Greasy Fork is available in English.
Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.
Fix for svg radicals where === '' instead of null
Remove debug code
User WK's built-in "" component for SVG radicals.
Fix styling of radicals
Updated to use radical SVGs with inline styles (non-styled SVGs were removed from WK)
Use WK css color variables
Fix kana vocab on error summary screen
Fix background color of kana vocab
Add support for Kana Vocabulary
Add support for auxiliary_meanings whitelist
Added auto-loading of jquery via Open Framework on Wanikani pages where jquery has been removed.
In error summary, show question as English for English->Japanese.
Added kanji to Help info when answer is reading and the question does not include the kanji.
Fix 'FontAwesome' icons after WK update.
Fixed item colors on summary screen.
Show all script versions