Greasy Fork is available in English.

Bangumi Anti-Netabare


От 22.07.2015. Виж последната версия.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Bangumi Anti-Netabare
// @namespace   BAN
// @include     /https?:\/\/(bgm|bangumi|chii)\.(tv|in)\/ep\/.+/
// @version     0.4
// @grant       none
// @description 屏蔽未看过话播出时间以前的讨论
// ==/UserScript==

//---- Actions on ep. page --------------------------------

//Get the first on air date.
getOnAirDate = function() {
  return (new Date($('.epDesc .tip').html().match(/首播:(\d{4}\-\d{1,2}\-\d{1,2})/).slice(1)[0])).valueOf() / 1000;

getFloorDate = function($el) {
  var match = $el.html().match(/(\d{4})\-(\d{1,2})\-(\d{1,2}) (\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})/);
  if(match === null) return new Date(0);
  match = match.slice(1);
  //The month start from 0
  return (new Date(match[0], match[1] - 1, match[2], match[3], match[4])).valueOf() / 1000;

//Check whether the date in .re_info is out of the date first on air.
checkDate = function(floorDate, filterDate) {
  return (floorDate > filterDate);

getSubjectUrl = function() {
  return $('#subject_inner_info a').attr('href');

//---- Actions on subject page ----------------------------
getFirstUnwachedEpDate = function(page) {
  var match = page.match(/load-epinfo (epBtnAir|epBtnNA)" title=".*?" rel="#prginfo_(\d+)/);
  if(match === null) return false;
  match = match.slice(2)[0];
  //496541" class="ep_status">抛弃</a></div><span class="tip">中文标题:你多么耀眼<br />首播:2015-04-19
  var $date = page.match((new RegExp(match + '" class="ep_status.+?首播:(\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}\\-\\d{1,2})'))).slice(1)[0];
  return (new Date($date)).valueOf() / 1000;

//---- Here we go~ ----------------------------------------
$(function() {
  //var epOnAirDate = getOnAirDate();
  var subjectPage = getSubjectUrl();
  $.get(subjectPage, function(subjectPageContent) {
    var filterDate = getFirstUnwachedEpDate(subjectPageContent);
    if(filterDate) {
      $('.re_info').each(function() {
        if(checkDate(getFloorDate($(this)), filterDate)) {
          //Hide this floor
          $(this).parent().children('.inner').children('.reply_content').css({opacity: 0});
          $(this).parent().css({background: "#DDDFFF"});
      $('.banFloor').click(function() {
          opacity: 1
        }, 500);