Greasy Fork is available in English.

WME Validator Localization for Illinois

This script localizes WME Validator for Illinois, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.

От 02.11.2015. Виж последната версия.

// ==UserScript==
// @name                WME Validator Localization for Illinois
// @namespace 
// @version             1.1.9
// @author              xanderb
// @description         This script localizes WME Validator for Illinois, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
// @match     *editor/*
// @match     *editor/*
// @grant               none
// @run-at              document-start
// ==/UserScript==
  See Settings->About->Available checks for complete list of checks and their params.
  Enable #170 "Lowercase street name" but allow lowercase "exit" and "to":
    "170.enabled": true,
    "170.params": {
        "regexp": "/^((exit|to) )?[a-z]/",
  Enable #130 "Custom check" to find a dot in street names, but allow dots at Ramps:
    "130.enabled": true,
    "130.params": {
        "titleEN": "Street name with a dot",
        "problemEN": "There is a dot in the street name (excluding Ramps)",
        "solutionEN": "Expand the abbreviation or remove the dot",
        "template": "${type}:${street}",
        "regexp": "D/^[^4][0-9]?:.*\\./",
    *Note: use D at the beginning of RegExp to enable debugging on JS console.
    *Note: do not forget to escape backslashes in strings, i.e. use "\\" instead of "\".

