包 屏蔽广告 调节弹幕大小 自动更新 同屏画中画/多直播间小窗观看/可在斗鱼看多个平台直播(b站虎牙) 获取真实直播流地址 自动抢礼物红包 跳转随机火力全开房间 背包信息扩展 简洁模式 夜间模式

As of 2020-04-25. See the latest version.

  1. "use strict";
  2. // ==UserScript==
  3. // @name DouyuEx-斗鱼直播间增强插件
  4. // @namespace
  5. // @icon
  6. // @version 2020.04.25.02
  7. // @description 弹幕自动变色防检测循环发送 一键续牌 查看真实人数/查看主播数据 已播时长 一键签到(直播间/车队/鱼吧/客户端) 一键领取鱼粮(宝箱/气泡/任务) 一键寻宝 送出指定数量的礼物 一键清空背包 屏蔽广告 调节弹幕大小 自动更新 同屏画中画/多直播间小窗观看/可在斗鱼看多个平台直播(b站虎牙) 获取真实直播流地址 自动抢礼物红包 跳转随机火力全开房间 背包信息扩展 简洁模式 夜间模式
  8. // @author 小淳
  9. // @match *://**
  10. // @match *://**
  11. // @match *://**
  12. // @match *://**
  13. // @match *://**
  14. // @match *://**
  15. // @match *://**
  16. // @match *://**
  17. // @match *://**
  18. // @match *://**
  19. // @match *://**
  20. // @match *://*
  21. // @require
  22. // @grant GM_openInTab
  23. // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
  24. // @grant GM_setClipboard
  25. // ==/UserScript==
  26. function initPkg() {
  27. initPkg_ExIcon();
  28. initPkg_ExPanel();
  29. initPkg_RemoveAD();
  30. initPkg_RealAudience();
  31. initPkg_CopyRealLive();
  32. initPkg_BagInfo();
  33. initPkg_Update();
  34. initPkg_FirePower();
  35. initPkg_PopupPlayer();
  36. initPkg_ExpandTool();
  37. initPkg_Night();
  38. initPkg_Refresh();
  39. initPkg_BarrageLoop();
  40. initPkg_FansContinue();
  41. initPkg_FishFood();
  42. initPkg_FishPond();
  43. initPkg_Sign();
  44. }
  45. function initPkg_Timer() {
  46. initPkg_FishPond_Timer();
  47. }
  48. function initTimer() {
  49. initPkg_Timer();
  50. exTimer = setInterval(initPkg_Timer, 20000);
  51. }
  53. function initStyles() {
  54. let style = document.createElement("style");
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  68. height: 200px;
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  71. display: none;
  72. }
  74. .bloop__switch {
  75. position: absolute;
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  77. bottom: 0;
  78. }
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  80. cursor: pointer;
  81. }
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  102. margin-bottom: 5px;
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  190. display: none;
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  194. .real-audience {
  195. cursor: pointer;
  196. }
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  199. width: 24px;
  200. height: 24px;
  201. margin-right: 20px;
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  221. Notice.css
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  225. `));
  226. document.head.appendChild(style);
  227. }
  231. (function() {
  232. if ( == "") {
  233. if (getQueryString("exid") == "chun") {
  234. signMotorcade_Sign(getQueryString("mid"), getQueryString("total"));
  235. }
  236. } else {
  237. if (String(location.href).indexOf("exid=chun") != -1) {
  238. let intID = setInterval(() => {
  239. if (typeof(document.querySelector('div.wfs-2a8e83')) != "undefined") {
  240. document.querySelector('div.wfs-2a8e83').click();
  241. document.querySelector('label.layout-Player-asidetoggleButton').click();
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  243. document.querySelectorAll(".tip-e3420a > ul > li")[l - 1].click();
  244. clearInterval(intID);
  245. }
  246. }, 1000);
  247. } else if (String(location.href).indexOf("flag=aoligei") != -1) {
  248. setTimeout(() => {
  249. getAoligei();
  250. }, 4000);
  251. } else {
  252. let intID = setInterval(() => {
  253. if (typeof(document.getElementsByClassName("BackpackButton")[0]) != "undefined") {
  254. setTimeout(() => {
  255. initStyles();
  256. initPkg();
  257. initTimer();
  258. }, 1500)
  259. clearInterval(intID);
  260. }
  261. }, 1000);
  262. }
  263. }
  264. })();
  265. // 全局变量及公共函数
  266. var exTimer = 0; // 总时钟句柄
  267. var url = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
  268. var urlLen = ("$ROOM.room_id =").length;
  269. var ridPos = url.indexOf('$ROOM.room_id =');
  270. var rid = url.substring(ridPos + urlLen, url.indexOf(';', ridPos + urlLen));
  271. rid = rid.trim();
  272. var dyToken = getToken();
  274. function showExPanel() {
  275. // 显示功能条
  276. let a = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel")[0];
  277. if ( != "block") {
  278. = "block";
  279. } else {
  280. = "none";
  281. }
  282. }
  284. function sleep(time) {
  285. return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
  286. }
  288. function formatSeconds(value) {
  289. let secondTime = parseInt(value);
  290. let minuteTime = 0;
  291. let hourTime = 0;
  292. if (secondTime > 60) {
  293. minuteTime = parseInt(secondTime / 60);
  294. secondTime = parseInt(secondTime % 60);
  295. if (minuteTime > 60) {
  296. hourTime = parseInt(minuteTime / 60);
  297. minuteTime = parseInt(minuteTime % 60);
  298. }
  299. }
  300. var result = "" + parseInt(secondTime) + "秒";
  301. if (minuteTime > 0) {
  302. result = "" + parseInt(minuteTime) + "分" + result;
  303. }
  304. if (hourTime > 0) {
  305. result = "" + parseInt(hourTime) + "小时" + result;
  306. }
  307. return result;
  308. }
  310. async function verifyFans(room_id, level) {
  311. let ret = false;
  312. let doc = await fetch('',{
  313. method: 'GET',
  314. mode: 'no-cors',
  315. cache: 'default',
  316. credentials: 'include',
  317. }).then(res => {
  318. return res.text();
  319. }).catch(err => {
  320. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  321. })
  322. doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(doc, 'text/html');
  323. let a = doc.getElementsByClassName("fans-badge-list")[0].lastElementChild;
  324. let n = a.children.length;
  325. for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  326. let rid = a.children[i].getAttribute("data-fans-room");
  327. let rlv = a.children[i].getAttribute("data-fans-level");
  328. if (rid == room_id && rlv >= level) {
  329. ret = true;
  330. break;
  331. } else {
  332. ret = false;
  333. }
  334. }
  335. return ret;
  336. }
  339. function getStrMiddle(str, before, after) {
  340. let m = str.match(new RegExp(before + '(.*?)' + after));
  341. return m ? m[1] : false;
  342. }
  344. function getToken() {
  345. // let cookie = document.cookie;
  346. // let ret = getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_uid=", ";") + "_" + getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_biz=", ";") + "_" + getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_stk=", ";") + "_" + getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_ct=", ";") + "_" + getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_ltkid=", ";");
  347. let ret = getCookieValue("acf_uid") + "_" + getCookieValue("acf_biz") + "_" + getCookieValue("acf_stk") + "_" + getCookieValue("acf_ct") + "_" + getCookieValue("acf_ltkid");
  348. return ret;
  349. }
  351. function getDyDid() {
  352. // let cookie = document.cookie;
  353. // let ret = getStrMiddle(cookie, "dy_did=", ";");
  354. let ret = getCookieValue("dy_did");
  355. return ret;
  356. }
  358. function setCookie(cookiename, value){
  359. var exp = new Date();
  360. exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + 3*60*60*1000);
  361. document.cookie = cookiename + "="+ escape (value) + "; path=/; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
  362. }
  363. function getCookieValue(name){
  364.    let arr,reg = new RegExp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)");
  365.     if (arr = document.cookie.match(reg)) {
  366.         return unescape(arr[2]);
  367.     } else {
  368.         return null;
  369.     }
  370. }
  371. function getCCN() {
  372. // let cookie = document.cookie;
  373. // let ret = getStrMiddle(cookie, "acf_ccn=", ";");
  374. let ret = getCookieValue("acf_ccn");
  375. if (ret == null) {
  376. setCookie("acf_ccn", "1");
  377. ret = "1";
  378. }
  379. return ret;
  380. }
  381. function getUID() {
  382. let ret = getCookieValue("acf_uid");
  383. return ret;
  384. }
  386. function showMessage(msg, type) {
  387. // type: success[green] error[red] warning[orange] info[blue]
  388. new NoticeJs({
  389. text: msg,
  390. type: type,
  391. position: 'bottomRight',
  392. }).show();
  393. }
  395. function openPage(url, b) {
  396. GM_openInTab(url, {
  397. active: b
  398. });
  399. }
  401. function closePage() {
  402. if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) {
  403. window.location.href = "about:blank";
  404. window.close();
  405. } else {
  406. window.opener = null;
  407."", "_self");
  408. window.close();
  409. }
  410. }
  412. function getQueryString(name) {
  413. let reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + name + "=([^&]*)(&|$)", "i");
  414. if (window.location.hash.indexOf("?") < 0) {
  415. return null;
  416. }
  417. let r = window.location.hash.split("?")[1].match(reg);
  418. if (r != null) return decodeURIComponent(r[2]);
  419. return null;
  420. }
  422. function dateFormat(fmt, date) {
  423. var o = {
  424. "M+": date.getMonth() + 1,
  425. "d+": date.getDate(),
  426. "h+": date.getHours(),
  427. "m+": date.getMinutes(),
  428. "s+": date.getSeconds(),
  429. "q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
  430. "S": date.getMilliseconds()
  431. };
  432. if (/(y+)/.test(fmt))
  433. fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
  434. for (var k in o)
  435. if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt))
  436. fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
  437. return fmt;
  438. }
  440. function getRandom(min, max) {
  441. return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
  442. }
  444. function isRid(str) {
  445. if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(str)) {
  446. return true;
  447. } else {
  448. return false;
  449. }
  450. }
  452. function initPkg_BagInfo() {
  453. initPkg_BagInfo_Func();
  454. }
  456. function initPkg_BagInfo_Func() {
  457. document.getElementsByClassName("BackpackButton")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  458. setTimeout(() => {
  459. if (document.getElementsByClassName("Backpack JS_Backpack").length > 0) {
  460. getBagGifts(rid, (ret) => {
  461. let chunkNum =;
  462. if (chunkNum > 0) {
  463. let totalPrice = 0;
  464. let totalIntimate = 0;
  465. for (let i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
  466. let chunk = document.getElementsByClassName("Backpack-prop")[i];
  467. let isValuable =[i].isValuable; // 判断是否是有价值的礼物
  468. let expiry =[i].expiry; // 过期时间
  469. let price =[i].price; // 注意这个要除100才是真实价格,否则是亲密度
  470. let intimate =[i].intimate; // 亲密度
  471. let count =[i].count; // 数量
  472. if (isValuable == "1") {
  473. totalPrice = totalPrice + Number(price) * Number(count);
  474. }
  475. totalIntimate = totalIntimate + Number(intimate) * Number(count);
  476. let expiryDiv = document.createElement("div");
  477. expiryDiv.className = "bag-info";
  478. expiryDiv.innerHTML = expiry;
  479. chunk.insertBefore(expiryDiv, chunk.childNodes[0]);
  480. }
  481. document.getElementsByClassName("Backpack-space")[0].innerText = "总价值:" + String(Number(totalPrice / 100).toFixed(2)) + " 总亲密度:" + String(totalIntimate);
  482. }
  483. });
  484. }
  485. }, 300);
  486. });
  487. }
  489. let barrageColorArr = [];
  490. let barrageArr = [];
  491. let barrageColorLength = 0;
  492. let barrageLength = 0;
  493. let bloopTimer;
  494. let barrageOffset = 0;
  495. let barrageColorOffset = 0;
  496. let isChangeColor = true;
  497. let isMatch = false; //是否为赛事直播间
  498. let bloopStopTimer;
  500. function initPkg_BarrageLoop() {
  501. initPkg_BarrageLoop_Dom();
  502. initPkg_BarrageLoop_Func();
  503. initPkg_BarrageLoop_Set();
  504. }
  506. function BarrageLoop_insertModal() {
  507. let html = "";
  508. let a = document.createElement("div");
  509. a.className = "bloop";
  510. html += '<div><label>弹幕(一行一个):</label></div>';
  511. html += '<textarea id="bloop__textarea" rows="5" cols="50"></textarea>';
  512. html += '<div><label>速度(ms):</label><input id="bloop__text_speed1" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;" value="2000" />~<input id="bloop__text_speed2" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;" value="3000" /></div>';
  513. html += '<div><label>限时(min):</label><input id="bloop__text_stoptime" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;" value="1" /></div>';
  514. html += '<div><label><input id="bloop__checkbox_changeColor" type="checkbox" name="checkbox_changeColor" checked>自动变色</label></div>';
  515. html += '<div class="bloop__switch"><label><input id="bloop__checkbox_startSend" type="checkbox">开始发送</label></div>';
  516. a.innerHTML = html;
  517. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-chat")[0];
  518. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  519. }
  520. function BarrageLoop_insertIcon() {
  521. let a = document.createElement("div");
  522. a.className = "bloop-icon";
  523. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="弹幕发送小助手"><svg t="1578572568198" style="display: block;" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="55445" width="32" height="32"><path d="M511.99883605 1020.07740302c-68.78771655 0-135.53209458-13.47788003-198.38074083-40.06106453-60.69004402-25.67037725-115.18953131-62.41203655-161.98371328-109.20738247-46.79418197-46.79301803-83.53700523-101.29366926-109.20621853-161.98371328C15.84497778 645.97776043 2.36709774 579.23105337 2.36709774 510.4445019s13.47904398-135.53209458 40.06106453-198.38074083c25.6692133-60.69004402 62.41203655-115.18953131 109.20621853-161.98371328 46.79534706-46.79418197 101.29366926-83.53700523 161.98371328-109.20621853 62.84864739-26.5831845 129.59418937-40.06106453 198.38074083-40.06106453 68.78771655 0 135.53209458 13.47904398 198.38190592 40.06106453 60.69004402 25.6692133 115.18953131 62.41203655 161.98487723 109.20621853 46.79301803 46.79418197 83.53584128 101.29366926 109.20621853 161.98371328 26.5831845 62.84864739 40.06106453 129.59418937 40.06106453 198.38074083s-13.47788003 135.53325853-40.06106453 198.38074084c-25.67037725 60.69004402-62.41203655 115.19069525-109.20621853 161.98371328-46.79534706 46.79418197-101.29483435 83.53817031-161.98487723 109.20738247C647.53092949 1006.59952413 580.78655147 1020.07740302 511.99883605 1020.07740302zM511.99883605 57.86089358c-249.55500203 0-452.58244437 203.02744235-452.58244437 452.58244437s203.02744235 452.58244437 452.58244437 452.58244438c249.55616597 0 452.58360832-203.02744235 452.58360832-452.58244438C964.58244437 260.88949987 761.55500203 57.86089358 511.99883605 57.86089358z" p-id="55446" fill="#1296db" data-spm-anchor-id="a313x.7781069.0.i24"></path><path d="M322.42598685 461.65355293l-8.51099648 74.46598314 97.86947811 0c-2.85950862 76.59314973-4.9866752 127.6556379-6.38266595 153.18746454-1.42975431 51.06132423-27.65899321 75.16339541-78.72148139 72.33881542-18.45058333 1.39598962-35.47024839 2.12716658-51.06248818 2.12716658-2.85950862-17.02082901-6.38266595-34.77283613-10.63816419-53.19081984 18.41681863 0 35.43764878 0 51.06248817 0 25.53066155 2.82574393 38.99456967-7.77981952 40.42432399-31.9133275 1.39598962-9.9069861 2.12833166-25.53182663 2.12833166-46.80698994 1.39598962-21.27632725 2.12716658-36.86740309 2.12716658-46.80698994l-99.9966447 0 14.89366244-172.33546126 89.3584805 0 0-78.72148138-102.12497636 0 0-48.9353216 151.05913287 0 0 176.5909595L322.42598685 461.65355293zM450.08162475 580.79819435l0-242.54594504 74.46598314 0c-17.0219941-24.10090723-31.91449145-43.25006791-44.67982222-57.44515413l46.80698994-21.27632725c4.25433429 4.25549824 10.63699911 12.06675342 19.14799673 23.40349497 15.5910747 18.45058333 24.79948459 30.51733789 27.65899321 36.16882574l-42.5514917 19.14799673 80.84864796 0c25.53066155-38.29715741 41.8203136-64.5263963 48.93415652-78.72031744l53.19081984 14.89366244c-5.68525255 8.50983253-15.62483939 22.70491762-29.78732487 42.55149169-7.11384291 9.93958685-12.06675342 17.02082901-14.89249849 21.27516331l70.20931982 0 0 242.54594503L620.28991829 580.7970304l0 51.06248818 144.67646806 0 0 48.93415651L620.28991829 680.79367509l0 87.23131392-51.06132423 0 0-87.23131392L428.80646144 680.79367509l0-48.93415651 140.42213376 0 0-51.06248818L450.08162475 580.7970304zM501.14411293 385.0604032l0 53.18965475 68.08331718 0 0-53.18965475L501.14411293 385.0604032zM501.14411293 480.80154965l0 55.31682248 68.08331718 0L569.22743011 480.80154965 501.14411293 480.80154965zM688.37323549 385.0604032l-68.0833172 0 0 53.18965475 68.0833172 0L688.37323549 385.0604032zM620.28991829 480.80154965l0 55.31682248 68.0833172 0L688.37323549 480.80154965 620.28991829 480.80154965z" p-id="55447" fill="#1296db"></path></svg><i id="bloop__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  524. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  525. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  526. }
  528. function getBarrageColorArr() {
  529. // 获取已解锁的弹幕颜色
  530. barrageColorArr.length = 0;// 清空数组
  531. barrageColorLength = 0;
  532. let a = document.getElementsByClassName("FansBarrageColor-item");
  533. if (a.length == 0) {
  534. isMatch = true;
  535. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("MatchSystemFansBarrageSwitcher")[0];
  536. if (b != undefined) {
  538. a = document.getElementsByClassName("MatchSystemFansBarrageColor-item");
  539. } else {
  540. isMatch = false;
  541. }
  542. } else {
  543. isMatch = false;
  544. }
  545. for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  546. let itemClassName = a[i].className;
  547. if (itemClassName.indexOf("is-lock") == -1) {
  548. barrageColorArr.push(i);
  549. barrageColorLength++;
  550. }
  551. }
  552. barrageColorLength = barrageColorLength - 1;
  553. }
  556. function getBarrageArr() {
  557. // 获取即将发送的弹幕数组
  558. barrageArr.length = 0;
  559. barrageLength = 0;
  560. let a = document.getElementById("bloop__textarea").value;
  561. barrageArr = a.split("\n");
  562. barrageLength = barrageArr.length - 1;
  563. }
  565. function selectBarrageColor(index) {
  566. // 选择粉丝弹幕
  567. let a;
  568. if (isMatch == false) {
  569. a = document.getElementsByClassName("FansBarrageColor-item")[index];
  570. } else{
  571. document.getElementsByClassName("MatchSystemFansBarrageSwitcher")[0].click()
  572. a = document.getElementsByClassName("MatchSystemFansBarrageColor-item")[index];
  573. }
  574. if (a != undefined) {
  576. }
  577. }
  578. function sendBarrage(text) {
  579. // 发送弹幕
  580. document.getElementsByClassName("ChatSend-txt")[0].value = text;
  581. document.getElementsByClassName("ChatSend-button")[0].click();
  582. }
  584. function getSpeed() {
  585. let min = document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed1").value;
  586. let max = document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed2").value;
  587. let ret = getRandom(Number(min), Number(max));
  588. return ret;
  589. }
  591. function saveData_BarrageLoop() {
  592. let speed1 = document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed1").value;
  593. let speed2 = document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed2").value;
  594. let stopTime = document.getElementById("bloop__text_stoptime").value;
  595. if (speed1 == "undefined") {
  596. speed1 = 2000;
  597. }
  598. if (speed2 == "undefined") {
  599. speed2 = 3000;
  600. }
  601. if (stopTime == "undefined") {
  602. stopTime = 5;
  603. }
  604. let data = {
  605. text: document.getElementById("bloop__textarea").value,
  606. speed1: speed1,
  607. speed2: speed2,
  608. stopTime: stopTime,
  609. isChangeColor: isChangeColor,
  610. }
  611. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_BarrageLoop", JSON.stringify(data)); // 存储弹幕列表
  612. }
  615. function getStopTime() {
  616. let a = document.getElementById("bloop__text_stoptime").value;
  617. return Number(a) * 60 * 1000;
  618. }
  620. function doLoopBarrage() {
  621. if (isChangeColor == true) {
  622. selectBarrageColor(barrageColorOffset);
  623. barrageColorOffset++;
  624. if (barrageColorOffset > barrageColorLength) {
  625. barrageColorOffset = 0;
  626. }
  627. }
  628. sendBarrage(barrageArr[barrageOffset]);
  629. barrageOffset++;
  630. if (barrageOffset > barrageLength) {
  631. barrageOffset = 0;
  632. }
  633. bloopTimer = setTimeout(doLoopBarrage, getSpeed());
  634. }
  637. function initPkg_BarrageLoop_Func() {
  638. // 函数初始化
  639. // 将onclick事件绑定在这里
  640. document.getElementsByClassName("bloop-icon")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  641. let a = document.getElementsByClassName("bloop")[0];
  642. if ( != "block") {
  643. = "block";
  644. if (document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0].style.display == "block") {
  645. document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0].style.display = "none";
  646. }
  647. } else {
  648. = "none";
  649. }
  650. });
  651. document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_changeColor").addEventListener("click", function() {
  652. isChangeColor = document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_changeColor").checked;
  653. });
  654. document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_startSend").addEventListener("click", function() {
  655. let ischecked = document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_startSend").checked;
  656. if (ischecked == true) {
  657. // 开始发送
  658. barrageOffset = 0;
  659. barrageColorOffset = 0;
  660. getBarrageArr();
  661. getBarrageColorArr();
  662. saveData_BarrageLoop();
  663. bloopTimer = setTimeout(doLoopBarrage, getSpeed());
  664. bloopStopTimer = setTimeout(() => {
  665. document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_startSend").checked = false;
  666. clearTimeout(bloopTimer);
  667. }, getStopTime());
  668. } else{
  669. // 停止发送
  670. clearTimeout(bloopTimer);
  671. clearTimeout(bloopStopTimer);
  672. // clearInterval(bloopTimer);
  673. }
  674. });
  675. }
  677. function initPkg_BarrageLoop_Dom() {
  678. // Dom初始化
  679. BarrageLoop_insertModal();
  680. BarrageLoop_insertIcon();
  681. }
  683. function initPkg_BarrageLoop_Set() {
  684. // 设置初始化
  685. let ret = localStorage.getItem("ExSave_BarrageLoop");
  686. if (ret != null) {
  687. let retJson = JSON.parse(ret);
  688. if ("speed1" in retJson == false) {
  689. retJson.speed1 = 2000;
  690. }
  691. if ("speed2" in retJson == false) {
  692. retJson.speed2 = 3000;
  693. }
  694. if ("stopTime" in retJson == false) {
  695. retJson.stopTime = 5;
  696. }
  697. document.getElementById("bloop__textarea").value = retJson.text;
  698. document.getElementById("bloop__checkbox_changeColor").checked = retJson.isChangeColor;
  699. isChangeColor = Boolean(retJson.isChangeColor);
  700. document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed1").value = retJson.speed1;
  701. document.getElementById("bloop__text_speed2").value = retJson.speed2;
  702. document.getElementById("bloop__text_stoptime").value = retJson.stopTime;
