Greasy Fork is available in English.



As of 2020-04-14. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         觅影
// @version      20.4.13-1
// @author       (o˘◡˘o)
// @description  原网页解析VIP视频、快捷跳转在线观看、移动端豆瓣净化
// @note         最近更新:添加更多的优质在线源
// @namespace    (o˘◡˘o)
// @supportURL
// @icon
// @license      GPL License
// @include      *
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==

!function() {
  let _Mathmax = Math.max;
  function Is(n, e = Href) {
    return e = (n.source || n).includes("=http") ? e : e.replace(/=http[^&]+/, ""),
    "string" == typeof n ? e.includes(n) : n.test(e);
  function IsNot(n, e) {
    return !Is(n, e);
  function getGlobal(n) {
    return (hasUnsafeWindow ? unsafeWindow : window)[n];
  function setGlobal(n, e) {
    window[n] = e, hasUnsafeWindow && (unsafeWindow[n] = e);
  function parseStoreData(n, e = null) {
    if ("string" == typeof n) try {
      n = JSON.parse(n);
    } catch (n) {}
    return null === n ? e : n;
  function getCdnUrl(n) {
    return "" + n;
  async function fetchCdnUrl(n, e) {
    let t, o;
    const i = /^\/\w/.test(n);
    if (n = i ? getCdnUrl(n) : n, !e && i) {
      const e = n.match(/\/([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)\/.+(\.\w+)$/);
      t = e[1] + e[3], o = e[2];
    } else t = || n, o = e.version || VERSION;
    const r = GlobalStore.get(t);
    let a;
    return a = r && r.version === o ? : await window.fetch(n).then((function(n) {
      return n.text();
    })).then((function(n) {
      return GlobalStore.set(t, {
        data: n,
        version: o
      }), n;
    })), a;
  async function addJs(url, opts) {
    const data = await fetchCdnUrl(url, opts);
    return eval(data);
  async function addCssUrl(n) {
    addCss(await fetchCdnUrl(n));
  function addCss(n) {
    let e;
    return /^(http|\/)/.test(n) ? addCssUrl(n) : (n = n.replace(/\n+\s*/g, " "), e = document.createElement("style"),
    e.styleSheet ? e.styleSheet.cssText = n : e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)),
    e.type = "text/css", void document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(e));
  function prefixCss(n, e) {
    let t, o, i, r, a = e.length;
    e += " ", n = (n = (n = n.replace(/\/\*(?:(?!\*\/)[\s\S])*\*\/|[\r\n\t]+/g, "")).replace(/}(\s*)@/g, "}@")).replace(/}(\s*)}/g, "}}");
    for (let s = 0; s < n.length - 2; s++) t = n[s], o = n[s + 1], "@" === t && (i = !0),
    i || "{" !== t || (r = !0), r && "}" === t && (r = !1), !r && "@" !== o && "}" !== o && ("}" === t || "," === t || ("{" === t || ";" === t) && i) && (n = n.slice(0, s + 1) + e + n.slice(s + 1),
    s += a, i = !1);
    return 0 !== n.indexOf(e) && 0 !== n.indexOf("@") && (n = e + n), n;
  function get$() {
    function n(n, e) {
      try {
        return n(e);
      } catch (n) {
        return e;
    function e(n, e) {
      return n && (l(e) || c(e)) ? an.test(n) ? e.getElementsByClassName(n.slice(1)) : sn.test(n) ? e.getElementsByTagName(n) : e.querySelectorAll(n) : [];
    function t(n) {
      return n.replace(dn, (function(n, e) {
        return e.toUpperCase();
    function o(n, e, t) {
      if (t) {
        for (let t = n.length; t--; ) if (!1 ===[t], t, n[t])) return n;
      } else for (let t = 0, o = n.length; t < o; t++) if (!1 ===[t], t, n[t])) return n;
      return n;
    function i(n) {
      let e = [];
      for (let n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) e[n - 1] = arguments[n];
      let t = arguments.length;
      if (!t) return {};
      if (1 === t) return i(pn, n);
      for (let e = 1; e < t; e++) for (let t in arguments[e]) n[t] = arguments[e][t];
      return n;
    function r(n, e) {
      let t = n && (n.matches || n.webkitMatchesSelector || n.msMatchesSelector);
      return !!t && !!e &&, e);
    function a(n) {
      return n instanceof ln;
    function s(n) {
      return !!n && n === n.window;
    function l(n) {
      return !!n && 9 === n.nodeType;
    function c(n) {
      return !!n && 1 === n.nodeType;
    function p(n) {
      return "function" == typeof n;
    function d(n) {
      return "string" == typeof n;
    function f(n) {
      return void 0 === n;
    function u(n) {
      return null === n;
    function m(n) {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
    function h(n) {
      return d(n) ? function(e, t) {
        return r(t, n);
      } : p(n) ? n : a(n) ? function(e, t) {
      } : n ? function(e, t) {
        return t === n;
      } : function() {
        return !1;
    function g(n, e) {
      return e ? n.filter(e) : n;
    function v(n) {
      return d(n) && n.match(fn) || [];
    function b(n, e, t, o) {
      let i = [], r = p(e), a = o && h(o);
      for (let s = 0, l = n.length; s < l; s++) if (r) {
        let t = e(n[s]);
        t.length && en.apply(i, t);
      } else for (let r = n[s][e]; !(null == r || o && a(-1, r)); ) i.push(r), r = t ? r[e] : null;
      return i;
    function y(n) {
      return 1 < n.length ?, (function(n, e, t) {
        return, n) === e;
      })) : n;
    function x(n, e, t) {
      if (c(n)) {
        let o = G.getComputedStyle(n, null);
        return t ? o.getPropertyValue(e) || void 0 : o[e];
    function w(n, e) {
      return parseInt(x(n, e), 10) || 0;
    function _(n) {
      return un.test(n);
    function j(n, e) {
      if (void 0 === e && (e = _(n)), e) return n;
      if (!mn[n]) {
        let e = t(n), i = "" + e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1);
        o((e + " " + gn.join(i + " ") + i).split(" "), (function(e, t) {
          if (t in hn) return mn[n] = t, !1;
      return mn[n];
    function k(n, e, t) {
      return void 0 === t && (t = _(n)), t || vn[n] || !m(e) ? e : e + "px";
    function S(e, o) {
      let i = e.dataset[o] || e.dataset[t(o)];
      return bn.test(i) ? i : n(JSON.parse, i);
    function I(e, o, i) {
      i = n(JSON.stringify, i), e.dataset[t(o)] = i;
    function $(n, e) {
      let t = n.documentElement;
      return _Mathmax(n.body["scroll" + e], t["scroll" + e], n.body["offset" + e], t["offset" + e], t["client" + e]);
    function C(n, e) {
      return w(n, "border" + (e ? "Left" : "Top") + "Width") + w(n, "padding" + (e ? "Left" : "Top")) + w(n, "padding" + (e ? "Right" : "Bottom")) + w(n, "border" + (e ? "Right" : "Bottom") + "Width");
    function U(n) {
      return "none" === x(n, "display");
    function A(n, e) {
      return !e || !, (function(e) {
        return 0 > n.indexOf(e);
    function M(n) {
      return jn[n] || _n[n] || n;
    function T(n) {
      return n[xn] = n[xn] || {};
    function P(n, e, t, o, i) {
      let r = T(n);
      r[e] = r[e] || [], r[e].push([ t, o, i ]), n.addEventListener(e, i);
    function z(n) {
      let e = n.split(wn);
      return [ e[0], e.slice(1).sort() ];
    function E(n, e, t, o, i) {
      let r = T(n);
      if (e) r[e] && (r[e] = r[e].filter((function(r) {
        let a = r[0], s = r[1], l = r[2];
        return !!(i && l.guid !== i.guid || !A(a, t) || o && o !== s) || void n.removeEventListener(e, l);
      }))); else for (e in r) E(n, e, t, o, i);