window.WME_Validator_United_States = {
  ".country": "United States",
  ".codeISO": "US",
  ".author": "xanderb",
  ".updated": "2015-11-02",
  ".link": "TODO: ",
  "128.enabled": true,
  "128.params": {
    "titleEN": "Bad TTS Street name",
    "problemEN": "Streets that start with St and Dr result in TTS reading Street or Drive",
    "solutionEN": "Add a period after Jr, St, Dr, or Rev where required",
    "template": "${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
    "regexp": "/((^| )(St|Dr)(?! ([NEWS][EW]?\\b|\/|\\())|(Jr|Rev)) /"
  "128.solutionLink": "W:Abbreviations_and_acronyms/USA#Standard_suffix_abbreviations",
  "129.enabled": true,
  "129.params": {
    "titleEN": "Incorrect Highway Name",
    "problemEN": "Illinois uses SR-xx for state and US-xx for national highway names",
    "solutionEN": "Rename the Street or Alt Street",
    "template": "${state}:${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
    "regexp": "/Illinois:.*(Il Hwy |State Hwy |Il-|SH-|State Rd |SR=|State Rte|IL-|ILL-|U\.?[Ss]\.? [Hh](WY|wy|ighway))/"
  "129.solutionLink": "W:Illinois",
  "130.enabled": true,
  "130.solutionLink": "W:Road_names/USA#Exit_ramps_and_entrance_ramps_.28on-ramps.29",
  "130.params": {
    "titleEN": "Improper Exit Naming",
    "problemEN": "This segment has an entrance / exit name which does not follow the USA standards for exit naming, or is a ramp with non entrance / exit name",
    "solutionEN": "For numbered exits use \"Exit(s) ##: Name / Other Name\". For entrances & unnumbered exits use \"to Name / Other Name\". Separate all shields and names with slashes (/) and spaces. Verify if this is supposed to be a ramp",
    "template": "${rank}#${street}",
    "regexp": "/4#(?!(Exit|to|$))|( |\\b)(To|[Ee](?!xits? [\\dA-Z-]+:)[Xx][Ii][Tt][Ss]?( [Tt][Oo])?:?|to:|TO|Exits? \\d+[\\w\\-]*( \\\/ | \\- | |:[ \\w]*:))( |\\b|$)/"
  "131.enabled": true,
  "131.params": {
    "titleEN": "Not Illinois",
    "problem": "The segment is assigned to another state",
    "solutionEN": "Make sure you are editing in IL and change it",
    "template": "${state}",
    "regexp": "!/Illinois/"
  "131.solutionLink": "W:Creating_and_editing_road_segments#Address_Properties",
  "132.enabled": true,
  "132.params": {
    "titleEN": "Wrong name for City or County street",
    "problemEN": "CS and Cs are not read correctly by TTS or County Hwy Name is wrong",
    "solutionEN": "Check sources and change the street's name",
    "template": "${state}:${street}#${altStreet[#]}",
    "regexp": "/Illinois:.*(Cs-|CS-|County Hwy|County Rd|Cr-|Co Rd|Ch-|CH-)/"
  "132.solutionLink": "W:Highway_naming/USA",
  "133.enabled": true,
  "133.params": {
    "titleEN": "Alley not PLR",
    "problemEN": "Alleys should be set to the PLR Road Type",
    "solutionEN": "Change Road Type",
    "template": "${street}:${typeRank}",
    "regexp": "/.*(Alley| Aly):[^7]/"
  "133.solutionLink": "W:Road_types/USA#Parking_Lot_Road",
  "134.enabled": true,
  "134.params": {
    "titleEN": "City Name on Freeway",
    "problemEN": "City names on Freeway segments can cause detours",
    "solutionEN": "Remove the City Name",
    "template": "${typeRank}:${city}",
    "regexp": "/15:.+$/"
  //Freeway lock
  "150.enabled": true,
  "150.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 5,
  //Major Highway lock
  "151.enabled": true,
  "151.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 3,
  //Minor Highway lock
  "152.enabled": true,
  "152.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 3,
  //Ramp lock
  "153.enabled": true,
  "153.params": {
    // {number} minimum lock level
    "n": 2,
  //Primary Street lock
  "154.enabled": true,
  "154.params": {
  // {number} minimum lock level
  "n": 2,
  //Default US checks
  "24.enabled": !0,
  "25.enabled": !0,
  "27.enabled": !0,
  "34.enabled": !0,
  "35.enabled": !0,
  "38.enabled": !0,
  "39.enabled": !0,
  "43.enabled": !0,
  "48.enabled": !0,
  "78.enabled": !0,
  "87.enabled": !0,
  "90.enabled": !0,
  "106.enabled": !0,
  "107.enabled": !0,
  "108.enabled": !0,
  "109.enabled": !0,
  "112.enabled": !1,
  "118.enabled": !0,
  "116.enabled": !0,
  "119.enabled": !0,
  "120.enabled": !0,
  "121.enabled": !0,
  "172.enabled": !0,
  "173.enabled": !0,
  "190.enabled": !0,
  "192.enabled": !0,
  "170.enabled": !0,
  "170.params": {
      regexp: "/^(?!(to) [^a-z])((S|N|W|E) )?[a-z]/"
  "171.enabled": true,
  "171.solutionLink": "W:Abbreviations_and_acronyms/USA#Standard_suffix_abbreviations",
  "171.params": {
    "regexp": "/((?!(\\bPhila|\\bPenna|.(\\bWash|\\bCmdr|\\bProf|\\bPres)|..(Adm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|...(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|...(#| )[NEWSR])).{5}\\.|(?!(hila|enna|(\\bWash|\\bCmdr|\\bProf|\\bPres)|.(\\bAdm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|..(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|..(#| )[NEWSR])).{4}\\.|(?!(ila|nna|(ash|mdr|rof|res)|(\\bAdm|\\bSte|\\bCpl|\\bMaj|\\bSgt|\\bRe[vc]|\\bR\\.R|\\bGov|\\bGen|\\bHon|\\bCpl)|.(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|.(#| )[NEWSR])).{3}\\.|(?!(la|na|(sh|dr|of|es)|(dm|te|pl|aj|gt|e[vc]|\\.R|ov|en|on|pl)|(\\bSt|\\b[JSD]r|\\bLt|\\bFt)|(#| )[NEWSR])).{2}\\.|(#|^)[^NEWSR]?\\.)|(((?!\\b(D|O)).|#|^)\'(?![sl]\\b)|(?!\\bNat).{3}\'l|(#|^).{0,2}\'l)|(Dr|St)\\.(#|$)|,|;|\\\\|((?!\\.( |#|$|R))\\..|(?!\\.( .|#.|$|R\\.))\\..{2}|\\.R(#|$|\\.R))|[Ee]x(p|w)y|Tunl|Long Is\\b|Brg/",
    "problemEN": "The street name has incorrect abbreviation, or character",
    "solutionEN": "Check upper/lower case, a space before/after the abbreviation and the accordance with the abbreviation table. Remove any comma (,), backslash (\\), or semicolon (;)"