  703. }
  704. }
  707. function initPkg_CopyRealLive() {
  708. initPkg_CopyRealLive_Dom();
  709. initPkg_CopyRealLive_Func();
  710. }
  712. function initPkg_CopyRealLive_Dom() {
  713. CopyRealLive_insertIcon();
  714. }
  715. function CopyRealLive_insertIcon() {
  716. let a = document.createElement("div");
  717. a.className = "Title-blockInline";
  718. = "copy-real-live";
  719. a.innerHTML = '<div class="TitleShare"><div class="TitleShare-shareBox "><div class="Title-row-span is-right"><span class="Title-row-icon "><svg t="1585641756842" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1237 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5646" width="16" height="16"><path d="M648.448 946.347l0.256-1.622-0.256 1.622z m84.31 13.354c-0.769 4.608-0.769 4.608-4.182 13.483-8.533 16.768-8.533 16.768-49.835 22.784-24.149-14.293-24.149-14.293-27.605-22.613-2.475-5.718-2.475-5.718-3.541-9.387L476.416 335.36l-103.083 499.2c-1.109 5.12-1.109 5.12-4.821 13.27-6.827 12.117-6.827 12.117-35.285 22.527-30.294-7.253-30.294-7.253-38.742-19.37-4.522-8.15-4.522-8.15-6.058-13.227l-74.582-262.357H0v-85.334h278.272l45.781 161.11 104.022-503.424c1.024-4.694 1.024-4.694 4.394-12.502 6.102-11.989 6.102-11.989 35.968-23.338 31.83 8.533 31.83 8.533 39.254 20.736 4.053 7.808 4.053 7.808 5.376 12.544l165.888 609.237 113.92-716.885c0.896-5.248 0.896-5.248 4.864-14.592 9.088-15.574 9.088-15.574 44.928-22.4C868.48 12.587 868.48 12.587 873.6 22.443c3.285 6.912 3.285 6.912 4.523 11.52l112 446.549h221.738v85.333H923.563l-78.507-312.917-112.299 706.773z" p-id="5647"></path></svg></span><span class="Title-row-text ">复制直播流</span></div></div></div>';
  720. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("Title-col")[4];
  721. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[1]);
  722. }
  724. function initPkg_CopyRealLive_Func() {
  725. document.getElementById("copy-real-live").addEventListener("click", function() {
  726. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, "777", "1", (lurl) => {
  727. if (lurl == "None") {
  728. showMessage("房间未开播或其他错误", "error");
  729. } else {
  730. GM_setClipboard(String(lurl).replace("https", "http"));
  731. showMessage("复制成功", "success");
  732. }
  733. })
  734. });
  735. document.getElementsByClassName("Title-header")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  736. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, "777", "1", (lurl) => {
  737. if (lurl == "None") {
  738. showMessage("房间未开播或其他错误", "error");
  739. } else {
  740. GM_setClipboard(String(lurl).replace("https", "http"));
  741. showMessage("复制成功", "success");
  742. }
  743. })
  744. });
  745. document.getElementsByClassName("Title-header")[0].style.cursor = "pointer";
  746. document.getElementsByClassName("Title-header")[0].title = "复制直播流地址"
  747. }
  750. function initPkg_ExIcon() {
  751. pkg_ExIcon_insertDom();
  752. pkg_ExIcon_initFunc();
  753. }
  754. function pkg_ExIcon_insertDom() {
  755. let a = document.createElement("div");
  756. a.className = "ex-icon";
  757. a.innerHTML = '<a title="~ (´• ᵕ •`)*✲"><svg t="1578667843177" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5685" width="24" height="24"><path d="M512 937.353846c-234.732308 0-425.353846-190.621538-425.353846-425.353846 0-17.329231 14.178462-31.507692 31.507692-31.507692h236.307692c17.329231 0 31.507692 14.178462 31.507693 31.507692 0 69.316923 56.713846 126.030769 126.030769 126.030769s126.030769-56.713846 126.030769-126.030769c0-17.329231 14.178462-31.507692 31.507693-31.507692h236.307692c17.329231 0 31.507692 14.178462 31.507692 31.507692 0 234.732308-190.621538 425.353846-425.353846 425.353846zM151.236923 543.507692c15.753846 185.107692 171.716923 330.830769 360.763077 330.83077s345.009231-145.723077 360.763077-330.83077H698.683077C683.716923 632.516923 605.735385 701.046154 512 701.046154s-171.716923-68.529231-186.683077-157.538462H151.236923z" fill="#33363a" p-id="5686"></path><path d="M512 118.153846c-217.403077 0-393.846154 176.443077-393.846154 393.846154h236.307692c0-86.646154 70.892308-157.538462 157.538462-157.538462s157.538462 70.892308 157.538462 157.538462h236.307692c0-217.403077-176.443077-393.846154-393.846154-393.846154z" fill="#d60909" p-id="5687"></path><path d="M905.846154 543.507692H669.538462c-17.329231 0-31.507692-14.178462-31.507693-31.507692 0-69.316923-56.713846-126.030769-126.030769-126.030769s-126.030769 56.713846-126.030769 126.030769c0 17.329231-14.178462 31.507692-31.507693 31.507692H118.153846c-17.329231 0-31.507692-14.178462-31.507692-31.507692 0-234.732308 190.621538-425.353846 425.353846-425.353846s425.353846 190.621538 425.353846 425.353846c0 17.329231-14.178462 31.507692-31.507692 31.507692z m-207.163077-63.015384h174.867692C857.009231 295.384615 701.046154 149.661538 512 149.661538S166.990769 295.384615 151.236923 480.492308h174.867692C340.283077 391.483077 418.264615 322.953846 512 322.953846s171.716923 68.529231 186.683077 157.538462z" fill="#33363a" p-id="5688"></path><path d="M512 701.046154c-103.975385 0-189.046154-85.070769-189.046154-189.046154s85.070769-189.046154 189.046154-189.046154 189.046154 85.070769 189.046154 189.046154-85.070769 189.046154-189.046154 189.046154z m0-315.076923c-69.316923 0-126.030769 56.713846-126.030769 126.030769s56.713846 126.030769 126.030769 126.030769 126.030769-56.713846 126.030769-126.030769-56.713846-126.030769-126.030769-126.030769z" fill="#33363a" p-id="5689"></path><path d="M512 512m-78.769231 0a78.769231 78.769231 0 1 0 157.538462 0 78.769231 78.769231 0 1 0-157.538462 0Z" fill="#33363a" p-id="5690"></path></svg><i id="ex-icon__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  758. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("PlayerToolbar-Wealth")[0];
  759. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  760. }
  761. function pkg_ExIcon_initFunc() {
  762. document.getElementsByClassName("ex-icon")[0].addEventListener("click", showExPanel);
  763. // unsafeWindow.showExPanel = showExPanel;
  764. }
  766. function ExIcon_showTip(a) {
  767. let d = document.getElementById("ex-icon__tip");
  768. if (a == true) {
  769. = "block";
  770. } else {
  771. = "none";
  772. }
  773. }
  775. function initPkg_ExpandTool() {
  776. initPkg_ExpandTool_Dom();
  777. initPkg_ExpandTool_Func();
  779. // initPkg_ExpandTool_RedPacket_Motorcade();
  780. initPkg_ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room();
  781. initPkg_ExpandTool_ClearBag();
  782. initPkg_ExpandTool_SendGift();
  783. initPkg_ExpandTool_BarrageSize();
  784. }
  787. function initPkg_ExpandTool_Dom() {
  788. // Dom初始化
  789. ExpandTool_insertModal();
  790. ExpandTool_insertIcon();
  791. }
  792. function ExpandTool_insertModal() {
  793. let a = document.createElement("div");
  794. a.className = "extool";
  795. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-chat")[0];
  796. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  797. }
  798. function ExpandTool_insertIcon() {
  799. let a = document.createElement("div");
  800. a.className = "extool-icon";
  801. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="扩展功能"><svg t="1578755163250" style="display: block;" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="16761" width="32" height="32"><path d="M816.784579 684.416257L646.90465 812.225921c-21.984461 16.588275-50.963979-1.898658-50.963979-32.477045l0.299788-183.270465c0-13.890182 6.495409-26.781071 16.987993-33.576268L782.808593 452.779977c21.984461-14.2899 49.16525 4.296963 49.16525 33.676197v165.682896c0 12.990818-5.695974 25.182201-15.189264 32.277187z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16762"></path><path d="M809.689594 324.970312l-1.698799-2.798022c-8.194208-13.290606-25.681848-17.38771-38.972455-9.293432l-254.819894 156.989041-271.508099-156.689253c-14.090041-8.194208-32.377116-3.297669-40.471395 10.892302l-0.999293 1.698799c-7.794491 13.490465-3.09781 30.878175 10.392654 38.672666l273.806475 158.088264c-2.098517 3.897245-3.297669 8.394067-3.29767 13.190677v321.772572c0 16.288487 13.290606 29.679023 29.679023 29.679023h1.998588c15.588982 0 28.280012-12.790959 28.280011-28.280012V535.821283c0-3.997175-0.799435-7.794491-2.298375-11.192089l260.715727-160.586498c13.190677-8.194208 17.38771-25.781778 9.193502-39.072384z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16763"></path><path d="M379.993302 708.799023L203.917752 607.170854c-13.790253-7.89442-18.486933-25.681848-10.592514-39.472102l1.099223-1.898658c7.89442-13.790253 25.681848-18.486933 39.472102-10.592513l176.07555 101.62817c13.790253 7.89442 18.486933 25.681848 10.592513 39.472101l-1.099223 1.898658c-7.99435 13.790253-25.681848 18.586863-39.472101 10.592513zM116.079835 738.278187l-27.980224 20.485521c-6.595338 0-19.985874 23.583331-19.985874 16.987993V275.605203c0-6.595338 5.396186-11.991524 11.991525-11.991524h35.974573c6.595338 0 11.991524 5.396186 11.991525 11.991524l-3.797317 464.671572c0 6.495409-1.59887-1.998587-8.194208-1.998588z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16764"></path><path d="M135.066415 280.102025l-66.053313-4.396893c-3.497528-5.596045 2.897952-27.180789 8.593926-30.578387L461.23588 8.593926c5.596045-3.497528 12.990818-1.698799 16.488346 3.897245l28.879588 28.779659c3.497528 5.596045 3.397599 8.394067-2.298376 11.891595L135.066415 280.102025c-5.596045 3.397599 3.497528 5.596045 0 0zM936.699823 754.866463h-35.974573c-6.595338 0-11.991524-5.396186-11.991524-11.991525V279.502449c0-12.69103 7.094985-10.092866 13.690324-10.092867l34.275773 10.692443c6.595338 0 11.991524 5.396186 11.991525 11.991524l3.997175 485.756669c0 6.695268-9.393361-22.983755-15.9887-22.983755z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16765"></path><path d="M931.503496 309.581189l-7.094985-8.793785c-2.098517-2.598164-5.596045-3.597457-8.893714-2.897951-8.194208 1.798729-22.584038-11.09216-31.177964-16.388417L517.496115 65.853455c-0.399717-0.199859-0.799435-0.499647-1.099223-0.799435-11.891595-10.492584-59.857693 11.192089-57.859105 6.39548 0.299788-0.799435 0.699506-1.698799 0.899364-2.498235l9.893008-56.460094c0.499647-2.997881 2.498234-5.496115 5.396186-6.595338 16.987993-6.495409 70.050489-4.296963 79.044132 1.299082l378.432525 233.934655c0.399717 0.199859 0.699506 0.499647 1.099223 0.799435 14.189971 12.191383 18.586863 47.266592 13.390536 64.654303-2.098517 6.695268-10.792372 8.394067-15.189265 2.997881zM69.712607 769.256292l41.970336-31.477752c3.297669-5.695974 4.896539-4.496822 10.592513-1.199152l380.231254 224.041648c5.695974 3.297669 28.479871-1.898658 25.182201 3.797316l11.991525 56.260236c-3.297669 5.695974-57.359459 3.497528-62.255998-2.298376L75.008864 782.946616c-5.995762-3.497528-8.793785-7.694562-5.296257-13.690324z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16766"></path><path d="M518.29555 1020.578658l-26.681142-17.287781c-3.497528-5.596045 0.199859-31.477752 5.795904-34.975279l394.920871-230.037411c5.596045-3.497528 12.990818-1.698799 17.287781-13.690323l43.868994 35.774714c2.698093 23.283543-12.391242 19.08651-17.987287 22.584038l-360.24538 219.045179c-4.79661 13.290606-53.462213 24.282837-56.959741 18.586863z" fill="#d81e06" p-id="16767"></path></svg><i id="extool__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  802. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  803. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  804. }
  808. function initPkg_ExpandTool_Func() {
  809. // 函数初始化
  810. // 将onclick事件绑定在这里
  811. document.getElementsByClassName("extool-icon")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  812. let a = document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0];
  813. if ( != "block") {
  814. = "block";
  815. if (document.getElementsByClassName("bloop")[0].style.display == "block") {
  816. document.getElementsByClassName("bloop")[0].style.display = "none";
  817. }
  818. } else {
  819. = "none";
  820. }
  821. });
  822. }
  824. var sheetIndex = 0;
  825. let roleIndex_barrageSize = 0;
  826. function initPkg_ExpandTool_BarrageSize() {
  827. sheetIndex = getAvailableSheet(0);
  828. if (sheetIndex != -1) {
  829. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].addRule(".danmuItem-31f924",""); // 这里默认初始化页面的时候新增一个rule用于使自己的css生效
  830. roleIndex_barrageSize = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].rules.length - 1;
  831. }
  832. ExpandTool_BarrageSize_insertDom();
  833. ExpandTool_BarrageSize_insertFunc();
  834. initPkg_ExpandTool_BarrageSize_Set();
  836. setBarrageSize(getBarrageSize());
  837. }
  839. function ExpandTool_BarrageSize_insertDom() {
  840. let a = document.createElement("div");
  841. a.className = "extool__bsize";
  842. a.innerHTML = '<label>弹幕大小(默认24px):</label><input id="extool__bsize_value" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;" value="24" /><input style="width:40px;margin-left:10px;" type="button" id="extool__bsize_btn" value="确认" />';
  843. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0];
  844. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  845. }
  847. function setBarrageSize(s) {
  848. // let l = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].rules.length;
  849. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].removeRule(roleIndex_barrageSize);
  850. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].addRule(".danmuItem-31f924","font-size:" + s + "px !important;");
  851. roleIndex_barrageSize = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].rules.length - 1;
  852. }
  854. function getAvailableSheet(index) {
  855. let ret = -1;
  856. for (let i = index; i < document.styleSheets.length - index; i++) {
  857. if (document.styleSheets[i].href == null) {
  858. ret = i;
  859. break;
  860. } else {
  861. ret = -1;
  862. }
  863. }
  864. return ret;
  865. }
  867. function getBarrageSize() {
  868. return document.getElementById("extool__bsize_value").value;
  869. }
  870. function ExpandTool_BarrageSize_insertFunc() {
  871. document.getElementById("extool__bsize_btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
  872. setBarrageSize(getBarrageSize());
  873. saveData_BarrageSize();
  874. });
  875. }
  877. function saveData_BarrageSize() {
  878. let data = {
  879. size: getBarrageSize()
  880. }
  881. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_BarrageSize", JSON.stringify(data)); // 存储弹幕列表
  882. }
  883. function initPkg_ExpandTool_BarrageSize_Set() {
  884. // 设置初始化
  885. let ret = localStorage.getItem("ExSave_BarrageSize");
  886. if (ret != null) {
  887. let retJson = JSON.parse(ret);
  888. document.getElementById("extool__bsize_value").value = retJson.size;
  889. }
  890. }
  893. function initPkg_ExpandTool_ClearBag() {
  894. ExpandTool_ClearBag_insertDom();
  895. ExpandTool_ClearBag_insertFunc();
  896. }
  898. function ExpandTool_ClearBag_insertDom() {
  899. let html = "";
  900. html += '<label>背包送礼:[速度并不快,间隔>0.1s]</label><a id="extool__clearbag_showid" style="margin-left:10px;color:blue;" href="javascript:void(0);">礼物id示例</a><br />';
  901. html += '<label>礼物ID:</label><input id="extool__clearbag_id" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;margin-right:10px;" value="268" />';
  902. html += '<label>数量:</label><input id="extool__clearbag_cnt" type="text" style="width:30px;text-align:center;" value="1" />';
  903. html += '<input style="width:40px;margin-left:10px;" type="button" id="extool__clearbag_sendbtn" value="送出" />';
  904. html += '<input style="width:60px;margin-left:10px;" type="button" id="extool__clearbag_clearbtn" value="清空背包" />';
  905. let a = document.createElement("div");
  906. a.className = "extool__clearbag";
  907. a.innerHTML = html;
  908. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0];
  909. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  910. }
  912. function ExpandTool_ClearBag_insertFunc() {
  913. document.getElementById("extool__clearbag_sendbtn").addEventListener("click", async function() {
  914. if (confirm("确认送出?") != true) {
  915. return;
  916. }
  917. let id = document.getElementById("extool__clearbag_id").value;
  918. let n = Number(document.getElementById("extool__clearbag_cnt").value);
  919. showMessage("【背包送礼】执行中...", "info");
  920. for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  921. await sleep(100).then(() => {
  922. sendGift_bag(id, 1, rid).then(data => {
  923. if (data.msg != "success") {
  924. showMessage("【背包送礼】" + rid + "赠送失败 " + data.msg, "error");
  925. console.log(rid, data);
  926. }
  927. }).catch(err => {
  928. showMessage("【背包送礼】" + rid + "赠送失败", "error");
  929. console.log(rid, err);
  930. })
  931. })
  932. }
  933. showMessage("【背包送礼】执行完毕!", "success");
  934. });
  935. document.getElementById("extool__clearbag_clearbtn").addEventListener("click", function() {
  936. if (confirm("确认清空?") != true) {
  937. return;
  938. }
  939. showMessage("【清空背包】执行中...", "info");
  940. getBagGifts(rid, (ret) => {
  941. clearBagGifts(ret, rid);
  942. })
  943. });
  944. document.getElementById("extool__clearbag_showid").addEventListener("click", function() {
  945. getBagGifts(rid, (ret) => {
  946. let chunkNum =;
  947. if (chunkNum > 0) {
  948. for (let i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
  949. let gift_id =[i].id;
  950. let gift_name =[i].name;
  951. console.log("【" + gift_name + "】 id:" + gift_id);
  952. }
  953. showMessage("请按F12到控制台(console)查看背包礼物id", "success");
  954. } else {
  955. showMessage("背包礼物为空", "error");
  956. }
  957. });
  958. });
  959. }
  961. function getBagGifts(room_id, callback) {
  962. // 获取背包内所有礼物信息(json),传给回调函数
  963. fetch('' + room_id, {
  964. method: 'GET',
  965. mode: 'no-cors',
  966. credentials: 'include',
  967. headers: {'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  968. }).then(result => {
  969. return result.json();
  970. }).then(ret => {
  971. callback(ret);
  972. }).catch(err => {
  973. console.log("请求失败!", err)
  974. })
  975. }
  977. async function clearBagGifts(bagGiftsJson, room_id) {
  978. // 赠送背包内所有的礼物
  979. let chunkNum =;
  980. if (chunkNum > 0) {
  981. for (let i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
  982. let gift_id =[i].id;
  983. let gift_cnt =[i].count;
  984. if (Object.keys([i].batchInfo).length > 0) {
  985. await sleep(100).then(() => {
  986. sendGift_bag(gift_id, gift_cnt, room_id);
  987. })
  988. } else {
  989. for (let j = 0; j < gift_cnt; j++) {
  990. await sleep(100).then(() => {
  991. sendGift_bag(gift_id, 1, room_id);
  992. })
  993. }
  994. }
  995. }
  996. showMessage("【清空背包】执行完毕!", "success");
  997. } else {
  998. showMessage("背包礼物为空", "error");
  999. }
  1000. }
  1001. let redpackets_room_arr = [];
  1002. let redpacket_room_timer; // 时钟句柄
  1003. function initPkg_ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room() {
  1004. ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_insertDom();
  1005. ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_insertFunc();
  1006. ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_Set();
  1007. }
  1010. function ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_insertDom() {
  1011. let html = "";
  1012. html += '<label><input style="margin-top:5px" id="extool__redpacekt_room_start" type="checkbox">自动抢礼物红包</label>';
  1013. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1014. a.className = "extool__redpacket_room";
  1015. a.innerHTML = html;
  1016. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0];
  1017. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1019. }
  1020. function ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_insertFunc() {
  1021. document.getElementById("extool__redpacekt_room_start").addEventListener("click", function() {
  1022. verifyFans("5189167", 3).then(r => {
  1023. if (r == true) {
  1024. let ischecked = document.getElementById("extool__redpacekt_room_start").checked;
  1025. if (ischecked == true) {
  1026. // 开始自动抢红包
  1027. redpacket_room_timer = setInterval(() => {
  1028. getRoomRedPacketsList(rid);
  1029. }, 1100);
  1030. } else{
  1031. // 停止自动抢红包
  1032. clearInterval(redpacket_room_timer);
  1033. }
  1034. saveData_RedPacket_Room();
  1035. } else {
  1036. document.getElementById("extool__redpacekt_room_start").checked = false;
  1037. showMessage("本功能需拥有3级歆崽粉丝牌(5189167)才可使用", "error");
  1038. }
  1039. })
  1040. });
  1042. }
  1045. function getRoomRedPacketsList(room_id) {
  1046. fetch("" + room_id, {
  1047. method: 'GET',
  1048. mode: 'no-cors',
  1049. credentials: 'include',
  1050. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1051. }).then(res => {
  1052. return res.json();
  1053. }).then(ret => {
  1054. if ( > 0) {
  1055. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1056. let rpid =[i].activityid;
  1057. let offset = redpackets_room_arr.indexOf(rpid);
  1058. let startTime =[i].startTime;
  1059. let to = Number(startTime) - Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000);
  1060. to = 1000 * to - 2000;
  1061. if (offset == -1) {
  1062. redpackets_room_arr.push([i].activityid);
  1063. if (to > 0) {
  1064. setTimeout(() => {
  1065. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1066. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1067. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1068. showMessage("【礼物红包】抢红包执行完毕!", "success");
  1069. }, to);
  1070. } else {
  1071. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1072. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1073. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1074. showMessage("【礼物红包】抢红包执行完毕!", "success");
  1075. }
  1076. }
  1077. }
  1078. }
  1079. }).catch(err => {
  1080. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1081. })
  1082. }
  1086. function getRoomRedPacket(rpid) {
  1087. fetch("", {
  1088. method: 'POST',
  1089. mode: 'no-cors',
  1090. credentials: 'include',
  1091. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1092. body: 'activityid=' + rpid + '&ctn=' + getCCN()
  1093. }).then(res => {
  1094. return res.json();
  1095. }).then((ret) =>{
  1096. if ( == 2) {
  1097. getRoomRedPacket(rpid);
  1098. }
  1099. })
  1101. }
  1104. function saveData_RedPacket_Room() {
  1105. let isGetRedPacket = document.getElementById("extool__redpacekt_room_start").checked;
  1106. let data = {
  1107. isGetRedPacket: isGetRedPacket
  1108. }
  1109. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_RedPacket_Room", JSON.stringify(data)); // 存储弹幕列表
  1110. }
  1112. function ExpandTool_RedPacket_Room_Set() {
  1113. // 设置初始化
  1114. let ret = localStorage.getItem("ExSave_RedPacket_Room");
  1115. if (ret != null) {
  1116. let retJson = JSON.parse(ret);
  1117. if (retJson.isGetRedPacket == true) {
  1118. verifyFans("5189167", 3).then(r => {
  1119. if (r == true) {
  1120. document.getElementById("extool__redpacekt_room_start").click();
  1121. } else {
  1122. let data = {
  1123. isGetRedPacket: false
  1124. }
  1125. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_RedPacket_Room", JSON.stringify(data)); // 存储弹幕列表