    function q(n) {
      return n.multiple && n.options ? b(, (function(n) {
        return n.selected && !n.disabled && !n.parentNode.disabled;
      })), "value") : n.value || "";
    function N(n) {
      if (!d(n)) return [];
      if (Cn.test(n)) return [ O(RegExp.$1) ];
      let e = $n.test(n) && RegExp.$1, t = Un[e] || Un["*"];
      return t.innerHTML = n, pn(t.childNodes).detach().get();
    function R(n, e, t, i, r) {
      i ? n.insertBefore(e, t ? n.firstChild : null) : n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t ? n : n.nextSibling),
      r && function(n, e) {
        let t = pn(n);
        t.filter("script").add(t.find("script")).each((function(n, t) {
          if (Mn.test(t.type) && H.contains(t)) {
            let n = O("script");
            n.text = t.textContent.replace(An, ""), o(Tn, (function(e, o) {
              t[o] && (n[o] = t[o]);
            })), e.head.insertBefore(n, null), e.head.removeChild(n);
      }(e, n.ownerDocument);
    function V(n, e, t, i, r, a, s, l) {
      return o(n, (function(n, a) {
        o(pn(a), (function(n, a) {
          o(pn(e), (function(e, o) {
            let s = t ? o : a, l = t ? n : e;
            R(t ? a : o, l ? s.cloneNode(!0) : s, i, r, !l);
          }), l);
        }), s);
      }), a), e;
    let D = {
      class: "className",
      contenteditable: "contentEditable",
      for: "htmlFor",
      readonly: "readOnly",
      maxlength: "maxLength",
      tabindex: "tabIndex",
      colspan: "colSpan",
      rowspan: "rowSpan",
      usemap: "useMap"
    }, L = document, G = window, H = L.documentElement, O = L.createElement.bind(L), B = O("div"), F = O("table"), W = O("tbody"), X = O("tr"), K = Array.isArray, J = Array.prototype, Q = J.concat, Y = J.filter, Z = J.indexOf, nn =, en = J.push, tn = J.slice, on = J.some, rn = J.splice, an = /^\.[\w-]*$/, sn = /^\w+$/, ln = function() {
      function n(n, t) {
        if (!n) return;
        if (a(n)) return n;
        let o = n;
        if (d(n)) {
          let i = (a(t) ? t[0] : t) || L;
          if (o = /^#[\w-]*$/.test(n) ? i.getElementById(n.slice(1)) : /<.+>/.test(n) ? N(n) : e(n, i),
          !o) return;
        } else if (p(n)) return this.ready(n);
        (o.nodeType || o === G) && (o = [ o ]), this.length = o.length;
        for (let n = 0, e = this.length; n < e; n++) this[n] = o[n];
      return n.prototype.init = function(e, t) {
        return new n(e, t);
      }, n;
    }(), cn = ln.prototype, pn = cn.init;
    pn.fn = pn.prototype = cn, cn.length = 0, cn.splice = rn, "function" == typeof Symbol && (cn[Symbol.iterator] = J[Symbol.iterator]), = function(n) {
      return pn(Q.apply([],, (function(e, t) {
        return, t, e);
    }, cn.slice = function(n, e) {
      return pn(, n, e));
    let dn = /-([a-z])/g;
    pn.each = o, cn.each = function(n) {
      return o(this, n);
    }, cn.removeProp = function(n) {
      return this.each((function(e, t) {
        delete t[D[n] || n];
    }, pn.extend = i, cn.extend = function(n) {
      return i(cn, n);
    }, pn.guid = 1, pn.isWindow = s, pn.isFunction = p, pn.isNumeric = m, pn.isArray = K,
    cn.prop = function(n, e) {
      if (n) {
        if (d(n)) return n = D[n] || n, 2 > arguments.length ? this[0] && this[0][n] : this.each((function(t, o) {
          o[n] = e;
        for (let e in n) this.prop(e, n[e]);
        return this;
    }, cn.get = function(n) {
      return f(n) ? : this[0 > (n = +n) ? n + this.length : n];
    }, cn.eq = function(n) {
      return pn(this.get(n));
    }, cn.first = function() {
      return this.eq(0);
    }, cn.last = function() {
      return this.eq(-1);
    }, cn.filter = function(n) {
      let e = h(n);
      return pn(, (function(n, t) {
        return, t, n);
    let fn = /\S+/g;
    cn.hasClass = function(n) {
      return !!n &&, (function(e) {
        return c(e) && e.classList.contains(n);
    }, cn.removeAttr = function(n) {
      let e = v(n);
      return this.each((function(n, t) {
        c(t) && o(e, (function(n, e) {
    }, cn.attr = function(n, e) {
      if (n) {
        if (d(n)) {
          if (2 > arguments.length) {
            if (!this[0] || !c(this[0])) return;
            let e = this[0].getAttribute(n);
            return u(e) ? void 0 : e;
          return f(e) ? this : u(e) ? this.removeAttr(n) : this.each((function(t, o) {
            c(o) && o.setAttribute(n, e);
        for (let e in n) this.attr(e, n[e]);
        return this;
    }, cn.toggleClass = function(n, e) {
      let t = v(n), i = !f(e);
      return this.each((function(n, r) {
        c(r) && o(t, (function(n, t) {
          i ? e ? r.classList.add(t) : r.classList.remove(t) : r.classList.toggle(t);
    }, cn.addClass = function(n) {
      return this.toggleClass(n, !0);
    }, cn.removeClass = function(n) {
      return arguments.length ? this.toggleClass(n, !1) : this.attr("class", "");
    }, pn.unique = y, cn.add = function(n, e) {
      return pn(y(this.get().concat(pn(n, e).get())));
    let un = /^--/, mn = {}, hn =, gn = [ "webkit", "moz", "ms" ], vn = {
      animationIterationCount: !0,
      columnCount: !0,
      flexGrow: !0,
      flexShrink: !0,
      fontWeight: !0,
      gridArea: !0,
      gridColumn: !0,
      gridColumnEnd: !0,
      gridColumnStart: !0,
      gridRow: !0,
      gridRowEnd: !0,
      gridRowStart: !0,
      lineHeight: !0,
      opacity: !0,
      order: !0,
      orphans: !0,
      widows: !0,
      zIndex: !0
    cn.css = function(n, e) {
      if (d(n)) {
        let t = _(n);
        return n = j(n, t), 2 > arguments.length ? this[0] && x(this[0], n, t) : n ? (e = k(n, e, t),
        this.each((function(o, i) {
          c(i) && (t ?, e) :[n] = e);
        }))) : this;
      for (let e in n) this.css(e, n[e]);
      return this;
    let bn = /^\s+|\s+$/; = function(n, e) {
      if (!n) {
        if (!this[0]) return;
        let n = {};
        for (let e in this[0].dataset) n[e] = S(this[0], e);
        return n;
      if (d(n)) return 2 > arguments.length ? this[0] && S(this[0], n) : f(e) ? this : this.each((function(t, o) {
        I(o, n, e);
      for (let e in n), n[e]);
      return this;
    }, o([ !0, !1 ], (function(n, e) {
      o([ "Width", "Height" ], (function(n, t) {
        cn[(e ? "outer" : "inner") + t] = function(o) {
          return this[0] ? s(this[0]) ? e ? this[0]["inner" + t] : this[0].document.documentElement["client" + t] : l(this[0]) ? $(this[0], t) : this[0][(e ? "offset" : "client") + t] + (o && e ? w(this[0], "margin" + (n ? "Top" : "Left")) + w(this[0], "margin" + (n ? "Bottom" : "Right")) : 0) : void 0;
    })), o([ "Width", "Height" ], (function(n, e) {
      let t = e.toLowerCase();
      cn[t] = function(o) {
        if (!this[0]) return f(o) ? void 0 : this;
        if (!arguments.length) return s(this[0]) ? this[0].document.documentElement["client" + e] : l(this[0]) ? $(this[0], e) : this[0].getBoundingClientRect()[t] - C(this[0], !n);
        let i = parseInt(o, 10);
        return this.each((function(e, o) {
          if (c(o)) {
            let e = x(o, "boxSizing");
