Greasy Fork is available in English. Combined Chatter and Message Counter - TRUTH EDITION
هذه إصدارات لهذا البرنامج النصي حيث تم تحديث الكود. عرض كل الإصدارات.
fixes... headaches. :D
COMPLETELY REWRITTEN (cause i hate my life)Should now track stats correctly.Stats are now updated once per minute - the cost of correct data.
- annoying - fixed userID and messageID tracking and added automatic purge to not flood the browser watching larger streamers.
- fixed viewer count bug showing a wrong number cause of trying to calculate the viewer count while the odometer is spinning.
- added ~Viewer Counter
- Updates- Fixes- Headaches
- fixed per minute counter (calculation was based on time since script execution - now based on last 60 seconds)- better configurability- better readability through the use of... COLORS!- the initial per min value now is not 0, but it shows "calculating" until the first minute has passed and the update is based on the interval time.
- Fixed Streamer not updating
- Fixed an issue causing a ReferenceError by defining and extracting the streamerName variable properly.- Ensured the first letter of the extracted streamer name is capitalized for better readability.