[GMT] Edition lookup by CD TOC

Lookup edition by CD TOC on MusicBrainz, GnuDb and in CUETools DB, seed new/update existing MusicBrainz releases based on the TOC

От 12.05.2024. Виж последната версия.

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Requirement: uploaded .LOG with complete TOC present. Tested on TM, expected to work on VM and other GM clones without being tested. Made up generic to work on any Gazelle site (but not tested / edition info updating support only available on Redacted).

Supported features

Lookup edition on MusicBrainz, GnuDb and in CUETools DB

MB disc id fuzzy control: use Ctrl with MB lookup element to enforce strict TOC match.
Use Alt with MB lookup control to search by CDDB ID. MusicBrainz and CTDB lookups auto open external results in new tab if matched. To suppress the new windows see list of settings at the bottom.

Artist profile pages extension

Adding user matches https://*/artist.php?id=* and https://*/artist.php?page=*&id=* enables artist profiles filtering by unknown/unconfirmed/incomplete editions

Updating edition info from search

Missing edition label/cat# on site can be directly updated by simple click on inpage search result or '(set)' label beside the lookup element if no ambiguity. Set up AJAX API key required (redacted_api_key script storage entry).

Attaching CD TOC to existing MusicBrainz release

Feature requires MusicBrainz account and active login to work. Before confirming use different method to verify uploaded torrent and MB release are identical edition. Use cases:

  • Matching edition is listed in fuzzy results (usually due to not having any TOC attached yet): use the paperclip icon for given result and confirm the media mapping if autodetection fails.
  • Matching edition already exists on MusicBrainz but isn't listed in lookup results (mostly because track lengths unset or too differ): use the paperclip icon with MusicBrainz lookup control and fill the target MBID by hand (alternately drag & drop target release link to paperclip icon), confirm the media mapping.

Creating new MusicBrainz release based on CD TOC

Feature requires MusicBrainz account, active login and popup new windows permission for current site. Use cases:

  • Matching edition doesn't exist on MusicBrainz but different album version is listed in lookup results: use the '+' icon for given result; common details for release group, release TOC and basic release details will be automatically pre-filled on new release page.
  • No album version exists yet on MusicBrainz or no other album versions show up in lookup results: use the '+' icon with MusicBrainz lookup control and on new release page bind to existing release group if found or fill most of release details by hand; only CD release TOC and basic set of release details will be auto pre-filled.

Additionally using Ctrl key modifier (or drag & drop valid Discogs/AllMusic release link to '+' icon) for any of the use cases enables entering Discogs release ID and importing all available release details from Discogs/AM. Especially for large compilations the preparation of seeding data may take some time due to MusicBrainz API rate limits (the icon being animated indicates that).

Updating MusicBrainz release related to the TOC from external source

Feature requires MusicBrainz account, active login and sibling release in external database. As external sources Discogs and AllMusic are supported. The function updates missing basic release info (label infos, release events, barcode, genre tags etc.) + creates series, artist and company credit relations on release, release-group and optionally recording and work level (can be controlled by keyboard modifier). No titles, performing artist credits and media formats are affected.

Some recognised storage entry values for customising script behaviour

auto_open_tab: setting to false disables auto-open external results in new tab if something found (show only embedded search results).
detect_volumes: change the media detection method; true accepts more discs combined within one logfile (rare case), but may cause false distinct media recognition for combined logs with stacked sessions (rerips) of same disc (unlikely).
mb_attach_toc controls how to attach TOC to MB release: 0 - disable attaching (no paperclip icons), 1 - enable only manual attaching, 2 - enable automated attaching with autodetection of media mapping and voting enabled (default), 3 - enable automated attaching with instant apply). Some of auto-attaching parameters can be altered by keyboard modifiers (see icon tooltip).
mb_seed_release controls if enable seeding new MB releases from TOC (true by default, set to false to disable related icons).
mbid_search_size: used for seeding new MusicBrainz release from Discogs; defaults to 25, the higher size the higher rate of finding MBIDs for credited artists and labels but longer preparing of input data.
mb_submit_log for auto-attaching TOCs to MB releases: true makes edit note to contain full LOG file (compact media fingerprint used by default).
discogs_api_token, discogs_api_consumerkey/discogs_api_consumersecret: use Discogs API authorisation for higher rate limit, currently only required for showing embedded Discogs edition lookup results by label/cat#/barcode instead of opening external search in new tab (feature introduced in v1.15.22).