Bot/Cheat Bot/Cheat that finds the best move!

Има други версии на този скрипт, където кодът е обновен. Покажи всички версии.

  • v1.2.9.4 13.01.2025

    Allows the engine to do puzzles.

  • v1.2.9.3 03.01.2025

    This version complies with the Greasyfork guidelines. I'm just waiting for my ad service to get back to me because I need to verify the ads won't be malicious.

  • v1.2.9.2 12.01.2024

    Temp fix on ads due to report

  • v1.2.9.2 15.09.2023

    Fixed issues, i need to get some sleep.

  • v1.2.8 15.09.2023

    Downgrade nessicary due to too many issues

  • v1.2.9.2 14.09.2023

    Again, while editing code to play against computer I needed to make some changes.

  • v1.2.9.1 14.09.2023

    Fixed a mispelling that prevented bot from loading against computer.

  • v1.2.9 14.09.2023

    Fixed a bug where bot doesn't work in computer mode

  • v1.2.8 10.09.2023

    Updated GUI to include randomness due to reports of cheating. Also added a way of telling the depth search in the settings

  • v1.2.7 26.07.2023

    Fixed auto move/run problems. Removed auto updates due to reports. Fixed ads.

  • v1.2.6 08.05.2023

    some bug fixes

  • v1.2.5 13.03.2023

    Added features like an engine reload and an issue report button. Just a quick fix for the AutoMove bug

  • v1.2.4 09.03.2023

    Fixed update error

  • v1.2.2 09.03.2023

    Downgrade due to request

  • v1.2.3 09.03.2023

    I believe I fixed the issue where auto-run would break due to being enabled before auto-move was enabled. Now when autorun gets enabled so does auto-move.

  • v1.2.2 03.03.2023

    Almost broke everything.

  • v1.2.1 03.03.2023
  • v1.2.1 03.03.2023
  • v1.2.1 03.03.2023

    Updated licensing information and also did some bug fixing, if your still getting bugs please report it on my github.

  • v1.2 01.03.2023

    Added timer as a new feature and loading circle for when the bot is searching for moves!

  • v1.1 22.02.2023

    1) The updated script changes the old slow lozza chess engine for the newer and much faster stockfish chess engine.

  • v1.0 20.02.2023
  • v1.0 20.02.2023
  • v1.0 19.02.2023

    Fixed the way JQuery was used as it violate the rules for userscripts.

  • v1.0 18.02.2023
  • v1.0 17.02.2023
  • v1.0 17.02.2023
  • v1.0 17.02.2023
  • v1.0 17.02.2023