  [t] = k(t, i + ("border-box" === e ? C(o, !n) : 0));
    let yn = {};
    cn.toggle = function(n) {
      return this.each((function(e, t) {
        if (c(t)) {
          (f(n) ? U(t) : n) ? ( = t.___cd || "", U(t) && ( = function(n) {
            if (yn[n]) return yn[n];
            let e = O(n);
            L.body.insertBefore(e, null);
            let t = x(e, "display");
            return L.body.removeChild(e), yn[n] = "none" === t ? "block" : t;
          }(t.tagName))) : (t.___cd = x(t, "display"), = "none");
    }, cn.hide = function() {
      return this.toggle(!1);
    }, = function() {
      return this.toggle(!0);
    let xn = "___ce", wn = ".", _n = {
      focus: "focusin",
      blur: "focusout"
    }, jn = {
      mouseenter: "mouseover",
      mouseleave: "mouseout"
    }; = function(n, e, t) {
      let i = this;
      if (f(n)) this.each((function(n, e) {
        (c(e) || l(e) || s(e)) && E(e);
      })); else if (d(n)) p(e) && (t = e, e = ""), o(v(n), (function(n, o) {
        let r = z(o), a = r[0], p = r[1], d = M(a);
        i.each((function(n, o) {
          (c(o) || l(o) || s(o)) && (E(o, d, p, e, t), a !== d && E(o, a, p, e, t));
      })); else for (let e in n), n[e]);
      return this;
    }, cn.on = function(n, e, t, i, a) {
      let m = this;
      if (!d(n)) {
        for (let o in n) this.on(o, e, t, n[o], a);
        return this;
      return d(e) || (f(e) || u(e) ? e = "" : f(t) ? (t = e, e = "") : (i = t, t = e,
      e = "")), p(i) || (i = t, t = void 0), i ? (o(v(n), (function(n, o) {
        let p = z(o), d = p[0], f = p[1], u = M(d), h = d !== u, g = d in _n;
        u && m.each((function(n, o) {
          if (c(o) || l(o) || s(o)) {
            let n = function n(s) {
              if (h && (s.___ot ? s.___ot !== d : s.type !== d ||["___i" + d] && (delete["___i" + d],
              s.stopImmediatePropagation(), 1))) return;
              if (s.namespace && !A(f, s.namespace.split(wn))) return;
              let l = o;
              if (e) {
                let n =;
                for (;!r(n, e); ) {
                  if (n === o) return;
                  if (n = n.parentNode, !n) return;
                l = n, s.___cd = !0;
              } else if (g && s.___ot === d && o !== && o.contains( return;
              s.___cd && Object.defineProperty(s, "currentTarget", {
                configurable: !0,
                get: function() {
                  return l;
              }), Object.defineProperty(s, "data", {
                configurable: !0,
                get: function() {
                  return t;
              let c =, s, s.___td);
              a && E(o, u, f, e, n), !1 === c && (s.preventDefault(), s.stopPropagation());
            n.guid = i.guid = i.guid || pn.guid++, P(o, u, f, e, n), h && P(o, d, f, e, n);
      })), this) : this;
    }, = function(n, e, t, o) {
      return this.on(n, e, t, o, !0);
    }, cn.ready = function(n) {
      let e = function() {
        return setTimeout(n, 0, pn);
      return "loading" === L.readyState ? L.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", e) : e(),
    }, cn.trigger = function(n, e) {
      if (d(n)) {
        let e = z(n), t = e[0], o = e[1], i = M(t);
        if (!i) return this;
        let r = /^(mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop|click|dblclick)/i.test(i) ? "MouseEvents" : "HTMLEvents";
        (n = L.createEvent(r)).initEvent(i, !0, !0), n.namespace = o.join(wn), n.___ot = t;
      n.___td = e;
      let t = n.___ot in _n;
      return this.each((function(e, o) {
        t && p(o[n.___ot]) && (o["___i" + n.___ot] = !0, o[n.___ot]()), o.dispatchEvent(n);
    let kn = /%20/g, Sn = /\r?\n/g, In = /radio|checkbox/i;
    cn.serialize = function() {
      let n = "";
      return this.each((function(e, t) {
        o(t.elements || [ t ], (function(e, t) {
          if (!(t.disabled || ! || "FIELDSET" === t.tagName || /file|reset|submit|button|image/i.test(t.type) || In.test(t.type) && !t.checked)) {
            let e = q(t);
            if (!f(e)) {
              o(K(e) ? e : [ e ], (function(e, o) {
                n += function(n, e) {
                  return "&" + encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e.replace(Sn, "\r")).replace(kn, "+");
                }(, o);
      })), n.slice(1);
    }, cn.val = function(n) {
      return arguments.length ? this.each((function(e, t) {
        let i = t.multiple && t.options;
        if (i || In.test(t.type)) {
          let e = K(n) ?, String) : u(n) ? [] : [ n + "" ];
          i ? o(t.options, (function(n, t) {
            t.selected = 0 <= e.indexOf(t.value);
          }), !0) : t.checked = 0 <= e.indexOf(t.value);
        } else t.value = f(n) || u(n) ? "" : n;
      })) : this[0] && q(this[0]);
    }, cn.clone = function() {
      return, e) {
        return e.cloneNode(!0);
    }, cn.detach = function(n) {
      return g(this, n).each((function(n, e) {
        e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
      })), this;
    let $n = /^\s*<(\w+)[^>]*>/, Cn = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/, Un = {
      "*": B,
      tr: W,
      td: X,
      th: X,
      thead: F,
      tbody: F,
      tfoot: F
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      return V(arguments, this, !0, !0);
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      return V(arguments, this, !0, !0, !0, !1, !1, !0);
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      return this.before(n).remove();
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      return n.toUpperCase();
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      url: a,
      name: s
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      return n.replace(/.+\/\/|\/.+/g, "").replace(/\./g, "\\.");
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      match: /\/(ptv\/vplay\/|vplay_)/,
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    name: "咪咕",
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!important;}.o--log-message {display: inline-block;background-color: #4CAF50;color: #fff;padding: .25em .5em;margin-bottom: .25em;border-top-left-radius: 3px;border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;max-width: 800px;word-break: break-all;}.o--m.o--debug {max-width: 400px !important;margin: 0 auto !important;}.o--m.o--debug .mod_player > .player_container {max-height: 203px;}oo-iframes {visibility: hidden;pointer-events: none;position: fixed;bottom: 0;left: -9999px;max-width: 320px;max-height: 100px;display: block;}oo-iframes > iframe {max-width: 25%;display: inline-block;}.o--hide {display: none !important;}.o--vip-play {position: absolute;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: 1;margin: 1em;font-size: 14px;}.o--vip .o--vip-play {position: relative;font-size: 12px;background-color: #2d2d2e;margin: .5em 0 0;padding: .8em .5em .5em;}.is-play-in-page .o--vip-play {display: none;}.plyr--hide-controls ~ .o--vip-play {display: none;}.plyr--paused + .o--vip-play,.o--player:hover .o--vip-play {display: block !important;} {display: none !important;}.o--vip-play a {position: relative;margin-right: 8px;}.o--vip-play .o--sources a {background-color: #0db2fb;padding: .3em .75em .25em .75em;border-radius: 3px;color: #ffffff;cursor: pointer;opacity: .85;display: inline-flex;margin: .25em;}.o--vip-play .o--sources {background-color: #1c7ed6;}.o--vip-play .o--sources,.o--vip-play .o--sources a:hover {opacity: 1;font-weight: bold;}.o--vip-play .o--sources {border-bottom: 1.5px solid #FFEB3B;}.o--sniff-done {color: #4CAF50;}.o--play-url {color: #ffffff;padding: 1em 1em .5em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #000000;}.o--play-url a {color: #0db2fb !important;text-decoration: underline;cursor: pointer;font-weight: bold;}.o--play-url .o--span {font-size: .9em;color: #EEEEEE;display: block;opacity: .9;margin-top: .5em;}.o--play-url span {font-weight: bold;color: white;background-color: #FF5722;padding: .25em .5em;border-radius: 2px;}.o--play-url a span {color: #FF9800;}.o--play-url a:hover {color: #e67700 !important;}.o--player-box::before,.o--player-box::after {display: none !important;}.o--player {position: relative;height: 100%;max-height: 100%;background-color: #2d2d2e;overflow: hidden;z-index: " + MAX_Z_INDEX + ';}.o--player:not(.is-loaded) #o--player-iframe {display: none;} .o--player-bg {visibility: hidden;}.o--player-bg {position: absolute;top: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;right: 0;display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;flex-direction: column;font-size: 16px;color: #f1f3f5;background-color: #292929;box-shadow: 0 0 5px 0 #232325;overflow: hidden;border: 10px solid #1b1b1b;border-bottom-width: 15px;border-radius: 10px;border-bottom-left-radius: 50% 1%;border-bottom-right-radius: 50% 1%;transition: margin-right 1s;margin: .5em;padding-bottom: 1em;animation: o--tvflicker .5s infinite alternate;}.o--m .o--player-bg {font-size: 12px;border-width: 1em;}.o--sign {opacity: .1;margin-top: 1em;}.o--version {margin-left: 1em;font-size: .8em;opacity: .9;}.o--slogan {letter-spacing: 2px;color: #f8964c;}.o--slogan strong {font-size: 2.5em;text-shadow: 0 0 5px #ffa500, 0 0 5px #ffa500, 0 0 15px #ffa500, 0 0 20px #ffa500, 0 0 6px #ff0000, 0 0 10px #ff8d00, 0 0 9px #ff0000;color: #fff6a9;opacity: .8;transform: scale(0.9);display: inline-block;margin: 0 5px;}.o--slogan strong:first-child {animation: o--bopA 1s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) forwards infinite alternate, o--blink 12s infinite;}.o--slogan strong:last-child {animation: o--bopB 1s 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275) forwards infinite alternate, o--blink 12s 3s infinite;}.o--error-text {display: none;padding-top: 1em;letter-spacing: 1px;color: #F44336;} .o--slogan {color: #f76707;} .o--slogan strong {color: #d9480f;} .o--loader, + .o--vip-play {display: none;} .o--error-text {display: block;}.o--sniff-progress {position: absolute;left: 0;bottom: 0;height: 1px;width: 0;background-color: #fab132;border: 1px solid #bd7641;border-top-right-radius: 2px;transition: all 5s ease;} .o--sniff-progress, .o--sniff-progress {display: none;}.o--loader {border: 3.6px solid #ff974d;box-sizing: border-box;overflow: hidden;width: 2em;height: 2em;left: 50%;top: 50%;animation: o--loader-spin 2s linear infinite reverse;-webkit-filter: url(#o--l-f);filter: url(#o--l-f);box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #ff974d inset;}.o--loader:before {content: "";position: absolute;animation: o--loader-spin 2s cubic-bezier(0.59, 0.25, 0.4, 0.69) infinite;background: #ff974d;-webkit-transform-origin: top center;transform-origin: top center;border-radius: 50%;width: 150%;height: 150%;top: 50%;left: -12.5%;}.o--player .plyr__progress input[type=range] {cursor: pointer;}.o--video {height: 100%;width: 100%;background-color: black;} .o--collapse {transform:scaleX(-1);}.o--collapse-box:not(.is-open) .is-collapse {display: none !important;}.o--vip {position: relative;padding-bottom: 0.5em;background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);width: 100%;margin-bottom: .5em;margin-top: .5em;border-radius: 5px;box-shadow: 0 1px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}.o--vip + .o--vip {' + PurifyStyle + '}.o--vip-panel {display: flex;justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;padding: 10px 10px 0;font-size: 15px;width: 100%;}.o--vip-title {font-weight: bold;color: #257942;width: 100%;}.o--vip-small {font-size: 0.75em;margin: 0 10px;color: #ced4da;}.o--vip-panel, .o--vip-list {height: auto !important;}.o--menus {display: flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;}.o--menus > div {display: inline-flex;margin-right: 1.5em;cursor: pointer;position: relative;}.o--qrcode-box {background-color: white;padding: 1px 2px 1px 1px;border-radius: 2px;opacity: .65;}.o--m .o--qrcode-box {display: none;}.o--qrcode-box:hover {opacity: 1;}.o--qrcode-box svg {width: 20px;height: 20px;}.o--qrcode-box .o--qrcode {overflow: hidden;display: none;background-color: #fff;position: absolute;top: -35px;left: -110px;z-index: 1;box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.35);border-radius: 3px;}.o--qrcode img {width: 100px;height: 100px;}.o--qrcode-text {position: absolute;background-color: #fff;text-align: center;z-index: 2;top: -49px;left: -110px;width: 100px;border-radius: 3px;color: #F57C00;letter-spacing: 1px;font-size: 12px;display: none;}.o--qrcode-box:hover .o--qrcode,.o--qrcode-box:hover .o--qrcode-text {display: block;}.o--setting-button {animation: o--color-change-opacity 5s normal infinite ease-in-out;}.o--setting-button svg {width: 24px;height: 24px;}.o--setting-button:hover {color: #66BB6A;cursor: pointer;}.o--vip-list {padding: 0.5em;letter-spacing: 1px;}.o--vip-list .o--vip-item {border-radius: 4px;display: inline-block;white-space: nowrap;background-color: #eef6fc;color: #1d72aa;margin: 4px;padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.35em;cursor: pointer;font-size: 14px;line-height: 1.2;font-weight: 600;text-decoration: none;position: relative;overflow: hidden;transition: all 0.25s;text-align: center;} {content: "";position: absolute;bottom: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 2px;background-color: #2E7D32;}.o--vip-list .o--vip-sniff {width: 1.15em;}.o--vip:not(.is-allow-sniff) .o--vip-sniff {display: none;}.o--vip-sniff svg {display: block;}.o--vip-list .o--vip-item:hover, .o--vip-list .o--vip-item:active {background-color: #1d72aa;color: #eef6fc !important;}.o--vip-list {background-color: #2b8a3e;color: #eef6fc;} {background-color: #2f9e44;color: #eef6fc;},, .o--vip-item,.o--vip-list {cursor: not-allowed;pointer-events: none;opacity: 0.5 !important;} .o--vip-sniff {opacity: .95 !important;} .o--vip-sniff {animation: o--beat 0.25s infinite alternate;}.o--vip .o--sniff-progress {display: none;bottom: auto;top: 0;} .o--sniff-progress {display: block !important;}.o--setting-panel {border-top: 1px solid #616161;padding: 1em .5em;display: none;margin: .5em 0;transition: all 0.5s;} .o--setting-panel {display: block;} .o--vip-list {display: none;}.o--edit-vip-source-panel {text-align: center;margin: 1em 1em .5em;}.o--edit-vip-source-panel textarea {padding: .75em;font-size: 