  1126. showMessage("本功能需拥有3级歆崽粉丝牌(5189167)才可使用", "error");
  1127. }
  1128. })
  1129. }
  1130. }
  1131. }
  1133. function initPkg_ExpandTool_SendGift() {
  1134. ExpandTool_SendGift_insertDom();
  1135. ExpandTool_SendGift_insertFunc();
  1136. }
  1138. function ExpandTool_SendGift_insertDom() {
  1139. let html = "";
  1140. html += '<label>送礼:[用于打榜,例如送出999个飞机]</label><a style="margin-left:10px;color:blue;" href="' + rid + '" target="_blank">礼物id示例</a><br />';
  1141. html += '<label>礼物ID:</label><input id="extool__sendgift_id" type="text" style="width:50px;text-align:center;margin-right:10px;" value="20000" />';
  1142. html += '<label>数量:</label><input id="extool__sendgift_cnt" type="text" style="width:30px;text-align:center;" value="1" />';
  1143. html += '<input style="width:40px;margin-left:10px;" type="button" id="extool__sendgift_btn" value="送出" />';
  1144. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1145. a.className = "extool__sendgift";
  1146. a.innerHTML = html;
  1147. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("extool")[0];
  1148. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1149. }
  1151. function ExpandTool_SendGift_insertFunc() {
  1152. document.getElementById("extool__sendgift_btn").addEventListener("click", function() {
  1153. if (confirm("确认送出?") != true) {
  1154. return;
  1155. }
  1156. let gid = document.getElementById("extool__sendgift_id").value;
  1157. let gcnt = document.getElementById("extool__sendgift_cnt").value;
  1158. let t_num = 0;
  1159. let t_price = 0;
  1160. for (let i = 0; i < Number(gcnt); i++) {
  1161. sendGift_any(gid, 1, rid).then(ret => {
  1162. if ( != null) {
  1163. if (ret.msg != "鱼翅不足") {
  1164. t_num = t_num + 1;
  1165. t_price = t_price + Number(;
  1166. } else {
  1167. console.log("【送礼】" + gid + ret.msg);
  1168. }
  1169. } else {
  1170. console.log("【送礼】" + gid + ret.msg);
  1171. }
  1172. if (i == Number(gcnt) - 1) {
  1173. showMessage("【送礼】赠送完毕!详细信息可以在F12控制台查看", "success");
  1174. console.log("【送礼】赠送完毕!详细信息可以在F12控制台查看");
  1175. }
  1176. }).catch(err => {
  1177. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1178. })
  1179. }
  1180. showMessage("【送礼】执行中...", "info");
  1181. });
  1182. }
  1184. function sendGift_any(gid, count, rid) {
  1185. // 送任意东西
  1186. // gid: 268是荧光棒
  1187. // count: 数量
  1188. // rid: 房间号
  1189. return fetch("", {
  1190. method: 'POST',
  1191. mode: 'no-cors',
  1192. credentials: 'include',
  1193. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1194. body: 'giftId=' + gid + '&giftCount=' + count + '&roomId=' + rid + '&bizExt=%7B%22yzxq%22%3A%7B%7D%7D'
  1195. }).then(res => {
  1196. return res.json();
  1197. })
  1198. }
  1199. function initPkg_ExPanel() {
  1200. pkg_ExPanel_insertDom();
  1201. }
  1202. function pkg_ExPanel_insertDom() {
  1203. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1204. a.className = "ex-panel";
  1205. a.innerHTML = '<div class="ex-panel__wrap"></div>';
  1206. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("PlayerToolbar-Wealth")[0];
  1207. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1208. }
  1210. function initPkg_FansContinue() {
  1211. initPkg_FansContinue_Dom();
  1212. initPkg_FansContinue_Func();
  1213. }
  1215. function initPkg_FansContinue_Dom() {
  1216. FansContinue_insertIcon();
  1217. }
  1218. function FansContinue_insertIcon() {
  1219. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1220. a.className = "fans-continue";
  1221. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="一键续牌"><img style="width: 32px;height: 32px;" src=""/><i id="fans-continue__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  1222. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  1223. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1224. }
  1226. function initPkg_FansContinue_Func() {
  1227. document.getElementsByClassName("fans-continue")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  1228. fetch('',{
  1229. method: 'GET',
  1230. mode: 'no-cors',
  1231. cache: 'default',
  1232. credentials: 'include',
  1233. }).then(res => {
  1234. return res.text();
  1235. }).then(async (doc) => {
  1236. doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(doc, 'text/html');
  1237. let a = doc.getElementsByClassName("fans-badge-list")[0].lastElementChild;
  1238. let n = a.children.length;
  1239. for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  1240. let rid = a.children[i].getAttribute("data-fans-room"); // 获取房间号
  1241. await sleep(250).then(() => {
  1242. sendGift_bag(268, 1, rid).then(data => {
  1243. if (data.msg == "success") {
  1244. showMessage("【续牌】" + rid + "赠送一根荧光棒成功", "success");
  1245. // console.log(rid + "赠送一根荧光棒成功");
  1246. } else {
  1247. showMessage("【续牌】" + rid + "赠送失败 " + data.msg, "error");
  1248. // console.log(rid + "赠送失败");
  1249. console.log(rid, data);
  1250. }
  1251. }).catch(err => {
  1252. showMessage("【续牌】" + rid + "赠送失败", "error");
  1253. console.log(rid, err);
  1254. })
  1255. });
  1256. }
  1257. }).catch(err => {
  1258. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1259. })
  1260. });
  1261. }
  1263. function sendGift_bag(gid, count, rid) {
  1264. // 送背包里的东西
  1265. // gid: 268是荧光棒
  1266. // count: 数量
  1267. // rid: 房间号
  1268. return fetch("", {
  1269. method: 'POST',
  1270. mode: 'no-cors',
  1271. credentials: 'include',
  1272. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1273. body: 'propId=' + gid + '&propCount=' + count + '&roomId=' + rid + '&bizExt=%7B%22yzxq%22%3A%7B%7D%7D'
  1274. }).then(res => {
  1275. return res.json();
  1276. })
  1277. }
  1279. function initPkg_FirePower() {
  1280. initPkg_FirePower_Dom();
  1281. initPkg_FirePower_Func();
  1282. }
  1284. function initPkg_FirePower_Dom() {
  1285. FirePower_insertIcon();
  1286. }
  1287. function FirePower_insertIcon() {
  1288. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1289. a.className = "firepower";
  1290. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="跳转随机火力全开房间"><svg style="display:block;" t="1584277091105" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="2603" width="32" height="32"><path d="M893.3888 499.89632C841.82016 381.67552 788.48 317.55264 769.3824 266.33216c-20.28544-54.43584-0.27648-100.82304-0.27648-100.82304-42.33216-8.448-73.79968 31.87712-97.57696 72.77568-14.71488 25.31328-33.90464 178.71872-63.95904 216.3712-5.12 6.41024-15.28832 4.84352-18.13504-2.84672C486.7072 175.16544 541.75744 27.09504 541.75744 27.09504 380.22144 87.9104 340.0192 245.26848 332.34944 269.6192c-14.83776 47.0528-8.56064 225.98656-8.56064 225.98656-0.64512 12.2368-17.3056 15.38048-22.39488 4.22912 0 0-42.56768-104.69376-47.53408-162.14016-4.05504-47.02208-4.39296-37.23264-4.39296-37.23264-73.17504 67.50208-154.4192 220.3648-154.4192 323.04128 0 206.2336 182.36416 373.41184 407.32672 373.41184 224.94208 0 407.31648-167.17824 407.31648-373.41184 0-43.99104 0-86.26176-16.30208-123.60704zM759.82848 854.36416c-68.57728 62.8736-160.01024 97.4848-257.45408 97.4848-97.45408 0-188.88704-34.6112-257.46432-97.4848-67.51232-61.9008-104.704-143.88224-104.704-230.84032 0-40.47872 16.44544-96.90112 45.1072-154.76736a608.512 608.512 0 0 1 36.16768-63.2832c14.10048 51.72224 34.82624 103.39328 38.05184 111.29856l0.34816 0.86016 0.38912 0.83968a56.20736 56.20736 0 0 0 51.68128 33.29024c30.34112 0 55.3472-23.63392 56.92416-53.82144l0.1024-1.9456-0.06144-1.95584c-2.93888-84.1728-1.31072-186.08128 6.5024-210.8928 0.41984-1.31072 0.91136-2.94912 1.49504-4.90496 4.61824-15.36 16.88576-56.14592 44.78976-98.65216 17.38752-26.48064 37.76512-49.11104 60.96896-67.71712a629.0432 629.0432 0 0 0-0.75776 23.25504c-1.29024 100.57728 20.62336 212.39808 65.14688 332.34944a55.87968 55.87968 0 0 0 52.23424 36.2496 55.5008 55.5008 0 0 0 43.59168-20.97152c23.02976-28.85632 36.48512-84.6848 52.95104-160.4096 4.97664-22.784 11.71456-53.82144 15.27808-62.28992 2.21184-3.80928 4.48512-7.5776 6.8608-11.29472a189.3376 189.3376 0 0 0 9.0624 33.28c9.80992 26.25536 25.43616 52.34688 45.2096 85.4016 23.11168 38.5536 51.84512 86.53824 79.72864 150.4256 12.55424 28.75392 12.55424 64.37888 12.55424 105.64608 0 86.96832-37.1712 168.94976-104.704 230.85056z m0 0" fill="#CE3D3A" p-id="2604"></path><path d="M492.89216 81.664s-170.7008 90.10176-147.56864 380.88704c-11.5712 62.208-60.75392 66.54976-60.75392 66.54976l-53.52448-144.67072S3.91168 631.808 194.8672 830.01344c125.87008 104.15104 234.36288 206.87872 522.26048 82.46272 73.7792-57.86624 202.52672-172.56448 157.696-400.20992-63.67232-111.91296-143.24736-295.64928-143.24736-295.64928L680.96 274.4832l-28.93824 138.88512-49.01888 83.82464L526.17216 382.976l-33.28-301.312z" fill="#CE3D3A" p-id="2605"></path></svg><i id="firepower__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  1291. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  1292. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1293. }
  1295. function initPkg_FirePower_Func() {
  1296. document.getElementsByClassName("firepower")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  1297. fetch('', {
  1298. method: 'POST',
  1299. mode: 'no-cors',
  1300. credentials: 'include',
  1301. headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"},
  1302. body: "token=" + getCCN()
  1303. }).then(result => {
  1304. return result.json();
  1305. }).then(ret => {
  1306. let rid =;
  1307. window.location.href = "" + rid;
  1308. }).catch(err => {
  1309. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1310. })
  1311. });
  1312. }
  1315. function initPkg_FishFood() {
  1316. initPkg_FishFood_Dom();
  1317. initPkg_FishFood_Func();
  1318. }
  1320. function initPkg_FishFood_Dom() {
  1321. FishFood_insertIcon();
  1322. }
  1323. function FishFood_insertIcon() {
  1324. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1325. a.className = "fish-food";
  1326. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="一键鱼塘寻宝"><svg t="1578588143670" style="display: block;" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="41610" width="36" height="36"><path d="M961.40146484375 293.77460937500007c0-75.01376953125-60.809765625-135.8244140625-135.82792968750002-135.8244140625H197.86572265625006C122.85107421875006 157.9501953125 62.0439453125 218.76171875000006 62.0439453125 293.77460937500007c0 3.0392578125000003 0.140625 6.0380859375 0.3322265625 9.024609375-0.021093749999999998 0.7083984375-0.09316406249999999 1.4080078125000002-0.09316406249999999 2.13310546875v501.1171875c0 32.4544921875 24.837890625000004 58.78212890625 55.48447265625 58.78212890625h787.9060546875c30.650097656249994 0 55.4888671875-26.32763671875 55.4888671875-58.78212890625v-501.1171875c0-0.71982421875-0.07910156249999999-1.4097656250000001-0.0984375-2.1128906250000004 0.193359375-2.99619140625 0.33749999999999997-6.005566406250001 0.33749999999999997-9.044824218750001z m0 0" fill="#F0B417" p-id="41611"></path><path d="M747.34296875 157.9501953125H276.1033203125c-54.37353515625 0-98.66513671875 42.581250000000004-101.66748046875 96.2033203125h674.56845703125c-3.0005859375-53.62119140625-47.29306640625-96.2033203125-101.661328125-96.2033203125z m0 0" fill="#E13633" p-id="41612"></path><path d="M174.30751953125002 268.28984375000005v154.06259765625h674.8303710937499V268.28984375000005c0-0.53525390625-0.06855468749999999-1.05556640625-0.08964843749999998-1.58642578125 0.144140625-2.0759765625 0.22851562500000003-4.180957031249999 0.23818359375000003-6.30263671875h-675.1318359375c0.00791015625 2.1181640625000004 0.09755859375 4.215234375 0.22587890625 6.28330078125-0.007031249999999999 0.5396484374999999-0.07294921875 1.06171875-0.07294921875 1.6057617187500002z m0 310.728515625v154.07138671875h674.8303710937499V579.0183593749999c0-0.530859375-0.06855468749999999-1.0520507812500002-0.08964843749999998-1.57236328125 0.144140625-2.0926757812499996 0.22851562500000003-4.19501953125 0.23818359375000003-6.317578125h-675.1318359375c0.00791015625 2.1216796875 0.09755859375 4.21435546875 0.22587890625 6.2964843749999995-0.007031249999999999 0.54140625-0.07294921875 1.0529296874999998-0.07294921875 1.59345703125z m0 0" fill="#C91111" p-id="41613"></path><path d="M62 476.5080078125h899.44189453125v44.38740234375H62z" fill="#9F7D0F" p-id="41614"></path><path d="M617.06357421875 349.27314453125l65.11025390625001 200.38271484375002-170.45068359375 123.83613281249998-170.45683593750002-123.83613281249998 65.10673828125-200.38271484375002h210.69052734374998z m0 0" fill="#E9BF53" p-id="41615"></path><path d="M608.48984375 362.46376953125l59.81396484375 184.07285156249998-156.5806640625 113.77177734374999-156.5859375-113.77177734374999 59.808691406250006-184.07285156249998h193.5439453125z m0 0" fill="#F0B417" p-id="41616"></path><path d="M558.7578125 481.31738281249994c0-26.054296875-21.11923828125-47.162988281249994-47.16826171875-47.162988281249994-26.043750000000003 0-47.16474609375 21.10869140625-47.16474609375 47.162988281249994 0 22.40859375 15.650683593749998 41.1275390625 36.60205078125001 45.92900390625l-24.581249999999997 60.795703124999996h69.359765625l-23.90185546875-60.732421875c21.084960937499996-4.70478515625 36.854296875-23.49228515625 36.854296875-45.992285156250006z m0 0" fill="#715F39" p-id="41617"></path></svg><i id="fish-food__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  1327. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  1328. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1329. }
  1331. function initPkg_FishFood_Func() {
  1332. document.getElementsByClassName("fish-food")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  1333. fetch("", {
  1334. method: 'POST',
  1335. mode: 'no-cors',
  1336. credentials: 'include',
  1337. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
  1338. }).then(res => {
  1339. return res.json();
  1340. }).then(async (ret) =>{
  1341. let cnt = Math.floor(Number( / Number(;
  1342. if (cnt == 0) {
  1343. showMessage("【寻宝】" + "鱼粮不足", "warning");
  1344. return;
  1345. }
  1346. cnt = Number( - Number(;
  1347. if (cnt == 0) {
  1348. showMessage("【寻宝】" + "今日寻宝次数已到达上限", "warning");
  1349. return;
  1350. }
  1351. for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
  1352. await sleep(1500).then(() => {
  1353. fetch("", {
  1354. method: 'POST',
  1355. mode: 'no-cors',
  1356. credentials: 'include',
  1357. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1358. body: 'rid=' + rid + '&ctn=' + getCCN()
  1359. }).then(res => {
  1360. return res.json();
  1361. }).then(ret => {
  1362. if ( != null) {
  1363. if (Object.keys( != 0) {
  1364. showMessage("【寻宝】" +, "success");
  1365. }
  1366. } else {
  1367. showMessage("【寻宝】" + ret.msg, "warning");
  1368. }
  1369. // console.log("【寻宝】" +;
  1370. }).catch(err => {
  1371. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1372. })
  1373. })
  1374. }
  1375. })
  1376. })
  1377. }
  1379. function initPkg_FishPond() {
  1380. initPkg_FishPond_Dom();
  1381. initPkg_FishPond_Func();
  1382. }
  1384. function initPkg_FishPond_Timer() {
  1385. // 这里挂载每个子模块的时钟周期函数
  1386. initPkg_FishPond_Bubble_Timer();
  1387. initPkg_FishPond_Box_Timer();
  1388. initPkg_FishPond_Task_Timer();
  1389. initPkg_FishPond_RoomSign_Timer();
  1390. }
  1391. function initPkg_FishPond_Func() {
  1392. document.getElementsByClassName("fish-pond")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  1393. // 这里挂载每个子模块的函数入口
  1394. // 入口即为调用
  1395. // 调用的是每个子模块的领取接口
  1396. initPkg_FishPond_Bubble();
  1397. initPkg_FishPond_Box();
  1398. initPkg_FishPond_Task();
  1399. initPkg_FishPond_RoomSign();
  1400. })
  1401. }
  1402. function initPkg_FishPond_Dom() {
  1403. FishPond_insertIcon();
  1404. }
  1405. function FishPond_insertIcon() {
  1406. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1407. a.className = "fish-pond";
  1408. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="一键领取鱼粮"><svg t="1578572028540" style="display: block;" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="19278" width="36" height="36"><path d="M607.1 900.6c-2.6 0-5.1-0.1-7.7-0.4-19.8-2.3-34.1-13.1-41.8-20.7-24.5 10.2-46.4 11.7-65.3 4.3-16.1-6.3-26.1-17.7-31.5-26-29 8.3-52.4 6.5-69.8-5.2-14-9.5-20.7-23.3-23.8-33.8-22.8 5.6-41.9 3.7-57-5.5-13.6-8.4-20.5-21-23.9-30.1-24.7 1.5-44.3-4.3-58.3-17.3-13.5-12.4-18.4-28.4-20.2-39.4-27.9-1.4-52-20.2-63.8-39.4-8.3-13.4-11.2-27.6-8.7-40.3-10.6-3.6-19-10.7-23.9-20.7-9.3-18.7-5.4-44 9.8-67.6-26.2-36.9-27.2-58-3.7-88.1-10.8-18.4-13.6-36-8.2-52.3 7.5-22.7 28.9-35.8 41.3-41.7 0.9-3.9 3.2-6.4 4.2-7.5 7.8-7.4 20.9-6.3 50.1 4.1 20.1 7.1 47.9 19 82.9 35.1C346 435.2 425.4 475 523.4 526.3c166.8 87.3 332.2 179.1 333.8 180 2.7 1.5 4.7 3.9 5.6 6.9 8.7 27.4 7.3 48.4-4.1 62.2-8 9.7-19.2 13.4-28 14.8 0.6 22.2-5.5 39.1-18.1 50.4-16.3 14.6-38.9 15-51.8 13.7-8 15.7-19.5 26.4-34.4 31.6-25 8.9-52.3-0.7-65.2-6.6-18.1 14.2-36.3 21.3-54.1 21.3z" fill="#66584F" p-id="19279"></path><path d="M840.3 760c-5.6 6.8-17.1 7.2-21 6.8-3.7-0.5-7.4 0.8-10 3.4-2.6 2.6-3.9 6.3-3.4 10 2.6 20.3-0.5 34.6-9.2 42.4-14.1 12.7-40.1 6.8-40.3 6.8-3.4-0.8-6.8-0.1-9.5 1.7 15-40.6 0-65.2 0-65.2-86.6-112.6-198-83-330.9-147.3C282.8 554 275.6 504.1 210.7 479.3c-59-22.5-77.8 5.6-86.1 32.8-0.9-10.9 5.1-19.8 16.5-33 3.6-4.2 3.9-10.2 0.7-14.7-10.3-14.7-13.7-27.7-10.1-38.7 6.6-20.3 34.5-30.1 35.1-30.3 3.2-1.1 5.8-3.5 7.2-6.5 5.6 1.1 15.9 4 33.9 11 21.3 8.2 49.7 20.7 84.7 37.2 59.1 27.8 137.3 67.3 232.4 117.2C672.1 631.5 815.1 710.5 841.4 725c4.5 16.2 4.2 28.6-1.1 35z" fill="#D8D1CE" p-id="19280"></path><path d="M746.9 831c-2 1.3-3.6 3.3-4.6 5.7-5.3 14-13.1 22.7-23.8 26.5-23.1 8.3-52.6-8.4-52.9-8.6-4.5-2.6-10.1-2-13.9 1.4-17.4 15.2-34 22.1-49.3 20.4-19.9-2.2-32-18.3-32-18.4-2.3-3.2-6-5-9.8-5-1.8 0-3.6 0.4-5.2 1.2-21.4 10.4-39.6 12.9-54 7.4-16.9-6.5-23.6-22.5-23.7-22.5-2.3-6-9-9.1-15.1-7-25.5 8.8-45.5 9.1-58.1 0.8-14.9-9.9-16.2-29.7-16.2-29.8-0.2-3.8-2.1-7.2-5.3-9.4-3.1-2.1-7.1-2.6-10.7-1.4-21.4 7.4-38 7.6-49.5 0.7-13.3-8.1-15.9-24.2-15.9-24.3-0.9-6.6-6.9-11.2-13.5-10.3-22.1 2.9-38.7-0.4-49.3-10-14.2-12.8-13.6-33.7-13.6-33.8 0.2-3.6-1.3-7-3.9-9.4-2.7-2.4-6.2-3.5-9.8-3-16.2 2.4-39.6-6.4-52.7-27.7-3.3-5.4-10.2-19.1-2.5-30.2 2.5-3.7 2.9-8.5 0.8-12.4-2.1-4-6.2-6.4-10.6-6.4-9.4 0-15.8-3.4-19.1-10-6-12.1-0.9-32.1 12.6-49.9 3.3-4.3 3.3-10.2 0-14.5-13.3-17.7-19.8-29.1-20.6-39 8.3-27.2 27.1-55.3 86.1-32.8 64.9 24.8 72.1 74.7 205.3 139.2 132.8 64.4 244.3 34.7 330.9 147.3-0.1 0.1 14.9 24.6-0.1 65.2z" fill="#FFFFFF" p-id="19281"></path><path d="M196.1 562c-2.7 0-5.3-1.4-6.8-3.8-16.7-27.5-8.5-46 4.7-54.3 15.4-9.6 37.5-5.8 46.4 8.1 2.4 3.7 1.3 8.7-2.4 11-3.7 2.4-8.7 1.3-11-2.4-4.1-6.5-16.5-8.1-24.4-3.1-8.8 5.5-8.6 17.3 0.6 32.4 2.3 3.8 1.1 8.7-2.7 11-1.5 0.7-2.9 1.1-4.4 1.1zM244.6 671.6c-0.4 0-0.8 0-1.2-0.1-4.4-0.7-7.4-4.8-6.7-9.1 4.9-31.8 23.1-40.7 38.5-38.5 18 2.6 32.4 19.8 30.3 36-0.6 4.4-4.6 7.5-9 6.9-4.4-0.6-7.5-4.6-6.9-9 1-7.6-7.4-16.8-16.7-18.1-14.6-2.1-19.1 16.9-20.4 25.1-0.6 4-4 6.8-7.9 6.8zM558.9 812.5c-3.7 0-7-2.5-7.8-6.2-1-4.3 1.7-8.6 6-9.6 7.5-1.7 13.2-12.8 11.2-21.9-2.2-10.1-13.3-13.9-30.6-10.4-4.3 0.9-8.6-1.9-9.4-6.2s1.9-8.6 6.2-9.4c31.5-6.4 46.2 7.6 49.5 22.8 3.8 17.8-7.3 37.3-23.3 40.9-0.7-0.1-1.3 0-1.8 0zM734.2 797c-2.2 0-4.4-0.9-6-2.7-2.9-3.3-2.6-8.4 0.8-11.3 5.8-5.1 5.5-17.5-0.6-24.6-6.7-7.9-18.4-5.9-31.9 5.4-3.4 2.8-8.4 2.4-11.3-1-2.8-3.4-2.4-8.4 1-11.3 24.7-20.6 44.2-15.3 54.3-3.5 11.8 13.8 11.3 36.2-1 47-1.6 1.3-3.5 2-5.3 2zM389.7 722.4h-0.9c-4.4-0.5-7.6-4.4-7.1-8.8 3.5-32 21.3-41.7 36.8-40.2 18.1 1.8 33.3 18.3 31.8 34.7-0.4 4.4-4.3 7.7-8.7 7.3-4.4-0.4-7.7-4.3-7.3-8.7 0.7-7.7-8.1-16.4-17.5-17.3-14.7-1.4-18.4 17.7-19.3 26-0.3 3.9-3.8 7-7.8 7z" fill="#66584F" p-id="19282"></path><path d="M952.8 648.4c-2.3-27.9-7.7-56.5-17.6-81.7C912.5 509.4 870 293.1 576 201.4c-253.2-78.9-381.2-1.2-453.3 56.6 0 0-22.4 13.7-44.3 40.5 22-60.2 73-91.3 73-91.3 47.4-31.3 196.9-133 460.2-43.4C863.9 249.7 914 450 935.9 505.3c17.7 44.8 20.4 100.9 16.9 143.1z" fill="#FFAEAE" p-id="19283"></path><path d="M952.8 648.4c-2.1 25.6-6.5 46-11.2 55.8-24.7 51.1-64.6 63.5-64.6 63.5-50.8 13.7-72-21.1-72-21.1-63.9-69.6-126.4-80.2-126.4-80.2-22.5-9.8-180.9-18.8-273.6-69.6C276.8 526.5 244.4 410 131.9 418.4c-62.8 4.7-68.8-56.6-59.9-98.1 1.6-7.7 3.8-14.9 6.3-21.8 21.9-26.8 44.3-40.5 44.3-40.5 72.1-57.7 200.2-135.5 453.3-56.6 294.1 91.7 336.5 308 359.2 365.3 10.1 25.2 15.5 53.8 17.7 81.7z" fill="#F96464" p-id="19284"></path><path d="M952.7 647.1c-24 35.3-53.7 44.6-53.7 44.6-50.8 13.7-72-21.1-72-21.1-63.9-69.6-126.4-80.2-126.4-80.2-22.5-9.8-180.9-18.8-273.6-69.6C298.8 450.5 266.4 334 153.9 342.4c-44.2 3.3-60.2-26-62.8-58.2 17.1-17.4 31.5-26.2 31.5-26.2 72.1-57.7 200.2-135.5 453.3-56.6 294.1 91.7 336.5 308 359.2 365.3 9.9 24.8 15.3 52.9 17.6 80.4z" fill="#FF7B7B" p-id="19285"></path><path d="M952.7 647.1c-24 35.3-53.7 44.6-53.7 44.6-50.8 13.7-72-21.1-72-21.1-63.9-69.6-126.4-80.2-126.4-80.2-22.5-9.8-180.9-18.8-273.6-69.6C298.8 450.5 266.4 334 153.9 342.4c-44.2 3.3-60.2-26-62.8-58.2 17.1-17.4 31.5-26.2 31.5-26.2 72.1-57.7 200.2-135.5 453.3-56.6 294.1 91.7 336.5 308 359.2 365.3 9.9 24.8 15.3 52.9 17.6 80.4z" fill="#FF7B7B" p-id="19286"></path><path d="M557.8 162.4l-2.1 11.8c-18.1-3.2-58.3-4.4-103.6-1.1-0.6-0.1-1.2-0.2-1.8-0.2-1.5-0.2-2.9-0.4-4.4-0.6l-2.1-0.3c-1.2-0.1-2.5-0.3-3.8-0.4-1.3-0.2-2.6-0.3-4-0.4-2.6-0.3-5.2-0.6-7.8-0.8-2.6-0.2-5.2-0.5-7.7-0.7-1.6-0.1-3.3-0.3-4.9-0.4-0.5 0-1.1-0.1-1.6-0.1-1.6-0.1-3.2-0.2-4.9-0.3-2.5-0.2-5-0.3-7.5-0.4-1.2-0.1-2.5-0.1-3.7-0.2-2.3-0.1-4.6-0.2-6.8-0.2h-0.5c11.9-1.9 23.3-3.4 33.9-4.5 57.3-6.2 110.4-5.3 133.3-1.2zM726.4 220.7l-2.6 11.7c-29.2-6.4-60.4-9.8-91.8-10.9-1.3-0.5-2.6-1.1-3.9-1.6-2-0.8-4.1-1.6-6.1-2.4-4.2-1.6-8.4-3.2-12.7-4.8-1.1-0.4-2.1-0.8-3.2-1.2-2.2-0.8-4.3-1.6-6.5-2.3 42.9-0.5 86.7 2.7 126.8 11.5zM814.4 289.8l-3.3 10.8c-17.2-5.3-36.6-9.1-58.1-11.4-0.7-0.5-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.6-1.4-1.1-2.9-2.1-4.3-3.2-0.7-0.5-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.6-0.7-0.5-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.6-0.7-0.5-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.6-2-1.4-4-2.8-6-4.1 29.9 1.9 56.5 6.3 79.5 13.