GR-Tools - Pimp your GayRomeo! :-)

Thumbnail-Zoom, BMI-Filter, opens Profiles without Popups, etc. etc.

Ajankohdalta 10.12.2019. Katso uusin versio.

0 0 0

Multi-Tool f. GR: * Image-Zoom * no popups for profiles * Message-History Buttons * BMI-Inf * clickable footprints * etc etc

Final Version: v3.91

Version 3.91 by braveguy: bug fix
Version 3.90 by braveguy: remove GR-Tools after Classic shutdown at Dezember 10, 2019; insert link to RomeoEnhancer on
Version 3.17 by braveguy: bugfix in club forums for month March (in German: "Mär")
Version 3.16 by braveguy at the request of -Djamana-

That's just some backup of the GR-Tool v3.12 from my hard disk. I did put it online since the website of the GR-Tools disappeared. If you know some background information about the why please post it here.
Well on there is version 3.11 however its not looking that well anymore without to resources from GRT-website,like images on the help & config screen and other GUI-related ones

About this version the youtube link feature is not working as well as some images for the config/help pages are missing that because GR-Tools has links to some website that's down now. I repaired most icons and pictures - however there still many missing. I name it version 3.14. However if you've newer Version than 3.12 please write into the forum or some message to me.

Well didn't save this website since it contained some robot.txt that disallowed saving it, however i got in contact with 'noScript' the author of GR-Tools. He send me most of the missing image files. He told me he abandoned GRT since he's feed up somehow with planet romeo. He tooked down the website and ask me to remove his name the name of the the old site...

Well beside GRT I really recommend ya to try out:
'GR.jQ II - GayRomeo meets jQuery'
it's simuliere to GRT but shows the comment of the pictures as well and also work on profil pages
... and script is more or less still maintained ( Updates / Bugfixes ).
There are also gimmicks that the original GRT may hab intentionally have left out. Like unlocking text templates in the message send dialog and the use of saved searches that normally only for Plus users.

-> but yes beside that if ya interested on how to get Planetromeo 'Promo-plus' for free by Proxy, just visit my profil -Djamana-
details are written on the profil text

known bugs:
* Firefox: Config menu & Picture admin does not work (in Chrome it's working)
You can also setup the options by editing the script ( just scroll to the end of the script)

Changes in 3.13:

* Removed from Url-list
* Applied to the script & uploaded it on
* fixed 'highlight latest forum thread'; now it also works if GUI language is set to german

(02/2013) GR-Tools v3.0 +++ Firefox/Greasemonkey +++ Chrome/Tampermonkey +++


[EN] Features of the Tools

  • Zoom function for preview images
  • Show profiles or message histories directly in the page without popups!
  • Footprints clickable for giving direct reply footprints
  • Direct buttons for the message history! (class=histImg-icon)
  • Show the BMI Value next to the user's name
  • Set your prefered BMI range and make users beyond that range semi-transparent
  • Set your prefered age and see older/younger guys grayed out
  • Make image adminstration a bit easier
  • Make the page title and the top logo a bit more discrete
  • Highlight the latest forum threads
  • Re-enable the rightclicks on user images
  • Click the BMI value to open the user's public page (if activated),
    so he won't notice your visit
  • YouTube URLs within result pages are converted into real links (with preview image!)
  • Bigger paging buttons (next/back links below lists as arrows)
  • Each feature of the GR-Tools can be activated/deactivated separately
  • All GR-Tools settings can be saved in a cookie (optional)
  • Supported languages: English + German (chosen automatically)