14px;letter-spacing: 1px;border-radius: 5px;width: calc(100% - 1.5em);min-height: 18em;box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);border: 1px solid #eee;overflow-y: scroll;}.o--edit-hint {text-align: left;margin: .5em;color: #4CAF50;text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #8BC34A;}.o--actions {text-align: right;}.o--action {color: wheat;letter-spacing: 1px;border: 1px solid;display: inline-flex;justify-content: center;align-items: center;padding: .15em .5em;border-radius: 3px;margin-right: 1em;cursor: pointer;background-color: #1b1b29;}.o--action a {color: #FF9800 !important;}.o--m .o--action {font-size: 12px;}.o--action:hover {color: #FFB74D;}.o--toggle .o--y, .o--toggle .o--n {font-weight: bold;font-size: 1.2em;margin-right: .15em;} .o--y {color: inherit;}.o--toggle:not(.is-n) .o--y {color: green;font-size: 1.5em;} .o--n {color: red;font-size: 1.5em;}.o--log-button {cursor: pointer;padding: 0 .35em;background-color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.9);box-shadow: 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);color: #9e774a;border-radius: 3px;display: inline-flex;}.o--log-button:hover {background-color: #9e774a;color: hsla(0,0%,100%,.9);}.o--jump {max-width: 1000px;margin: 0 auto;padding: 10px;}.o--vip .o--jump {max-width: unset;margin-top: 5px;}.o--jump + .o--jump {' + PurifyStyle + "}.o--jump a {display: inline-flex !important;align-items: center;justify-content: center;border-radius: 4px;font-size: 12px !important;line-height: 1.2;padding: 5px 10px 3px;margin-top: 8px;margin-right: 6px;white-space: nowrap;background-color: #effaf3 !important;color: #257942 !important;cursor: pointer;border: 1px solid #f1f3f5;text-decoration: none;transition: all 0.25s;}.o--jump a:hover,.o--jump {border: 1px solid #099268;background-color: #257942 !important;color: #effaf3 !important;}.o--jump {background-color: #ffdeeb !important;color: #d6336c !important;}.o--jump,.o--jump {border: 1px solid #f783ac;background-color: #d6336c !important;color: #ffdeeb !important;}.o--jump {background-color: #fff4e6 !important;color: #e8590c !important;}.o--jump,.o--jump {border: 1px solid #f76707;background-color: #e8590c !important;color: #fff4e6 !important;}.o--vip-list + .o--jump {border-top: 1px solid rgba(224, 224, 224, 0.25);}.o--vip-list + .o--jump .o--collapse:not(.is-collapse) {display: inline-flex !important;}.o--collapse {min-width: 2em;}";
      function goJump(n, e) {
        if (n instanceof Function) n(e); else {
          const t = "string" == typeof e ? $(e).eq(0).text() : "function" == typeof e ? e($) : getKeywordFromUrl(e);
          (Array.isArray(n) ? n : n.split(/\s*,\s*/)).forEach((function(n) {
            n = n.split(/\s*\|\s*/), insertSearchAddon(t, n[0], n[1] || "after");
      function addonGo() {
        const addon = ADDONS.find((function(n) {
          return Is(n.match);
        if (addon) {
          if (isFirstRunAddon) {
            let n = getBaseStyle();
            addon.hide && (n += "" + addon.hide + " {" + PurifyStyle + "}"), addon.css && (n += addon.css),
          _D && $("oo-logs").length, _D && $("oo-logs").length, $((function() {
            let _Mathmin = Math.min;
            const playAddon =;
            if (playAddon && Is(playAddon.match)) {
              if ( && 0 === $(".o--vip").length) {
                function formatPassedTime(n) {
                  return (( - n) / 1e3).toFixed(2) + "s";
                async function updateQrcode(url = Href) {
                  isMobile || (!qrcodeCode && (qrcodeCode = await fetchCdnUrl("/qrcode-generator/1.4.4/qrcode.min.js")),
                  eval(qrcodeCode), QR = qrcode(0, "L"), QR.addData(url), QR.make(), $(".o--qrcode-box").removeClass("o--hide"),
                function fixUrl(n) {
                  return n.replace(/[\?#].+/g, "");
                function fixVipUrl(n) {
                  const e = ADDONS.find((function(e) {
                    return Is(e.match, n) && &&;
                  return e ? !0 === ? fixUrl(n) : : n;
                function getVipTargetUrl() {
                  if (ooPlayUrl) return ooPlayUrl;
                  let n = location.href.replace(/&?\w+=http[^&]+/, "").replace(/.+http/, "http");
                  return n = decodeURI(fixVipUrl(n) || n), n;
                function canPlayInPage(n) {
                  return !isOnlyDownloadVideoUrlRegex.test(n) && (!/\/\/ || Is(""));
                function toShortVideoUrl(n) {
                  const e = n.match(shortVideoUrlRegex) || n.match(shortVideoUrlLoseRegex);
                  return e ? e[1].split(".").slice(-2).join(".") + " ... " + e[e.length - 2].slice(-10) + "<span> . " + e[e.length - 1] + "</span>" : n;
                function fixIframeUrl(n) {
                  return n.replace(/\/?\?.+/, "");
                function getIframeId(n) {
                  return iframes[fixIframeUrl(n)];
                function getIframe(n) {
                  return frames[getIframeId(n)];
                function setIframe(n, e) {
                  iframes[fixIframeUrl(n)] = e;
                function addIframe(n, e = "oo-iframes") {
                  const t = document.createElement("iframe");
                  return = uuid(), t.frameborder = "0", t.scrolling = "no", t.seamless = !0,
                  t.sandbox = "allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms", n && (t.src = n, setIframe(n,,
                  $(e).append(t), t;
                function removeIframe(n = "oo-iframes > iframe") {
                  const e = $("string" == typeof n ? n.startsWith("oo-iframes") ? n : "#" + n : ? "#" + : n).get(0);
                  e && (e.src = "about:blank", $(e).remove());
                function emptyIframes() {
                  $("oo-iframes > iframe").each((function(n, e) {
                  })), $("oo-iframes").empty();
                function getSniffTime(n) {
                  const e = sniffTimes[fixIframeUrl(n)];
                  return e ? formatPassedTime(e) : "0s";
                function sniffStart() {
                  isSniffing = !0, sniffTimestamp =, sniffUrls = [], sniffUrlsKey = [],
                  $(".o--player").empty(), $("html").addClass("o--sniffing"), $(".o--vip").removeClass("is-play-in-page");
                function sniffDone() {
                  formatPassedTime(sniffStartTime), isSniffing = !1, emptyIframes(), $(".o--sniff-progress").css({
                    width: "100%"
                  }), $(".o--vip").removeClass("is-sniffing").addClass("is-sniff-done"), $("html").removeClass("o--sniffing"),
                  0 < sniffUrls.length && 0 === $(".o--sniff-done").length && $(".o--vip-play .o--sources").length && $(".o--vip-play .o--sources").append('<span class="o--sniff-done">✔</span>');
                function sniffSuccess(n, e) {
                  const t = (n = decodeURIComponent(n).replace(/^(http:)?\/\//, "https://")).replace(/\?.+/, "");
                  if (sniffUrlsKey.includes(t)) return;
                  sniffUrlsKey.push(t), sniffUrls.push(n);
                  const o = sniffUrls.length, i = n.match(isVideoUrlRegex)[1];