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.8 1 1.1zM889 393.4c-13.1-5.1-27.8-9.5-43.6-12.9-3.7-4.9-7.5-9.7-11.6-14.6 16.5 3 32 6.9 46.2 11.6 3.2 5.3 6.2 10.6 9 15.9z" fill="#FFD9D9" p-id="19287"></path><path d="M452 173.1c-8.6 0.6-17.3 1.4-26.2 2.4-48.1 5.2-115 17.3-160.4 45-34.4 21-57.8 43.1-69.6 65.7-12.2 23.3-12.4 46.9-0.7 72.1 18.7 40.3 6.4 64.5 2.1 71.2-2.4-1.1-4.8-2.1-7.3-3.1l-3.3-2.7c0.4-0.5 4.1-5.6 5.7-15 2.3-13.2-0.5-28.9-8.1-45.4-25.7-55.5-0.5-107 75-153.1 37.1-22.7 87.6-35.2 131.4-42.2 19.4 0.6 39.8 2.2 61.4 5.1z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19288"></path><path d="M632.1 221.6c-70.4-2.5-141.9 6.4-194.7 18.3-1.1 0.2-111.5 26.8-140 92.6-11.7 26.8-8 57.1 10.8 89.8 16.8 29.3 14.1 52.6 8.9 67-5.7 15.8-15.6 24.5-16 24.9l-7.9-9c1.3-1.2 32-29.2 4.6-76.9-20.8-36.3-24.7-70.1-11.4-100.6 13.1-30.1 42.1-56 86.3-77 32.5-15.4 60.8-22.2 62-22.4 45.4-10.2 104.4-18.3 164.9-19 11.2 3.8 22 8 32.5 12.3z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19289"></path><path d="M753 289.2c-28.6-3.1-60.8-3.5-96.4-1.2-57.1 3.7-102.3 13.1-110.8 15h-0.2c-0.9 0.2-93.8 18.5-125.5 81.1-16.3 32.1-13.9 70.8 7.1 114.9 15.5 32.6 6.9 56.4-3 70.6-10.6 15.2-24.8 22.6-25.4 22.9l-2.8-5.3-2.7-5.3c2.1-1.1 47.8-25.7 23.1-77.7-22.7-47.7-25-90-6.9-125.6 14.3-28.2 42.1-52.3 80.3-69.6 28-12.7 51.7-17.4 53.6-17.8 8.8-1.9 54.8-11.5 112.6-15.2 28-1.8 54-2 77.9-0.5 6.6 4.5 13 9 19.1 13.7z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19290"></path><path d="M845.4 380.4c-17.2-3.8-35.9-6.6-55.6-8.3-41.2-3.6-86.2-2.5-130.1 3.3h-0.1c-0.8 0.1-85.3 10.2-116.5 63.8-16.2 27.8-15.4 63 2.4 104.6 14.2 33.2 15.7 60.5 4.4 80.9-3.7 6.7-8.4 12-13.4 16.1-5.3-1.1-10.7-2.3-16.1-3.6 6.7-3.7 14.1-9.5 19.1-18.5 4.1-7.6 6.1-16.6 5.9-26.8-0.3-12.6-4-27.2-10.9-43.4-19.4-45.3-20-84.1-1.7-115.4 14.3-24.5 40.6-44.3 76.1-57.3 26-9.5 47.8-12.2 49.4-12.3 62.6-8.2 123.9-7.1 175.6 2.4 3.9 4.8 7.8 9.7 11.5 14.5z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19291"></path><path d="M901.1 475.3c-39-11.1-92.5-18.5-165.3-15.3-0.4 0-49.2 3.1-67.3 34.9-12 21.1-8.4 50.5 10.8 87.5 16.4 31.6 20.2 60.9 11.4 87 0 0.1-0.1 0.1-0.1 0.2-6.3-2-10.4-2.8-11.6-3.1 0.1-0.4 0.3-0.7 0.4-1.1 7.7-22.9 4.1-49-10.8-77.5-21.2-40.8-24.7-74.2-10.5-99 8.9-15.7 25.2-27.7 47-34.8 16.1-5.3 29.6-6 30.1-6.1 68.2-3 120.1 3.2 159.3 13.1 2.4 4.8 4.6 9.5 6.6 14.2z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19292"></path><path d="M944.4 595.7c-23.8-13.3-47.6-23.3-67.4-27.9l-0.2-0.1c-0.6-0.2-61.2-16.7-85.7 10.2-14.6 16.1-13.9 45.3 2.2 86.8 9.1 23.5 9.6 44.1 1.6 61.2-1.1 2.3-2.3 4.5-3.6 6.5-3-2.9-6-5.7-9-8.3 0.6-1.1 1.2-2.2 1.8-3.4 6.6-14 5.9-31.3-2-51.6-17.9-46.1-17.8-79.5 0.1-99.2 29.1-32 93.5-14.9 97.7-13.7 17.8 4.2 38.7 12.5 59.9 23.5 1.7 5.1 3.3 10.5 4.6 16z" fill="#F79494" p-id="19293"></path><path d="M452 173.1c-8.6 0.6-17.3 1.4-26.2 2.4-48.1 5.2-115 17.3-160.4 45-34.4 21-57.8 43.1-69.6 65.7-9.9 18.9-11.9 38-6.1 58-4.2-0.8-8.5-1.4-12.9-1.7-11.2-47.5 16.4-91.9 82.3-132.2 37.1-22.7 87.6-35.2 131.4-42.2 19.5 0.5 39.9 2.1 61.5 5zM632.1 221.6c-70.4-2.5-141.9 6.4-194.7 18.3-1.1 0.2-111.5 26.8-140 92.6-11.7 26.8-8 57.1 10.8 89.8 1.3 2.3 2.5 4.5 3.6 6.8-8.8-8.8-17.3-17.4-25.7-25.6-10-27-9.9-52.4 0.3-75.8 13.1-30.1 42.1-56 86.3-77 32.5-15.4 60.8-22.2 62-22.4 45.4-10.2 104.4-18.3 164.9-19 11.2 3.8 22 8 32.5 12.3z" fill="#FFBBBB" p-id="19294"></path><path d="M753 289.2c-28.6-3.1-60.8-3.5-96.4-1.2-57.1 3.7-102.3 13.1-110.8 15h-0.2c-0.9 0.2-93.8 18.5-125.5 81.1-16.3 32.1-13.9 70.8 7.1 114.9 4.5 9.4 6.9 18.1 8 26.1-2.8-1.4-5.5-2.8-8.2-4.3-1.9-1-3.7-2.1-5.5-3.1-1.2-4.3-2.8-8.8-5.1-13.5-22.7-47.7-25-90-6.9-125.6 14.3-28.2 42.1-52.3 80.3-69.6 28-12.7 51.7-17.4 53.6-17.8 8.8-1.9 54.8-11.5 112.6-15.2 28-1.8 54-2 77.9-0.5 6.6 4.5 13 9 19.1 13.7z" fill="#FFBBBB" p-id="19295"></path><path d="M845.4 380.4c-17.2-3.8-35.9-6.6-55.6-8.3-41.2-3.6-86.2-2.5-130.1 3.3h-0.1c-0.8 0.1-85.3 10.2-116.5 63.8-16.2 27.8-15.4 63 2.4 104.6 2.9 6.8 5.3 13.4 7.2 19.7-4.5-1-9-2-13.6-3.1-1.3-3.9-2.9-7.8-4.6-11.9-19.4-45.3-20-84.1-1.7-115.4 14.3-24.5 40.6-44.3 76.1-57.3 26-9.5 47.8-12.2 49.4-12.3 62.6-8.2 123.9-7.1 175.6 2.4 3.9 4.8 7.8 9.7 11.5 14.5z" fill="#FFBBBB" p-id="19296"></path><path d="M901.1 475.3c-39-11.1-92.5-18.5-165.3-15.3-0.4 0-49.2 3.1-67.3 34.9-12 21.1-8.4 50.5 10.8 87.5 0.6 1.1 1.2 2.3 1.7 3.4-4.4-0.8-9.3-1.6-14.7-2.4-19.1-38.8-21.9-70.5-8.2-94.4 8.9-15.7 25.2-27.7 47-34.8 16.1-5.3 29.6-6 30.1-6.1 68.2-3 120.1 3.2 159.3 13.1 2.4 4.7 4.6 9.4 6.6 14.1zM944.4 595.7c-23.8-13.3-47.6-23.3-67.4-27.9l-0.2-0.1c-0.6-0.2-61.2-16.7-85.7 10.2-10.2 11.3-13 28.9-8.2 52.8-4.6-3.4-9.1-6.6-13.6-9.5-2.4-22.1 1.9-39.3 12.8-51.4 29.1-32 93.5-14.9 97.7-13.7 17.8 4.2 38.7 12.5 59.9 23.5 1.8 5.2 3.4 10.6 4.7 16.1z" fill="#FFBBBB" p-id="19297"></path><path d="M409.2 151.6c61.3 0 126.8 11.7 194.6 34.8 51 17.4 96.9 40.9 136.5 70 33.2 24.4 62.6 53.3 87.5 85.9 45.2 59.1 66.2 117.8 78.8 152.9 2.6 7.2 4.8 13.5 6.9 18.8 11.3 28.5 17.2 66.8 16.6 107.6-0.6 36.4-6.2 64-10.1 72-18.4 38.1-46.1 49.6-50 51-5.5 1.4-10.8 2.2-15.7 2.2-8.4 0-15.7-2.1-21.8-6.3-4.1-2.8-6.5-5.8-7.1-6.7l-0.7-1.4-2-2.1c-61.8-67.3-123.4-84-137.2-87-9.3-3.4-24.1-5.7-53.4-10.2-57.6-8.8-153.9-23.6-215.5-57.4-49.5-27.1-84.8-62.5-116-93.8-22.6-22.6-43.9-44-68.1-60.1-28.3-18.8-57.5-27.9-89.3-27.9-4.3 0-8.7 0.2-13.1 0.5-1.7 0.1-3.3 0.2-4.9 0.2-14.3 0-20.2-5.2-23.4-9.1-9.1-11.3-11.7-35.5-6.4-60.3 5.6-26.1 18.6-50.3 38.7-72 15.1-16.3 28.8-25.1 29.7-25.7l0.3-0.2 0.4-0.3 1.5-1c33.8-22.1 112.7-74.4 243.2-74.4m0-24c-139.8 0-224.3 57.3-257.8 79.5 0 0-63.3 38.7-79.3 113.1-8.6 40-3.4 98.4 53.2 98.4 2.1 0 4.4-0.1 6.6-0.3 3.9-0.3 7.7-0.4 11.4-0.4 103.4 0 137.9 110.9 261.8 178.8 92.6 50.8 251.1 59.8 273.6 69.6 0 0 62.4 10.6 126.4 80.2 0 0 14.8 24.3 49.3 24.3 6.8 0 14.3-0.9 22.7-3.2 0 0 39.9-12.4 64.6-63.5 12.4-25.7 22.8-126.9-5.8-198.9-21.9-55.3-72-255.6-324.3-341.5-77.2-26.2-144.5-36.1-202.4-36.1z" fill="#66584F" p-id="19298"></path></svg><i id="fish-pond__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  1409. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  1410. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  1411. }
  1413. function FishPond_showTip(a) {
  1414. let d = document.getElementById("fish-pond__tip");
  1415. if (a == true) {
  1416. if ( != "block") {
  1417. showMessage("【鱼粮】有鱼粮可以领取啦!", "info");
  1418. = "block";
  1419. }
  1420. } else {
  1421. = "none";
  1422. }
  1423. }
  1424. var boxList = [];
  1425. function initPkg_FishPond_Box() {
  1426. getFishPond_Box();
  1427. }
  1429. function initPkg_FishPond_Box_Timer() {
  1430. getFishPond_BoxList();
  1431. }
  1433. function getFishPond_Box() {
  1434. // 清空boxList内的气泡
  1435. if (boxList.length == 0) {
  1436. showMessage("【鱼塘宝箱】暂无可领取的鱼粮", "info");
  1437. return;
  1438. }
  1439. let arr = boxList.concat();
  1440. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  1441. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  1442. method: "POST",
  1443. url: "",
  1444. data: "id=" + arr[i] + "&token=" + dyToken,
  1445. responseType: "json",
  1446. headers: {
  1447. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
  1448. },
  1449. onload: function(response) {
  1450. showMessage("【鱼塘宝箱】" +, "success");
  1451. // console.log("【鱼塘宝箱】" , response.response.msg, response.response);
  1452. }
  1453. });
  1454. }
  1455. FishPond_showTip(false);
  1456. boxList.length = 0;
  1457. }
  1459. function getFishPond_BoxList() {
  1460. // 获取可领取的鱼粮,如果有,就显示小红点
  1461. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  1462. method: "POST",
  1463. url: "",
  1464. data: 'token=' + dyToken,
  1465. responseType: "json",
  1466. headers: {
  1467. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
  1468. },
  1469. onload: function(response) {
  1470. boxList.length = 0;
  1471. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1472. if ([i] != null) {
  1473. if ([i].status == "2") {
  1474. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1475. boxList.push([i].id);
  1476. }
  1477. }
  1478. }
  1479. }
  1480. });
  1481. }
  1485. var bubbleList = [];
  1486. function initPkg_FishPond_Bubble() {
  1487. getFishPond_Bubble();
  1488. }
  1490. function initPkg_FishPond_Bubble_Timer() {
  1491. getFishPond_BubbleList();
  1492. }
  1494. function getFishPond_Bubble() {
  1495. // 清空bubbleList内的气泡
  1496. if (bubbleList.length == 0) {
  1497. showMessage("【鱼塘气泡】暂无可领取的鱼粮", "info");
  1498. return;
  1499. }
  1500. let bubbleToGet = "";
  1501. for (let i = 0; i < bubbleList.length; i++) {
  1502. if (i != bubbleList.length - 1) {
  1503. bubbleToGet = bubbleToGet + bubbleList[i] + "%2C";
  1504. } else {
  1505. bubbleToGet = bubbleToGet + bubbleList[i];
  1506. }
  1507. }
  1508. fetch('',{
  1509. method: 'POST',
  1510. mode: 'no-cors',
  1511. credentials: 'include',
  1512. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1513. body: 'ids=' + bubbleToGet + '&rid=' + rid
  1514. }).then(res => {
  1515. return res.json();
  1516. }).then(ret => {
  1517. let result = "";
  1518. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1519. result = result +[i].num + "个" +[i].name + ",";
  1520. }
  1521. bubbleList.length = 0; // 此处领取完毕,小红点也要去掉
  1522. FishPond_showTip(false);
  1523. showMessage("【鱼塘气泡】领取结果:" + result, "success");
  1524. // console.log("【鱼塘气泡】领取结果:" + result, ret);
  1525. }).catch(err => {
  1526. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1527. })
  1528. }
  1530. function getFishPond_BubbleList() {
  1531. // 获取可领取的鱼粮,如果有,就显示小红点
  1532. fetch('',{
  1533. method: 'GET',
  1534. mode: 'no-cors',
  1535. credentials: 'include'
  1536. }).then(res => {
  1537. return res.json();
  1538. }).then(ret => {
  1539. bubbleList.length = 0;
  1540. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1541. if ([i] != null) {
  1542. if ([i].status == "2") {
  1543. bubbleList.push([i].id);
  1544. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1545. }
  1546. }
  1547. }
  1548. }).catch(err => {
  1549. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1550. })
  1551. }
  1555. var roomSignList = [];
  1556. function initPkg_FishPond_RoomSign() {
  1557. getFishPond_RoomSign();
  1558. }
  1560. function initPkg_FishPond_RoomSign_Timer() {
  1561. getFishPond_RoomSignList();
  1562. }
  1564. function getFishPond_RoomSign() {
  1565. // 清空roomSignList内的气泡
  1566. if (roomSignList.length == 0) {
  1567. showMessage("【签到宝箱】暂无可领取的鱼粮", "info");
  1568. return;
  1569. }
  1570. let arr = roomSignList.concat();
  1571. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  1572. fetch('',{
  1573. method: 'POST',
  1574. mode: 'no-cors',
  1575. credentials: 'include',
  1576. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1577. body: 'rid=' + rid + '&ctn=' + getCCN()
  1578. }).then(res => {
  1579. return res.json();
  1580. }).then(ret => {
  1581. if (ret.error == "0") {
  1582. showMessage("【签到宝箱】领取结果:" + ret.msg, "success");
  1583. }
  1584. }).catch(err => {
  1585. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1586. })
  1587. }
  1588. FishPond_showTip(false);
  1589. roomSignList.length = 0;
  1590. }
  1592. function getFishPond_RoomSignList() {
  1593. fetch('' + rid + '&clientType=0',{
  1594. method: 'GET',
  1595. mode: 'no-cors',
  1596. credentials: 'include'
  1597. }).then(res => {
  1598. return res.json();
  1599. }).then(ret => {
  1600. if (ret.error == "0" ) {
  1601. if ( == "1") {
  1602. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1603. roomSignList.push("1");
  1604. }
  1605. }
  1606. }).catch(err => {
  1607. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1608. })
  1609. }
  1613. var taskList = [];
  1614. function initPkg_FishPond_Task() {
  1615. getFishPond_Task();
  1616. }
  1618. function initPkg_FishPond_Task_Timer() {
  1619. getFishPond_TaskList();
  1620. }
  1622. function getFishPond_Task() {
  1623. fetch('',{
  1624. method: 'POST',
  1625. mode: 'no-cors',
  1626. credentials: 'include',
  1627. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1628. body: 'ids=1182%2C1183%2C1184%2C1185%2C1186' + '&rid=' + rid
  1629. }).then(res => {
  1630. return res.json();
  1631. }).then(ret => {
  1632. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1633. showMessage("【鱼塘任务】领取结果:成功领取" +[i].name +[i].num + "个", "success");
  1634. }
  1635. }).catch(err => {
  1636. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1637. })
  1638. if (taskList.length == 0) {
  1639. showMessage("【鱼塘任务】暂无可领取的鱼粮", "info");
  1640. return;
  1641. }
  1642. let arr = taskList.concat();
  1643. for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
  1644. fetch('',{
  1645. method: 'POST',
  1646. mode: 'no-cors',
  1647. credentials: 'include',
  1648. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  1649. body: 'id=' + arr[i] + '&roomId=' + rid
  1650. }).then(res => {
  1651. return res.json();
  1652. }).then(ret => {
  1653. // console.log("【鱼塘任务】领取结果:", ret);
  1654. showMessage("【鱼塘任务】领取结果:" +, "success");
  1655. }).catch(err => {
  1656. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1657. })
  1658. }
  1659. taskList.length = 0;
  1660. FishPond_showTip(false);
  1661. }
  1663. function getFishPond_TaskList() {
  1664. // 获取可领取的鱼粮,如果有,就显示小红点
  1665. taskList.length = 0;
  1666. getFishPond_TaskList_Day();
  1667. getFishPond_TaskList_Week();
  1668. getFishPond_TaskList_Ytzb();
  1669. // getFishPond_TaskList_Client();
  1670. }
  1673. function getFishPond_TaskList_Day() {
  1674. fetch('' + rid,{
  1675. method: 'GET',
  1676. mode: 'no-cors',
  1677. credentials: 'include'
  1678. }).then(res => {
  1679. return res.json();
  1680. }).then(ret => {
  1681. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1682. if ([i].status == "2") {
  1683. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1684. taskList.push([i].id);
  1685. }
  1686. }
  1687. }).catch(err => {
  1688. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1689. })
  1690. }
  1691. function getFishPond_TaskList_Week() {
  1692. fetch('' + rid,{
  1693. method: 'GET',
  1694. mode: 'no-cors',
  1695. credentials: 'include'
  1696. }).then(res => {
  1697. return res.json();
  1698. }).then(ret => {
  1699. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1700. if ([i].status == "2") {
  1701. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1702. taskList.push([i].id);
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. }).catch(err => {
  1706. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1707. })
  1708. }
  1710. function getFishPond_TaskList_Ytzb() {
  1711. fetch('' + rid,{
  1712. method: 'GET',
  1713. mode: 'no-cors',
  1714. credentials: 'include'
  1715. }).then(res => {
  1716. return res.json();
  1717. }).then(ret => {
  1718. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1719. if ([i].status == "2") {
  1720. FishPond_showTip(true);
  1721. taskList.push([i].id);
  1722. }
  1723. }
  1724. }).catch(err => {
  1725. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  1726. })
  1727. }
  1729. // function getFishPond_TaskList_Client() {
  1730. // console.log("哦嚯嚯",dyToken);
  1731. // GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  1732. // method: "POST",
  1733. // url: "",
  1734. // data: "cycleType=26&roomId=" + rid + "&tagId=1&token=" + dyToken,
  1735. // responseType: "json",
  1736. // headers: {
  1737. // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  1738. // },
  1739. // onload: function(response) {
  1740. // let ret = response.response;
  1741. // console.log("哈哈哈哈:",ret);
  1742. // for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  1743. // if ([i].status == "2") {
  1744. // FishPond_showTip(true);
  1745. // taskList.push([i].id);
  1746. // }
  1747. // }
  1748. // }
  1749. // });
  1750. // }
  1751. var sheetIndex2 = 0; // 这里的sheetIndex2用的是弹幕大小的全局变量,所以这个模块包一定要在ExpanTool后面加载
  1752. let svg_night = '<svg t="1587640254282" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1055 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="5670" width="26" height="26"><path d="M388.06497 594.013091c-96.566303-167.253333-39.067152-381.889939 128.217212-478.487273a348.656485 348.656485 0 0 1 256.248242-36.864C623.491879-5.306182 435.417212-11.170909 276.542061 80.616727 37.236364 218.763636-44.776727 524.815515 93.401212 764.152242c138.146909 239.305697 444.198788 321.318788 683.535515 183.140849 158.875152-91.725576 247.870061-257.520485 249.669818-428.559515a348.656485 348.656485 0 0 1-160.085333 203.496727c-167.253333 96.566303-381.889939 39.036121-478.487273-128.217212" p-id="5671" fill="#8a8a8a"></path></svg>';
  1753. let svg_day = '<svg t="1587640423416" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="2270" width="26" height="26"><path d="M270.016 197.248l-83.84-84.544-69.76 70.464 83.776 84.544 69.76-70.4zM139.648 465.024H0v93.888h139.648V465.024zM558.528 0H465.472v136.192h93.056V0z m349.056 183.168l-69.76-70.464-83.84 84.544L819.2 263.04l88.384-79.872z m-153.6 643.584l83.84 84.48 65.28-65.728L819.2 760.96l-65.216 65.792z m130.368-267.84H1024V465.024h-139.648v93.888zM512.064 230.08C358.4 230.08 232.768 356.992 232.768 512c0 155.008 125.632 281.856 279.296 281.856 153.6 0 279.232-126.848 279.232-281.856 0-154.944-125.632-281.856-279.232-281.856zM465.472 1024h93.056v-136.256H465.472V1024z m-349.056-183.232l69.76 70.4 83.84-84.48L204.8 760.96 116.48 840.768z" p-id="2271" fill="#8a8a8a"></path></svg>';
  1754. let num_css_night = 0; // 这个变量用于存储一共定义了多少个css
  1755. let currentMode = 0; // 0日间模式 1夜间模式
  1756. function initPkg_Night() {
  1757. sheetIndex2 = getAvailableSheet(sheetIndex + 1);
  1758. if (sheetIndex2 == -1) {
  1759. return;
  1760. }
  1761. initPkg_Night_Dom();
  1762. initPkg_Night_Func();
  1763. initPkg_Night_Set();
  1764. }
  1766. function initPkg_Night_Dom() {
  1767. Night_insertIcon();
  1768. }
  1769. function Night_insertIcon() {
  1770. let a = document.createElement("div");
  1771. = "position: absolute;right: -75px;top: 18px;cursor: pointer;"
  1772. = "ex-night";
  1773. a.innerHTML = svg_day;
  1774. a.title = "切换夜间模式";
  1775. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("Header-right")[0];
  1776. b.appendChild(a);
  1777. }
  1778. function saveData_Mode() {
  1779. // 0日间模式 1夜间模式
  1780. let data = {
  1781. mode: currentMode
  1782. }
  1783. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_Mode", JSON.stringify(data));
  1784. }
  1786. function initPkg_Night_Set() {
  1787. let ret = localStorage.getItem("ExSave_Mode");
  1788. let a = document.getElementById("ex-night");
  1789. if (ret != null) {
  1790. let retJson = JSON.parse(ret);
  1791. if ("mode" in retJson == false) {
  1792. retJson.mode = 0;
  1793. }
  1794. if (retJson.mode == 1) {
  1795. currentMode = 1;
  1796. a.innerHTML = svg_night;
  1797. a.title = "切换日间模式";
  1798. setNightMode();
  1799. }
  1800. }
  1801. }
  1803. function initPkg_Night_Func() {
  1804. document.getElementById("ex-night").addEventListener("click", function() {
  1805. let a = document.getElementById("ex-night");
  1806. if (currentMode == 0) {
  1807. currentMode = 1;
  1808. a.innerHTML = svg_night;
  1809. a.title = "切换日间模式";
  1810. setNightMode();
  1811. } else {
  1812. currentMode = 0;
  1813. a.innerHTML = svg_day;
  1814. a.title = "切换夜间模式";
  1815. cancelNightMode();
  1816. }
  1817. saveData_Mode();
  1818. });
  1819. }
  1821. function setNightMode() {
  1822. setBarrageLayoutBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;");
  1823. setBarrageUserEnterBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;color:rgba(187,187,187,1) !important;");
  1824. setBarrageContentColor("color:rgba(187,187,187,1) !important;");
  1825. setBarrageTextColor("color:rgba(187,187,187,1) !important;");
  1826. setBarrageNoticeBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;border:rgba(37,38,42,1) solid 1px !important;");
  1827. setLayoutPlayerTitleBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(35,36,39,1) !important;border:rgba(35,36,39,1) solid 1px !important;");
  1828. setTitleHeaderColor("color:rgba(191,191,191,1) !important;");
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  1830. setTitleRowTextColor("color:rgba(153,153,153,1) !important;");
  1831. setAnchorNameColor("color:rgba(153,153,153,1) !important;");
  1832. setLayoutPlayerToolbarBackgroundColor("background:rgb(37,38,42) !important;border:1px solid rgb(37,38,42) !important;");
  1833. setWealthNumColor("color:rgb(191,191,191) !important;");
  1834. setLayoutMainBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(35,36,39,1) !important;");
  1835. setRankWrapBackgroundColor("background:rgba(47,48,53,1) !important;border:rgba(47,48,53,1) solid 1px !important;");
  1836. setBgIconBackgroundDisplay("display:none;");
  1837. setChatRankWeekBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(47,48,53,1) !important;");
  1838. setNobleRankBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(47,48,53,1) !important;");
  1839. setAsideMainBorderColor("border:1px solid rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1840. setChatBackgroundColor("background:rgba(47,48,53,1) !important;color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;border-radius:0px !important;");
  1841. setChatTabBackgroundColor("background:rgb(29,32,35) !important;border:1px solid rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1842. setChatTabActiveBackgroundColor("background:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1843. setFansRankInfoBackgroundColor("background:rgb(37,43,51) !important;");
  1844. setFansRankInfoTxtColor("color:rgb(121,127,137) !important;");
  1845. setBarrageBorderColor("border:1px solid rgba(35,36,39,1) !important;");
  1846. setLayoutPlayerChatBorderColor("border-top:1px solid rgba(47,48,53,1) !important;");
  1847. setLayoutPlayerAnnounceBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(29,32,35) !important;border:1px solid rgb(29,32,35) !important;");
  1849. setFansRankBottomBorderColor("border-top:1px solid rgb(121,127,137) !important;");
  1851. setChatBarrageCollectTipBackgroundColor("background:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1852. setTitleOfficialBackgroundColor("background:rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1853. setHeaderBackgroundColor("background:rgb(45,46,54) !important;border-bottom:1px solid rgb(45,46,54) !important;");
  1855. setHeaderTxtColor("color:rgb(191,191,191) !important");
  1856. setSuperMenuBackgroundColor("background:rgb(47,48,53) !important;border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1857. setGuessMainPanelBackgroundColor("background:rgb(47,48,53) !important;border:1px solid rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1859. setDanmuAuthorBackgroundColor("color:rgb(234,234,234) !important;");
  1860. setDanmuDivBackgroundColor("background:rgba(47,49,53,0.9) !important;");
  1861. setDanmuContentBackgroundColor("background:rgba(35,36,39,0.9) !important;");
  1862. setDanmuWordBackgroundColor("background:rgba(35,36,39,0.9) !important;color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1863. setFansMedalPanelBackgroundColor("color:black !important;");
  1864. setAnchorLikeBorderColor("border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1865. setAnchorFriendCardColor("color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1866. setFloatingBarrageBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;");
  1867. setGuessReturnYwFdSliderBackgroundColor("background:rgb(47,48,53); !important;border-left:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1869. setBarrageFirstChargeBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;");
  1870. setBarrageNoticeReplyBarrageBackgroundColor("background-color:rgba(37,38,42,1) !important;");
  1871. setGuessGuideListItemBoxBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1872. setAnchorFriendFooterABackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1873. setAnchorFriendFooterBorderColor("border-top:1px solid rgb(121,127,137) !important;");
