Greasy Fork is available in English.

MyAnimeList - Old Header Links

Re-adds the old header profile & list links after MAL decided to move them.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MyAnimeList - Old Header Links
// @namespace
// @author       Daku (
// @description  Re-adds the old header profile & list links after MAL decided to move them.
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @include      /^http[s]?:\/\/myanimelist\.net\/(?!(?:(?:anime|manga)list).*$).*$/
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @require
// @updated      2018-07-10
// @version      1.0.18
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
/* global $:false, jQuery:false */
'use strict';

if($('.btn-signup').length === 0) {
	//Re-add list links.
	var amLinks = $('.header-list-button[title=List] + .arrow_box a[href*="list/"]').map(function(){
		return $(this).attr("href");
	var animeLink = amLinks[0];
	var mangaLink = amLinks[1];

	['Anime', 'Manga'].forEach(function(type) {
		$('#nav > li:contains("'+type+'") > ul').prepend(
				$('<a/>', {href: (type == 'Anime' ? animeLink : mangaLink), text: type+' List'})

	//Re-add profile tab + links
	var profileLinks = $('.header-profile-link + .arrow_box a[href*="/"]');
	var newAlerts    = parseInt($('#header-menu .header-message > .has-unread').attr('data-unread') || 0) + parseInt($('#header-menu .header-notification > .has-unread').attr('data-unread') || 0)/* + parseInt($('').text().replace(/\(|\)/g, '') || 0)*/;

	GM_addStyle("#profileDropdown > li { width: 140px !important; }"); //This is required to avoid "My Recommendations" going onto a newline.
		$('<li/>', {class: (!newAlerts ? 'small' : ''), style: 'width: auto !important;'}).append( //<li>
			$('<a/>', {href: $(profileLinks[0]).attr('href'), /*class: 'non-link',*/ text: 'Profile' + (newAlerts ? " ["+newAlerts.toString()+"]" : ""), style: 'padding-right: 9px;'})).append(
			$('<ul/>', {id: 'profileDropdown', class: 'wider', style: 'display: none;'}).append( //<ul>
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'My Panel'}) //Panel
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'Messages' + ($('.header-message > .has-unread').length ? " ["+$('.header-message > .has-unread').attr('data-unread')+"]" : "")}) //Messages
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'Notifications' + ($('.header-notification > .has-unread').length ? " ["+$('.header-notification > .has-unread').attr('data-unread')+"]" : "")}) //Notifications
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'Friends' + ($('').length ? " ["+$('').text().replace(/\(|\)/g, '')+"]" : "")}) //Friends
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'My Clubs'}) //Clubs
					$('<a/>', {href: ''+$(profileLinks[0]).attr('href').replace(/.*\/(.*)$/, "$1"), text: 'My Blog Posts'}) //Blog Posts
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'My Reviews'}) //Reviews
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'My Recommendations'}) //Reccomendations
					$('<a/>', {href: '', text: 'Account Settings'}) //Account Settings
					$('<form/>', {action: '', method: 'post'}).append( //Logout
						$('<a/>', {href: 'javascript:void(0);', onclick: '$(this).parent().submit();', class: 'logout', text: 'Logout'})
	$('#nav li:contains("Profile")').hover(function() {
		$(this).find('> ul').toggle();