                  $(".o--vip-play .o--sources").append('<a _href="' + n + '" class="is-' + i + '">线路' + o + "</a>"),
                  $(".o--vip-play .o--sources a").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                    const n = $(this).attr("_href");
                    let e = document.querySelector(".o--player video");
                    e || ($(".o--player").prepend('<video class="o--video" poster="' + PlayerCover + '" controls playsinline></video>'),
                    e = document.querySelector(".o--player video"));
                    const t = getGlobal("Plyr"), o = getGlobal("Hls");
                    if (!player && t && (player = new t(e, {
                      debug: _D,
                      invertTime: !1,
                      autoplay: !0,
                      volume: .75,
                      speed: {
                        selected: 1,
                        options: [ .5, .75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2 ]
                      storage: {
                        enabled: !0,
                        key: storePrefix + "plyr"
                    }), player.on("enterfullscreen", (function() {
                    })), player.on("exitfullscree", (function() {
                    }))), $(".o--player-bg").remove(), /\.m3u8/.test(n) && o && o.isSupported()) {
                      const t = new o;
                      t.loadSource(n), t.attachMedia(e), t.on(o.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, (function() {
                    } else e.src = n, e.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", (function() {
                    $(".o--play-url").html('来源:<a _href="' + n + '">' + toShortVideoUrl(n) + "</a>" + (canPlayInPage(n) ? '<span class="o--span">如果全部线路都无法播放,可以点击来源链接下载来播放,或使用单个解析播放。</span>' : '<span class="o--span is-warning"><span>该链接无法在当前站点播放,请点击来源下载播放</span></span>')),
                    $(".o--play-url a").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                      const n = $(this).attr("_href");
                      isHiker && window.fy_bridge_app.playVideo ? window.fy_bridge_app.playVideo(n) : isMixia && window.mx_browser_obj.playvideo ? window.mx_browser_obj.playvideo(n, n) :, "_blank", "noopener");
                    })), $(".o--vip-play .o--sources a").removeClass("is-active"), $(this).addClass("is-active");
                  })), 1 === o ? ($(".o--vip-play .o--sources a").get(0).click(), $(".o--vip").addClass("is-sniff-success"),
                  $(".o--vip-play").removeClass("is-hide")) : setTimeout((function() {
                    player && player.ready && 0 === player.duration && $(".o--vip-play .o--sources a").get(o - 1).click();
                  }), isMobile ? 3200 : 2800);
                function sniffFail() {
                  sniffDone(), $(".o--player-bg").addClass("is-fail"), $(".o--vip").addClass("is-sniff-fail");
                function iSniff() {}
                function hikerSniff(sniffTickId) {
                  if (sniffTickId !== sniffTick) return;
                  let resource = eval(window.fy_bridge_app.getNetworkRecords());
                  resource = resource.filter((function(n) {
                    return n.timestamp > sniffTimestamp && /video/i.test( && isValidVideoUrl(n.url);
                  })), isSniffing && (resource.forEach((function(n) {
                  })), setTimeout((function() {
                  }), 100));
                function mixiaSniff(n) {
                  if (n !== sniffTick) return;
                  let e = [], t = window.mx_browser_obj.getweblogs("http");
                  "error" !== t && (e = t.trim().split(/\s*\n[\n\s]*/), e = e.filter((function(n) {
                    return isValidVideoUrl(n);
                  }))), isSniffing && (e.forEach((function(n) {
                  })), setTimeout((function() {
                  }), 100));
                function insertPlayerHtml(n = "") {
                  const e = '<div class="o--player-bg"><div class="o--sniff-progress"></div><div class="o--loader">' + Icon.loader + '</div><div class="o--sign">(o˘◡˘o)<span class="o--version">v ' + VERSION + '</span></div><div class="o--slogan"><strong>觅</strong>即知君不可见,挥毫点染湖山<strong>影</strong></div><div class="o--error-text">解析失败,可以尝试使用单个解析播放,或者到其它正版网站上解析</div></div>', t = getVipPlayer();
                  t && ($(t).empty().append('<div class="o--player">' + e + n + "</div>"), $(".o--player").parent().addClass("o--player-box"));
                function sniff(n) {
                  if (sniffStart(), isAllowIframeSniff) iSniff(); else if (isAllowHikerSniff) hikerSniff(n); else {
                    if (!isAllowMixiaSniff) return void sniffDone();
                  insertPlayerHtml(isMobile ? "" : '<div class="o--vip-play is-hide"><div class="o--sources"></div><div class="o--play-url"></div></div>'),
                  isMobile && ($(".o--vip-play").remove(), $(".o--vip-panel").after('<div class="o--vip-play is-hide"><div class="o--sources"></div><div class="o--play-url"></div></div>')),
                  pausePlay(), sniffUrls = [], sniffTimes = {}, goSniff();
                function goSniff(n = 0) {
                  if (!isSniffing) return;
                  const e = V_U[n], t = (n + 1) / (V_U.length + 1), o = (sniffUrls.length + 1) / MAX_SNIFF_PLAY_COUNT, i = _Mathmin(10 * (2.5 * t + 2.5 * o + 5 * _Mathmax(t, o) + .5), 99).toFixed(4) + "%";
                  if ($(".o--sniff-progress").css({
                    width: i
                  }), !e) {
                    const n = setInterval((function() {
                      0 === $("oo-iframes > iframe").length && (clearInterval(n), 0 === sniffUrls.length ? sniffFail() : sniffDone());
                    }), 1e3);
                  if (sniffUrls.length >= MAX_SNIFF_PLAY_COUNT + (player && player.ready && 0 < player.duration ? -1 : 2)) return void sniffDone();
                  const r = getVipTargetUrl(), a = M_VipUrl(e) + r;
                  sniffTimes[fixIframeUrl(a)] =;
                  const s = addIframe(a), l = isMobile ? 7 : 5;
                  s.onload = function() {
                    setTimeout((function() {
                      removeIframe(s, "TIMEOUT");
                    }), 12e3);
                  }, setTimeout((function() {
                    removeIframe(s, "MAX TIMEOUT");
                  }), 15e3), function e() {
                    const t = $("oo-iframes > iframe").length;
                    if (t > l - 1) setTimeout((function() {
                    }), 100); else {
                      const e = player && player.ready && 0 < player.duration ? 200 * t : 0, o = t < l - 2 ? isMobile ? _Mathmin(150 * sniffUrls.length + 150 * t + 800, 1200) : _Mathmin(150 * sniffUrls.length + 200 * t + 1e3, 1500) : 150;
                      setTimeout((function() {
                        goSniff(n + 1);
                      }), o + e);
                async function autoSniffPlay() {
                  await playBefore(), 0 < sniffTick && sniffDone(), sniffStartTime =, sniff(++sniffTick),
                  $(".o--vip").removeClass("is-sniff-success is-sniff-done").addClass("is-sniffing");
