// ==UserScript==
// @name Diep.io Triflank v2
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-12-15
// @description Doesn't work with a theme script. Press F to toggle and R and T to change modes.
// @author Mi300
// @match https://diep.io/*
// @icon https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/Cube_Animation.gif
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
const _window = typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? window : unsafeWindow;
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const crc = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
let currentTransform;
let curTank = "";
let lastSwitch = Date.now();
let scriptActive = 0;
let mouseX = 0;
let mouseY = 0;
let invMouse = false;
let angleOffset = 0;
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
if (event.code === "KeyF") {
scriptActive ^= 1;
diepAlert(`Toggled Script ${scriptActive ? "ON" : "OFF"}`);
if (event.code === "KeyR") {
curRotation = rotations[++position % rotations.length];
diepAlert(`Switched Type To ${curRotation.name}`);
if (event.code === "KeyT") {
curRotation = rotations[--position % rotations.length];
diepAlert(`Switched Type To ${curRotation.name}`);
if (event.code === "KeyX") {
document.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) {
[mouseX, mouseY] = [event.clientX, event.clientY];
const rotations = [{
name: "Tri-Flank",
toSwitch: ["Tri-Angle"],
toUpgrade: ["Flank Guard"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
name: "Deathstar",
toSwitch: ["Octo Tank"],
toUpgrade: ["Quad Tank"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
name: "Twin-Basic",
toSwitch: ["Twin"],
toUpgrade: ["Tank"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
name: "Gunner Trapper",
toSwitch: ["Gunner Trapper"],
toUpgrade: ["Trapper"],
upgradeIndex: 1,
name: "Trapper Spam",
toSwitch: ["Tri-Trapper", "Mega Trapper", "Overtrapper", "Gunner Trapper"],
toUpgrade: ["Trapper"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
name: "Bomber",
toSwitch: ["Destroyer", "Tri-Angle", "Flank Guard"],
toUpgrade: ["Machine Gun"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
name: "Twin-Triplet",
toSwitch: ["Triple Shot", "Triplet"],
toUpgrade: ["Twin"],
upgradeIndex: 0,
const upgradeColors = ["#8efffb", "#b4ff8e", "#ff8e8e", "#ffeb8e", "#8eb2ff", "#b58eff"];
const upgradeColorTable = {
"#8efffb": 0,
"#b4ff8e": 1,
"#ff8e8e": 2,
"#ffeb8e": 3,
"#8eb2ff": 4,
"#b58eff": 5,
let upgradeButtonMap = new Map();
let position = rotations.length * 1000000;
let curRotation = rotations[position % rotations.length];
function diepAlert(c) {
_window.extern && _window.extern.inGameNotification(c);
function getOffsetCoords(x, y) {
//return [_window.innerWidth - x, _window.innerHeight - y];
const cosine = Math.cos(angleOffset);
const sine = Math.sin(angleOffset);
const tank_x = _window.innerWidth / 2;
const tank_y = _window.innerHeight / 2;
const ox = mouseX - _window.innerWidth / 2;
const oy = mouseY - _window.innerHeight / 2;
const _rx = cosine * ox - sine * oy;
const _ry = sine * ox + cosine * oy;
const rotated_x = _rx + tank_x;
const rotated_y = _ry + tank_y;
return [rotated_x, rotated_y];
function setMousePos(x, y) {
_window.extern.onTouchMove(-1, x, y);
function upgradeTank(index) {
_window.extern.onTouchStart(0, ...upgradeButtonMap.get(index));
_window.extern.onTouchEnd(0, ...upgradeButtonMap.get(index));
function switchTank() {
_window.extern && _window.extern.onKeyDown(64);
setTimeout(function() {
_window.extern && _window.extern.onKeyUp(64);
}, 100);
function onScriptTick() {
if (!scriptActive || curRotation.name === "Gunner Trapper" || curRotation.name === "Deathstar") {
if (curRotation.toUpgrade.includes(curTank)) {
} else if (curRotation.toSwitch.includes(curTank)) {
setInterval(onScriptTick, 200);
function gtrapper() {
if (!scriptActive || curRotation.name !== "Gunner Trapper") {
if (curRotation.toUpgrade.includes(curTank)) {
} else if (curRotation.toSwitch.includes(curTank)) {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
angleOffset = Math.PI;
setMousePos(...getOffsetCoords(mouseX, mouseY));
invMouse = true;
}, 40);
setTimeout(function() {
invMouse = false;
setMousePos(mouseX, mouseY);
}, 175);
}, 75);
function deathstar() {
if (!scriptActive || curRotation.name !== "Deathstar") {
if (curRotation.toUpgrade.includes(curTank)) {
} else if (curRotation.toSwitch.includes(curTank)) {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
angleOffset = Math.PI / 4;
setMousePos(...getOffsetCoords(mouseX, mouseY));
invMouse = true;
}, 100);
setTimeout(function() {
invMouse = false;
setMousePos(mouseX, mouseY);
}, 250);
setTimeout(function() {
angleOffset = Math.PI / 4;
setMousePos(...getOffsetCoords(mouseX, mouseY));
invMouse = true;
}, 500);
setTimeout(function() {
invMouse = false;
setMousePos(mouseX, mouseY);
}, 650);
}, 75);
setInterval(gtrapper, 750);
setInterval(deathstar, 750);
const mouseHandler = {
apply(method, thisArg, args) {
if (invMouse) {
args = [args[0], ...getOffsetCoords(args[1], args[2])];
return Reflect.apply(method, thisArg, args);
let awaitGameLoad = setInterval(function() {
if (!_window.extern) {
_window.extern.onTouchStart = new Proxy(_window.extern.onTouchStart, mouseHandler);
_window.extern.onTouchEnd = new Proxy(_window.extern.onTouchEnd, mouseHandler);
_window.extern.onTouchMove = new Proxy(_window.extern.onTouchMove, mouseHandler);
}, 400);
crc.strokeText = new Proxy(crc.strokeText, {
apply: function(m, c, [text, ...blah]) {
if (text.startsWith("Lvl ")) {
curTank = text[5] === " " ? text.slice(6) : text.slice(7);
return Reflect.apply(m, c, [text, ...blah]);
crc.fillRect = new Proxy(crc.fillRect, {
apply: function(m, c, [x, y, w, h]) {
if (upgradeColors.includes(c.fillStyle)) {
c.canvas.isUpgradeButton = true;
c.canvas.upgradeButton = upgradeColorTable[c.fillStyle];
return Reflect.apply(m, c, [x, y, w, h]);
crc.setTransform = new Proxy(crc.setTransform, {
apply: function(m, c, args) {
currentTransform = args;
return Reflect.apply(m, c, args)
crc.drawImage = new Proxy(crc.drawImage, {
apply: function(m, c, [img, x, y, ...blah]) {
const midpointX = (currentTransform[4] + x + img.width / 2) * (window.innerWidth / canvas.width);
const midpointY = (currentTransform[5] + y + img.height / 2) * (window.innerHeight / canvas.height);
if (img.isUpgradeButton && midpointX > 0 && midpointY > 0) {
upgradeButtonMap.set(img.upgradeButton, [midpointX, midpointY]);
return Reflect.apply(m, c, [img, x, y, ...blah]);