  1874. setAnchorFriendPaneTitleBorderColor("border-bottom:1px solid rgb(121,127,137) !important;");
  1875. setAnchorFriendPaneTitleH3Color("color:rgb(153,153,153) !important;");
  1876. setGiftExpandPanelBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1877. setGiftExpandPanelDescNameColor("color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1878. setGiftInfoPanelBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1879. setGiftInfoPanelNameColor("color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1880. setBatchGiveFormNumBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1881. setBatchGiveFormInputBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;color:rgb(149,149,149) !important;");
  1882. setBatchGiveFormBtnBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1883. setBackpackBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1884. setBackpackNameBackgroundColor("color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1885. setBackpackPropPageBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1886. setBackpackPropIsBlankBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1887. setBackpackInfoPanelBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;border:1px solid rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1888. setBackpackInfoPanelNameBackgroundColor("color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1889. setBatchPropContentBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(35,36,39) !important;");
  1890. setBatchPropCustomIptColor("color:rgb(149,149,149) !important;");
  1892. setGuessReturnYwFdSliderNumIptBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;color:rgb(149,149,149) !important;");
  1893. setGuessReturnYwFdSliderGiftName("color:rgb(160,160,160) !important;");
  1894. setNormalCardCommonBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;border:1px solid rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1895. setNormalCardNameColor("color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1896. setGuessRankPanelBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;border:1px solid rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1897. setFansMedalPanelOwnerInfoBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1898. setFansMedalPanelListBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;");
  1899. setGuessMainPanelSliderItemBackgroundColor("background-color:rgb(47,48,53) !important;");
  1900. setFansMedalInfoTitleColor("color:rgb(204,204,204) !important;");
  1901. setFansMedalListItemHoverColor("background-color:rgb(37,38,42) !important;");
  1902. }
  1903. function cancelNightMode() {
  1904. let a = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2];
  1905. let idx = a.rules.length - 1;
  1906. for (let i = 0; i < num_css_night; i++) {
  1907. a.removeRule(idx);
  1908. idx = idx - 1;
  1909. }
  1910. num_css_night = 0;
  1911. }
  1913. function setBarrageLayoutBackgroundColor(t) {
  1914. // background:rgb(37,38,42) !important;
  1915. // document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].removeRule(roleIndex_barrageLayout);
  1916. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Player-barrage", t);
  1917. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1918. }
  1920. function setBarrageUserEnterBackgroundColor(t) {
  1921. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-userEnter", t);
  1922. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1923. }
  1925. function setBarrageContentColor(t) {
  1926. // color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;
  1927. // document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].removeRule(roleIndex_barrageContent);
  1928. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-content", t);
  1929. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1930. }
  1932. function setBarrageTextColor(t) {
  1933. // color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;
  1934. // document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].removeRule(roleIndex_barrageText);
  1935. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-text", t);
  1936. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1937. }
  1939. function setBarrageNoticeBackgroundColor(t) {
  1940. // color:rgb(187,187,187) !important;
  1941. // document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].removeRule(roleIndex_barrageNotice);
  1942. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-notice--noble", t);
  1943. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1944. }
  1946. function setLayoutPlayerTitleBackgroundColor(t) {
  1947. // background:rgb(37,38,42) !important;
  1948. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Player-title", t);
  1949. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1950. }
  1953. function setTitleHeaderColor(t) {
  1954. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-header", t);
  1955. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1956. // document.getElementsByClassName("Title-header")[0].style.color = t;
  1957. }
  1959. function setFollowNumColor(t) {
  1960. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-followNum", t);
  1961. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1962. // document.getElementsByClassName("Title-followNum")[0].style.color = t;
  1963. }
  1965. function setTitleAnchorTextColor(t) {
  1966. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-anchorText", t);
  1967. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1968. // document.getElementsByClassName("Title-anchorText")[0].style.color = t;
  1969. }
  1971. function setAnchorNameColor(t) {
  1972. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-anchorName", t);
  1973. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1974. // document.getElementsByClassName("Title-anchorName")[0].style.color = t;
  1975. }
  1977. function setTitleRowTextColor(t) {
  1978. // background:rgb(37,38,42) !important;
  1979. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-row-text", t);
  1980. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1981. }
  1983. function setLayoutPlayerToolbarBackgroundColor(t) {
  1984. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule("#js-player-toolbar", t);
  1985. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1986. // document.getElementById("js-player-toolbar").style.backgroundColor = t;
  1987. }
  1990. function setWealthNumColor(t) {
  1991. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".PlayerToolbar-wealthNum", t);
  1992. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1993. }
  1996. function setLayoutMainBackgroundColor(t) {
  1997. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Main", t);
  1998. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  1999. // document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Main")[0].style.backgroundColor = t;
  2000. }
  2002. function setRankWrapBackgroundColor(t) {
  2003. // 47,48,53
  2004. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".ChatRank-rankWraper", t);
  2005. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2006. }
  2008. function setBgIconBackgroundDisplay(t) {
  2009. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".bg-icon", t);
  2010. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2011. }
  2013. function setChatRankWeekBackgroundColor(t) {
  2014. // ChatRankWeek-headerContent is-active
  2015. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".ChatRankWeek-headerContent", t);
  2016. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2017. // document.getElementsByClassName("ChatRankWeek-headerContent")[0].style.backgroundColor = t;
  2018. }
  2020. function setNobleRankBackgroundColor(t) {
  2021. // document.getElementsByClassName("NobleRank")[0].style.backgroundColor = t;
  2022. // document.getElementsByClassName("NobleRankTips")[0].style.backgroundColor = t;
  2023. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".NobleRank", t);
  2024. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2025. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".NobleRankTips", t);
  2026. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2027. }
  2029. function setAsideMainBorderColor(t) {
  2030. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule("#js-player-asideMain", t);
  2031. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2032. // document.getElementById("js-player-asideMain").style.border = t;
  2033. }
  2035. function setChatBackgroundColor(t) {
  2036. // document.getElementsByClassName("Chat")[0].style.background = t;
  2037. // document.getElementsByClassName("ChatSend-txt")[0].style.background = t;
  2038. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Chat", t);
  2039. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2040. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".ChatSend-txt", t);
  2041. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2042. }
  2044. function setChatTabBackgroundColor(t) {
  2045. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".ChatTabContainer-titleWraper--tabLi", t);
  2046. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2047. }
  2049. function setChatTabActiveBackgroundColor(t) {
  2050. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule("", t);
  2051. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2052. }
  2055. function setFansRankInfoBackgroundColor(t) {
  2056. // #fff9f3 原
  2057. // 37,43,51
  2058. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".FansRankInfo", t);
  2059. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2060. // document.getElementsByClassName("FansRankInfo")[0].style.background = t;
  2061. }
  2063. function setFansRankInfoTxtColor(t) {
  2064. // #3c3c3c 原
  2065. // 121,127,137
  2066. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".FansRankInfo-txt", t);
  2067. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2068. }
  2070. function setBarrageBorderColor(t) {
  2071. // .Barrage
  2072. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage", t);
  2073. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2074. // document.getElementsByClassName("Barrage")[0].style.border = t;
  2075. }
  2077. function setLayoutPlayerChatBorderColor(t) {
  2078. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Player-chat", t);
  2079. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2080. // document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-chat")[0].style.borderTop = t;
  2081. }
  2083. function setLayoutPlayerAnnounceBackgroundColor(t) {
  2084. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Player-announce", t);
  2085. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2086. // document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-announce")[0].style.backgroundColor = t;
  2087. }
  2090. function setFansRankBottomBorderColor(t) {
  2091. // 1px solid #e8e8e8; 原版
  2092. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".FansRankBottom", t);
  2093. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2094. }
  2097. function setChatBarrageCollectTipBackgroundColor(t) {
  2098. // #ffe9d5原版
  2099. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".ChatBarrageCollect-tip", t);
  2100. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2101. // document.getElementsByClassName("ChatBarrageCollect-tip")[0].style.background = t;
  2102. }
  2104. function setTitleOfficialBackgroundColor(t) {
  2105. // #fff0e2原版
  2106. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Title-official", t);
  2107. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2108. // document.getElementsByClassName("Title-official")[0].style.background = t;
  2109. }
  2111. function setHeaderBackgroundColor(t) {
  2112. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Header-wrap", t);
  2113. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2114. // document.getElementsByClassName("Header-wrap")[0].style.background = t;
  2115. }
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  2119. // .Header-wrap .Header-menu-link>a
  2120. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Header-wrap .Header-menu-link>a", t);
  2121. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".public-DropMenu-link", t);
  2122. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Header-icon", t);
  2123. num_css_night = num_css_night + 3;
  2124. }
  2127. function setSuperMenuBackgroundColor(t) {
  2128. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".layout-Menu", t);
  2129. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2130. }
  2132. function setGuessMainPanelBackgroundColor(t) {
  2133. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GuessMainPanel", t);
  2134. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2135. }
  2137. function setDanmuDivBackgroundColor(t) {
  2138. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".danmudiv-32f498", t);
  2139. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2140. }
  2142. function setDanmuAuthorBackgroundColor(t) {
  2143. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".danmuAuthor-3d7b4a", t);
  2144. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2145. }
  2147. function setDanmuContentBackgroundColor(t) {
  2148. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".danmuContent-25f266", t);
  2149. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2150. }
  2152. function setDanmuWordBackgroundColor(t) {
  2153. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".word-89c053", t);
  2154. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2155. }
  2157. function setFansMedalPanelBackgroundColor(t) {
  2158. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".FansMedalPanel-Panel", t);
  2159. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2163. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".AnchorLike-ItemBox", t);
  2164. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2165. }
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  2168. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".AnchorFriendCard-info>h3", t);
  2169. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2170. }
  2172. function setFloatingBarrageBackgroundColor(t) {
  2173. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage--paddedBarrage", t);
  2174. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2175. }
  2177. function setGuessReturnYwFdSliderBackgroundColor(t) {
  2178. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GuessReturnYwFdSlider", t);
  2179. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2180. }
  2182. function setBarrageFirstChargeBackgroundColor(t) {
  2183. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-firstCharge", t);
  2184. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2185. }
  2187. function setBarrageNoticeReplyBarrageBackgroundColor(t) {
  2188. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Barrage-notice--replyBarrage", t);
  2189. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2190. }
  2192. function setGuessGuideListItemBoxBackgroundColor(t) {
  2193. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GuessGuideList-itemBox", t);
  2194. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GuessGuideList-moreGuess", t);
  2195. num_css_night = num_css_night + 2;
  2196. }
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  2199. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".AnchorLike-friendList .AnchorFriendPane-title h3", t);
  2200. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2205. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2209. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".AnchorFriend-footer", t);
  2210. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2214. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".AnchorFriendPane-title", t);
  2215. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2216. }
  2219. function setGiftExpandPanelBackgroundColor(t) {
  2220. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GiftExpandPanel", t);
  2221. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2223. function setGiftExpandPanelDescNameColor(t) {
  2224. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".GiftExpandPanel-descName", t);
  2225. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2226. }
  2228. function setGiftInfoPanelBackgroundColor(t) {
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  2230. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2234. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2235. }
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  2238. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".BatchGiveForm-num", t);
  2239. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2240. }
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  2242. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".BatchGiveForm-input", t);
  2243. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2244. }
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  2246. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".BatchGiveForm-btn", t);
  2247. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
  2248. }
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  2251. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex2].addRule(".Backpack", t);
  2252. num_css_night = num_css_night + 1;
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  2340. let videoPlayerArr = [];
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  2367. html += '<div class="postbird-box-dialog">';
  2368. html += '<div class="postbird-box-content">';
  2369. html += '<div class="postbird-box-header">';
  2370. html += '<span class="postbird-box-title"><span>请输入直播间地址:</span></span>';
  2371. html += '</div>'; // header
  2372. html += '<div class="postbird-box-text">';
  2373. html += '<input id="popup-player__url" value="" style="height:30px;box-sizing:border-box" type="text" class="postbird-prompt-input" autofocus="true">';
  2374. html += '<label style="margin-right:30px" title="【直播流模式】&#10;1. 速度快&#10;2. 延迟低&#10;3. 占用少&#10;4. 不会进入直播间&#10;5. 支持斗鱼/虎牙/Bilibili"><input id="popup-player__noiframe" type="radio" name="sex" value="无弹幕" checked="checked">无弹幕(推荐)</label>';
  2375. html += '<label title="【框架模式】&#10;1. 速度慢&#10;2. 占用高&#10;3. 会进入直播间&#10;4. 仅支持斗鱼&#10;此模式拖动不是很灵活,请尽量在标题栏小幅度拖动&#10;若拖动无反应请点击页面任意处触发移动"><input id="popup-player__iframe" type="radio" name="sex" value="有弹幕">有弹幕</label>';
  2376. html += '</div>'; // text
  2377. html += '<div class="postbird-box-footer"><button id="popup-player__cancel" class="btn-footer btn-left-footer btn-footer-cancel" style="color:undefined;">取消</button><button id="popup-player__ok" class="btn-footer btn-right-footer btn-footer-ok" style="color:#0e90d2;">确定</button></div></div>'
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  2385. function initPkg_PopupPlayer_Func() {
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  2390. document.getElementById("popup-player__prompt").style.display = "none";
  2391. })
  2392. document.getElementById("popup-player__ok").addEventListener("click", function() {
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  2394. if (roomUrl != "") {
  2395. let isIframe = document.getElementById("popup-player__noiframe").checked;
  2396. if (isIframe == true) {
  2397. if (roomUrl.indexOf("") != -1) {
  2398. getRealRid_Douyu(roomUrl, (rid) => {
  2399. createNewVideo(videoPlayerArr.length, rid, "Douyu");
  2400. });
  2401. } else if (roomUrl.indexOf("") != -1) {
  2402. getRealRid_Bilibili(roomUrl, (rid) => {
  2403. createNewVideo(videoPlayerArr.length, rid, "Bilibili");
  2404. });
  2405. } else if (roomUrl.indexOf("") != -1) {
  2406. createNewVideo(videoPlayerArr.length, roomUrl, "Huya");
  2407. }
  2408. } else {
  2409. createNewVideo_iframe(videoPlayerArr.length, roomUrl);
  2410. }
  2411. } else {
  2412. showMessage("请输入地址", "error");
  2413. }
  2414. document.getElementById("popup-player__prompt").style.display = "none";
  2415. })
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  2419. if (code == 13) {
  2420. document.getElementById("popup-player__ok").click();
  2421. }
  2422. })
  2423. }
  2425. function createNewVideo(id, rid, platform) {
  2426. switch (platform) {
  2427. case "Douyu":
  2428. createNewVideo_Douyu(id, rid);
  2429. break;
  2430. case "Bilibili":
  2431. createNewVideo_Bilibili(id, rid);
  2432. break;
  2433. case "Huya":
  2434. let a = String(rid).split("/");
  2435. createNewVideo_Huya(id, rid, a[a.length - 1]);
  2436. break;
  2437. default:
  2438. createNewVideo_Douyu(id, rid);
  2439. break;
  2440. }
  2441. }
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  2446. var flvPlayer = flvjs.createPlayer({
  2447. type: 'flv',
  2448. url: l
  2449. },{fixAudioTimestampGap: false});
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  2451. videoPlayerArr.push(flvPlayer);
  2452. } else {
  2453. videoPlayerArr[id] = flvPlayer;
  2454. }
  2455. flvPlayer.attachMediaElement(videoElement);
  2456. flvPlayer.load();
  2458. }
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  2517. }
  2521. // Douyu
  2522. function createNewVideo_Douyu(id, rid) {
  2523. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, "1", "1", (lurl) => {
  2524. if (lurl != "" || lurl != null) {
  2525. if (lurl == "None") {
  2526. showMessage("房间未开播或其他错误", "error");
  2527. return;
  2528. }
  2529. let lurl_host_arr = String(lurl).split("/live");
  2530. let lurl_host = "";
  2531. if (lurl_host_arr.length > 0) {
  2532. lurl_host = lurl_host_arr[0];
  2533. }
  2534. let a = document.createElement("div");
  2535. let html = "";
  2536. = "videoDiv" + String(id);
  2537. a.rid = rid;
  2538. a.className = "videoDiv";
  2539. html += "<div class='videoInfo' id='videoInfo" + String(id) + "'><a title='复制直播流地址'><span class='videoRID' id='videoRID" + String(id) + "' style='color:white'>" + "斗鱼 - " + rid + "</span></a>";
  2540. html += "<select class='videoQn' id='videoQn" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>流畅</option><option value='2'>高清</option><option value='3'>超清</option><option value='4'>蓝光4M</option></select>";
  2541. html += "<select style='display:none' class='videoCDN' id='videoCDN" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>主线路</option><option value='2'>备用线路5</option><option value='3'>备用线路6</option></select>";
  2542. html += "<a style='margin-left:5px' href='" + lurl_host + "' target='_blank'>无视频?</a>";
  2543. html += "<a><div class='videoClose' id='videoClose" + String(id) + "'>X</div></a>";
  2544. html += "</div>";
  2545. html += "<video controls='controls' class='videoPlayer' id='videoPlayer" + String(id) + "'></video><div class='videoScale' id='videoScale" + String(id) + "'></div>";
  2546. a.innerHTML = html;
  2547. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Main")[0];
  2548. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  2549. setElementDrag(id);
  2550. setElementResize(id);
  2551. setElementFunc_Douyu(id, rid);