                function pausePlay() {
                  try {
                    $("video:not(.o--video), audio").each((function(n, e) {
                      e.pause(), e.muted = !0, $("video:not(.o--video), audio").each((function(n, e) {
                    const n =, e = setInterval((function() {
                      const t = - n, o = getGlobal("playerObject") || getGlobal("MGTVPlayer") && getGlobal("MGTVPlayer").player || getGlobal("videoPlayer") || getGlobal("PLAYER");
                      o && o.pause instanceof Function && o.pause(), (!o || t > 6e4) && clearInterval(e);
                    }), 60);
                  } catch (n) {}
                async function playBefore() {
                  $(".o--vip-play").removeClass("is-hide"), isLoadPlayer || (addCss("/plyr/3.5.10/plyr.css"),
                  await addJs("/hls.js/0.13.2/hls.min.js"), await addJs("/plyr/3.5.10/plyr.min.js"),
                  isLoadPlayer = !0);
                function getVipPlayer() {
                  return $(PlayerSelector).get(0) || $("#player, .player").get(0);
                function playInPage(n) {
                  $(".o--player").removeClass("is-loaded"), getVipPlayer() ? (pausePlay(), insertPlayerHtml('<iframe id="o--player-iframe" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none; outline: none;"  width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen="true" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms" src="' + n + '"></iframe>')) : location.href = n,
                  setTimeout((function() {
                  }), 1500);
                function playVipUrl(n) {
                  if (!n) return;
                  const e = n + getVipTargetUrl();
                  $(".o--vip").removeClass("is-sniff-success is-sniff-done is-sniffing").addClass("is-play-in-page"),
                  updateQrcode(e), isPlayingInPage && !/http:/.test(n) ? playInPage(e) : (pausePlay(),
                  $("#o--player-iframe").remove(), $(".o--player").removeClass("is-loaded"), setTimeout((function() {
          , "_blank");
                  }), 100));
                function playVipItem(n) {
                  const e = 0 < $(n).length;
                  let t = e ? $(n).hasClass("o--vip-sniff") ? "auto" : $(n).attr("_href") : Store.get("lastPlayChoice", "");
                  $(".o--vip-item").removeClass("is-active"), e ? $(n).addClass("is-active") : t.startsWith("http") ? ($(".o--vip-item:not(.o--vip-sniff)").each((function() {
                    $(this).attr("_href") === t && $(this).addClass("is-active");
                  })), playVipUrl(t)) : $(".o--vip-item.o--vip-sniff").addClass("is-active"), isSniffing && sniffDone(),
                  t.startsWith("http") ? playVipUrl(t) : autoSniffPlay(), Store.set("lastPlayChoice", t);
                function M_Source(n) {
                  return n.replace(/(\w+)/g, (function(n, e) {
                    return M_String(e);
                function M_VipUrl(n) {
                  const e = M_Source(n);
                  return "https://" + e + (e.includes("?") ? "" : (e.endsWith(".") ? "php" : /\/$/.test(e) ? "" : "/") + "?url") + "=";
                function insertVipSource(n, e = "after", t = 0) {
                  if (0 < $(".o--vip").length || 20 < t) return;
                  const o = $(n);
                  if (0 === o.length) return void setTimeout((function() {
                    insertVipSource(n, e, t + 1);
                  }), 250);
                  const i = vipUrls.length > collapseNum;
                  o.eq(0)[e]('<div class="o--vip' + (isAllowSniff ? " is-allow-sniff" : "") + '"><div class="o--sniff-progress"></div><div class="o--vip-panel"><div class="o--vip-title"><span class="o--vip-title-text">' + PLUGIN_NAME + '<span class="o--vip-small">v' + VERSION + "</span></span>" + (_D ? '<span class="o--log-button">LOG</span>' : "") + '</div><div class="o--menus"><div class="o--qrcode-box o--hide">' + Icon.qrcode + '<div class="o--qrcode-text">手机扫码看</div><div class="o--qrcode"></div></div><div class="o--setting-button">' + Icon.settings + '</div></div></div><div class="o--setting-panel"><div class="o--actions"><div class="o--action o--toggle o--action-pip' + (isPlayingInPage ? "" : " is-n") + '"><span class="o--y">是</span><span class="o--n">否</span>开启原网页解析播放</div><div class="o--action"><a href="" target="_blank">油猴地址</a></div></div><div class="o--edit-vip-source-panel"><div class="o--edit-hint">编辑后,刷新页面生效,清空会恢复为默认(原网页解析只支持 https 开头的解析)</div><textarea placeholder="清空会使用默认值">' + customVipUrls.trim() + '</textarea></div></div><div class="o--vip-list"><span class="o--vip-item o--vip-sniff">' + + "</span>" + {
                    return '<span class="o--vip-item' + (n.url.startsWith("https") ? " is-play-in-page" : "") + '" _href="' + n.url + '">' + + "</span>";
                  })).join("") + (i ? '<span class="o--vip-item o--normal o--collapse">➢</span>' : "") + "</div></div>"),
                  i && smartCollapse(".o--vip-item");
                  let r = 0, a = setInterval((function() {
                    $(".o--setting-button").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                    })), $(".o--toggle").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                      $(this).toggleClass("is-n"), $(this).hasClass("o--action-pip") && (isPlayingInPage = !isPlayingInPage,
                      GlobalStore.set("isPlayingInPage", isPlayingInPage));
                    })), $(".o--edit-vip-source-panel textarea").off("input").on("input", (function() {
                      GlobalStore.set("VipUrls", $(this).val());
                    })), $(".o--vip-item:not(.o--normal)").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                    })), $(".o--log-button").off("click").on("click", (function() {
                    })), 100 < r++ && clearInterval(a);
                  }), _Mathmin(200 + 50 * r, 1e3));
                const VipUrls = "景云\n南乔\n安歌\n清和\n胜蓝\n维夏\n琼华\n博衍\n乐康\n斯年\n望舒\n风藤\n秋桑\n凌泉\n天冬\n紫芙\n川柏\n信石\n文竹", PlayerSelector = "#iframaWrapper, #mgtv-player-wrap, #sohuplayer .x-player, #wPlayer, #video-box, #playerbox, .td-h5__player, .td-playbox, .iqp-player, .g-play .video-area, #mod_player, #playBox, #j-player, #video, .m-video-player, .site_player", D_V_U = "job.138us.npd·wi,,,·wi.,xxx.odjzmbjr.npd·jwfji·wfcmj.,jwfji.l192.npd,·oju.,wi.usjzvpz.npd,wi.xzz88.npd,f177.npd,job.jyv7.npd,xxx.ukewm.npd,wi.fgdbk.fn·dd,u.czd6.npd·oju,wi.190111.ops·wi,wi.22ab.ops·oju,wi.wpa9us.npd·1819·jwfji,wilp.dd,9xlrwi.npd·oju,·oju·oju.,wi.h907.npd,·jwfji,wi.dsxkf.npd·oju,·jwfji,job.wivhjt.npd,job.134247.ops·oju,job.7u.sbgd,wi.94nl.ops·wi,·jwfji,job.wi2.ops·oju,u.fjipbanm.npd·jqhmjn·jqhmjn.,·u.,mcd.vihmbz.oju·l,job.wi638.npd·oju,xxx.upnld.oju·job.,wi.74hmjwve.npd·jwfji,xxx.wi9g.npd·jwfji.,xxx.xqpsbqstjmjncb.npd·pfcju.,·jwfji.,oju.tpon.mfq·u,wi.190111.ops·wi,job.jwfji.bk,xxx.mvz6060.npd·wi·zs.,bbbri.npd·wi.,xxx.jwfjivhmbo.dd·jwfji.,·wi", MAX_SNIFF_PLAY_COUNT = 10;
                let isAllowIframeSniff = GlobalStore.get("isAllowIframeSniff") || !1;
