Greasy Fork is available in English.


choose your favourite MusicBrainz server (http/https, main/beta) and no link will ever send you to the others

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v2016.6.15 2023-11-19

    FIX #147: Doesn’t work in (and probably lots of other places).

    bypass mbPREFERRED-MBS in SERVERSWITCH and in canonical MBS links

    FIX: Doesn’t work when anchor has non‐BDI child node(s). ex.: (maybe it’s a bit overkill to include a lib for that…)

    Visually mark changed anchors. Criss‐Cross‐Combine features of mb-Preferred-MBS × USO-to-USMO.

    FIX: “//…” are changed even if no need.

    missing semicolon

    FIX #149: “Artist edit history” links marked as modified.

    Merge branch 'master' of

    cleaner comparison

    Also redirect form submissions to preferred MBS.

    Allow same pass‐through (ctrl+alt+shift) on forms.

    Stay in HTTPS when logging in!

    Default preferred MBS is main. In line with restoring main server support on master branch.

    Avoid forcing passwords over HTTP completely.

    State of the art link transformer® from arte_NO-AUTOPLAY

    FIX #184: login is redirected to unsecure

    Ayush and Mpkstroff’s “Snap Links” v1.9.5 support

    FIX: Snap Links event listener slows down other user scripts.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.

    Add “open edits” link. Remove addNormal and preferredProtocol (redundant with mb_PREFERRED-MBS). Fix “edit” and “open edit” links for “user” entities. Display entity type with explicit text (no longer only icon).

    Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.

    Report #253 regression fix

    Merge branch 'master' into #244y-van-zall-shook-up-links



  • v2021.1.19.2099 2021-02-03 Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere
  • v2021.1.19.2099 2021-02-01 eslint recommended: first pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2019.9.13.3 2020-11-25 Use // (allowed by GF) … for require(d) libraries instead of // One dependency less towards #396 (abandon mirrors). Also give less emphasis on mirrors and update compatibilities in README files.
  • v2019.9.13b 2020-11-23 Merge branch 'master' of
  • v2019.9.13b 2020-10-18 Carriage return cleanup (#490) Replace my \r\n with just \n that seems to work everywhere now.
  • v2019.9.13 2019-09-13 Workaround Firefox Content Security Policy issue Part of #447 Firefox script review for CSP issue. I have to check other scripts. Violentmonkey itself should have it fixed so that we would not have to change all scripts that try to run on GitHub like sites. Workaround does not seem to break in Vivaldi, hopefully.
  • v2019.9.13 2019-09-13 Workaround Firefox Content Security Policy issue Part of #447 Firefox script review for CSP issue. I have to check other scripts. Violentmonkey itself should have it fixed so that we would not have to change all scripts that try to run on GitHub like sites. Workaround does not seem to break in Vivaldi, hopefully.
  • v2019.4.12 2019-04-12 FIX #429: Links with bogus spaces don’t trigger the script
  • v2018.4.12 2019-04-12 FIX #429: Links with bogus spaces don’t trigger the script
  • v2018.4.4 2018-09-27 FIX #358: has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.4.4 2018-04-04 FIX #396: GF and OUJS: Abandon or continue to adapt GF mirror should now update back again as I’ve reverted to GF hosted libraries. OUJS mirror support was already fixed by new licences (#358).
  • v2017.1.28 2018-01-04 cosmetic
  • v2017.1.28 2017-12-04 update browser support
  • v2017.1.28 2017-01-28 Synced from GitHub - MBS: MB is now only HTTPS
  • v2016.11.15 2016-11-15 Synced from GitHub - FIX #258: Discourse click tracker problem - Work-around #258 (better fix): Discourse click tracker problem
  • v2016.6.15 2016-06-16 Synced from GitHub - Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.
  • v2016.4.17 2016-05-25 Synced from GitHub - Add “open edits” link. Remove addNormal and preferredProtocol (redundant with mb_PREFERRED-MBS). Fix “edit” and “open edit” links for “user” entities. Display entity type with explicit text (no longer only icon).
  • v2016.4.17 2016-05-17 Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.4.17 2016-04-16 Synced from GitHub - Ayush and Mpkstroff’s “Snap Links” v1.9.5 support - FIX: Snap Links event listener slows down other user scripts.
  • v2016.4.8 2016-04-07 Synced from GitHub - State of the art link transformer® from arte_NO-AUTOPLAY - FIX #184: login is redirected to unsecure
  • v2016.2.22.1122 2016-02-22 Synced from GitHub - Avoid forcing passwords over HTTP completely.
  • v2016.2.22 2016-02-22 Synced from GitHub - Default preferred MBS is main. In line with restoring main server support on master branch.
  • v2016.2.21 2016-02-21 Synced from GitHub - Stay in HTTPS when logging in!
  • v2016.1.25 2016-01-25 Synced from GitHub - Allow same pass‐through (ctrl+alt+shift) on forms.
  • v2016.1.24 2016-01-24 Synced from GitHub - Also redirect form submissions to preferred MBS.
  • v2016.1.18 2016-01-19 Synced from GitHub - cleaner comparison
  • v2016.1.18 2016-01-19 Synced from GitHub - FIX #149: “Artist edit history” links marked as modified. - Merge branch 'master' of
  • v2016.1.14 2016-01-14 Synced from GitHub - missing semicolon
  • v2016.1.14 2016-01-14 Synced from GitHub - FIX: Doesn’t work when anchor has non‐BDI child node(s). ex.: (maybe it’s a bit overkill to include a lib for that…) - Visually mark changed anchors. Criss‐Cross‐Combine features of mb-Preferred-MBS × USO-to-USMO. - FIX: “//…” are changed even if no need.
  • v2016.1.13 2016-01-13 Synced from GitHub - bypass mb_PREFERRED-MBS in SERVER_SWITCH and in canonical MBS links
  • v2016.1.12 2016-01-12 Imported from URL