Torn Bazaar Filler

On "Fill" click autofills bazaar item price with lowest bazaar price currently minus $1 (can be customised), shows current price coefficient compared to 3rd lowest, fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v1.0.0 30.09.2024

    Added ability to base the price off a market value instead of user bazaars.

  • v0.9.1 27.02.2024

    Fixed missing "Update" buttons on "Manage items" page when scrolling

  • v0.9 15.02.2024
  • v0.8.5 21.09.2023
  • v0.8.4 21.09.2023
  • v0.8.3 21.09.2023

    Newly loaded items on infinite scroll will now also show "Fill" button.

  • v0.8.2 21.09.2023
  • v0.8.1 21.09.2023

    Showing preview of values when changing them.

  • v0.8 21.09.2023

    Price delta is now customisable.
    Added 2 menu options to set price delta & api key.

  • v0.7 05.09.2023

    Now should work on "Manage items" page too.

  • v0.6 05.09.2023

    Added conditional "Clear" button.
    After "Fill" button is clicked, it swaps to "Clear" button which clears the quantity & price. When clicked, swaps back to "Fill" button.

  • v0.5.2 04.09.2023

    Made Fill button to be higher priority for click than TornTools prices block.

  • v0.5.1 25.08.2023

    Fix to work with Firefox's Tampermonkey URL matching rules.

  • v0.5 21.08.2023

    Added warning bubbles if your price is too low (<50%) or low (<75%).

  • v0.4.1 20.08.2023

    Minor fixes & flow improvements.

  • v0.4 20.08.2023

    Script will ask for a key if the user cancelled last time.

  • v0.3 19.08.2023

    Now "fill" buttons persist even through switching all menus.

  • v0.2 19.08.2023

    Fixed quantity not updating.

  • v0.1 19.08.2023