                const isHiker = !!window.fy_bridge_app, isMixia = !!window.mx_browser_obj, isAllowHikerSniff = isHiker && !!window.fy_bridge_app.getNetworkRecords, isAllowMixiaSniff = isMixia && !!window.mx_browser_obj.getweblog;
                let player, isAllowSniff = isAllowHikerSniff || isAllowMixiaSniff || isAllowIframeSniff, sniffTimestamp =, isSniffing = !1, sniffTick = 0, sniffUrls = [], sniffUrlsKey = [], isPlayingInPage = GlobalStore.get("isPlayingInPage") || !isMobile, isLoadPlayer = !1, sniffTimes = {}, sniffStartTime =, QR = "", qrcodeCode = "";
                const iframes = {};
                E.on("playurl.change", (function({autoPlay: n}) {
                  n ? playVipItem($("")) : (sniffDone(), $(".o--vip-item").removeClass("is-active"));
                })), E.on("enable.sniff", (function(n) {
                  n.from === PlayerCover && removeIframe(), isAllowIframeSniff || (isAllowIframeSniff = !0,
                  isAllowSniff = !0, GlobalStore.set("isAllowIframeSniff", !0), $(".o--vip").addClass("is-allow-sniff"));
                })), E.on("", (function(n) {
                  removeIframe(getIframeId(n.from)), sniffSuccess(n.url, n.from);
                })), E.on("", (function(n) {
                  if (isAllowSniff) {
                const charToNum = function(n) {
                  return n.charCodeAt(0) - 97;
                }, numToChar = function(n) {
                  return (0, String.fromCharCode)(97 + n);
                }, M_Number = function(n) {
                  return +n + (1 == n % 2 ? -1 : 1);
                }, M_Letter = function(n) {
                  return numToChar(M_Number(charToNum(n)));
                }, M_Char = function(n) {
                  return /[a-z]/i.test(n) ? M_Letter(n) : /\d/.test(n) ? M_Number(n) : "";
                }, M_String = function(n) {
                  return n.split("").reverse().map((function(n) {
                    return M_Char(n);
                }, V_U = "job.138us.npd·wi,,,·wi.,xxx.odjzmbjr.npd·jwfji·wfcmj.,jwfji.l192.npd,·oju.,wi.usjzvpz.npd,wi.xzz88.npd,f177.npd,job.jyv7.npd,xxx.ukewm.npd,wi.fgdbk.fn·dd,u.czd6.npd·oju,wi.190111.ops·wi,wi.22ab.ops·oju,wi.wpa9us.npd·1819·jwfji,wilp.dd,9xlrwi.npd·oju,·oju·oju.,wi.h907.npd,·jwfji,wi.dsxkf.npd·oju,·jwfji,job.wivhjt.npd,job.134247.ops·oju,job.7u.sbgd,wi.94nl.ops·wi,·jwfji,job.wi2.ops·oju,u.fjipbanm.npd·jqhmjn·jqhmjn.,·u.,mcd.vihmbz.oju·l,job.wi638.npd·oju,xxx.upnld.oju·job.,wi.74hmjwve.npd·jwfji,xxx.wi9g.npd·jwfji.,xxx.xqpsbqstjmjncb.npd·pfcju.,·jwfji.,oju.tpon.mfq·u,wi.190111.ops·wi,job.jwfji.bk,xxx.mvz6060.npd·wi·zs.,bbbri.npd·wi.,xxx.jwfjivhmbo.dd·jwfji.,·wi".replace(/·/g, "/").split(","), NoMobileVipUrlRegex = /jx\.wslmf\.com/, customVipUrls = (GlobalStore.get("VipUrls") || "").trim() || "景云\n南乔\n安歌\n清和\n胜蓝\n维夏\n琼华\n博衍\n乐康\n斯年\n望舒\n风藤\n秋桑\n凌泉\n天冬\n紫芙\n川柏\n信石\n文竹", vipUrls = ensureArray(customVipUrls).map((function(n) {
                  let e = n.split(/\s+/);
                  if (n = e.pop(), !/^http.+=/.test(n)) return {};
                  let t = 0 < e.length ? e.join(" ") : n.match(/\/\/(.+\.)?([^\/]+)\.\w+\//)[2].replace(/^(\w)/, (function(n) {
                    return n.toUpperCase();
                  return {
                    url: n,
                    name: t
                })).filter((function(n) {
                  return n.url && (!isMobile || !NoMobileVipUrlRegex.test(n.url));
                isCheckIframeSniff || ($("html").append('<oo-iframes style="visibility: hidden; position: fixed; bottom: 0; pointer-events: none;"></oo-iframes>'),
                addIframe(PlayerCover), isCheckIframeSniff = !0);
                const vips = Array.isArray( ? : [ ];
                if (vips.forEach((function(n) {
                  insertVipSource((n = n.split(/\s*\|\s*/))[0], n[1]);
                })), playAddon.title) {
                  let n = 0, e = setInterval((function() {
                    let t = $(playAddon.title).eq(0).text();
                    t && (clearInterval(e), insertSearchAddon(t, ".o--vip-list", "after")), 100 < n++ && clearInterval(e);
                  }), 100);
              playAddon.jump && goJump(playAddon.jump, playAddon.title), playAddon.js instanceof Function && playAddon.js();
            const searchAddon =;
            searchAddon && Is(searchAddon.match) && searchAddon.jump && (goJump(searchAddon.jump, searchAddon.keyword),
            searchAddon.js instanceof Function && searchAddon.js()), addon.js instanceof Function && addon.js();
          })), isFirstRunAddon = !1;
        } else isFirstRunAddon && ($("html").removeClass("o--m o--pc o--debug"), setTimeout((function() {
        }), 1e3));
      function urlDetector() {
        setInterval((function() {
          !function() {
            if (Href !== window.location.href) {
              const n = Href;
              Href = window.location.href, E.emit("url.change", {
                newUrl: Href,
                oldUrl: n
        }), 250);
      const Icon = {
        vip: '<svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 18 18" role="img" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M17.731,6.27l-2.771-4.464c-0.332-0.534-0.906-0.852-1.538-0.852h-2.364c-0.553,0-1,0.448-1,1s0.447,1,1,1h2.261l2.628,4.232l-6.955,7.58L2.053,7.187l2.628-4.233h2.33c0.552,0,1-0.448,1-1s-0.448-1-1-1H4.577c-0.623,0-1.212,0.327-1.537,0.853L0.267,6.272c-0.416,0.671-0.346,1.521,0.189,2.133l7.475,8.167c0.275,0.313,0.663,0.475,1.056,0.475c0.324,0,0.651-0.11,0.92-0.336l7.648-8.321C18.077,7.794,18.148,6.943,17.731,6.27z"></path><path d="M4.517,6.167C4.108,6.538,4.078,7.171,4.45,7.58l3.81,4.19c0.189,0.208,0.458,0.327,0.739,0.327c0,0,0,0,0,0c0.281,0,0.55-0.118,0.739-0.327l3.81-4.184c0.372-0.409,0.343-1.041-0.066-1.413c-0.407-0.372-1.039-0.342-1.412,0.066L9,9.612L5.929,6.234C5.558,5.826,4.926,5.796,4.517,6.167z"></path></svg>',
        loader: '<svg><defs><filter id="o--l-f"><feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="2" result="blur" /><feColorMatrix in="blur" mode="matrix" values="1 0 0 0 0  0 1 0 0 0  0 0 1 0 0  0 0 0 5 -2" result="gooey" /><feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="gooey" operator="atop"/></filter></defs></svg>',
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        qrcode: '<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M160 0H0v160h160V0zm-32 128H32V32h96v96z"/><path d="M64 64h32v32H64zM352 0v160h160V0H352zm128 128h-96V32h96v96z"/><path d="M416 64h32v32h-32zM0 512h160V352H0v160zm32-128h96v96H32v-96z"/><path d="M64 416h32v32H64zM256 0h64v32h-64zM256 128h32V96h32V64h-96V32h-32v64h64zM192 128h32v32h-32zM320 160h-32v32h-96v32h128zM32 288h32v-32H32v-64H0v128h32zM64 192h32v32H64z"/><path d="M192 320h64v-32h-32v-32h-64v-64h-32v64H96v64h32v-32h64zM288 256h32v64h-32zM288 352h-96v32h64v96h-64v32h96v-32h64v-32h-64z"/><path d="M192 416h32v32h-32zM320 352h32v64h-32zM480 416h-96v96h32v-64h64z"/><path d="M448 480h64v32h-64zM480 352h32v32h-32zM384 384h32v-96h-64v32h32zM448 224h-32v-32h-32v32h-32v32h128v-32h32v-32h-64zM448 288h64v32h-64z"/></svg>'
      let isFirstRunAddon = !0, isCheckIframeSniff = !1;
      try {
      } catch (n) {}