  2552. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2553. }
  2554. });
  2555. }
  2558. function setElementFunc_Douyu(id, rid) {
  2559. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(id));
  2560. let videoPlayer = document.getElementById("videoPlayer" + String(id));
  2561. let info = document.getElementById("videoInfo" + String(id));
  2562. let scale = document.getElementById("videoScale" + String(id));
  2563. videoPlayer.onclick = function(e) {
  2564. e.stopPropagation();
  2565. e.preventDefault();
  2566. if ( != "block") {
  2567. = "block";
  2568. = "block";
  2569. } else {
  2570. = "none";
  2571. = "none";
  2572. }
  2573. for (let i = 0; i < videoPlayerArr.length; i++) {
  2574. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(i));
  2575. if (box != null) {
  2576. if (i == id) {
  2577. = 7778;
  2578. } else {
  2579. = 7777;
  2580. }
  2581. }
  2582. }
  2583. }
  2584. let videoQn = document.getElementById("videoQn" + String(id));
  2585. let videoCDN = document.getElementById("videoCDN" + String(id));
  2586. let videoClose = document.getElementById("videoClose" + String(id));
  2587. videoQn.onchange = function() {
  2588. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2589. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2590. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2591. })
  2592. }
  2593. videoCDN.onchange = function() {
  2594. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2595. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2596. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2597. })
  2598. }
  2599. videoClose.onclick = function() {
  2600. box.remove();
  2601. }
  2603. let videoRID = document.getElementById("videoRID" + String(id));
  2604. videoRID.onclick = function() {
  2605. getRealLive_Douyu(rid, false, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2606. GM_setClipboard(String(lurl).replace("https", "http"));
  2607. showMessage("复制成功", "success");
  2608. })
  2609. }
  2610. }
  2613. // Bilibili
  2614. function createNewVideo_Bilibili(id, rid){
  2615. getRealLive_Bilibili(rid, "1", "1", (lurl) => {
  2616. if (lurl != "" || lurl != null) {
  2617. let a = document.createElement("div");
  2618. let html = "";
  2619. = "videoDiv" + String(id);
  2620. a.rid = rid;
  2621. a.className = "videoDiv";
  2622. html += "<div class='videoInfo' id='videoInfo" + String(id) + "'><a title='复制直播流地址'><span class='videoRID' id='videoRID" + String(id) + "' style='color:white'>" + "Bilibili - " + rid + "</span></a>";
  2623. html += "<select class='videoQn' id='videoQn" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>流畅</option><option value='2'>高清</option><option value='3'>超清</option><option value='4'>蓝光</option><option value='5'>原画</option></select>";
  2624. html += "<select class='videoCDN' id='videoCDN" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>主线路</option><option value='2'>备用线路1</option><option value='3'>备用线路2</option><option value='4'>备用线路3</option></select>";
  2625. html += "<a><div class='videoClose' id='videoClose" + String(id) + "'>X</div></a>"
  2626. html += "</div>";
  2627. html += "<video controls='controls' class='videoPlayer' id='videoPlayer" + String(id) + "'></video><div class='videoScale' id='videoScale" + String(id) + "'></div>";
  2628. a.innerHTML = html;
  2629. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Main")[0];
  2630. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  2631. setElementDrag(id);
  2632. setElementResize(id);
  2633. setElementFunc_Bilibili(id, rid);
  2634. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2635. }
  2636. });
  2637. }
  2639. function setElementFunc_Bilibili(id, rid) {
  2640. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(id));
  2641. let videoPlayer = document.getElementById("videoPlayer" + String(id));
  2642. let info = document.getElementById("videoInfo" + String(id));
  2643. let scale = document.getElementById("videoScale" + String(id));
  2644. videoPlayer.onclick = function(e) {
  2645. e.stopPropagation();
  2646. e.preventDefault();
  2647. if ( != "block") {
  2648. = "block";
  2649. = "block";
  2650. } else {
  2651. = "none";
  2652. = "none";
  2653. }
  2654. for (let i = 0; i < videoPlayerArr.length; i++) {
  2655. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(i));
  2656. if (box != null) {
  2657. if (i == id) {
  2658. = 7778;
  2659. } else {
  2660. = 7777;
  2661. }
  2662. }
  2663. }
  2664. }
  2665. let videoQn = document.getElementById("videoQn" + String(id));
  2666. let videoCDN = document.getElementById("videoCDN" + String(id));
  2667. let videoClose = document.getElementById("videoClose" + String(id));
  2668. videoQn.onchange = function() {
  2669. getRealLive_Bilibili(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2670. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2671. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2672. })
  2673. }
  2674. videoCDN.onchange = function() {
  2675. getRealLive_Bilibili(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2676. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2677. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2678. })
  2679. }
  2680. videoClose.onclick = function() {
  2681. box.remove();
  2682. }
  2685. let videoRID = document.getElementById("videoRID" + String(id));
  2686. videoRID.onclick = function() {
  2687. getRealLive_Bilibili(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl) => {
  2688. GM_setClipboard(lurl);
  2689. showMessage("复制成功", "success");
  2690. })
  2691. }
  2692. }
  2694. // Huya
  2695. function createNewVideo_Huya(id, rid, rname){
  2696. getRealLive_Huya(rid, "1", "1", (lurl, msg) => {
  2697. if (lurl != "" || lurl != null) {
  2698. if (msg != "") {
  2699. showMessage(msg, "error");
  2700. return;
  2701. }
  2702. let a = document.createElement("div");
  2703. let html = "";
  2704. = "videoDiv" + String(id);
  2705. a.rid = rid;
  2706. a.className = "videoDiv";
  2707. html += "<div class='videoInfo' id='videoInfo" + String(id) + "'><a title='复制直播流地址'><span class='videoRID' id='videoRID" + String(id) + "' style='color:white'>" + "Huya - " + rname + "</span></a>";
  2708. html += "<select class='videoQn' id='videoQn" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>流畅</option><option value='2'>超清</option><option value='3'>蓝光4M</option><option value='4'>原画</option></select>";
  2709. html += "<select class='videoCDN' id='videoCDN" + String(id) + "'><option value='1'>主线路</option><option value='2'>备用线路1</option><option value='3'>备用线路2</option></select>";
  2710. html += "<a><div class='videoClose' id='videoClose" + String(id) + "'>X</div></a>"
  2711. html += "</div>";
  2712. html += "<video controls='controls' class='videoPlayer' id='videoPlayer" + String(id) + "'></video><div class='videoScale' id='videoScale" + String(id) + "'></div>";
  2713. a.innerHTML = html;
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  2715. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  2716. setElementDrag(id);
  2717. setElementResize(id);
  2718. setElementFunc_Huya(id, rid);
  2719. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2720. }
  2721. });
  2722. }
  2724. function setElementFunc_Huya(id, rid) {
  2725. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(id));
  2726. let videoPlayer = document.getElementById("videoPlayer" + String(id));
  2727. let info = document.getElementById("videoInfo" + String(id));
  2728. let scale = document.getElementById("videoScale" + String(id));
  2729. videoPlayer.onclick = function(e) {
  2730. e.stopPropagation();
  2731. e.preventDefault();
  2732. if ( != "block") {
  2733. = "block";
  2734. = "block";
  2735. } else {
  2736. = "none";
  2737. = "none";
  2738. }
  2739. for (let i = 0; i < videoPlayerArr.length; i++) {
  2740. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(i));
  2741. if (box != null) {
  2742. if (i == id) {
  2743. = 7778;
  2744. } else {
  2745. = 7777;
  2746. }
  2747. }
  2748. }
  2749. }
  2750. let videoQn = document.getElementById("videoQn" + String(id));
  2751. let videoCDN = document.getElementById("videoCDN" + String(id));
  2752. let videoClose = document.getElementById("videoClose" + String(id));
  2753. videoQn.onchange = function() {
  2754. getRealLive_Huya(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl, msg) => {
  2755. if (msg != "") {
  2756. showMessage(msg, "error");
  2757. return;
  2758. }
  2759. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2760. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2761. })
  2762. }
  2763. videoCDN.onchange = function() {
  2764. getRealLive_Huya(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl, msg) => {
  2765. if (msg != "") {
  2766. showMessage(msg, "error");
  2767. return;
  2768. }
  2769. videoPlayerArr[id].destroy();
  2770. setElementVideo(id, lurl);
  2771. })
  2772. }
  2773. videoClose.onclick = function() {
  2774. box.remove();
  2775. }
  2778. let videoRID = document.getElementById("videoRID" + String(id));
  2779. videoRID.onclick = function() {
  2780. getRealLive_Huya(rid, videoQn.value, videoCDN.value, (lurl, msg) => {
  2781. if (msg != "") {
  2782. showMessage(msg, "error");
  2783. return;
  2784. }
  2785. GM_setClipboard(lurl);
  2786. showMessage("复制成功", "success");
  2787. })
  2788. }
  2789. }
  2792. // iframe
  2793. function createNewVideo_iframe(id, url) {
  2794. if (String(url).indexOf("") == -1) {
  2795. showMessage("有弹幕模式仅支持斗鱼直播", "error");
  2796. return;
  2797. }
  2798. let rid_arr = String(url).split("/");
  2799. let rid = rid_arr[rid_arr.length - 1];
  2800. let a = document.createElement("div");
  2801. let html = "";
  2802. = "videoDiv" + String(id);
  2803. a.rid = rid;
  2804. a.className = "videoDiv";
  2805. html += "<div class='videoInfo' id='videoInfo" + String(id) + "'><span class='videoRID' id='videoRID" + String(id) + "' style='color:white'>" + "斗鱼 - " + rid + "</span>";
  2806. html += "<a><div class='videoClose' id='videoClose" + String(id) + "'>X</div></a>"
  2807. html += "</div>";
  2808. html += "<iframe class='videoPlayer' id='videoPlayer" + String(id) + "' src=" + url + "?exid=chun></iframe>"
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  2816. videoPlayerArr.push("iframe");
  2817. } else {
  2818. videoPlayerArr[id] = "iframe";
  2819. }
  2820. setElementFunc_iframe(id);
  2821. }
  2823. function setElementFunc_iframe(id) {
  2824. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(id));
  2825. let videoClose = document.getElementById("videoClose" + String(id));
  2826. videoClose.onclick = function() {
  2827. box.remove();
  2828. }
  2829. box.onclick = function(e) {
  2830. e.stopPropagation();
  2831. e.preventDefault();
  2832. for (let i = 0; i < videoPlayerArr.length; i++) {
  2833. let box = document.getElementById("videoDiv" + String(i));
  2834. if (box != null) {
  2835. if (i == id) {
  2836. = 7778;
  2837. } else {
  2838. = 7777;
  2839. }
  2840. }
  2841. }
  2842. }
  2843. }
  2844. let real_viewIcon = '<svg style="width:16px;height:16px" t="1566119680547" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3494" width="128" height="128"><path d="M712.820909 595.224609C807.907642 536.686746 870.40537 437.74751 870.40537 325.549212 870.400378 145.753547 709.943392 0 511.997503 0 314.055363 0 153.599626 145.753547 153.599626 325.549212 153.599626 437.74751 216.092361 536.686746 311.179092 595.219615 149.961841 657.72608 31.268214 793.205446 5.334335 955.968198 1.926253 962.195123 0 969.212275 0 976.638899 0 1002.324352 22.919038 1023.151098 51.198627 1023.151098 79.476967 1023.151098 102.396005 1002.324352 102.396005 976.638899L102.396005 1023.151098C102.396005 817.669984 285.787009 651.099674 511.997503 651.099674 738.212992 651.099674 921.602746 817.669984 921.602746 1023.151098L921.602746 976.638899C921.602746 1002.324352 944.523034 1023.151098 972.801376 1023.151098 1001.07472 1023.151098 1024 1002.324352 1024 976.638899 1024 969.212275 1022.073747 962.195123 1018.659424 955.968198 992.731789 793.205446 874.038157 657.72608 712.820909 595.224609ZM511.997503 558.080262C370.618285 558.080262 256.000624 453.967732 256.000624 325.545467 256.000624 197.121954 370.618285 93.009424 511.997503 93.009424 653.386707 93.009424 767.993133 197.121954 767.993133 325.545467 767.993133 453.972726 653.386707 558.080262 511.997503 558.080262L511.997503 558.080262Z" p-id="3495"></path></svg>'
  2845. let real_danmuIcon = '<svg t="1587796804183" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="20780" width="16" height="16"><path d="M811.8272 62.6176H212.1728c-79.9232 0-149.8624 69.9392-149.8624 149.9136v599.6032a150.3232 150.3232 0 0 0 149.8624 149.9136h599.6544a150.3232 150.3232 0 0 0 149.8624-149.9136V212.5312c0-79.9744-69.9392-149.9136-149.8624-149.9136zM263.5264 367.104c30.0032 0 49.9712 19.968 49.9712 49.9712s-19.968 49.92-49.9712 49.92-49.9712-19.968-49.9712-49.92 20.0192-49.9712 49.9712-49.9712z m449.6896 294.8096H263.5264c-24.9856 0-49.9712-24.9856-49.9712-49.9712s24.9856-49.9712 49.9712-49.9712h449.6896c24.9856 0 49.9712 24.9856 49.9712 49.9712s-24.9856 49.9712-49.9712 49.9712z m99.9424-199.68H463.4112c-24.9856 0-49.9712-24.9856-49.9712-49.9712s24.9856-49.9712 49.9712-49.9712h349.7472c24.9856 0 49.9712 24.9856 49.9712 49.9712s-24.9856 49.7664-49.9712 49.7664z" p-id="20781" fill="#1296db"></path></svg>'
  2846. // let real_giftIcon = '<svg t="1576950815993" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="3618" width="16" height="16"><path d="M554.957 829.848l-85.905 0 0-463.89c0-18.978 15.384-34.363 34.362-34.363l17.182 0c18.978 0 34.362 15.38499999 34.362 34.363l0 463.89z" fill="#d4237a" p-id="3619"></path><path d="M889.985 494.814l-755.97 0c-37.902 0-68.724-30.82999999-68.724-68.725L65.291 323.003c0-56.846 46.241-103.087 103.087-103.087l687.245 0c56.846 0 103.087 46.24 103.087 103.087l0 103.086c-0.001 37.894-30.823 68.725-68.725 68.725z m0-68.725l0 34.363 0.016-34.363-0.016 0zM168.377 288.64c-18.94300001 0-34.363 15.412-34.363 34.364l0 103.086 755.87 0 0.1-103.086c0-18.952-15.42-34.363-34.363-34.363L168.377 288.641z" fill="#d4237a" p-id="3620"></path><path d="M821.26 958.712L202.74 958.712c-37.903 0-68.725-30.838-68.725-68.732L134.015 494.814c0-37.89400001 30.822-68.725 68.724-68.725l618.522 0c37.902 0 68.724 30.82999999 68.724 68.725L889.985 889.98c0 37.89400001-30.822 68.73199999-68.724 68.732z m0-68.732l0 34.362 0.017-34.362-0.016 0zM202.74 494.814L202.74 889.98l618.42 0 0.1-395.166L202.74 494.814z m281.358-240.537c-9.93399999 0-19.78200001-4.278-26.578-12.55L358.728 121.46c-12.03-14.664-9.916-36.317 4.748-48.363 14.648-12.038 36.326-9.924 48.373 4.74l98.79199999 120.268c12.03 14.664 9.916 36.317-4.74799999 48.363a34.213 34.213 0 0 1-21.795 7.81z" fill="#d4237a" p-id="3621"></path><path d="M539.902 254.277a34.212 34.212 0 0 1-21.795-7.81c-14.664-12.047-16.778-33.7-4.748-48.363L612.15 77.836c12.047-14.664 33.708-16.77799999 48.373-4.74 14.664 12.047 16.778 33.7 4.748 48.363l-98.792 120.268c-6.795 8.272-16.644 12.55-26.577 12.55z" fill="#d4237a" p-id="3622"></path></svg>'
  2847. let real_money_yc = '<svg t="1579155265981" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="6949" width="16" height="16"><path d="M136.96 67.413h181.76L512 452.693l193.28-385.28h181.76l-245.76 445.44h163.84v84.48h-211.2l-1.28 1.28v106.24h212.48v84.48H592.64v192H431.36v-192h-211.2v-84.48h211.2v-106.24l-1.28-1.28H220.16v-84.48h162.56z" fill="#F54330" p-id="6950"></path></svg>'
  2848. let real_info = {
  2849. view: "",
  2850. showtime: 777,
  2851. danmu_person_count: "",
  2852. gift_person_count: "",
  2853. isShow: 2,
  2854. money_yc: 0,
  2855. money_bag: 0,
  2856. money_total: 0,
  2857. }
  2859. function initPkg_RealAudience() {
  2860. initPkg_RealAudience_Dom();
  2861. initPkg_RealAudience_Func();
  2862. fetch("" + rid, {
  2863. method: 'GET',
  2864. mode: 'no-cors',
  2865. credentials: 'include'
  2866. }).then(res => {
  2867. return res.json();
  2868. }).then(retData => {
  2869. =;
  2870. real_info.isShow =;
  2871. getRealViewer();
  2872. setInterval(getRealViewer, 30000);
  2873. }).catch(err => {
  2874. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  2875. })
  2876. }
  2879. function initPkg_RealAudience_Dom() {
  2880. document.querySelector(".AnchorAnnounce > h3").style.display = "none";
  2881. let html = "";
  2882. let a = document.createElement("div");
  2883. a.className = "real-audience";
  2884. html += "<div id='real-audience__t' style='display: inline-block;margin-right:3px;' title='今日累计观看人数'>" + real_viewIcon + '<span id="real-audience__total" style="color:#ed5a65">****</span></div>';
  2885. html += "<div style='display: inline-block;margin-right:3px;' title='弹幕人数'>" + real_danmuIcon + '<span id="real-audience__barrage">****</span></div>';
  2886. // html += "<div style='display: inline-block;margin-right:3px;' title='送礼人数'>" + real_giftIcon + '<span id="real-audience__gift">****</span></div>';
  2887. html += "<div id='real-audience__money' style='display: inline-block;margin-right:3px;' title='今日累计礼物价值'>" + real_money_yc + '<span id="real-audience__money_yc">****</span></div>';
  2888. html += '<span id="real-audience__time" style="float:right">' + "已播:" + "****" + "</span>";
  2889. a.innerHTML = html;
  2890. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("AnchorAnnounce")[0];
  2891. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  2892. }
  2894. function initPkg_RealAudience_Func() {
  2895. document.getElementsByClassName("AnchorAnnounce")[0].addEventListener("mouseover", function() {document.querySelector(".AnchorAnnounce > h3").style.display="block"});
  2896. document.getElementsByClassName("AnchorAnnounce")[0].addEventListener("mouseout", function() {document.querySelector(".AnchorAnnounce > h3").style.display="none"});
  2897. document.getElementsByClassName("real-audience")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  2898. openPage("" + rid, true);
  2899. })
  2900. }
  2902. function getRealViewer() {
  2903. if(document.querySelector(".MatchSystemChatRoomEntry") != null){
  2904. document.querySelector(".MatchSystemChatRoomEntry").style.display = "none";
  2905. }
  2906. fetch("" + rid,{
  2907. method: 'GET',
  2908. }).then(res => {
  2909. return res.json();
  2910. }).then(retData => {
  2911. let showedTime = 0;
  2912. if (real_info.isShow == 2) {
  2913. showedTime = 0;
  2914. } else {
  2915. if ( == 777) {
  2916. showedTime = 0;
  2917. } else {
  2918. showedTime = Math.floor( - Number(;
  2919. }
  2920. }
  2921. real_info.view =;
  2922. real_info.danmu_person_count =;
  2923. real_info.gift_person_count =;
  2924. real_info.money_yc =;
  2925. if (real_info.money_yc == "undefined" || real_info.money_yc == undefined) {
  2926. real_info.money_yc = 0;
  2927. real_info.money_bag = 0;
  2928. real_info.money_total = 0;
  2929. } else {
  2930. real_info.money_bag =;
  2931. real_info.money_total =;
  2932. }
  2933. document.getElementById("real-audience__total").innerText = real_info.view;
  2934. document.getElementById("real-audience__t").title = "总人数:" + real_info.view + " 弹幕人数:" + real_info.danmu_person_count + " 送礼人数:" + real_info.gift_person_count;
  2935. document.getElementById("real-audience__barrage").innerText = real_info.danmu_person_count;
  2936. // document.getElementById("real-audience__gift").innerText = real_info.gift_person_count;
  2937. document.getElementById("real-audience__money_yc").innerText = real_info.money_yc;
  2938. document.getElementById("real-audience__money").title = "总礼物价值:" + real_info.money_total + " 鱼翅礼物:" + real_info.money_yc + " 背包礼物:" + real_info.money_bag;
  2939. document.getElementById("real-audience__time").innerText = "已播:" + formatSeconds(showedTime);
  2940. }).catch(err => {
  2941. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  2942. })
  2943. }
  2947. function initPkg_Refresh() {
  2948. initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame();
  2949. initPkg_Refresh_Video();
  2950. initPkg_Refresh_Barrage();
  2951. }
  2953. function saveData_Refresh() {
  2954. // 此处为保存简洁模式的数据,请在每次操作后都调用这个函数以保存状态
  2955. // 数据结构
  2956. // {功能1:{子功能1:{}}}
  2957. // 每个子模块需要提供相应的返回数据函数
  2958. let data = {
  2959. barrageFrame: {
  2960. status: refresh_BarrageFrame_getStatus(),
  2961. },
  2962. video: {
  2963. status: refresh_Video_getStatus(),
  2964. },
  2965. barrage: {
  2966. status: refresh_Barrage_getStatus(),
  2967. }
  2968. }
  2969. localStorage.setItem("ExSave_Refresh", JSON.stringify(data)); // 存储弹幕列表
  2970. }
  2971. var sheetIndex3 = 0; // 请在Night模块后加载
  2972. let num_css_barrage = 0;
  2973. let current_barrage_status = 0; // 0没被简化 1被简化
  2974. function initPkg_Refresh_Barrage() {
  2975. sheetIndex3 = getAvailableSheet(sheetIndex2 + 1);
  2976. if (sheetIndex3 == -1) {
  2977. return;
  2978. }
  2979. initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Dom();
  2980. initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Func();
  2981. initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Set();
  2982. }
  2984. function initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Dom() {
  2985. Refresh_Barrage_insertIcon();
  2986. }
  2987. function Refresh_Barrage_insertIcon() {
  2988. let a = document.createElement("a");
  2989. a.className = "refresh-barrage";
  2990. = "refresh-barrage";
  2991. a.innerHTML = '<i class="Barrage-toolbarIcon"></i><span id="refresh-barrage__text" class="Barrage-toolbarText">去除前缀</span>';
  2992. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("Barrage-toolbar")[0];
  2993. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  2994. }
  2996. function initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Func() {
  2997. document.getElementById("refresh-barrage").addEventListener("click", function() {
  2998. if (current_barrage_status == 0) {
  2999. // 简化
  3000. current_barrage_status = 1;
  3001. setRefreshBarrage();
  3002. } else {
  3003. current_barrage_status = 0;
  3004. cancelRefreshBarrage();
  3005. }
  3006. saveData_Refresh();
  3007. });
  3008. }
  3011. function refresh_Barrage_getStatus() {
  3012. if (current_barrage_status == 1) {
  3013. // 被简化
  3014. return true;
  3015. } else {
  3016. // 没被简化
  3017. return false;
  3018. }
  3019. }
  3021. function initPkg_Refresh_Barrage_Set() {
  3022. let ret = localStorage.getItem("ExSave_Refresh");
  3023. if (ret != null) {
  3024. let retJson = JSON.parse(ret);
  3025. if ("barrage" in retJson == false) {
  3026. retJson.barrage = {status: false};
  3027. }
  3028. if (retJson.barrage.status == true) {
  3029. current_barrage_status = 1;
  3030. setRefreshBarrage();
  3031. }
  3032. }
  3033. }
  3034. function setRefreshBarrage() {
  3035. setBarrageIcon("display:none !important;");
  3036. setFansMedalIsMade("display:none !important;");
  3037. setUserLevel("display:none !important;");
  3038. setRoomLevel("display:none !important;");
