Greasy Fork is available in English.

DSA Seasonal

Applies seasonal theme to DSA

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v3.5 2021-11-23
  • v3.5 2020-02-14 // Since v03.40: Working on a fixing the holiday selection scanning
  • v3.4 2019-10-21 // Since v03.30: Tweaked Halloween theme. Fixed defects regarding hosts and page2image display
  • v3.3 2019-10-01 // Since v03.20: Added Metroid Theme
  • v3.2 2019-09-24 // Since v03.10: Added some missing button font colors for 3 themes. audio bugfix for undefined error on success/failure pages. Removes Tamper Global script dependency
  • v3.1 2019-08-05 // Since v03.00: Turned off debug mode by default. Adopted modern iffe code structure, thus allowing user-defined preferences (themes). Ignoring colors for accordion "buttons"
  • v3.0 2019-07-30 // Since v02.40: Revised data structure. Added MAR10 Day. Added sounds.
  • v2.3 2019-06-13 // Since v02.20: converted dorkforce images to https
  • v2.2 2019-05-14 // Since v02.10: Adjusting Mother's Day date
  • v2.1 2019-04-23 // Since v02.00: adapting to
  • v2 2019-02-28 // Since v01.87: Fixed remaining images by moving them to publicly-accessible, reliable host. Removed Spring Forward because it was too close in look to Mother's Day and too close in time to St Pats
  • v1.87 2019-02-28 // Since v01.86: Adjusting timing of Groundhog Day. Moved source of Valentines images, PresidentsDay images, StPats. Tweaked Days.
  • v1.86 2019-01-25 // Since v01.80: Adjusted timing of Daylight Saving Time Ends. Adding scrolling and/or animating backgrounds. Added Groundhog Day.
  • v1.85 2018-12-21 // Since v01.80: Adjusted timing of Daylight Saving Time Ends. Adding scrolling and/or animating backgrounds
  • v1.8 2018-11-06 // Since v01.70: Tweaks background on swagger pages
  • v1.7 2018-11-02 // Since v01.60: Daylight Saving Time Ends Updated
  • v1.6 2018-10-17 // Since v01.50: Tweaked Halloween image & colors
  • v1.5 2018-09-20 // Since v01.40: Changed Senior background. Not final. Added diff to console log when showing a theme. Halloween adjusted. Gonna have to figure out how to more accurately grab holidays, someday.
  • v1.4 2018-08-15 // Since v01.30: Converted date format to ISO, to avoid future failure
  • v1.3 2018-08-07 // Since v01.20: Added Senior Citizens Day
  • v1.2 2018-07-05 // Sinve v01.10: Updated 4th July banner; it was being "checked" :)
  • v1.1 2018-06-21 // Since v01.00: Father's Day color tweak. Added Independence Day. TWEAKED DATE CALCULATION!
  • v1 2018-06-04 // Since v0.961: Added Father's Day, Daylight Savings Time Ends, Halloween - thus completes about a 1-year cycle
  • v0.961 2018-04-24
  • v0.961 2018-04-03 // Since v0.96: Tweaked link colors of Tax Day
  • v0.96 2018-04-02 // Since v0.95: Added Tax/Theft Day
  • v0.95 2018-03-20 // Since v0.94: Annoying Easter header image swapped
  • v0.94 2018-03-05 // Since v0.93: Added St. Patrick's Day
  • v0.93 2018-02-21 // Since v0.92: TM library link changed. Tweak Spring Forward. Add option to invert; will need work later
  • v0.92 2018-02-21 // Since v0.91: Tweaked Spring Forward's colors
  • v0.91 2018-02-15 // Since v0.9: Tweaked President's Day colors
  • v0.9 2018-01-15 // Since v0.8: Disabled show-off theme control keyboard keys
  • v0.8 2018-01-03 // Since v0.7: Fixed MLK, added Presidents
  • v0.7 2018-01-02 // Since v0.6: Added Martin Luther King Day and Valentine's Day
  • v0.6 2017-11-17 // Since v0.5: Renamed. Tweaked Thanksgiving occurence. Added logging when no holiday is selected.
  • v0.5 2017-11-09 // Since v0.3: Hacky keyboard toggling between 4 themes
  • v0.4 2017-11-08 // Since v0.3: Hacky keyboard toggling between 4 themes
  • v0.3 2017-11-08 // Since v0.2: Temporary full-web-accessible background images
  • v0.2 2017-11-08 // Since v0.01 : gets next holiday and applies theme within X days of its date
  • v0.1 2017-10-31