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Facebook profile "Posts you haven't seen yet" URL override.

Posted: 2019-01-14
Edited: 2019-01-14

Facebook profile "Posts you haven't seen yet" URL override.

So Facebook has this annoying gimmick where when you visit someone's profile it automatically hides posts Facebook *thinks* you've seen, and as with most "curation" "features" social media like to force on you, there is no way to deactivate this. You can, however, remove the bit of URL after the the normal profile address to view an unaltered profile by removing everything after the "?__tn__=". For example: https://www.facebook.com/[Usename]?__tn__=%2CdlC-R-R&eid=..... So basically I'd like a script that would find *?__tn__=* (which is the only consistent string) in the URL and remove it and everything after.
Posted: 2019-01-15

window.location = window.location.slice(window.location[0], window.location.indexOf("?_tn_="))

That should work.

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