  3039. setMotor("display:none !important;");
  3040. setChatAchievement("display:none !important;");
  3041. setBarrageHiIcon("display:none !important;");
  3042. setMedal("display:none !important;");
  3043. }
  3045. function cancelRefreshBarrage() {
  3046. let a = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3];
  3047. let idx = a.rules.length - 1;
  3048. for (let i = 0; i < num_css_barrage; i++) {
  3049. a.removeRule(idx);
  3050. idx = idx - 1;
  3051. }
  3052. num_css_barrage = 0;
  3053. }
  3057. function setBarrageIcon(t) {
  3058. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .Barrage-icon", t);
  3059. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3060. }
  3062. function setFansMedalIsMade(t) {
  3063. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem", t);
  3064. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3065. }
  3067. function setUserLevel(t) {
  3068. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .UserLevel", t);
  3069. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3070. }
  3072. function setRoomLevel(t) {
  3073. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .RoomLevel", t);
  3074. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3075. }
  3077. function setMotor(t) {
  3078. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .Motor", t);
  3079. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3080. }
  3082. function setChatAchievement(t) {
  3083. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .ChatAchievement", t);
  3084. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3085. }
  3087. function setBarrageHiIcon(t) {
  3088. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .Barrage-hiIcon", t);
  3089. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3090. }
  3092. function setMedal(t) {
  3093. document.styleSheets[sheetIndex3].addRule(".Barrage-listItem .Medal", t);
  3094. num_css_barrage = num_css_barrage + 1;
  3095. }
  3096. function initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame() {
  3097. initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame_Dom();
  3098. initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame_Func();
  3099. initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame_Set();
  3100. }
  3102. function initPkg_Refresh_BarrageFrame_Dom() {
  3103. Refresh_BarrageFrame_insertIcon();
  3104. }
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  3118. let dom_activity = document.getElementById("js-room-activity");
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  3132. document.getElementById("refresh-barrage-frame__text").innerText = "恢复";
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  3134. saveData_Refresh();
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  3141. if ( == "none") {
  3142. // 被拉高
  3143. return true;
  3144. } else {
  3145. // 没拉高
  3146. return false;
  3147. }
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  3154. if ("barrageFrame" in retJson == false) {
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  3156. }
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  3158. let dom_rank = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-rank")[0];
  3159. let dom_barrage = document.getElementById("js-player-barrage");
  3160. let dom_activity = document.getElementById("js-room-activity");
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  3210. return true;
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  3212. return false;
  3213. }
  3214. }
  3216. function initPkg_Refresh_Video_Set() {
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  3220. if ("video" in retJson == false) {
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  3222. }
  3223. if ( == true) {
  3224. let dom_toolbar = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-toolbar")[0];
  3225. let dom_video = document.getElementsByClassName("layout-Player-video")[0];
  3226. = "hidden";
  3227. = "bottom:0";
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  3230. }
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  3235. if (a != undefined) {
  3236. removeAD();
  3237. clearInterval(t);
  3238. }
  3239. }, 1000);
  3240. }
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  3254. a.remove();
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  3259. }
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  3262. a.remove();
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  3284. // if (a != undefined) {
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  3300. if (a != undefined) {
  3301. = "none";
  3302. }
  3303. }
  3304. function initPkg_Sign() {
  3305. initPkg_Sign_Dom();
  3306. initPkg_Sign_Func();
  3307. }
  3309. function initPkg_Sign_Func() {
  3310. document.getElementsByClassName("ex-sign")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
  3311. // 这里挂载每个子模块的函数入口
  3312. // 入口即为调用
  3313. initPkg_Sign_Yuba(); // 鱼吧签到
  3314. initPkg_Sign_Client();
  3315. initPkg_Sign_Motorcade();
  3316. initPkg_Sign_Room();
  3317. // initPkg_Sign_Ad_666(); // 此处移动到鱼塘鱼丸领取中去以免观看冲突
  3318. initPkg_Sign_Ad_Sign();
  3319. initPkg_Sign_Ad_FishPond();
  3320. initPkg_Sign_Aoligei();
  3321. })
  3322. }
  3323. function initPkg_Sign_Dom() {
  3324. Sign_insertIcon();
  3325. }
  3326. function Sign_insertIcon() {
  3327. let a = document.createElement("div");
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  3329. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="一键签到(所有关注的直播间/鱼吧/客户端/车队)"><svg style="display: block;" t="1578566545259" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="12959" width="32" height="32"><path d="M698.368 80.896v114.688c0 23.552 19.968 43.008 44.032 43.008s44.032-19.456 44.032-43.008V80.896c0-23.552-19.968-43.008-44.032-43.008s-44.032 18.944-44.032 43.008zM227.328 80.896v114.688c0 23.552 19.968 43.008 44.032 43.008 24.576 0 44.032-19.456 44.032-43.008V80.896c0-23.552-19.968-43.008-44.032-43.008-24.576 0-44.032 18.944-44.032 43.008z" fill="#F96C5D" p-id="12960"></path><path d="M977.92 195.584c0-23.552-19.968-43.008-44.032-43.008h-88.576v43.008c0 55.296-46.08 100.352-102.912 100.352s-102.912-45.056-102.912-100.352v-43.008H374.272v43.008c0 55.296-46.08 100.352-102.912 100.352-56.832 0-102.912-45.056-102.912-100.352v-43.008H79.872c-24.576 0-44.032 19.456-44.032 43.008v611.328l252.928-145.92-8.192-8.192c-10.24-9.728-16.384-23.552-16.384-38.4 0-29.696 25.088-54.272 55.808-54.272 15.36 0 29.184 6.144 39.424 15.872l28.16 27.648L977.92 263.168V195.584z" fill="#F96C5D" p-id="12961"></path><path d="M329.216 278.528c-5.632 3.584-11.264 6.656-17.408 9.216 5.632-2.56 11.776-5.632 17.408-9.216zM344.064 266.24c4.608-4.608 8.704-9.728 12.8-14.848-3.584 5.632-8.192 10.24-12.8 14.848zM329.216 278.528c5.632-3.584 10.752-7.68 15.36-12.288-5.12 4.608-10.24 8.704-15.36 12.288zM449.536 664.064l220.16-214.016c10.24-9.728 24.064-15.872 39.424-15.872 30.72 0 55.808 24.064 55.808 54.272 0 14.848-6.144 28.672-16.384 38.4l-259.072 252.416c-10.24 9.728-24.064 15.872-39.424 15.872s-29.184-6.144-39.424-15.872l-121.344-118.272L35.84 806.912v104.96c0 23.552 19.968 43.008 44.032 43.008h854.016c24.576 0 44.032-19.456 44.032-43.008V263.168L387.584 603.648l61.952 60.416zM350.72 569.856c-4.608-3.072-9.216-5.12-14.336-6.656 5.12 1.024 10.24 3.584 14.336 6.656zM271.36 295.936c14.336 0 27.648-2.56 39.936-7.68-12.288 4.608-25.6 7.68-39.936 7.68z" fill="#F15A4A" p-id="12962"></path></svg><i id="ex-sign__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
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  3331. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  3332. }
  3334. function initPkg_Sign_Ad_666() {
  3335. getFishBall_Ad_666();
  3336. }
  3338. function getFishBall_Ad_666() {
  3339. let cnt = 0;
  3340. fetch("" + dyToken + "&client_sys=android", {
  3341. method: 'GET',
  3342. mode: 'no-cors',
  3343. credentials: 'include'
  3344. }).then(res => {
  3345. return res.json();
  3346. }).then(async (retData) => {
  3347. cnt = Number([0].taskLimitNum) - Number([0].curCompleteNum);
  3348. if (cnt <= 0) {
  3349. showMessage("【挑战鱼丸】今日次数已用完", "warning");
  3350. return;
  3351. }
  3352. for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
  3353. let posid_ad_666 = "1114318";
  3354. let token = dyToken;
  3355. let uid = getUID();
  3356. let info = await getFishBall_Ad_666_info(posid_ad_666, token, uid);
  3357. let mid = info.mid;
  3358. let infoBack = info.infoBack;
  3359. let isStart = await getFishBall_Ad_666_start(posid_ad_666, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3360. if (isStart == true) {
  3361. showMessage("【挑战鱼丸】开始领取挑战鱼丸,需等待15秒", "info");
  3362. await sleep(15555).then(async () => {
  3363. let isFinish = await getFishBall_Ad_666_finish(posid_ad_666, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3364. if (isFinish == true) {
  3365. await getFishBall_Ad_666_Bubble(token);
  3366. }
  3367. })
  3368. }
  3369. }
  3370. }).catch(err => {
  3371. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  3372. })
  3373. }
  3377. function getFishBall_Ad_666_info(posid_ad_666, token, uid) {
  3378. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3379. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3380. method: "POST",
  3381. url: "" + token + "&mdid=phone" + "&client_sys=android",
  3382. data: "posid=" + posid_ad_666 + "&roomid=" + rid + "&cate1=1&cate2=1&chanid=30" + '&device={"nt":"1"}',
  3383. responseType: "json",
  3384. headers: {
  3385. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3386. },
  3387. onload: function(response) {
  3388. let ret = response.response;
  3389. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3390. mid =[0].mid;
  3391. infoBack = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(;
  3392. resolve({mid: mid, infoBack: infoBack});
  3393. }
  3394. }
  3395. });
  3396. })
  3397. }
  3399. function getFishBall_Ad_666_start(posid_ad_666, token, uid, mid, infoBack) {
  3400. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3401. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3402. method: "POST",
  3403. url: "",
  3404. data: "token=" + token + "&uid=" + uid + "&roomId=" + rid + "&posCode=" + posid_ad_666 + "&clientType=1&creativeId=" + mid + "&infoBack=" + infoBack,
  3405. responseType: "json",
  3406. headers: {
  3407. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3408. },
  3409. onload: function(response) {
  3410. let ret = response.response;
  3411. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3412. resolve(true);
  3413. }
  3414. }
  3415. });
  3417. })
  3418. }
  3420. function getFishBall_Ad_666_finish(posid_ad_666, token, uid, mid, infoBack) {
  3421. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3422. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3423. method: "POST",
  3424. url: "",
  3425. data: "uid=" + uid + "&clientType=1&posCode=" + posid_ad_666 + "&creativeId=" + mid + "&roomId=" + rid + "&token=" + token + "&infoBack=" + infoBack,
  3426. responseType: "json",
  3427. headers: {
  3428. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3429. },
  3430. onload: function(response) {
  3431. let ret = response.response;
  3432. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3433. resolve(true);
  3434. }
  3435. }
  3436. });
  3438. })
  3439. }
  3441. function getFishBall_Ad_666_Bubble(token) {
  3442. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3443. fetch("", {
  3444. method: 'POST',
  3445. mode: 'no-cors',
  3446. credentials: 'include',
  3447. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  3448. body: "id=1033&roomId=" + rid + "&token=" + token
  3449. }).then(res => {
  3450. return res.json();
  3451. }).then(ret => {
  3452. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3453. let retJson = JSON.parse(;
  3454. showMessage("【挑战鱼丸】已领取" +[1].prizeNum + "个" +[1].prizeName, "success");
  3455. } else {
  3456. showMessage(ret.msg, "error");
  3457. }
  3458. resolve();
  3459. })
  3460. })
  3461. }
  3462. function initPkg_Sign_Ad_FishPond() {
  3463. getFishBall_Ad_FishPond();
  3464. }
  3466. function getFishBall_Ad_FishPond() {
  3467. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3468. method: "POST",
  3469. url: "",
  3470. data: "roomId=" + rid + "&token=" + dyToken,
  3471. responseType: "json",
  3472. headers: {
  3473. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  3474. },
  3475. onload: async function(response) {
  3476. let ret =;
  3477. for (let i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
  3478. if (ret[i] == "182") {
  3479. if (ret[i].task.status == "3") {
  3480. showMessage("【鱼塘鱼丸】已领取", "warning");
  3481. } else {
  3482. let posid_Ad_FishPond = "1114268";
  3483. let token = dyToken;
  3484. let uid = getUID();
  3485. let info = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_info(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid);
  3486. let mid = info.mid;
  3487. let infoBack = info.infoBack;
  3488. let isStart = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_start(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3489. if (isStart == false) {
  3490. isStart = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_start(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3491. if (isStart == false) {
  3492. isStart = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_start(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3493. // 偷个懒,直接三次重试
  3494. }
  3495. }
  3496. if (isStart == true) {
  3497. showMessage("【鱼塘鱼丸】开始领取鱼塘鱼丸,需等待15秒", "info");
  3498. await sleep(15555).then(async () => {
  3499. let isFinish = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_finish(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3500. if (isFinish == false) {
  3501. isFinish = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_finish(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3502. if (isFinish == false) {
  3503. isFinish = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_finish(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack);
  3504. }
  3505. }
  3506. if (isFinish == true) {
  3507. let isGet = await getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_Bubble(token);
  3508. }
  3509. initPkg_Sign_Ad_666();
  3510. })
  3511. }
  3512. }
  3513. }
  3514. }
  3515. }
  3516. });
  3517. }
  3519. function getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_info(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid) {
  3520. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3521. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3522. method: "POST",
  3523. url: "" + token + "&mdid=phone" + "&client_sys=android",
  3524. data: "posid=" + posid_Ad_FishPond + "&roomid=" + rid + "&cate1=1&cate2=1&chanid=30" + '&device={"nt":"1"}',
  3525. responseType: "json",
  3526. headers: {
  3527. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3528. },
  3529. onload: function(response) {
  3530. let ret = response.response;
  3531. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3532. mid =[0].mid;
  3533. infoBack = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(;
  3534. resolve({mid: mid, infoBack: infoBack});
  3535. }
  3536. }
  3537. });
  3538. })
  3539. }
  3541. function getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_start(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack) {
  3542. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3543. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3544. method: "POST",
  3545. url: "",
  3546. data: "token=" + token + "&uid=" + uid + "&roomId=" + rid + "&posCode=" + posid_Ad_FishPond + "&clientType=1&creativeId=" + mid + "&infoBack=" + infoBack,
  3547. responseType: "json",
  3548. headers: {
  3549. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3550. },
  3551. onload: function(response) {
  3552. let ret = response.response;
  3553. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3554. resolve(true);
  3555. }
  3556. }
  3557. });
  3559. })
  3560. }
  3562. function getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_finish(posid_Ad_FishPond, token, uid, mid, infoBack) {
  3563. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3564. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3565. method: "POST",
  3566. url: "",
  3567. data: "uid=" + uid + "&clientType=1&posCode=" + posid_Ad_FishPond + "&creativeId=" + mid + "&roomId=" + rid + "&token=" + token + "&infoBack=" + infoBack,
  3568. responseType: "json",
  3569. headers: {
  3570. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3571. },
  3572. onload: function(response) {
  3573. let ret = response.response;
  3574. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3575. resolve(true);
  3576. }
  3577. }
  3578. });
  3580. })
  3581. }
  3583. function getFishBall_Ad_FishPond_Bubble(token) {
  3584. return new Promise(resolve => {
  3585. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3586. method: "POST",
  3587. url: "",
  3588. data: "token=" + token + "&id=182",
  3589. responseType: "json",
  3590. headers: {
  3591. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3592. },
  3593. onload: function(response) {
  3594. let ret = response.response;
  3595. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3596. showMessage("【鱼塘鱼丸】" +, "success");
  3597. } else {
  3598. showMessage("【鱼塘鱼丸】" + ret.msg, "error");
  3599. }
  3600. resolve(ret.error);
  3601. }
  3602. });
  3603. })
  3604. }
  3605. function initPkg_Sign_Ad_Sign() {
  3606. getFishBall_Ad_Sign();
  3607. }
  3609. function getFishBall_Ad_Sign() {
  3610. let fishBallNum = "0";
  3611. let posid_ad_sign = "1064246";
  3612. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3613. method: "GET",
  3614. url: "" + posid_ad_sign + "&ct=1&token=" + dyToken,
  3615. responseType: "json",
  3616. headers: {
  3617. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3618. },
  3619. onload: function(response) {
  3620. let ret = response.response;
  3621. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3622. fishBallNum =;
  3623. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3624. method: "GET",
  3625. url: "" + getUID() + "&posCode=" + posid_ad_sign + "&ct=1&token=" + dyToken,
  3626. responseType: "json",
  3627. headers: {
  3628. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3629. },
  3630. onload: function(response) {
  3631. let ret = response.response;
  3632. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3633. showMessage("【签到鱼丸】成功领取" + fishBallNum + "个鱼丸", "success");
  3634. } else {
  3635. if (ret.msg == "null") {
  3636. showMessage("【签到鱼丸】未绑定手机" , "warning");
  3637. } else {
  3638. showMessage("【签到鱼丸】" + ret.msg, "warning");
  3639. }
  3640. }
  3641. }
  3642. });
  3643. }
  3644. }
  3645. });
  3646. }
  3647. function initPkg_Sign_Aoligei() {
  3648. getAoligei_todo();
  3649. }
  3651. function getAoligei_todo() {
  3652. verifyFans("5189167", 1).then(r => {
  3653. if (r == true) {
  3654. fetch("", {
  3655. method: 'POST',
  3656. mode: 'no-cors',
  3657. credentials: 'include',
  3658. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  3659. body: 'tasks=20200415cc_T1&token=' + dyToken
  3660. }).then(res => {
  3661. return res.json();
  3662. }).then(ret => {
  3663. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3664. let deliverNum = Number(['20200415cc_T1'].curDeliverNum);
  3665. let completeNum = Number(['20200415cc_T1'].curCompleteNum);
  3666. let limitNum = Number(['20200415cc_T1'].taskLimitNum);
  3667. if (deliverNum == limitNum) {
  3668. if (completeNum == limitNum) {
  3669. showMessage("【和平精英周年庆】奥利给已领取", "warning");
  3670. return;
  3671. }
  3672. }
  3673. showMessage("【和平精英周年庆】即将打开领取界面,领取后自动关闭", "info");
  3674. openPage("", false);
  3675. }
  3676. }).catch(err => {
  3677. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  3678. })
  3679. }
  3680. })
  3681. }
  3682. function getAoligei() {
  3683. fetch("", {
  3684. method: 'POST',
  3685. mode: 'no-cors',
  3686. credentials: 'include',
  3687. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  3688. body: 'token=' + dyToken + '&aid=android&taskAlias=20200415cc_T1'
  3689. }).then(res => {
  3690. return res.json();
  3691. }).then(ret => {
  3692. console.log("dsadsadassad:",ret);
  3693. if (ret.error == "0") {
  3694. showMessage("【和平精英周年庆】成功领取" +, "success");
  3695. } else {
  3696. showMessage(ret.msg, "error");
  3697. }
  3698. closePage();
  3699. }).catch(err => {
  3700. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  3701. closePage();
  3702. })
  3703. }
  3704. function initPkg_Sign_Client() {
  3705. signClient();
  3706. }
  3708. function signClient() {
  3709. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3710. method: "POST",
  3711. url: "",
  3712. data: 'token=' + dyToken,
  3713. responseType: "json",
  3714. headers: {
  3715. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3716. },
  3717. onload: function(response) {
  3718. let ret = response.response;
  3719. if ( == 0) {
  3720. showMessage("【客户端】今日已签到", "warning");
  3721. // console.log("【客户端】今日已签到");
  3722. } else {
  3723. if ( != 0) {
  3724. let recv = "";
  3725. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  3726. recv = recv +[i].cnt + "个" +[i].name + ",";
  3727. }
  3728. showMessage("【客户端】签到成功! 获得物品:" + recv, "success");
  3729. // console.log("【客户端】签到成功! 获得物品:" + recv);
  3730. } else {
  3731. showMessage("【客户端】签到成功! 可惜没有获得东西", "success");
  3732. // console.log("【客户端】签到成功! 可惜没获得东西");
  3733. }
  3734. }
  3735. }
  3736. });
  3737. }
  3738. function initPkg_Sign_Motorcade() {
  3739. signMotorcade();
  3740. }
  3742. function signMotorcade() {
  3743. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3744. method: "GET",
  3745. url: "",
  3746. responseType: "json",
  3747. headers: {
  3748. "dy-client": "android",
  3749. "dy-token": dyToken,
  3750. },
  3751. onload: function(response) {
  3752. if (Object.keys(response.response).length != 0) {
  3753. if (Object.keys( != 0) {
  3754. let mid = encodeURIComponent(;
  3755. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3756. method: "GET",
  3757. url: "" + mid,
  3758. responseType: "json",
  3759. headers: {
  3760. "dy-client": "android",
  3761. "dy-token": dyToken,
  3762. },
  3763. onload: function(response) {
  3764. if ( == "1") {
  3765. showMessage("【车队签到】车队已签到", "warning");
  3766. } else {
  3767. showMessage("【车队签到】即将打开车队签到页面", "info");
  3768. openPage("" + mid + "/task?total=" + String(Number( + 1) + "&mid=" + mid + "&exid=chun", false);
  3769. }
  3770. }
  3771. });
  3772. }
  3773. }
  3774. }
  3775. });
  3776. }
  3778. function getCookie(cookieName) {
  3779. let csrfToken = "";
  3780. let strCookie = document.cookie;
  3781. let arrCookie = strCookie.split("; ");
  3782. for(let i = 0; i < arrCookie.length; i++) {
  3783. let arr = arrCookie[i].split("=");
  3784. if(cookieName == arr[0]){
  3785. csrfToken = arr[1];
  3786. }
  3787. }
  3788. if(csrfToken == ""){
  3789. csrfToken = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2);
  3790. document.cookie = "post-csrfToken="+ escape(csrfToken)+";path=/";
  3791. }
  3792. return csrfToken;
  3793. }
  3794. function signMotorcade_Sign(m, t) {
  3795. fetch('' + Math.random().toFixed(17), {
  3796. method: 'POST',
  3797. mode: 'cors',
  3798. credentials: 'include',
  3799. headers: {
  3800. 'dy-device-id':'-',
  3801. "dy-client": "web",
  3802. "dy-csrf-token":getCookie("post-csrfToken"),
  3803. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  3804. },
  3805. body: "to_mid="+ m +"&expression=" + t
  3806. }).then(res => {
  3807. return res;
  3808. }).then(ret => {
  3809. if (Math.floor(ret.status_code / 100) == 2){
  3810. console.log("【车队】签到成功")
  3811. } else {
  3812. console.log(ret.message);
  3813. }
  3814. closePage();
  3815. }).catch(err => {
  3816. console.log("请求失败!", err)
  3817. closePage();
  3818. })
  3819. }
  3820. function initPkg_Sign_Room() {
  3821. signAllRoom();
  3822. }
  3823. function signAllRoom() {
  3824. // 1. get page counts(777)
  3825. // 2. for in all pages
  3826. // 3. sign each room
  3827. let pageCount = 0;
  3828. fetch('',{
  3829. method: 'GET',
  3830. mode: 'no-cors',
  3831. cache: 'default',
  3832. credentials: 'include',
  3833. }).then(res => {
  3834. return res.json();
  3835. }).then(ret => {
  3836. pageCount = Number(;
  3837. for (let nowPage = 1; nowPage <= pageCount; nowPage++) {
  3838. fetch('' + String(nowPage),{
  3839. method: 'GET',
  3840. mode: 'no-cors',
  3841. cache: 'default',
  3842. credentials: 'include',
  3843. }).then(res => {
  3844. return res.json();
  3845. }).then(ret => {
  3846. let roomCount = Number(;
  3847. for (let i = 0; i < roomCount; i++) {
  3848. signRoom([i].room_id);
  3849. if (nowPage == pageCount && i == roomCount - 1) {
  3850. showMessage("【房间签到】" + + "个房间签到已完成!", "success");
  3851. }
  3852. }
  3853. }).catch(err => {
  3854. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  3855. })
  3856. }
  3857. showMessage("【房间签到】" + + "个房间正在签到中...", "info");
  3858. }).catch(err => {
  3859. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  3860. })
  3861. }
  3863. function signRoom(r) {
  3864. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3865. method: "POST",
  3866. url: "",
  3867. data: 'rid=' + r + '&ctn=' + getCCN(),
  3868. responseType: "json",
  3869. headers: {
  3870. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  3871. 'token': dyToken,
  3872. 'cookie': document.cookie
  3873. },
  3874. onload: function(response) {
  3875. }
  3876. });
  3877. }
  3878. function initPkg_Sign_Yuba() {
  3879. signYubaList();
  3880. }
  3882. function signYubaFast() {
  3883. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3884. method: "POST",
  3885. url: "",
  3886. responseType: "json",
  3887. headers: {
  3888. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  3889. "client": "android",
  3890. "token": dyToken,
  3891. },
  3892. onload: function (response) {
  3893. if (response.response.message == "" && != 0) {
  3894. showMessage("【鱼吧】一键签到成功! 获得经验" +, "success");
  3895. // console.log("【鱼吧】" + group_id + "签到成功! 连续" + + "天 获得经验" +;
  3896. } else if ( == 0) {
  3897. showMessage("【鱼吧】没有7级以上的鱼吧或极速签到已完成", "warning");
  3898. // console.log("【鱼吧】" + group_id + response.response.message);
  3899. } else {
  3900. showMessage("【鱼吧】" + response.response.message, "warning");
  3901. }
  3903. }
  3904. });
  3905. }
  3907. function signYuba(group_id, t) {
  3908. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3909. method: "POST",
  3910. url: "",
  3911. data: 'group_id=' + group_id,
  3912. responseType: "json",
  3913. headers: {
  3914. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  3915. "dy-client": "pc",
  3916. "dy-token": t,
  3917. 'Referer': '' + group_id
  3918. },
  3919. onload: function (response) {
  3920. if (response.response.message == "") {
  3921. showMessage("【鱼吧】" + group_id + "签到成功! 连续" + + "天 获得经验" +, "success");
  3922. // console.log("【鱼吧】" + group_id + "签到成功! 连续" + + "天 获得经验" +;
  3923. } else {
  3924. showMessage("【鱼吧】" + group_id + response.response.message, "warning");
  3925. // console.log("【鱼吧】" + group_id + response.response.message);
  3926. }
  3928. }
  3929. });
  3930. }
  3932. function signYubaList() {
  3933. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  3934. method: "GET",
  3935. url: "",
  3936. responseType: "json",
  3937. headers: {
  3938. "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
  3939. "dy-client": "pc",
  3940. "dy-token": dyToken
  3941. },
  3942. onload: function(response) {
  3943. signYubaFast();
  3944. for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {
  3945. signYuba([i].group_id, dyToken);
  3946. }
  3947. }
  3948. });
  3949. }
  3950. // 版本号
  3951. // 格式 yyyy.MM.dd.**
  3952. // var curVersion = "2020.01.12.01";
  3953. var curVersion = "2020.04.25.02"
  3954. function initPkg_Update() {
  3955. initPkg_Update_Dom();
  3956. initPkg_Update_Func();
  3958. Update_checkVersion(); // 首次检查更新
  3959. }
  3961. function initPkg_Update_Dom() {
  3962. Update_insertIcon();
  3963. }
  3964. function Update_insertIcon() {
  3965. let a = document.createElement("div");
  3966. a.className = "ex-update";
  3967. a.innerHTML = '<a class="ex-panel__icon" title="版本更新"><svg t="1578767541873" style="display:block;" class="icon" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns="" p-id="23715" width="32" height="32"><path d="M768 810.7H512c-23.6 0-42.7-19.1-42.7-42.7s19.1-42.7 42.7-42.7h256c94.1 0 170.7-76.6 170.7-170.7 0-89.6-70.1-164.3-159.5-170.1L754 383l-10.7-22.7c-42.2-89.3-133-147-231.3-147s-189.1 57.7-231.3 147L270 383l-25.1 1.6c-89.5 5.8-159.5 80.5-159.5 170.1 0 94.1 76.6 170.7 170.7 170.7 23.6 0 42.7 19.1 42.7 42.7s-19.1 42.7-42.7 42.7c-141.2 0-256-114.8-256-256 0-126.1 92.5-232.5 214.7-252.4C274.8 195.7 388.9 128 512 128s237.2 67.7 297.3 174.2C931.5 322.1 1024 428.6 1024 554.7c0 141.1-114.8 256-256 256z" fill="#3688FF" p-id="23716"></path><path d="M554.7 938.7c-10.9 0-21.8-4.2-30.2-12.5l-128-128c-16.7-16.7-16.7-43.7 0-60.3l128-128c16.6-16.7 43.7-16.7 60.3 0 16.7 16.7 16.7 43.7 0 60.3L487 768l97.8 97.8c16.7 16.7 16.7 43.7 0 60.3-8.3 8.4-19.2 12.6-30.1 12.6z" fill="#5F6379" p-id="23717"></path></svg><i id="ex-update__tip" class="ex-panel__tip"></i></a>';
  3968. let b = document.getElementsByClassName("ex-panel__wrap")[0];
  3969. b.insertBefore(a, b.childNodes[0]);
  3970. }
  3972. function initPkg_Update_Func() {
  3973. document.getElementsByClassName("ex-update")[0].addEventListener("click", Update_openUpdatePage);
  3974. }
  3976. function Update_checkVersion() {
  3977. fetch('',{
  3978. method: 'GET',
  3979. mode: 'cors',
  3980. cache: 'no-store',
  3981. credentials: 'omit',
  3982. }).then(res => {
  3983. return res.text();
  3984. }).then(txt => {
  3985. txt = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(txt, 'text/html');
  3986. let v = txt.getElementsByClassName("script-show-version")[1];
  3987. if(v != undefined){
  3988. if (v.innerText != curVersion) {
  3989. Update_showTip(true);
  3990. }
  3991. }
  3992. }).catch(err => {
  3993. console.error('请求失败', err);
  3994. })
  3995. }
  3997. function Update_openUpdatePage() {
  3998. openPage("", true);
  3999. }
  4001. function Update_showTip(a) {
  4002. let d = document.getElementById("ex-update__tip");
  4003. if (a == true) {
  4004. if ( != "block") {
  4005. showMessage("【版本更新】插件有新版本,请及时更新~", "error");
  4006. = "block";
  4007. }
  4008. } else {
  4009. = "none";
  4010. }
  4011. }
  4012. /*
  4013. md5.js
  4014. */
  4015. var hexcase=0;var b64pad="";var chrsz=8;function hex_md5(s){return binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s),s.length*chrsz))}function b64_md5(s){return binl2b64(core_md5(str2binl(s),s.length*chrsz))}function str_md5(s){return binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s),s.length*chrsz))}function hex_hmac_md5(key,data){return binl2hex(core_hmac_md5(key,data))}function b64_hmac_md5(key,data){return binl2b64(core_hmac_md5(key,data))}function str_hmac_md5(key,data){return binl2str(core_hmac_md5(key,data))}function md5_vm_test(){return hex_md5("abc")=="900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72"}function core_md5(x,len){x[len>>5]|=0x80<<((len)%32);x[(((len+64)>>>9)<<4)+14]=len;var a=1732584193;var b=-271733879;var c=-1732584194;var d=271733878;for(var i=0;i<x.length;i+=16){var olda=a;var oldb=b;var oldc=c;var oldd=d;a=md5_ff(a,b,c,d,x[i+0],7,-680876936);d=md5_ff(d,a,b,c,x[i+1],12,-389564586);c=md5_ff(c,d,a,b,x[i+2],17,606105819);b=md5_ff(b,c,d,a,x[i+3],22,-1044525330);a=md5_ff(a,b,c,d,x[i+4],7,-176418897);d=md5_ff(d,a,b,c,x[i+5],12,1200080426);c=md5_ff(c,d,a,b,x[i+6],17,-1473231341);b=md5_ff(b,c,d,a,x[i+7],22,-45705983);a=md5_ff(a,b,c,d,x[i+8],7,1770035416);d=md5_ff(d,a,b,c,x[i+9],12,-1958414417);c=md5_ff(c,d,a,b,x[i+10],17,-42063);b=md5_ff(b,c,d,a,x[i+11],22,-1990404162);a=md5_ff(a,b,c,d,x[i+12],7,1804603682);d=md5_ff(d,a,b,c,x[i+13],12,-40341101);c=md5_ff(c,d,a,b,x[i+14],17,-1502002290);b=md5_ff(b,c,d,a,x[i+15],22,1236535329);a=md5_gg(a,b,c,d,x[i+1],5,-165796510);d=md5_gg(d,a,b,c,x[i+6],9,-1069501632);c=md5_gg(c,d,a,b,x[i+11],14,643717713);b=md5_gg(b,c,d,a,x[i+0],20,-373897302);a=md5_gg(a,b,c,d,x[i+5],5,-701558691);d=md5_gg(d,a,b,c,x[i+10],9,38016083);c=md5_gg(c,d,a,b,x[i+15],14,-660478335);b=md5_gg(b,c,d,a,x[i+4],20,-405537848);a=md5_gg(a,b,c,d,x[i+9],5,568446438);d=md5_gg(d,a,b,c,x[i+14],9,-1019803690);c=md5_gg(c,d,a,b,x[i+3],14,-187363961);b=md5_gg(b,c,d,a,x[i+8],20,1163531501);a=md5_gg(a,b,c,d,x[i+13],5,-1444681467);d=md5_gg(d,a,b,c,x[i+2],9,-51403784);c=md5_gg(c,d,a,b,x[i+7],14,1735328473);b=md5_gg(b,c,d,a,x[i+12],20,-1926607734);a=md5_hh(a,b,c,d,x[i+5],4,-378558);d=md5_hh(d,a,b,c,x[i+8],11,-2022574463);c=md5_hh(c,d,a,b,x[i+11],16,1839030562);b=md5_hh(b,c,d,a,x[i+14],23,-35309556);a=md5_hh(a,b,c,d,x[i+1],4,-1530992060);d=md5_hh(d,a,b,c,x[i+4],11,1272893353);c=md5_hh(c,d,a,b,x[i+7],16,-155497632);b=md5_hh(b,c,d,a,x[i+10],23,-1094730640);a=md5_hh(a,b,c,d,x[i+13],4,681279174);d=md5_hh(d,a,b,c,x[i+0],11,-358537222);c=md5_hh(c,d,a,b,x[i+3],16,-722521979);b=md5_hh(b,c,d,a,x[i+6],23,76029189);a=md5_hh(a,b,c,d,x[i+9],4,-640364487);d=md5_hh(d,a,b,c,x[i+12],11,-421815835);c=md5_hh(c,d,a,b,x[i+15],16,530742520);b=md5_hh(b,c,d,a,x[i+2],23,-995338651);a=md5_ii(a,b,c,d,x[i+0],6,-198630844);d=md5_ii(d,a,b,c,x[i+7],10,1126891415);c=md5_ii(c,d,a,b,x[i+14],15,-1416354905);b=md5_ii(b,c,d,a,x[i+5],21,-57434055);a=md5_ii(a,b,c,d,x[i+12],6,1700485571);d=md5_ii(d,a,b,c,x[i+3],10,-1894986606);c=md5_ii(c,d,a,b,x[i+10],15,-1051523);b=md5_ii(b,c,d,a,x[i+1],21,-2054922799);a=md5_ii(a,b,c,d,x[i+8],6,1873313359);d=md5_ii(d,a,b,c,x[i+15],10,-30611744);c=md5_ii(c,d,a,b,x[i+6],15,-1560198380);b=md5_ii(b,c,d,a,x[i+13],21,1309151649);a=md5_ii(a,b,c,d,x[i+4],6,-145523070);d=md5_ii(d,a,b,c,x[i+11],10,-1120210379);c=md5_ii(c,d,a,b,x[i+2],15,718787259);b=md5_ii(b,c,d,a,x[i+9],21,-343485551);a=safe_add(a,olda);b=safe_add(b,oldb);c=safe_add(c,oldc);d=safe_add(d,oldd)}return Array(a,b,c,d)}function md5_cmn(q,a,b,x,s,t){return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(a,q),safe_add(x,t)),s),b)}function md5_ff(a,b,c,d,x,s,t){return md5_cmn((b&c)|((~b)&d),a,b,x,s,t)}function md5_gg(a,b,c,d,x,s,t){return md5_cmn((b&d)|(c&(~d)),a,b,x,s,t)}function md5_hh(a,b,c,d,x,s,t){return md5_cmn(b^c^d,a,b,x,s,t)}function md5_ii(a,b,c,d,x,s,t){return md5_cmn(c^(b|(~d)),a,b,x,s,t)}function core_hmac_md5(key,data){var bkey=str2binl(key);if(bkey.length>16)bkey=core_md5(bkey,key.length*chrsz);var ipad=Array(16),opad=Array(16);for(var i=0;i<16;i++){ipad[i]=bkey[i]^0x36363636;opad[i]=bkey[i]^0x5C5C5C5C}var hash=core_md5(ipad.concat(str2binl(data)),512+data.length*chrsz);return core_md5(opad.concat(hash),512+128)}function safe_add(x,y){var lsw=(x&0xFFFF)+(y&0xFFFF);var msw=(x>>16)+(y>>16)+(lsw>>16);return(msw<<16)|(lsw&0xFFFF)}function bit_rol(num,cnt){return(num<<cnt)|(num>>>(32-cnt))}function str2binl(str){var bin=Array();var mask=(1<<chrsz)-1;for(var i=0;i<str.length*chrsz;i+=chrsz)bin[i>>5]|=(str.charCodeAt(i/chrsz)&mask)<<(i%32);return bin}function binl2str(bin){var str="";var mask=(1<<chrsz)-1;for(var i=0;i<bin.length*32;i+=chrsz)str+=String.fromCharCode((bin[i>>5]>>>(i%32))&mask);return str}function binl2hex(binarray){var hex_tab=hexcase?"0123456789ABCDEF":"0123456789abcdef";var str="";for(var i=0;i<binarray.length*4;i++){str+=hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2]>>((i%4)*8+4))&0xF)+hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2]>>((i%4)*8))&0xF)}return str}function binl2b64(binarray){var tab="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";var str="";for(var i=0;i<binarray.length*4;i+=3){var triplet=(((binarray[i>>2]>>8*(i%4))&0xFF)<<16)|(((binarray[i+1>>2]>>8*((i+1)%4))&0xFF)<<8)|((binarray[i+2>>2]>>8*((i+2)%4))&0xFF);for(var j=0;j<4;j++){if(i*8+j*6>binarray.length*32)str+=b64pad;else str+=tab.charAt((triplet>>6*(3-j))&0x3F)}}return str}
  4016. /*
  4017. Notice.js
  4018. */
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  4020. /*
  4021. Get Bilibili Real Live URL (https)
  4022. By: 小淳
  4023. */
  4024. function getRealLive_Bilibili(room_id, qn, cdn, reallive_callback) {
  4025. // 第一个参数传入string,表示房间号(注意是真实房间号)
  4026. // 第二个参数传入string(1,2,3,4,5),表示清晰度 流畅_80(1) 高清_150(2) 超清_250(3) 蓝光_400p(4) 原画_10000p(5)
  4027. // 第三个参数传入string(1,2,3,4),表示线路 1:主线路 2:备用线路1 3:备用线路2 4:备用线路3 此参数只对HTTPS有效
  4028. // 第四个参数传入回调函数,最好是箭头函数,用于处理返回的地址,例: (url) => {console.log(url)}
  4029. let qn_data = "80";
  4030. switch (qn) {
  4031. case "1":
  4032. qn_data = "80";
  4033. break;
  4034. case "2":
  4035. qn_data = "150";
  4036. break;
  4037. case "3":
  4038. qn_data = "250";
  4039. break;
  4040. case "4":
  4041. qn_data = "400";
  4042. break;
  4043. case "5":
  4044. qn_data = "10000";
  4045. break;
  4046. default:
  4047. qn_data = "80";
  4048. break;
  4049. }
  4050. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  4051. method: "GET",
  4052. url: "" + room_id + "&qn=" + qn_data + "&platform=web",
  4053. responseType: "json",
  4054. onload: function(response) {
  4055. let ret = response.response;
  4056. let rurl = "";
  4057. if ( != null) {
  4058. rurl =[Number(cdn)].url;
  4059. } else {
  4060. rurl = "";
  4061. }
  4062. reallive_callback(rurl);
  4063. }
  4064. });
  4065. }
  4066. /*
  4067. Get Bilibili Real Room ID
  4068. By: 小淳
  4069. */
  4071. function getRealRid_Bilibili(url, realrid_callback) {
  4072. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  4073. method: "GET",
  4074. url: url,
  4075. responseType: "text",
  4076. onload: function(response) {
  4077. let ret = response.response;
  4078. let rid = "";
  4079. rid = getStrMiddle(ret, 'room_id":', ',');
  4080. rid = rid.trim();
  4081. if (rid == "") {
  4082. rid = "-1";
  4083. }
  4084. realrid_callback(rid);
  4085. }
  4086. });
  4087. }
  4088. /*
  4089. Get Douyu Real Live URL (http/https)
  4090. By: 小淳
  4091. */
  4092. function getRealLive_Douyu(room_id, is_https, qn, cdn, reallive_callback) {
  4093. // 第一个参数传入string,表示房间号(注意是真实房间号)
  4094. // 第二个参数传入bool,表示是否返回https地址。注意https地址只能使用一次,使用过以后需要再次获取;http地址无限制
  4095. // 第三个参数传入string(1,2,3,4),表示清晰度 流畅_550p(rate:1) 高清_1200p(rate:2) 超清_2000p(rate:3) 蓝光4M_4000p(rate:4) 填写777则返回默认清晰度
  4096. // 第四个参数传入string(1,2,3,4),表示线路 1:主线路(ws-h5) 2:备用线路1(tct-h5) 3:备用线路2(ali-h5) 此参数只对HTTPS有效
  4097. // 第五个参数传入回调函数,最好是箭头函数,用于处理返回的地址,例: (url) => {console.log(url)}
  4098. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  4099. method: "GET",
  4100. url: '' + room_id,
  4101. responseType: "text",
  4102. onload: function(response) {
  4103. let a = response.response.match(/(function ub9.*)[\s\S](var.*)/i);
  4104. let b = String(a[1]).replace(/eval.*;}/, 'strc;}');
  4105. let c = b + String(a[2]);
  4106. let tt2 = dateFormat("yyyyMMdd", new Date());
  4107. let tt0 = String(Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000).toString());
  4108. RealLive_get_sign_url(tt2, room_id, tt0, c, is_https, qn, cdn, reallive_callback); // 传入参数无误
  4109. }
  4110. });
  4111. }
  4113. function RealLive_get_sign_url(post_v, r, tt, ub9, is_https, qn, cdn, reallive_callback) {
  4114. let sign = RealLive_get_sign(r, post_v, tt, ub9);
  4115. if (is_https != true) {
  4116. let postData = 'v=2501' + post_v + '&did=10000000000000000000000000001501&tt=' + tt + '&sign=' + sign + '&ver=219032101&rid=' + r + '&rate=-1';
  4117. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  4118. method: "POST",
  4119. url: "",
  4120. data: postData,
  4121. responseType: "json",
  4122. headers: {
  4123. 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  4124. 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0; SM-G900P Build/LRX21T) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.100 Mobile Safari/537.36'
  4125. },
  4126. onload: function(response) {
  4127. let ret = response.response;
  4128. let result = "";
  4129. if (ret.code == "0") {
  4130. let url =;
  4131. if (String(url).indexOf("mix=1") != -1) {
  4132. result = "PKing"
  4133. } else {
  4134. let p = /live\/(\d{1,8}[0-9a-zA-Z]+)_?[\d]{0,4}\/playlist/i;
  4135. result = String(url).match(p)[1];
  4136. }
  4137. } else {
  4138. result = "0";
  4139. }
  4140. let cl = "";
  4141. switch (qn) {
  4142. case "1":
  4143. cl = "550p"
  4144. break;
  4145. case "2":
  4146. cl = "1200p"
  4147. break;
  4148. case "3":
  4149. cl = "2000p"
  4150. break;
  4151. case "4":
  4152. cl = "4000p"
  4153. break;
  4154. default:
  4155. cl = "1200p"
  4156. break;
  4157. }
  4158. let realLive = "";
  4159. if (result == "0") {
  4160. realLive = "None";
  4161. } else {
  4162. if (qn == "777") {
  4163. // qn写777则不返回清晰度,即默认
  4164. realLive = "" + result + ".flv?uuid=";
  4165. } else {
  4166. realLive = "" + result + "_" + cl + ".flv?uuid=";
  4167. }
  4168. }
  4169. reallive_callback(realLive);
  4170. }
  4171. });
  4172. } else {
  4173. fetch("" + r, {
  4174. method: 'POST',
  4175. mode: 'no-cors',
  4176. credentials: 'include',
  4177. headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
  4178. body: 'v=220120200219&did=' + getDyDid() + '&tt=' + tt + '&sign=' + sign + '&cdn=' + cdn + '&rate=' + qn + '&ver=Douyu_220021805&iar=0&ive=0'
  4179. }).then(res => {
  4180. return res.json();
  4181. }).then(ret => {
  4182. if ( != "") {
  4183. reallive_callback( + "/" +;
  4184. } else {
  4185. showMessage(ret.msg, "error");
  4186. console.log(ret.msg);
  4187. }
  4188. })
  4189. }
  4190. }
  4192. function RealLive_get_sign(r, post_v, tt, ub9) {
  4193. let ub9_ex = String(ub9).replace("ub98484234", "ub98484234_ex");
  4194. eval1(ub9_ex, "exScript1");
  4195. let res2 = ub98484234_ex();
  4196. let str3 = String(res2).replace(/\(function[\s\S]*toString\(\)/, "\'");
  4197. let md5rb = hex_md5(r + '10000000000000000000000000001501' + tt + '2501' + post_v);
  4198. let str4 = 'function get_sign(){var rb=\'' + md5rb + str3;
  4199. let str5 = String(str4).replace(/return rt;}[\s\S]*/, 'return re;};');
  4200. let str6 = String(str5).replace(/"v=.*&sign="\+/, '');
  4201. str6 = String(str6).replace("get_sign", "get_sign_ex")
  4202. eval1(str6, "exScript2");
  4203. let sign = get_sign_ex(r + "10000000000000000000000000001501", tt);
  4204. document.getElementById("exScript1").remove();
  4205. document.getElementById("exScript2").remove();
  4206. return sign;
  4207. }
  4209. function eval1(str, iid) {
  4210. var sc = document.createElement("script");
  4211. = iid
  4212. sc.setAttribute("type","text\/javascript");
  4213. sc.appendChild(document.createTextNode(str));
  4214. document.body.appendChild(sc);
  4215. }
  4216. /*
  4217. Get Douyu Real Room ID
  4218. By: 小淳
  4219. */
  4221. function getRealRid_Douyu(url, realrid_callback) {
  4222. fetch(url,{
  4223. method: 'GET',
  4224. mode: 'no-cors',
  4225. cache: 'default',
  4226. credentials: 'include',
  4227. }).then(res => {
  4228. return res.text();
  4229. }).then(doc => {
  4230. doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(doc, 'text/html');
  4231. let url = doc.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML;
  4232. let urlLen = ("$ROOM.room_id =").length;
  4233. let ridPos = url.indexOf('$ROOM.room_id =');
  4234. let rid = url.substring(ridPos + urlLen, url.indexOf(';', ridPos + urlLen));
  4235. rid = rid.trim();
  4236. if (isRid(rid) == true) {
  4237. realrid_callback(rid);
  4238. } else {
  4239. showMessage("获取直播间失败,请检查直播间地址是否正确!", "error")
  4240. }
  4241. }).catch(err => {
  4242. console.log("请求失败!", err);
  4243. })
  4244. }
  4245. /*
  4246. Get Huya Real Live URL (https)
  4247. By: 小淳
  4248. */
  4249. function getRealLive_Huya(url, qn, cdn, reallive_callback) {
  4250. // 第一个参数传入string,表示房间号(注意是真实房间号)
  4251. // 第二个参数传入string(1,2,3,4),表示清晰度 流畅_500(1) 超清_2500(2) 蓝光4M_4500(3) 原画(4)
  4252. // 第三个参数传入string(1,2,3,4),表示线路 1:主线路 2:备用线路1 3:备用线路2 4:备用线路3
  4253. // 第四个参数传入回调函数,最好是箭头函数,用于处理返回的地址,例: (url, msg) => {console.log(url, msg)}
  4254. // 这个回调函数有2个参数,第一个是直播流地址,第二个是信息,用于判断错误
  4255. let qn_data = "500";
  4256. switch (qn) {
  4257. case "1":
  4258. qn_data = "500";
  4259. break;
  4260. case "2":
  4261. qn_data = "2500";
  4262. break;
  4263. case "3":
  4264. qn_data = "4500";
  4265. break;
  4266. case "4":
  4267. qn_data = "0";
  4268. break;
  4269. default:
  4270. qn_data = "500";
  4271. break;
  4272. }
  4273. let cdn_data = Number(cdn) - 1;
  4274. GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  4275. method: "GET",
  4276. url: url,
  4277. responseType: "text",
  4278. onload: function(response) {
  4279. let html = String(response.response);
  4280. let lurl = ""; // 直播源
  4281. let msg = ""; // 信息 预留
  4282. let lurl_sFlvUrl = "";
  4283. let lurl_sStreamName = "";
  4284. let lurl_sFlvUrlSuffix = "";
  4285. let lurl_sFlvAntiCode = "";
  4286. if (getStrMiddle(html, '"state":"', '",') == "ON") {
  4287. let tlen = ("hyPlayerConfig = ").length;
  4288. let tpos = html.indexOf("hyPlayerConfig = ");
  4289. let json = JSON.parse(html.substring(tpos + tlen, html.indexOf('};', tpos + tlen)) + '}');
  4290. if ( != null) {
  4291. if ([0].gameStreamInfoList.length >= cdn_data) {
  4292. lurl_sFlvUrl =[0].gameStreamInfoList[cdn_data].sFlvUrl;
  4293. lurl_sFlvUrl = String(lurl_sFlvUrl).replace("http", "https");
  4294. lurl_sStreamName =[0].gameStreamInfoList[cdn_data].sStreamName;
  4295. lurl_sFlvUrlSuffix =[0].gameStreamInfoList[cdn_data].sFlvUrlSuffix;
  4296. lurl_sFlvAntiCode =[0].gameStreamInfoList[cdn_data].sFlvAntiCode;
  4298. lurl = lurl_sFlvUrl + "/" + lurl_sStreamName + "." + lurl_sFlvUrlSuffix + "?" + lurl_sFlvAntiCode;
  4299. lurl = lurl.replace(/amp;/g, "");
  4300. if (qn_data != "0") {
  4301. lurl = lurl + "&ratio=" + qn_data;
  4302. }
  4303. } else {
  4304. msg = "暂无该线路";
  4305. }
  4306. }
  4307. } else {
  4308. msg = "该房间未开播";
  4309. }
  4310. reallive_callback(lurl, msg);
  4311. }
  4312. });
  4313. }